[2021] How-To Setup VoiceMeeter Banana Correctly !!!

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hello everyone my name is defrancois and today we're gonna get your audio set up perfectly unfortunately youtube is filled with a bunch of inaccurate tutorials when it comes to voice meter voice meter banana and voice meter potato voice meter by nature is just well slightly confusing if you don't have any experience with audio prior to looking at voice meter all of the knobs and the volume sliders and all of the buttons on the application might be very confusing for you and that is the major reason for all of the inaccurate videos that are all over youtube but don't worry i can assure you this is going to be the only voicemeeter video that you'll need to watch when it comes to setting up voicemeeter banana whether you just want to set up your microphone to get that boost in audio quality in your microphone or you want a full on professional god tier audio mix for your desktop there will be two portions to this video in the first portion of the video we'll talk about setting up your microphone and voice meter how to set it up in other applications and what kind of adjustments you can make to your microphone within voicemeeter this portion is for those of you that want to quickly get your microphone set up in voicemeeter and never have to watch this video again you can visit the timestamp on the screen if you want to go ahead and get started with that setup the second portion of this video is for those of you that want a god tier audio mix for your desktop and your stream if you're a content creator this portion of the video is particularly perfect for you because we'll talk about separating our desktop audio our music our browser our microphone audio and all that stuff within our broadcasting software giving us more control when it comes to applying vst plug-ins applying filters and also just having an additional volume slider for each one of those sources giving us way more control when it comes to the audio mix for the content that we create even if you're not a content creator and you just want to have the best audio mix that you possibly can on your desktop this portion of the video is for you if at any point in this video you get confused or you have trouble understanding something that's being explained feel free to hop in my discord server or gilded server for additional assistance from the community if you want to reach out to me directly on twitter you can tweet at me at the francois and while you're looking at the links in the description you might as well check out all of these socials that i have linked below with that being said i think it's time that we stir up some knowledge pancakes for your brain pan and cook up an awesome audio mix all of the downloads that you need for this video are linked in the description below for this first portion of the video all you need is voice meter banana keep in mind when you download voicemeeter banana from voicemeeter's website it will actually download all three versions of the application so when you go to open the application you need to make sure you open the meter banana app you can do so by searching in your windows search bar and typing in banana and voice meter banana will pop up here otherwise by default it will open the base version of voice meter when you first open up voice meter banana this is what it's going to look like you have the hardware inputs on the left this is where we can select devices that we have hooked up to our computer things like our microphones in the middle we have virtual inputs this is where we can send virtual devices that are on our computer for instance music applications to these sources in the bottom right we have the master section this is going to be our volume sliders and our controls for our hardware outputs and our virtual outputs i don't want to confuse you we'll talk more about that later and then above that we have the hardware outputs a1 through a3 this is where we can select things like our speakers and our headphones before we can do anything on voicemeeter we actually need to set up an a1 device on the application but before we do that we have to set a playback device on our desktop otherwise we won't be able to hear anything for instance you'll lose the sound for this video so the way that we do that is by clicking or right clicking on the speaker icon in the bottom right of your windows and going to sounds once you're in sounds you can click on the playback tab we're going to scroll down until we find the voicemeeter input we're going to click on that input and we're going to set it to default we're going to hit ok on that once we've done that we're ready to set up our device on the a1 source so what we're going to do is select our main source on the a1 selection here you can pick your speakers your headphones whatever you use on a day-to-day basis needs to be selected here you'll notice that there are multiple selections for the same source in front of those selections it will say wdm mme or asio or ks these are different driver types that will run that device if you're on windows wdm will have the lowest latency uh outside of asio so i suggest you use wdm but if you have issues with like crackling noises or anything like that you can try switching this over to mme after we've set up our speakers or headphones on our a1 source we're ready to set up our microphone within voicemeeter so if you left click on that input it will drop down a list of your options and just go ahead and select your microphone after you select your microphone you should see that meter rising up and down indicating that you're speaking into your mic just so you don't forget that this is where your microphone source is if you right click on the title here we can change the name of this source over to microphone after we've done that i'm going to have you toggle off the b1 and switch this over to b2 the reason we do that is so that you don't accidentally forget to toggle off all of these other b1s when we're setting up our microphone on different applications creating echoes and all kinds of nonsense so we use the b2 source just to make it easier real quick before we continue i want to kind of summarize what we just did we set our default playback device on our desktop to the virtual input which is this source here the voicemeeter vaio input so all desktop audio will play on this source we want to make sure we have the a1 source toggle because this is going to send that audio to our speakers or headphones whatever you selected on that a1 device in the hardware outputs then we set up our microphone on the hardware input 1 and we switched it from b1 over to b2 now that we've done all that we're actually ready to set up our microphone in applications there are two ways we can go about doing this one you can set the default recording device on your desktop to the voicemeeter output that we selected just now or you can manually select the voicemeeter source in every single one of your applications it's a whole lot easier to set the default recording device and then setting all your applications to default than it is selecting the source in all of your applications so what i'm going to do is show you how to do that so if you again right click on the speaker icon go over to sounds and then go to the recording tab we're going to scroll down until we find the voicemeeter aux output the reason we're looking for this source is because the b2 source is the voicemeeter aux output so what we've done is set our microphone to that source then we're going to set up this source as our microphone on our computer pretty awesome right now to make things easier so we don't get confused and keep saying voicemeeter aux and voicemeeter this what we're going to do is rename this source what we can do is right click it go to properties in the properties what we're going to name this is voice meter microphone and go ahead apply that and hit ok now you don't have to think twice about whether or not you're selecting the right source because it's labeled voice meter microphone what you're going to do is select that source and set it to default after you've set it to default go ahead and hit ok now every single application that has the input device set up as default will have your microphone from voicemeeter being sent to it for instance if we take a look at discord here my input device is set to default and it's recognizing my microphone as you can tell on this slider here now if you don't see it popping up there what you can do is manually select the voicemeeter microphone source or the voicemeeter aux output source that we sent our microphone to now you can do this in every single application that you use but most likely it will just work if you keep it on default so now let's talk a little bit about what you can do to make your microphone sound just a little bit better i'm going to highlight some of the major things that you can do within voicemeeter banana the first thing is the color panel here or the intellipan this is an eq of sorts on the left side you can add some lows or some bass on the right side i know it says high but you can add actually some mids to your vocals and then when you raise it up you'll add some highs into your vocals and then once you cross that line it will actually create an echoing kind of effect most people find that they like it you know sitting in a little bit on that low a little bit on that high you know right in there in that mix now if you double click on that it will actually reset to the default location below that we have the audibility there are two dials in the audibility you have the compression on the left side and the noise gate on the right side these are going to be some really friendly tools for you the compression that is on voicemeeter has an auto makeup game so when you increase that dial it's going to compress the low end of the volume signal and the high end of the volume signal but it's also going to increase the volume at the same time so not only is it compressing or squishing the audio signal it's also raising the volume so when you increase this dial you also want to decrease the volume on the source otherwise the source will get extremely loud and a little bit goes a long way with the compression on voicemeeter the dial on the right is a noise gate filter the noise gate filter will essentially set the floor volume of your microphone source so that means when you increase the dial it's going to start cutting off the lower end of your mic this is a great way to remove background noise if you have a lot of noise in the background just keep in mind that if you increase that dial too high it will cut off your vocals and it will sound really bad so make sure you use it lightly and only in cases that you need it there are two more things i want to talk about when it comes to the settings for your microphone if you left click on the meter here and drag down you have a limiter so this is a great way to help prevent your microphone from clipping but you know you can do this also by just adjusting the volume of the source last but not least i want to talk about the eq that's built into voicemeeter since we selected that b2 source if we take a look at the master section the bottom right we have the b2 right here if we right click on this source we have an eq that's available on a voicemeeter this is another way you can adjust the audio signal of your microphone i suggest you look up some eq tutorials on youtube if you're going to start diving into eq a channel that i suggest is in the mix he does great content on eq especially when it comes to vocals so check out in the mix for some eq guides i plan on releasing some myself as well but he has great content when it comes to eu so definitely check him out after you've done that guys you've successfully set up your microphone within voicemeeter banana you've made the adjustments that you want and you're ready to go if you want a better or the most extreme setup that you possibly can have with voicemeeter banana we're ready to jump into the second portion of this video for the second portion of this video there are two things that are required one is the virtual audio cables and ear trumpet both of those downloads are linked in the description below the virtual audio cable is what we're gonna set up on our hardware input too and this is what we're going to use to send our browser and music audio sources too so after you set that up you can change the name to browser slash music now if you want to separate the browser and music into different inputs you'll need an additional audio cable and the additional audio cables cost money you can find them on vb.audio.com or you can download voicemeeter potato which has a third virtual input on the app after you've done that we're ready to actually route our browser and music audio to that source what we're going to use is ear trumpet now ear trumpet is a routing tool available for us on windows windows 10 does have a built-in routing tool in the apps and device preferences within the sound settings but we suggest ear trumpet because it works better and it is more reliable the built-in feature sometimes doesn't stick and it requires you to go back in and adjust the settings that's why we suggest ear trumpet in order to send our audio from our browser and music sources we need to make sure we have both of those apps open with audio playing on those applications then what we're going to do is hit the up arrow here go to the speaker icon this will expand your trumpet and we'll go find the logo for our browser source we'll right click on that source we'll click the double arrow and we'll send that to the virtual audio cable you can repeat that same process for your music application as well now i'm going to show you how to separate your communication audio so audio from discord and teamspeak and skype or any application that windows detects as a communication app so if we go back to the sound control panel on the playback tab we're going to scroll down until we find the voicemeeter aux input we're going to right click on that source and set it as our default communication device you can go ahead and apply and hit okay what we've just done is set it so all of our discord audio all of our skype audio all of our teamspeak audio any of our communication applications will be sent to this voicemeeter aux input source here so you can go ahead and right click this and change the name over to comms or communications or whatever you want to have it that means that this source here is going to be our desktop audio source because we've pulled off music browser and communication audio from that source all that's left is our desktop audio and our video game audio or any other application that you have now that we've done that i'm going to show you how to separate all of these sources within obs so that you have a bit more control when it comes to your video recordings and your streaming now that we're here in obs there's two ways that you can do this you can do it within the settings of obs or you can create audio sources in the sources window i'm going to show you how to do it both ways the first way is by going into the settings here going to the audio section and what we're going to do is set our desktop audio to the voicemeeter input source we'll set up the desktop audio 2 as our communication source which will be voice meter aux input then we'll set our microphone to the voicemeeter aux output or the voicemeeter microphone and then last but not least we'll set the next microphone source to the virtual audio cable or our browser audio alternatively you can disable each one of these sources and set those audio sources up in the sources window so what we'll do is create a new source we'll create an audio input capture you'll name it microphone and what you'll do is select the voicemeeter aux output or the voicemeeter microphone source as your microphone or that source then we'll create another audio input capture and this will be our browser audio which will select our virtual audio cable and then we'll create two audio output captures the first one will be our desktop audio source which will be the voicemeeter input and the second will be our communication audio which will be our voicemeeter aux input after you've done that you can go in and apply filters to each one of these sources if you choose limiters compression side chains any vst plug-ins that you download from the internet can be applied as a filter to these audio sources also if you want to you can hold down on control and left click on each one of these and group them together uh so that you can you know copy and paste that group into each one of your scenes i want to thank you guys so much for watching this video like i said before if you guys need any additional assistance after watching this video feel free to hop in my gilded server or discord server and my community will assist you if you're looking for ways to support this channel check out my gilded subscriptions within my server linked in the description below also linked below is a link to my patreon i recently updated a lot of the benefits for my patreon pledgers so if you're interested in becoming a patron definitely check that out before i sign off i want to say a special thanks to all the patreons that are currently pledging llama jackal preston jehonz don dan guy joseph corey amir tim and orion you guys have been supporting for a very long time and i appreciate everything that you guys do thank you so much for your endless support and i hope you have a good one peace you
Channel: TheFranswah Studio
Views: 238,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thefranswah, thefranswah studio, how to setup voicemeeter banana, how to setup voicemeeter, how to setup voicemeeter banana for streaming, voicemeeter, voicemeeter banana, voicemeeter banana setup, voicemeeter banana obs, obs, setup, how to, tutorial, guide, voicemeeter setup, how to setup voicemeeter banana correctly, voicemeeter potato, voicemeeter settings, voicemeeter twitch, voicemeeter streaming, voicemeeter discord, discord, streamlabs, skype, teamspeak, zoom, voicemeeter obs
Id: 5JVysF1-YIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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