Voicemeeter Potato and VBAN! DUAL PC SETUP!

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well hello everybody this is ino and i'm coming at you with another video uh trying to help you out with a dual pc setup this time we're going to be doing audio so what i'm doing is i have two computers i have my microphone set up on my streaming computer well that is where i run obs to actually stream i run spotify i run discord so everything is on my stream keys pc essentially and not on my gaming pc and taking away resources from the games or whatever so first things first is that's how you're gonna have to do this to set it up you're gonna need to have your headphones plugged into your gaming pc you're gonna need your microphone plugged into your stream pc and obviously you're gonna be like whoa how does that work we'll make it work so first things first is you're going to have to download voicemeeter potato and the virtual audio cable on both computers [Music] pretty simple go through the instructions download them restart do what you got to do you should start at a screen that's similar to this it obviously won't look like this but it'll be similar and so what i'm going to want you to do is go ahead and download this dual pc vban dot xml file that i'm gonna put in the description and then you're gonna download that you're gonna go to menu you're gonna go to load settings and you're gonna double click that and it is gonna make everything look pretty over here and so all you're basically going to have to do then is you're going to have to set your a1 to your headphones which is my realtek audio here and then you're going to want to set a4 to the cable input virtual audio cable after you do that you're going to go down to your sound you're going to open up your playback devices and you're going to set your default device to voice meter input after you do that i don't know why i close that we're going to go to recording devices and we're going to set our default device and communication device to voicemeeter aux output and there we go so then we're going to go on over to our streaming pc so now we're over on the streaming pc we're gonna download the dual pc vbandstream.xml and we're gonna go over to the menu and we're gonna load settings and we're gonna select that to load everything up for you you're gonna wanna go up to a1 and you're going to want to set your speakers to your output just like so after you set your speakers you're going to want to set your mic to wmd and whatever your microphone is here we're going to go down to our sound here sound settings and we are going to select voicemeeter inputs voicemeeter vaio and we're going to select a voicemeeter output voicemeeter bio just like that and that should be pretty much it for that make sure these guys um if you have to uh we could go into our sound control panel uh which is over here and we could go here and click that set the default boom voice meter input go over here we're going to come down here we're going to set this to default boom done um and so yeah everything should basically be set up for you and potentially working or actually sorry it won't be working or vband still needs to be done since your ip is different than my ip however it should just be a switch of the ip addresses and we should be good so let's go over to the gaming pc real quick um here here here here three of them this should be all done then and then uh make sure these are all set correctly optimal into optimal optimum optimal a1 b2 b3 so while we're in v band we're going to go ahead and find this ip address as well because we need this as well so this is 88254. back over on the gaming pc we're going to go ahead and enter those ip addresses here one two three and over here boom 254 everything should turn green for you here and you should now be able to get your microphone on your gaming pc as you can hear and see here it's coming through um and yeah so that's basically that um yeah that's that so uh what next is discord and obs so let's do that so we're gonna go ahead and open up discord and we are going to [Music] we're going to make sure that our input device is set to voicemeeter aux output and our output device is set to fio3 input that's that discord should be good to go and so by setting that to voicemeeter vaio three um that is actually corresponds to our how hardware output on our uh gaming pc and that is why we have to set the cable output to a4 because that is how we are getting audio from our stream pc over with a technical fake cable so that is set up and we should be good to go with discord next up is going to be obs so let's do it alrighty so here is obs um as you can see here my microphone is coming through loud and clear um and then i'm gonna go ahead and play something really quick over on my gaming pc so that you can see that my game audio is coming through right there boom and so these are your audio sources i like to make a group um just to have them kind of there all right so we are going to go ahead and add an audio input device audio input capture and the easiest way to know which does which is this has a microphone this has a speaker so add the input capture here we're going to rename it microphone we're going to set it to voicemeeter aux output vb of voicemeeter aux vaio done desktop audio should be set to your default audio and then we're going to go ahead and add a audio output capture and then we're going to rename it discord and we're going to set that to voicemeeter via 3 input then we're also going to add another uh input capture and that is going to be our gaming pc and we're going to set that to voicemeeter output and so now you should be able to get audio uh from your gaming pc to your streaming pc and then you should be able to get your discord sound into your headset on your gaming pc that's pretty much it guys um yeah i mean that that's that's that's literally it um microphones coming through all good um discord comes through if i play anything it comes through my desktop audio um on the stream pc game pc comes through here i could mute everything separately if i want to and that's basically that pretty simple pretty easy and that's just what it is so if you have any questions let me know i know this was a very quick video and didn't really have a ton into it you know but i just want to get this set up for you guys so that you don't have to think about it too much and just set the settings and away we go um so yeah if you have any questions give me a holler i will be glad to help but uh other than that enjoy
Channel: innooo
Views: 667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: awUADjTrWcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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