Best Tortillas De Maiz (corn tortillas) GLUTEN FREE

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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love i'm so happy to be back with you i've been away for about a week because we just arrived in Texas so my Ron and I left about a week ago and we were getting away from the cold weather in Ohio we are right here in Texas and it's cold but it's not snowing and it is snowing in Ohio so that's a good thing today I'm gonna be making corn tortillas don't be as amazed I have a good friend viewer who asked me to make corn tortillas so let's get started you know corn tortillas can be the easiest thing then they can also be hardest things they can be so easy once you get the hang of it and once you get practicing on it and you make them 10 20 30 40 50 times you just get so good at it and then you say oh my gosh this is the easiest thing I can't believe you're having trouble with them but when you don't make corn tortillas and you're making them for the first time or your second or fourth it can be a mess I've had a lot of messes for to have to throw it away because I was sticky they would get real hard they would crack or whatever but I think I got it right so I'm gonna share that with you so let's get started with this now what I use is my second but I like my second in this old bag see the gold part there's the other regular Maseca and when I was in Ohio I couldn't find this one cuz this is the one I always used when I was in Texas and when I was in Ohio I couldn't find this one and I use the regular one in the other bank and they turn out just fine but so why do I like this cuz it's got a different taste and they're a little bit darker in color but it's got a little bit of a different a little more corny and I really my Ron really likes these he's noticed the taste between those and these and these are his favorites so I think that did you use the other ones and you like you use these and you like them not a problem you go with whatever works for you so I'm not gonna make that many today cuz I'm just gonna make about nine eight or so 30s but you can double it triple it whatever you want so if you want to take notes on that you can I'm gonna get one cup of the Maseca but the only reason I'm doing it like this it's so that you can see it if you've never made them before but after you get the hang of it you're just enough even if you go over this a little bit it'll still turn out but start with one cup like this and then like I would say about 1/4 so there it is a cup and 1/4 let's start with that and then I poured some water in here nice and warm it's not hot you don't have to put any oil in here you don't have to put any baking powder you don't have to do any of that at least I don't if that's the way you're used to it and that's the way your momma told you or your neighbor told you then do it but I do nothing but water oh and I had a little pinch of salt so I'm gonna adjust the loop pinch of salt and when I say a pinch I mean a pinch just a little bit like that this is my little baby spoon that I use in my salt so it's just maybe 1/4 of a teaspoon I mix it up really good like that now I poured in a little bit more than a cup here oh I won like I was figuring that it would be like a cup and 1/4 maybe a little less so here it is I'm mixing in the salt really good bringing it together remember it's all about bringing it together getting the flavors out so I'm gonna start pouring the water in slowly very slowly like this a little bit more bringing it together bringing it together see just like that bringing it together really nicely you know when you make corn tortillas you don't want to overdo it with the water you don't want to go with too little water because then they'll be dry and they'll crack on you you put too much water they're gonna be very hard to use and spread in the tortilla press because it's gonna be too wet so you have to just take it slowly what you want to do is you want to get it nice and wet bring it all in together really good you see and I thought about about that fourth left so just trying to get the feel of it like this and you want to knead it room you want to make sure that it all comes together really good so it's important that you need it real good because you don't want any dry spots or dry little patches cuz that's where your tortillas will be real dry and they'll crack and you want to need it real good like this really bringing it in together and as you need it you in the beginning you may say well you know what it feels just right and so you stop no you keep on kneading it because as you need it more and more it starts to get a little bit drier then that's when you know that you wouldn't need to add just a little bit more water and I mean squirts little squirts at a time don't go crazy and dump it all in there because then you'll have too much and I think this is gonna be just perfect I didn't even use the whole forth I used about a cup so the texture that you want when you make this is kind of like like modeling clay you know when you we used to play with play-doh that's kind of like the texture that you want you don't want it too wet you don't want it to dry so then I'm gonna bring it all together see doesn't that look likely see look at that look so I'm gonna make it into a little ball like this just like that and I'm gonna let it sit right there for a little while but before you do that I'm gonna go ahead and cover it with saran wrap you know whatever you've got press into your saran wrap history then use saran wrap like this and I'm gonna let it sit like this for at least 30 minutes now I would like to let it sit for a little longer a little longer if you can prepare it in just put it in there like that and cover it for an hour or just 45 minutes or an hour and a half that's even better cuz it gets real hydrated it just comes together really good but that doesn't mean it won't work with 30 minutes so let's go with 30 minutes it's been about 45 minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of knead it together just a little bit but I want for you to see the texture of it when I told you it was like play-doh it's like play-doh look at that see just like play-doh so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make the little balls and I just go by feel but if your ball is a little bigger it's a little smaller it's alright my balls are about the size of I would say like like a egg like a little ping-pong ball a little bigger I want to say I want to measure them and all that for you but just kind of have the egg or the ping-pong ball in your mind if you can make them as big as you want now you don't want them real I'm gonna tell you that you don't want to grow thin because if they're real thin you run the risk of them you know tearing on you when you've got them on that door dear Chris and you don't want them real thick either unless you're making what because otherwise you want them just to be out like that see just like large eggs see medium eggs if you make it like a medium egg try and make them all like media means if you make it like a big large egg try and make them all like a large egg then after that all you have to do is figure out it's just how to keep them all about the same now what I like to do when I'm making it I like to just kind of rub them like this that's my meeting instead of needing the whole ball and then making the little balls I like to get a little bit at a time and kind of knead it like that and then I make it into a ball like that you see and you kind of just after a while you kind of get the hang of it make them all like that here we are I've got about nine balls ready and made Ron says they're like pheasant eggs or he said for my quail eggs and I said well I've never seen a pheasant egg or a quail egg so I'm gonna go with just little I don't know ping-pong something like that or maybe a little bigger anyway I'm keeping them hydrated here's my 30 era or might be oppressed and I got these sheets of plastic and as you can see it was a hefty ziplock bag and I just cut it and made it into school not square not oval you get yourself a piece of plastic don't worry about what kind of is as long as it works for you so I got two pieces like this one for the bottom and one for the top so what I'm going to do I got Michael mine ready like riddle here it's nice and hot and I've got it at about medium high I have a griddle in no pipe that is long but it's not cast iron and I would have to put it all the way to high to use it whereas with cast iron I go lower than tiny so depending on what you're gonna use but I will tell you one thing make sure that it's hot not medium height say oh that's too hot they're gonna burn no they need to be hot we'll adjust it we have so we're gonna get one of the balls we're gonna put it right here and you want to stay a little bit closer this way then then this way because it'll get pressed flatter so you want to go on not in the center but a little bit that way like that about right then you put the plastic on top maybe right there put the plastic on top and press it to about that size right here see then just peel off the top just like this and then you just gently put it right there and we're gonna start tiny about thirty seconds so I'm gonna go through it with you the whole time so that you can see so I've got a clock behind my run and I can see the time so we're gonna go a full 30 seconds if we go 35 that's even that's not a big deal and I'm gonna go ahead and get one of my little flippers only because I don't want to mess up mine my polish or my fingers so I'm gonna use a paper you can do that unless you wanna go for it so we're gonna go about thirty seconds so then what we're gonna do is we're gonna flip it and then we're gonna leave it there for about a minute and a half now as you can see it's a little bit Brown around there you can see you start to get little specks of brown a little little specks of brown at the trim that's when you know so it's gonna be there about a minute so we'll just leave it like that do you know that I remember that 30s when I made him the first time I couldn't even take him off the plastic I would try to take they were stuck or if I did they would you know tear in half they were too thin and another reason why I wasn't able to get him off the plastic was because they were too wet so those are the things that that's why I say you want to get them like they don't because you get them like play-doh it'll work out and they'll come out just perfect so you don't want it to win you don't want it to dry so anyway with time made them again and do them out I made them again and throw them out until I got it just right and then from there on you can do them with your eyes closed without a problem and they'll be perfect every single time so this is about a minute and a half so I'm gonna flip them and very gently just give them a little tap like that see how they're coming up they're coming up and I've got my you want to keep them somewhere warm so I got this this is my locker burger basket and they work perfectly here but as long as they're warm for you you use whatever works for you see and they stay here for another or maybe 30 seconds and then they're ready see now let's do another one got your little ball just like play-doh see you can press it it doesn't matter it doesn't have to stay like a perfect ball then you put your plastic on there closer [Music] about that size remove the plastic [Music] count about 30 seconds [Music] about 30 seconds like that [Music] another one ready don't be afraid the worst thing that can happen is there to sneak here and they break or whatever you throw them away and start again that's about 30 seconds and then we count again for another minute and account for that if it's a minute and a half a minute and forty seconds it's still gonna work on free but if you could kind of just I'm training it I'm looking at the clock and I'm timing and I'm trying to tell you the exact time so that you know you'll remember that when you're making them after that it will just be natural you won't have to look at the clock you won't have to be doing any of that it'll just it'll just come but in the very beginning it'll be that way anyway I remember Danny the whole ball of dough and throwing it away and starting again and I would say oh my gosh what are they doing maybe I need to put some oil in there maybe I need to put some you know baking powder maybe I need to put some more water or maybe you know I put salt and I shouldn't have no it was all in the timing that's all it was and you don't want to be flipping them around either don't be flipping them around because the more you flip them the dryer they get so after it's been here about a minute and a half we're probably going over three or four seconds it's all right flip it over just give it a nice little tap in the middle and it'll come up and that's life what I'm right there [Music] and we want it there about 30 seconds so I would throw them away and start again and I would ask questions what did I do how come he did wonderful father how come they were too dry you know and somebody would say oh you know you put too much water oh you didn't putting on water or you needed to put bacon so all kinds of stories and I found out now that I make him almost dating that it was just a tiny in the texture so it's been about 30 seconds now I'm gonna count for about a minute and a half and so I remember thinking well maybe I need to have to make you pout oh and another one is add a little bit of regular of white flour all-purpose flour some would say and a little bit of oil you don't have to add any all-purpose flour you don't have to add any oil you don't have to do anything all you have to do is just make sure that you get the texture like like modeling clay let them sit 3040 minutes before you make the balls an hour it doesn't matter and then count your time more or less and you'll see that they will that they will turn out and you know my ron and i my Ronnie it's been about a minute so I'm gonna let it go another 30 seconds my Ron and I eat these almost every day but you can make your dough if I were to just make three or four tortillas you can you know make your dough you the little balls wrap them up in plastic you can put them in the refrigerator and they'll be good for three or four days and you can just tomorrow you can put them in your tortilla press it without me just ready to go really good so they keep very good in the refrigerator so now that it's been about a minute and a half I'm gonna flip it over give him a nice little tap [Music] [Music] and you want to leave them there about 30 seconds and this one is ready it's not pretty there right there then I go ahead and do another one [Music] you see how he doesn't stick [Music] [Music] thirty Seconds let's let's go ahead and cook this one for him we're gonna do 30 seconds you know I was talking to my sister sometime last year and she said you know I made pork or fish before the first time and you know I don't remember what she said but I don't think she was real happy with him so I thought about her today when I was gonna make this video and I thought this is gonna be for her you know maybe hopefully it will be helpful for her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my last of the year I want to show you how pretty they look [Music] [Music] series [Music] very hot [Music] well I'm done with my tortillas now I'm gonna serve one see see how nice and soft they are y'all pretty there and they are delicious so I'm going to serve it with a meat dish that I fixed for lunch got leftovers make me black people like this I'm gonna put a little bit of onions that pero para cilantro there any love and I'm gonna put some hot salsa they need to be see [Music] oh my gosh so delicious so perfect if you write my contour tears they'll be a thumbs-up send me a comment a message I request if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and thank you [Music]
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 81,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3xJZu1ZHgFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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