Tortillas de Maiz (Maseca) | Mexican Corn Tortillas Using Intant Corn Masa

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[Music] ingredient time you're gonna need 2 cups of Masuka 1 cup and a half of water 1/4 teaspoon of salt [Music] okay these club what you're gonna do is you're gonna pour your Maseca your instinct corn masa I'm gonna start off with my first cup of water I'm gonna pour in my salt [Music] and your directions are gonna tell you it's gonna be two cups for one and a half cups of water but you'll see when you start making this and you might have to make adjustments for yourself [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and add 1/4 of water because it's a lot of dry my sign here and we need a hydrate this massa let me show you the bottom of the bowl you can see this way see right here I still have a lot of that muscle that hasn't been hydrated so I'm gonna go with 1/4 of water use warm water please [Music] so I'm gonna add another fourth of water because this is still there good if you they're in the bean to dry they're gonna crack and I'm trying to avoid the cracking part for us okay I'm going to add another fourth of a cup of water and I'm gonna drizzle in half of that and go from there [Music] and then if you add too much water they don't turn out so it has to be just right so that's a total of two cups of water for 2 cups of of masa [Music] and these are just basic tortillas for your for your tacos but I'm going to show you guys at the end how my mom used to make them for me as a special treat [Music] yep we're ready to go okay so when you first add that water you're gonna be like oh I'm already ready no it has to be really soft softer than play-doh has to be gentle when you press it in all your marks are in there ready to go okay so what you want to do is you want to make sure you have you get your muffin in this bowl and make it into a ball like this so you start grabbing the portion of the dorothea that you want to make okay so watch your little hands pick them on a masa that you're gonna be making whatever size you want to do let me let me get my little scale so that I can help you guys out grab your masa make it into a ball about 60 grams is what I'm gonna make for a little tortillas for your tacos you're gonna dip your hand in a little bit of water and you're gonna press it in here like that fold it know if you guys saw that fold it in make it into your little ball and that prevents it from cracking when you get to making your thumb vias and when you make these at home and they're not done right you're gonna understand what I was talking about I'm gonna show you two ways of doing this this plastic is recycled plastic I just cut out the out the sides of the ziploc bag I washed it I keep it in here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put it in the middle I'm gonna press it I'm gonna open and turn it because mine's not too balanced it'll make it bigger on one side than the other so I have to do it a can and you're gonna press it down to the size of the total deals that you want so I press down to about five inches if you want a measurement for reference okay so that's one way of doing them peel the other side softly very gentle so doesn't break and then put it on your cast iron okay if you don't have a tortilla press what you want to do is you want to cut the plastic like I mentioned whatever clip plastic you're comfortable cutting and using a tortilla a little ball put it right in the center make this get your cutting board a heavy pan something that you can press it and you're gonna start pressing it slowly press down and try not to shake around when you do it press straight down okay and you're gonna start seeing the size of the tortilla that you want okay there we go so that's just perfect for us and now let me show you how to put it on your pan okay because Club I'm putting out my great-grandmother's cast iron for a regular cast iron pad because I don't want to offend anybody so what you want to do is you want to put your cast iron on a really high heat once you see it's smoking you want to bring it down to a medium medium low if you're gonna be taking your time while you're doing the tortillas but if you're gonna make them back-to-back really fast you want to keep it on a medium heat so you're gonna lay it down right there we're gonna do one minute on one side and a minute on the other [Music] that's been about 40 seconds for us and I'm gonna go ahead and flip it [Music] when you do that second flip it's gonna take you a minute a minute 20 seconds about there [Music] when you reach that minute you want to press it down a little bit you can do it with a spatula if you want but I like my family we like using a paper towel or a cloth that you have okay you're gonna go for that third flip you're gonna press it down and this is where you're gonna know if you did a good job on your throw thieves because if you did a good job they're gonna start getting that little bubble I mean lift it a little so you guys can see it whoop there it is oh it is you see that bubble that's how you know you did the MAS are really good once you're done with that you're gonna bring it over to your cloth and start your process all over again so what my mom used to do for me when I was younger this was my special treat cuz I was a baby of my family you know and I would get the first or fear they came out and she used to go like this she would make little mountains and it's hot so please be careful just pinch the third fear all around oh that's hot looks a little bit like this get some butter no butter is a little cold so I'm just gonna trim it here and there and it's gonna start melting and to the top of this because I like my food salty I would sprinkle a little bit more salt on the top so whenever my mom was making tough the eyes that asked her if she could make me one with little mountains but in Spanish we say monthon yes but I would call it a little Mountain Mon Bonita I'm sure you can put some cinnamon and sugar on here when tastes just as good so I'm gonna call my bear to try this it is not sleeping today try piece you made sure it off for you let me tear it off for you I want to feed you like my little baby what do you think good and that's how you make tortillas a Maseca these tortillas are gonna come very handy for you just always keep one of these banks on my second and your pantry and any last minute you think you have to make with orpheus' it's so easy to make you can make it for breakfast with your eggs with your beans just everything so all right views club if you liked this video give me a thumbs up if you haven't if you're new to my channel and you haven't subscribed please take the time to press that subscribe button click that bell for notifications and to become one of my bells and I'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 1,011,870
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Id: i322ZFkGCR8
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Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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