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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm going to be making a delicious caldo de res which is a mexican beef vegetable soup i really think you're going to like it let's get started so these are the ingredients that we're going to be using for the cando de res now i don't have them cut up yet but in just a little bit i'm going to show you how i cut them so i wanted for you to see them whole so you'll see what i'm using i'm going to be using some cabbage two sweet ears of corn one chayote anaheim pepper sweet potato i'm gonna be using small red potatoes i've got some celery some carrots my squash and then my meat i'm gonna be using beef shank meat and i've got three pieces and i've also got some chuck roast meat here that i cut into pieces too but you can use any meat that you like like ribs or chuck roast like me or just use beef shanks and nothing else and that's good too then i've got some onions here i'm gonna be using some tomatoes some green beans and then of course my spices that i never hardly ever cook without them and that's going to be garlic cumin peppercorns i've got some salt and i'm going to be using some cilantro now also at the end i will be using some beef stock and i will be putting that into my soup too so let's get started now before i put my meat into my pot of water i'm gonna go ahead and sear them now normally i know there's a lot of people who don't do that but it's like when you're making a pot roast you like to get your meat and you like to give it a good sear and then you put it into your slow cooker or into your oven and with your veggies and all and it makes the best pot roast same thing with this so i'm going to sprinkle just a little bit of salt on my beef shank meat just a little bit like that and i'm going to put them in here real high here and it's only going to be for a few minutes so it's not going to be that long just just enough to sear them i'm going to go ahead and flip them over and i'm going to do the same thing to this side so these are ready i'm going to go ahead and remove them aside oh they smell so good already i'm gonna add just a little bit of salt to these pieces here just like that and i'm gonna put them in there i did put just a little bit of oil in there like maybe a tablespoon of oil just so that i could give them that sear i'm going to go ahead and flip them over like this now you can go ahead and just put them into your pot of water and it's a fantastic soup i did that for many years but i have found that the searing of the meat just makes the best soup i'm gonna go ahead and remove them turn off my heat just like that i'm gonna clean up my area and get started with my pot now i've got six quarts of water in here i will be adding a little bit more later on but for now i've got six quarts of water and it's got that nice ear and it's just gonna give it the best taste now i'm going to bring the heat up to a really high heat because i want it to come up to a boil i'm going to put in about a tablespoon of salt in there i'm just gonna let it come up to a boil so while i wait for my water to come up to a rolling boil i'm gonna go ahead and cut up some onions now i usually like to just cut them into nice big pieces not super big but just about like this see and be sure that you're generous with your onions because the onions will give it this fantastic taste so be generous with them just like that water has come up to a rolling boil i'm gonna go ahead and lower it to a low simmer and i'm gonna go ahead and remove some of the scum that forms at the top now as you notice there's not a lot of it that's forming and the reason for that i think is when you sear your meat really really well you will just hardly you know have any of that scum on top but i like to to remove it anyway whatever comes up and i'll continue to do this you know every few minutes until there is none at all left so before i go to remove some more of the scum that's being produced on in my pot i'm gonna go ahead and grind my spices so i've got my four garlic cloves and i've got three fourths of a teaspoon of cumin and three fourths of a teaspoon of peppercorns so i'm going to grind these up really really good now you can use the powdered form if you want but i find that in academics the fresh spices they just stand out in such a beautiful way so i've got my cumin and my peppercorns nicely grounded as you can see see nice and powdery i'm gonna go ahead and add my garlic i'm going to add some water and just add all these spices together we're going to get a little bit more of this gum that's forming at the top and you know when you remove all this gum you will have a very nice clear clear broth and your soup will just be delicious if you don't remove it your soup will have a very dull gray color this is about as much of the scum that i'm gonna remove which wasn't a lot so i'm gonna go ahead and add my onions because i want the meat to absorb all that flavor from the onions i'm also going to put my spices in there just like that you see and now as the meat continues to boil it is picking up the flavor from the onions and picking up the flavor from the spices so i'm gonna go ahead and put the cover on it and i'm gonna let it boil for about an hour and 30 minutes so my meat has been boiling out for about an hour and i'm gonna start cutting up my vegetables i went ahead and peeled my chayote and i removed the little seed that is inside so i'm just gonna cut it into cubes now if you've never had a chayote in your soup i really recommend it because it is it's a delicious taste it's kind of like in between a cucumber and uh and squash you know in texture and the taste is unique very mild so i've got all these bowls here so that i could separate my veggies instead of putting them all together like in a big bowl and a plate and then have to dig in for the ones that i'm gonna use first and i like green beans in there only because you know they're small and you can throw them in there and they just you know they work really well in there now i've removed the the ends and i just cut them in half just like this but you can put them in any way that you like now my corn i'm going to go ahead now this is sweet corn it's very tender so it doesn't take that long to cook you see so you want to be careful as to when you put it in there you know i don't like to put it in small pieces like this you know not really big pieces because you don't want to have big pieces of anything and then have to be cutting them in your plate you know this is my celery just like them in pieces about like that see now my carrots i went ahead and removed the ends and i peeled them and i'm just going to cut them i like them about this size and i like them in this shape so i figured that if everything is just about the size that you would put in your mouth that's a good thing that now i'm going to cut my potatoes now i'm using little red potatoes and i like these because they hold a little better than like the russet and the little golden potatoes so i like the red ones but they're all good i've used russet and love them so it doesn't matter it's whatever you like and i'll just cut them in half because they're not really big i want the sweet potato in there because it just gives off the the most delicious slightly sweet taste and i don't know if you're familiar with my cooking you'll know that i always like to add a little pinch of something that's gonna be a little sweet i'm gonna just cut them up into pieces like this and leave the skin zucchini is usually my last choice but this took to my little squash is the one that i really like in there it's very tender and it's just delicious now i don't want my pieces to be very very big and i don't want them to be real small either i would say about like this and so i like to just and these will be the last thing that i put in there because they don't take that long so you want to be careful with these and save them for last because they cook quickly and you don't want to overcook them and then have a bunch of mush in your soup and you know in the reason that i'm separating them is because they don't all cook at the same time you know just from experience you know throughout the years when i was really young and learning how to cook and all that you know i made a lot of mistakes i would put in maybe the zucchini the squash whatever it was that i was using along with potatoes or carrots you know and and then by the time your carrots are cooked your zucchini would be real mushy and just falling apart you know and so with time you learn that not all your veggies cook at the same time so i've got these cut up now i'm gonna do my cabbage now the cabbage i don't like to just put the whole thing in there because then you'll have like big leaves floating around so i like to cut it like into wedges and remember that your cabbage is going to shrink so i cut it just into wedges about like this you see i'm so used to cooking for four or five people i always invite my mother and my sisters over and all that and over here my ron and i it's just my ron and i and so i'm having to learn how to cook for two but i'm gonna be sharing this with some friends so it's gonna be just the perfect amount i've got this anaheim pepper and i'm just gonna put some pieces cut it into pieces like that just clean it up just pieces like this see so i've got all my vegetables ready here but i was telling my ron that i had my chayote and my carrots together and he he he calls him coyotes because he can't say chayote so he said coyote i thought that was so funny so i guess we're gonna call them coyotes now i'm going to go ahead and whip up my tomatoes because i like to put color into my soup now it's optional if you don't want to have any color in there you don't have to but i'm gonna go ahead and add the tomato i'm gonna put a little bit of water in there just tomato by itself and that's it that's all i need in here okay so i whipped that up so it's almost an hour and a half it's six minutes short of an hour and a half so i've added my celery and my anaheim pepper i'm gonna put in my green beans like that and all my potatoes i'm putting in my potatoes with the sweet potato that has been cut into pieces like this put it in there put those in there so now that i've added all my potatoes in now i'm going to add my my tomato mixture now the tomato mixture is not only gonna give it taste but it's gonna give it a real nice color so now that i have put in my tomato mixture i'm gonna go ahead and put in one cup of a very good beef broth i'm gonna give it a light stir this would be a good time for you to adjust the salt add some salt if you want to now my beef broth had a good amount of salt in there plus i had already put in a tablespoon of it so this would be a good time for you to adjust it i'm gonna go ahead and put the lid on it and let it continue to boil for about 15 minutes so it's been about eight minutes since i put in my potatoes i'm gonna go ahead and put in my chayote and my carrots just like that and i'm gonna drop in my cabbage just let them go down i think i'm going to add a little bit of salt just a little bit and that's one teaspoon i'll give it this light stir like that and it will continue cooking for a few more minutes it's almost time for me to put in my last two ingredients which is my corn and my squash i'm gonna go ahead and chop some cilantro so i'm gonna put that in there at the same time now your cilantro is optional but it's just so delicious in your and that's soup i put in about that much so my time is almost up i'm gonna go ahead and add my corn and i'm leaving these two for last because my squash and my corn it's about 10 minutes for both because you don't want to turn them into mush i'll give it a light stir oh this smells wonderful already just like that so i'm gonna go ahead and put the lid back on and let it boil for those last few minutes so my caldo de res is now ready i wanted to show it to you see look at that um you see the beautiful color so i'm gonna go ahead and serve myself oh i just love the sweet potato oh look at that the green beans [Music] oh i love cabbage here's my soup everybody this is my caldores and it's ready i'm just letting you see it every angle i went ahead and made some rice and i put a a spoonful of rice right there now traditionally we eat rice with our caldo del reyes and have it on the side or you can put a spoon full right there on the side it's just however you like it and we usually get a piece of lime like this and we squeeze it on top and just put a little bit of that lime juice on there just like that and then i have some corn tortillas here that i made earlier so put a little bit of butter on it like this just a little bit like that and then just the pinch just a tiny little pinch of salt like that and my daddy used to go like this he'd roll it like that and then he just see like that now i made some salsa so we'll get a little bit of this and just put it on top it's optional if you don't like it you don't have to have it so now for the taste test see how it's so tender look at that oh and it's so nice and hot a little cilantro in there if you like it and i love it and look at the color how pretty that is oh and look at the sweet potato oh it's just so soft you'll have a little bit of the sweetness mixed in with the taste of the vegetable soup anyway so don't forget to subscribe thank you very much
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 152,234
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Id: 9wXFTfiNo5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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