Best Tacos in Rosarito, Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ๐ŸŒฎ + Inside the Lobster Capital of the World!

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oh look at the face of my face and now it's one of the most expensive yeah it's expensive it's fancy it's tasty my friend you cannot go wrong with this guy good morning and welcome back to the border here at san ysidro outside of san diego we're crossing over the border again to have a new mexican adventure real quick before we get started a shout out to simply safe for sponsoring this video i'll talk more about simply safe in a minute but first let's head over the border and go meet the team we're going to explore more of baja on this trip outside of tijuana we're going to hit up rosarito ensenada and a bunch more some sad news daniel big shout out daniel i know you're watching this he got a job at juilliard in new york city you work with me for a little bit and you know you can get any job you want but i have my boy brandon behind the lens this week you ready for this oh yeah and we're gonna go meet a new team member as well because actually umberto is finishing up his masters it's a whole new team and new adventures here in baja california in mexico let's cross over the border and see what we can get into come on [Music] monday morning we just arrived and the line to get into the states is just absolutely crazy would you say from the end at least an hour yeah no no from the part where when i tell you yeah it's an hour so that's like yeah like two and a half three hours to get over the border we're walking over to the parking lot we got it we're here come on baby okay let's go back yes yeah we did all right we are officially on the road now we have daleo he's gonna be our local guide our local connection for this baja trip where are you from originally uh i was born in mosul but when i was six i was i hopefully moved to tijuana and i was raised here in tijuana so on our way south yeah yep first stop rosarito [Music] all right our first stop we have just made it to rosarito where are we right now what is this place today we are at el nino this restaurant has been here since 1971. and uh the specialty here it's the machaca with uh eggs my chaka my chocolate is like a steak correct yeah uh you shred it down a dry steak and it's going to be matching wonderful with the fresh made tortillas we saw the fresh paint tortillas as you come in you can see the tortillas being made right at the window let's go in el nido rosarito this is stop one of our adventures let's go check it out [Applause] all right we have just sat down we're at el nido this place is beautiful and all these rustic bastards it looks like an old farmhouse el nido it's known for machaca but specifically dear machaca so venato right now yeah so you have deer meat machaka and you also have beef with quail eggs got one dish with chile chiles which are basically as you guys have known from past episodes i call them mexican nachos and i would call it most likely a maybe a shredded beef shredded beef yeah for sure and what areas has this come from where is it known well in sonora there's always machaca or in the north part of mexico there's always machaca in some places you let the beef first let it dry so no no water on that and then they shred it okay because if you try a bee a piece of meat it it can be better for longer time so it's almost like a beef jerky yeah a little bit jerky but this one is less dry and more shredded stuffed tadeo went with a little bit more of an american breakfast so let's dive into this what should i do put it all into a tortilla my recommendation here we go go with the tortilla fold your tortilla second step follow your throat no no no break it break it break the tortilla [Music] as much as you want swing through the beans and pull to the mouth [Music] oh man and it's not the meat isn't super dry either but honestly the star of the show tortillas the tortillas are super soft look at this look at this so good all right let's try the deer my chakra now first i'm gonna do a little quail egg then i'm gonna get this [Music] oh no come back in here you beautiful beast i'm gonna run it through the beans if i can a little hot sauce on there too yeah let's go little hot sauce [Music] it's different maybe it's better that's better a little bit more of an earthy flavor with that manado that is delicious it definitely gets you something on the back of your your palate as soon as you finish the beef is much lighter but for me that's why this is their specialty come here don't forget the quail eggs my friend uh if you mix it well uh with the machaca the yolk of the of the wheel explodes in your mouth [Music] all right now we're down here at the beaches in rosarito and this is very well known to be a party location yeah you have papas and beer which is the probably the most popular spot of all and there's a new most well known yeah there's a few other clubs here there's a huge music festival going on right now actually during the weekends where we're gonna go check out the beach real quick little tienda's selling stuff a quiet place i'd say during the week yeah and chaos on the weekend so we're not here for the chaos but we are here to enjoy the beach a little bit before we move on let's go check it out [Music] [Music] oh that all came from one goal but i need success this is it you party all day at club iggy's and papa's and beer or club corona and then the next morning monday morning it's this is a hangover spot you can tell everybody's hung over including all the chairs everybody's hung over and then you ask for the meat apart come on come on this doesn't get you back in the game after a wild night of papas and beer i don't know what will [Music] here we go next stop on our rosarito hit list is tacos this is a very famous spot there's a big line already let's cross over without getting killed [Music] so now we're over in line here at yaki and this is the place to be we've been waiting in line for probably 25 minutes but it looks like it's worth the hype we've got the guy cooking up the carne asada right to the side here long line and then they ask you what you want on it so typically perrones come with frijoles yeah it's a power tortilla that's what we cheese milk cheese a little bit of beans [Music] travel deeper [Music] we're on the side of the shop now this has been here since what year 1984 1980 something 1980 something so they used to just have a little cart set up and now they've expanded they have the whole corner block and it is a bustling place and let me try to pick this off without absolutely losing it okay so we got some monterey monterey jack in here we have frijoles we have some incredible looking guacamole they had onions i believe in there and this beautiful carne asada that they're cooking up right outside flour tortilla which already smells and looks incredible cheers this is so good and there wasn't even a like a salsa this is oh the the marinade is spicy oh my gosh a delicious steak marinade on there it's tacos don't judge me incredible amount of beef in there wow you got a little lime you can just dress on the top with some peppers you have these beautifully cooked jalapenos here take a little bit of that oh my gosh a little bit of this that was my friend very good tacos have you been here before first time would you vote this your favorite taco in rosarito now smokiness of that meat from the grill that sweet sweet guacamole and a nice texture from the beans with that spicy marinade on there and these tortillas are just incredible they got a little bit of a crunch to them tortillas and make the party happen it starts out looking like a quesadilla so it's folded up taco and then they open it up with the cheese already melted and that's when they shove all the goodness in there good stuff all right we're gonna eat this and then keep moving on our way south great start so far yeah oh baby [Music] where are we heading bro next up we're making our way south from rosarito we're heading to puerto nuevo the lobster capital of mexico can i say that yeah for sure it's a classic dish in natalia i'm excited have you had this before yeah for sure several times of course let's do it all right while we're driving south and we have a minute but i want to give a big thank you to the sponsor of this video and also someone who protects my home while i'm gone and that is simply safe simply safe is an incredibly effective and reliable home security system that protects you from everything from burglaries and fires to water and much more and the setup and installation is so simple in my apartment i have the base station setup which is the brains of the system it locates and controls all of my sensors and is responsible for sending all of my alarm signals to a 24 7 monitoring center which also can call the police connected to the base station i have two entry sensors set up on both of my doors and two motion sensors set up as well which i've tested and they both work really well i also have the carbon monoxide sensor set up in my bedroom which is very reassuring and everything can be activated with the wireless keypad that i turned on as soon as i walked out the door for this trip for the first time in over a decade i have more than a suitcase to my name so i'm extra cautious and want to make sure that everything that i love in this new apartment this new home base is now protected it makes me feel safe and secure when i'm off having adventures with this crew boys and i feel very good about leaving home now and if you want to protect your home while you're away or traveling go to gareth for more information again gareth that's it let's keep moving actually we're going to go to the atm first and then we're going to keep moving [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen our next stop along this journey down the coast is puerto nuevo we go past papola where they filmed titanic pass k-38 a famous surf spot and now we're gonna try what this place is famous for and that is lobster lobsters there's a few different restaurants right here along the coast but one of the originals yeah it's called ortegas ortega's original seafood spot let's go get some lobster [Music] all right we just sat down here at ortega's and this is a beautiful view we are on the rooftop they just said go all the way up to the top and this is where you can be we got some salsa we have some chips we have some bread and the view of the ocean behind us surfers along this coastline as well beautiful waves coming in little tienda's down below selling off souvenirs and it is just so peaceful it's about four o'clock in the afternoon so we beat the dinner rush so it's very tranquilo at the moment and it's beautiful we're just waiting on a setup a lobster setup that's coming even with all the food we had at rosarito already i'm very excited for this lobster [Music] [Music] look at the size of that thing gracias all right the main event just showed up look at this beauty so i can tilt it a little without killing the butter look at that thing it has everything you need lobster a lot of meat in the in the body a lot of meat in the tail a lot of uh butter and in the side dishes you have uh beans rice and in this other hand we have tortillas just little tortillas nothing crazy just a blanket sized tortilla my friends but the idea is to rip the tortilla and make your own hand size taco for the lobster the beans and the rice oh my god all right yeah so we're gonna so they don't all have to get used at once huh yeah all right i'm going for it go go for it if you can handle it oh my god a little bit of beans this is gonna be a little bit of beans just for your health is the ice the iron you need in your in your bones all right you got a squeeze of lime squeeze of lime [Music] i'm so nervous no don't worry that is just dripping with butter lobster this is the medium-sized lobster as well and this was how much was this for the medium-sized setup 75. 75 us dollars for the medium side lobster that is gonna feed two people very comfortably i'm not gonna say three because brandon actually can't eat shellfish so this is torture okay we can keep uh this is how to knife it in we have the ocean to our left and the lobster it's always sweet like very sweet and very subtle cooked perfectly wow that is delicious look this milk i'm even going to go the middle of the tail of the lobster is wonderful always a little salsa on there let's give it again so soft sometimes you'll get lobster that's kind of chewy you know no no no this is sweet and very delicate what do you think really good explode was actually just here for his father's birthday you were in an head yeah one week a week a week ago so angel damar is another place that's another popular spot right yeah yeah it's the original the the story about this style of lobster it's uh back in the day this all these place you can see different restaurants it's like there was this fisherman who were sent to the fishing and stuff like that and lobster was not super popular lobster was like something like trash it was a garbage fish right fish and the wives of the of the fishermen used to give floor tortillas beans and rice and the guys in the sea used to grab the lobster and when they come and the lunch time they use it to cook super fast the lobster and fill it in the taco so it's just so this kind of stuff uh that this kind of style of of lobsters comes specifically from the workers of the sea from the from from the sea settlements and now it's one of the most expensive yeah it's expensive it's fancy it's tasty my friend you cannot go wrong with this kind of thing i love it all right let's keep going this is delicious wow what a treat [Music] all right on our way south towards ensenada passing puerto nuevo after we filled up on lobster we're driving around this beautiful coastline and you see this incredible shipwreck down on the coast what is this place it has some trouble in the engine and it was not able to to go back to coast okay and end up here and no one nobody was able to move it back yeah the mexican government a few years ago promised they will take care of that one yeah but uh after election is everything you know and the you forget the thing and now and nowadays you said uh a nice spot in the middle of the of the road a nice background for quinceanera yeah yeah you can see the kings and you're a photo shooting there if you look closely you can see a girl on a rocks down there a beautiful dress looks like a quinceanera she's taking photos it's a great backdrop yeah not exactly the most environmentally friendly uh attraction or landmark but a very cool attraction on the way to ensenada all right let's keep moving okay [Music] here's our place look at that that's overlooking the whole city how cool is that [Music] hey this is our spot [Music] give you a quick tour here's our airbnb nice little living room area beautiful kitchen set up oh beautiful we got a nice little bathroom here we got bedroom number one we got bedroom number two nice oh little tie oh with a little lady there and in here we got bedroom number three everybody gets a room that is a little house tour for you guys this is our airbnb here in ensenada our first stop on this road trip and it is beautiful because we can overlook this entire city look at this let me see the whole city down there you got the cruise ship you got some lights coming down looks like a main street there's tadeo parking well that's a wrap we ate a lot today coming over the border from tijuana rosarito puerto nuevo and now we are here in ensenada a big shout out again to simply safe for sponsoring this video and supporting this adventure in mexico in baja again i appreciate it if you guys want to learn more and have an awesome home security system gareth to learn more it is a great and reliable effective simple to use and economic way to protect your house hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please give it a thumbs up it helps a ton subscribe if you haven't already bang that notifications bell so you get updates next week because next episode it's all about ensenada we're going to eat our way across this entire city it's going to be great we're going to see some of the best things to do and then from there valle de guadalupe for the napa valley of mexico then it's tecate mexicali after that so stay tuned hit that notifications bell and i'll see you guys next week i'm gonna go for my more american breakfast and these are what we call american pancakes uh what they are are basically fried cakes mexican style and this is a delicate maple syrup from the sonora region coconut water sponge [Applause] when you need some thirst quenching deliciousness come down to coco zacchino hey match them let's see that slow-mo oh so every restaurant in the region seems to have their own secret stash of winery so before we're gonna go eat we're gonna go down in the basement whoa secret hideaway damn this is for vip huh [Applause] don't get a hung over tomorrow and finish all dancing i really like the art of the cans let's go see the art that's what that's what i like that excuse me i just like the cans i don't drink a lot i just really like the kids what in the world did you get it's a buffalo boneless wings pizza in the in the video looks different but that one looks more using it look how big the pieces of chicken are yeah sorry ah that's gonna be better that's okay it gets uh it gets a lobster in the in the land small little area and it's become a lobster capital of mexico yeah well actually nobody sells more lobster in the whole world than puerto rico is that true that's true there you go so lobster capital of the world i'm gonna have to change the title of this video
Channel: Gareth Leonard
Views: 122,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tijuana, tijuana travel guide, tijuana travel, mexico, mexico travel, mexico road trip, travel deeper, gareth leonard, puerto nuevo, rosarito, ensenada, things to do in mexico, things to do in ensenada, things to do in rosarito, best tacos, tacos, mexican food, best restaurants in rosarito, el nido, tacos el yaqui, ortegas, lobster, baja, baja california, things to do in baja, things to do in baja californnia, baja california travel, san diego, border crossing, us mexico border, us
Id: t1-lE8hzX2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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