Cost of Living in Mexico 2021 - Baja California Sur

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it's raining which is quite rude but today i thought i would take you around with us we're heading into town to do some grocery shopping um and you can see what sort of shops are available and how much everything is going to cost and i'll come back and i'll talk you through some of the uh different costs that we've been incurring since we got here to toda santos in baja california and yeah we can chat chateanero hi i'm laura and for the last four and a half years i've been living in and traveling around mexico for most of that time mexico city was my home base but like many of us coronavirus changed everything for me last year since june of 2020 i've been living month to month in different parts of mexico trying to show you and myself more of this incredible country i'm currently in the small pueblo mexico of toro santos which is located in the state of baja california sur not far from los cabos the rain didn't stop uh but we got our groceries whoo and i'm sweating so let's uh let's see how much everything cost beast right so this is everything that we got we got avocados and poblanos and garlic and a kilo of rice with cilantro platanos bananas broccoli yogurt tomatoes some foil so we can make our whole own homemade papas rellenas a new salsa to try milks mushrooms onions more dried chilies some chicken potatoes a beautiful papaya and loads of carrots i'm gonna have to check the receipt to see how much we spent but the thing about shopping locally which i really like about these sort of places especially like small towns where like you saw we went into smaller locally owned stores um it's it's more hassle than like living in a city like mexico city where you just pop to the massive grocery store and you can buy everything under one roof however if you do have the energy to to pop around throughout the week to these different stores um to the carniceria where we went yesterday just to get beef and pork and then to these other shops to get fruit and veg and then sort of the mercado sol which is one of the bigger markets here bigger markets but the closest thing to a supermarket that i've seen anyway um you'll definitely save money um so yeah let me just quickly tell you how much all that cost so we bought all the fruits and vegetables and the chicken at that same store that fruitaria hermano salgado for 357 pesos that is like 15 16 17 more or less um which is pretty good that's all this fruit vegetable will last us more than a week so the other super medicato del sol um we bought the two the almond milk the coconut milk the yogurt um and the aluminum foil and that cost us 260 pesos which is 12 roughly again obviously that sort of stuff costs more the almond milk costs 43 pesos the coconut milk 40 pesos the yogurt is 70. but it's our breakfast for like four or five days so that's yeah that's the cost of the groceries the meat we bought yesterday as you saw um we buy some of the cheaper cuts because we like to like stew the meat with the bone in um chamorro for pork or champagne which is pretty much the same cup but on a cow i believe a bee stick is super affordable and even chicken is really affordable from this other place we bought let's see piana 850 grams of chicken for 22 pesos that's like a dollar that's so cheap so yeah like i said some things are more affordable here than even in mexico city where we were you know shopping at the mercados and stuff so pretty impressed by that makes up for uh the cost of our bikes it's actually kind of nice to sit out here in the rain so the biggest expense like anywhere is rent um obviously our cost of living is a little bit different because we're living month to month we're looking for places that are fully furnished which pretty much covers all of our amenities um easy to get to and uh yeah so it limits your search if you were looking for places to live around here for like a year there were a few that i found on craigslist that were as low as 10 000 pesos a month um for that's roughly 500 a month i'm sure that if you came here and started looking around there are probably for rent signs around where you can rent for maybe a little bit less than that uh depending on what neighborhood you want to be in but i would say that's probably your starting point um that's pretty reasonable for living by the beach in my opinion and uh that's low compared to what i've seen in other places like puerto vallarta um and even masset land that was sort of the going rate there as well um but yeah we are paying 12 000 pesos for this little casita um but we have access to all the stuff that's around the main house as well like the barbecue the pool um there's like ping pong tables and chess and stuff and a dog that keeps visiting us all the time who's not allowed inside [Laughter] and she knows it transportation is definitely something that you have to consider if you're gonna live by the beach out here in baja because there isn't much public transportation i saw one taxi in the time that we've been in and out of town now and it sits outside the bus station which only takes you to and from like los cabos and la paz so i haven't seen a bus like a public bus i've heard one exists but i haven't seen it so i can't tell you how much that is i don't know but if you have taken the bus between pescadero and toro santos please let me know for everyone in the comments below how much that bus costs because however to get from the past to here we spent 160 pesos which for 100 for a sort of one and a half hour bus journey from the major city to here is is somewhat reasonable uh when you're talking about traveling around central mexico from mexico city to queretaro or san miguel de allende it can sometimes be 300 maybe almost 400 pesos um so 160 pesos seemed reasonable it's about seven dollars more or less um so yeah transportation all we've got are our bikes i've shown you guys a video before but if you're new around here we bought bicycles to uh to get around and those bikes were pretty expensive uh it's a very small town here there's only one bike shop and then there's one bike repair shop they're separate and uh when we spoke to the bike repair shop guy he told us that like a a good price for a bike would be about 2000 pesos um we couldn't find anyone selling bikes for that price even these were used we i checked craigslist i i messaged people on facebook um in the end we got these through private sale through someone on facebook um who brought them over to us and we paid 2 500 pesos per bike about 125 um hoping we can sell them on for basically the same price we've actually been to the bike repair shop with the bikes had them tuned up a little bit tighten the brakes um and sort of like move the seat and everything so hopefully they'll be in just as good condition in a month or two when we decide to move on and sell them uh but yeah i was that was hurtful it was it was a expensive but but we want to get around we want to explore more we don't just want to walk in and out of town we want to be able to get to uh cerritos the beaches down south and stuff so you got to do you got to do the last thing i'll touch upon is cost of living for this video is a cost of going out to eat um it's definitely more expensive here in my experience not just in toro santos but even in la paz um then on the sort of mainland uh masatlan is incredibly affordable to go out to eat puerto vallarta has places of varying prices um i haven't been on the east coast in a while but there are even like street food spots in tulum and playa del carmen that are more affordable but even the sort of places that feel like local spots you know you go out of your way and you eat things on the street or you go into smaller places um it's still more than like other parts of mexico and and i understand it's because number one there's a lot of tourists around um but also things just cost more here because they have to get here um it's it's not as well connected as as other parts of mexico so going out for a meal i'll show you some of the menus that we've places that we've eaten at but you're looking at fish tacos being about 30 to 35 pesos if you want shrimp or octopus or something like that it gets closer to 40 or 45 pesos ceviches are upwards of 150 per plate again that's about seven dollars i know when you're comparing it in dollars it's it's not very expensive but if you do compare it to other places in mexico for those of you that have been to lots of different parts of mexico you'll know that for a plate of food to be you know upwards of 150 200 pesos you're looking at a much usually a much nicer place to eat um somewhere that's not just just your average cafe uh but even here like the the the smaller more local spots are are still yeah pretty pretty steep but yeah that that's the that's what you're looking at with with prices to going out to eat um it's not crazy and there are definitely bargains to be had but there are also a lot more expensive places the rain is coming down i hope you guys found this video helpful i do my best to be as transparent as possible about cost of things um especially when you're only coming to a place for a short period of time obviously we're only living here month to month um and that's what we could find it's also high season it's january and although um the virus has meant a lot of people aren't coming down here there's still a decent amount of tourists that have come down a lot of snowbirds that have come down um and it's it's busy enough especially for rentals especially for month-to-month rentals it's uh it's not as easy to find in january as it is to find in july and that's because it's incredibly hot in july so yeah if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up it really supports my channel if you haven't already subscribed please do so and if you'd like to see more regular updates i post on my instagram stories every day with photos and things that we're eating what we're getting up to so yeah be sure to follow along there at eternal expat and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Eternal Expat
Views: 161,265
Rating: 4.9256167 out of 5
Keywords: travel, cost of living in mexico, cost of living in mexico as an expat, cost of living in a mexican beach town, cost of living in baja california sur, cost of living in todos santos, cost of living in todos santos mexico, how much does it cost to live in mexico, is it cheap to live in mexico?, eternal expat
Id: Q7JjF35KI98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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