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what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and today we're doing a little camping we just got to this campground right here and we're doing we're camping for two nights and i mainly wanted to kind of make a video about the difference between the rooftop tent and in a regular tent that you would pitch on the ground so we're gonna stay in both of them we brought both so i have my rooftop tent and then i think we're going to stay in that tonight and tomorrow night we're going to stay in the the tent on the bottom i mainly wanted to make a video like this because a lot of people had questions about the rooftop tent and yeah so we'll tell you what i think about it and the differences between the two so yeah so this is not a sponsored video or anything i'm just uh making this video just for fun and just you know to be a little more informative i have this yakima uh skyrise hd that's the rooftop tent that i have and they're pretty easy to pitch this cover off and kind of just put that right there and this is the ladder bring that out and you can just uh pull it down bam and just like that within minutes or actually just like one minute you pretty much have a tent and inside i have these rods and just like that within minutes you have a full tent on top of your car i just need to put the uh sleeping bags up there silicone bags and we brought extra blankets too because it's supposed to get down to like the mid 30s it's just above freezing so it's gonna be a little cold well that's good for now uh it's already getting dark it's dinner time and jocelyn is gonna make us some dinner tonight so you gotta make some caldo so she's gonna get the fire started and let's watch her make this talda caldo did i say it right you're going to make some caldo yeah some color i don't know why i got my i'm messing up some cauldron oh and it gets dark so early that's like the so it's only like 4 30. here we go so what is caldo is soup what kind of soup is it um so you could it's basically seafood you could do one that's shrimp you could do one that's fish you could mix it so it's just seafood soup yeah seafood spicy soup seafood spicy soup yeah sounds good it always has carrots and potatoes and then the seafood choice is yours so this is your salsa yeah we pre-made it already since you need a blender you just have to boil the chile and the by sia i didn't have the second one so i just used poblano which is close enough and it was grown in the garden and then garlic and tomatoes and onion it probably won't be as spicy this time just because i put the poblano instead of the other one um but that's why i brought some dried chilies oh dried chilies too from the garden too yeah that's true there we go maybe it'll be harder on this side but yeah a little bit of oil [Music] and then we're going to pour in the salsa and the fish ball broth all right now we're just gonna boil this until my potatoes are soft all right so we have a dungeness crab here and i'm basically just uh peeling some of it it's already cooked i cooked it last night um after i caught them went on a charter yesterday with fisherman's life and we cut a bunch of rock fish so oh what was that though oh i think it's somebody wait no that's a fish dude it seems like a fish oh look at that that's a nice fish dude i got somebody's lying too so made some fish balls out of it and we're gonna put it in this cauldron as well that's some crab that's already de-shelled this is the body of the crab it's going to take that sauce really well and these are the claws you know have the claws in the shell still yeah you want my fish balls yeah toss them in so fish balls aren't traditional but you can just put them in sometimes they put a fish in the car though so there you go hopefully no one gets mad at me for putting up poblano pepper in here that's not what you usually put i just didn't have anything else i didn't have the chili's uh yes um but pavana is pretty similar it's just less spicy and a little more smoky somewhere out there my ancestors probably proud of me for cooking this so traditionally right over the fire oh and sometimes people will put a dried shrimp for more flavor in goes the crab it's looking good yeah i mean that's pretty good that crab in there just makes it looks so amazing it's good fire smoke oh yeah wow guys isn't this one of the best camp meals you've ever seen this is going to be amazing take it let's take a taste of the soup oh wow there's like little bits of crab in here like don't like the loose ones just broke apart in there and so in every each spoon there's just some crab wow this fish ball you need and the carrots oh wow wow wow wow what an amazing camp dinner wow good job you know i haven't made this in a long time now the audience is going to be like whoa jocelyn start your own channel they're going to leave me fish ball are you good oh i forgot the dried chili oh yeah get the dried chili they get more spicy oh that's some of that dipped bread wow wow here's a chili for you oh yeah more chili all right let's get this let's show some of this crab this hits the spot since it's kind of cold yeah it's cold you're gonna want to see that right there that's a piece of crab meat and that looks delicious should we put this in jar oh wow oh this crab's good oh amazing leave a comment below if you think she just showed me up it's got some spice to it it's got like this nice chili like pepper flavor like from all the um yeah from the different peppers that you put in there it's a very hearty kind of flavor i wouldn't say it's i wanted to say it was gonna gonna be like menudo or something but it's not really yeah it uses one of the same chilis but slightly different oh we got too carried away we got our beer we're going to share this mango tahini beer and he's on his second bowl of soup yeah second bowl that is good fruity all right leave me be i'm eating my soup it's my color all right well i was gonna make this video about tents and stuff but jocelyn took over with her amazing caldo that was great anyways so this is the tent right here we're in it now and as you can see it's a fairly spacious in here we put these lights up lights around you know so we can kind of see in here it's still pretty early it's only like 7 30 probably after we eat we either hang out around the fire or we come in the tent and then uh start telling stories i guess story time you guys want story time should we do story time let's talk about the tent oh yeah focus oh yeah the tent so the tent i think the best uh thing about the rooftop tent is that it keeps you warm it keeps you off the ground which keeps you very warm and it has this three inch uh padding here nice now the padding is like yeah very good padding and comfortable you can get a softer one too right yeah people want that yeah i mean you can change it out it's just it's just uh literally like a three inch foam padding that really makes a difference in the winter time when the ground is super cold and that kind of keeps you a lot warmer so even though it's going to get to about 35 degrees tonight it'll still be comfortable in here there are definitely some cons to it one of them like a little a small thing that we have to bring our shoes into the tent you know what i mean normally we would leave our shoes outside the tent um but we can't do that we can't like leave it outside because that's there's no platform outside uh so we just have to bring it in the tent leave it there uh because yeah we don't wear shoes in the tent you shouldn't wear shoes or you shouldn't wear shoes in the tent or in your house yeah another downside to having one of these is that um it's attached to the car so wherever the car is is where you're sleeping so if you're at a campground that might be like a like a hike in campground you probably wouldn't be able to use this or you'd be sleeping in the parking lot you know so if you guys want to hear a little story the first time i took jocelyn out camping with me it was probably what about five years ago four four five years ago yeah i think it was like four years four years ago i took her camping we took our motorcycles camping yeah we went on a little motorcycle camping trip and that was the first time that jocelyn was went camping actually like 10 camping and first time doing a long drive on my bike yeah first time yeah you had been dry you had been riding yeah the bike in the city for just maybe a couple months and i had been at this campsite the week before that by myself so i knew like this campground was like really good it was really really nice so i was like all right i'm going to take her there and it was right on the river it was it was awesome awesome campsite but when we got there the campsite had actually closed for the season because it was like in september or something and the campsite had actually closed for the season but we had our motorcycles and that place there was like a gate and then you can we went to the second one okay there's another one um yeah i knew there was another one right next to it but it was the same thing it was closed uh for the season and uh we talked some local people around there that were walking their dogs and they were like oh yeah nobody's ever checked here so you know you'd be fine if you go in there because there's literally a gate and there's some rocks like boulders blocking the cars from going in but we have motorcycles so we could go around it you know and just go into the go into the um to the campground it was also because it was getting dark yeah it was getting dark too road that we had just gone on to that second campsite yeah it took a while and it was muddy yeah and full of like water so it was kind of like was it a good idea for me to be driving on a muddy wet dark road yeah so we decided you know what let's just go around this boulder because we our bikes fit and yeah we just went to the campground and we're like yeah it'll be fine you know we're just gonna stay here at night um and then yeah we unpack and we put our tent up and we get the fire going we're about to start cooking dinner and it's it's gotten dark by that time and then all of a sudden this car pulls up um and then this ranger actually gets out of the car and she starts shining like a light light towards our way and um and i was like oh hey you know and she like told us to come out and then um yeah she's like yeah you're not supposed to be here blah blah blah it's closed and all that and um she uh she basically kicked us out and also gave us a ticket gave us a illegal camping ticket it's my only ticket yeah i don't have any other tickets you ever got so it was so the first time i took her camping she got an illegal camping ticket i was like oh my gosh that was pretty embarrassing and then we had to go she was like okay there's another campsite that's open that's that was like a 30 minute ride i think you partially drove my bike on one part of the road yeah yeah it was like really bad it was like a puddle or like it was yeah it was like flooded flooded area so i had to drive it for her uh but yeah they she made us pack up and leave and then so we had to go to another campsite 30 30 minutes away she even told us we were lucky because she found us she's like i never check here you guys are so lucky you guys are so lucky that i came to check today i was like oh god oh great perfect timing of course that would happen anyways so that's what happened and we got to the other campsite and uh yeah we pitched our tent and it was you know that was it it was fine after that that was jocelyn's first experience camping with me i always i only did it that time because i didn't feel comfortable going on that road in the dark yeah well anyways guys that's uh my story for you guys for today uh got a mushroom book here uh we're gonna go look for some mushrooms tomorrow and yeah we'll see you guys in the morning good morning guys beautiful morning we have here it's a little chilly but all good uh we had a good night's sleep did you have a good night's sleep yeah it's cozy it's pretty cozy yeah it's nice up there and now we're gonna be staying at this campground another night but then another downside to this uh rooftop tent is if you want to take your car somewhere for the day you got to pack up so that's all we're going to do right now we're going to eat some breakfast which is the leftover from last night it's almost it's getting there yeah we're gonna have that for breakfast and we're gonna pack up and get going on our adventure for today there you go and just like that oh it's recording all the time and you're good to go so i just pulled off on the side of the road right now outside of a freeway because i saw some huge mushrooms check these out right here these are huge that's an amanita looks like an amanita muscaria but that is a gigantic one it doesn't look like it right now but look look when i get next to it look at my hand giant this thing is a giant these are all freaking big those are big and that's another huge one there and there's some bullets here too but i'm afraid these are all pretty old that's a nice uh yeah that's a bully but yeah you can see how much bugs are in this thing [Applause] look at all that all pretty old there's a lot here though so for the second night we're gonna do the tent and yeah we'll let you know how this is and i've had i've been using this since way before i started my youtube channel this is the rei passage 2 also not sponsored yeah it's funny how to say that or else people comment sell out anyways and what i like about this one is that it's pretty lightweight only a couple pounds uh let's see oh four pounds four pounds 14 ounces for and this is a two person tent and yeah it's pretty small too pretty compact i used to take this on my motorcycle all the time just strap it down on the back and yeah we would go camping with this anyways let me set up here if you get a tent make sure you get a footprint this is called a footprint and uh it's basically that's what they call just tarp that you put under the tent actually want it this way because it's kind of sloped like all tents it comes with these flexible rods and just pop them in that's pretty much it you just put all these guys on so i hope this video helps anybody that's trying to get into doing some camping being outdoors you know especially with everything going on camping is one of the activities that we can still you know enjoy to the fullest we love going out camping in the winter because there's literally nobody out here well there's a few there's just like maybe two three four others and there's plenty of campsites that are available we're at a state park right now so some of them are still open i think there are still some that are closed too but you can get campsites easily in the winter time in the summer times it gets really difficult but camping in the winter is the way to go a sleeping pad will give you a way better night's rest and this is one of them and that's also another one this is a new one that jocelyn got it's nice it's really this one's this one's really small nice and compact yeah so yeah if we have links for it like we'll throw it in the description you know well we're back from our adventures from today come on in come on in welcome to the inside of our tent yeah we can put our shoes right outside the door here and it's still under under the tarp so it doesn't get wet so that's uh that's a plus there's a big benefit to them where you can you know go to like uh walk-in campsites i guess yeah walking campsites you could take a backpacking you know that kind of deal when you store those rooftop tents in your house it takes up a lot of space because it's huge even though it doesn't take up any space in the car while you're traveling yeah it takes up a lot of space in your house i like having this pocket here yeah we got i don't know if you can see that see the pocket up right there we can put a bunch of stuff in there so that's pretty cool that's a handy and there's pockets on the sides as well see in the corners every corner has a little pocket and you're blocking that one but see how there's that downside you're closer to the animals the little animals you know that can get inside your tent there was that one campsite where there was mice everywhere oh yeah that rooftop would have been nice yeah that would have been nice with the rooftop time to shower biodegradable wipes last night was a bit cold we both woke up several times in the night trying to readjust to get warm and yeah the rooftop tent keeps you much warmer as i have predicted still a good night uh it rained a little bit last night but all right i think that's gonna be it guys thank you for uh watching this video as always and if you like the video please hit that thumbs up and subscribe we'll see you guys next time merry christmas merry christmas i don't have my christmas sweater on me it's inside i use it as a pillow merry christmas
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 191,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rooftop tent, roof top tent, car camping, tent camping, caldo, camping in winter, winter camping, camping in california, winter camping california, Yakima rooftop tent, Yakima rack, camping in state park, camping in December, Mexican soup, Caldo soup, best camp meal, amazing camp meal, winter camp meal, best soup for camping, roof tent, rooftop tents, roof top tents, outdoor chef life
Id: KPk0UTsuqfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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