My Last Meal Ever... | Fishing in Glacier

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welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm taku and today we are in beautiful Glacier National Park in Montana we drove through Canada we went through Alberta this time we went through Jasper National Park and Banff unfortunately it was really Smoky up there due to some fires around in the area so we didn't get to enjoy it as much we didn't get to Fish this Lake that I wanted to because it was closed and they were scooping water from that Lake to dump onto the fire but we did have a really crazy Wildlife encounter with an elk check it out look at this big ass book oh shoot oh my God he does not like that car oh this lady better get back in look at that bigger than the SUV dude [Music] oh my god oh hell no oh no no no no no oh my God I'm so scared right now what the heck is going on you were safe and I weren't just he's coming back don't skip oh my God two dude that was so scary that was so scared that's why I said don't look him in the eye because he's doing the eye thing he was totally doing that I think in my mind as I was yelling no no no no no no the Elks antlers were like coming through the driver's side window that's what I I thought was happening that's why I was panicking I was like oh my God he's gonna stab me with his huge antlers and I was trying to roll the window up but if you look from Jocelyn's point of view this is what it looks like that was too big I don't like it oh my god oh wait no no no don't look him in the eye oh my God so I guess the video evidence suggests that I was never really in that much danger but but really in my mind I thought it was right there right next to my window that was pretty crazy I'm planning on doing some fishing got my fly gear um on my back here uh yesterday we were actually got here and we started we did a little hike and we did some fishing but we didn't catch anything that day but we did take a nice cold plunge style 3 P.M so we might be able to catch a little early evening bite and get ourselves a trout for dinner Let's see we can only keep the non-native trout which will be like a rainbow trout or brook trout and I think there's also cut throats in here which are the native species that would have to catch and release only and possibly lake trout as well those are all catch and release oh here we go oh baby that's pretty nice first things first a little dip in the lake you gotta do it quick foreign [Applause] all right now that I scared all the fish away let's start fishing we'll go First cast nothing on the First cast let's move down here a little there's a follow me come on take it oh it really just followed it all the way to the bank just gonna flick it out there lightly hello seem to like it fast oh come on there was one that was just following it and it just came up to it two times boom and left came back left and in the third time just took a little nibble and was out hard to get these uh fish to bite on right on the spinner got a little spinner on there rooster tail I think but I can see that they're eating a lot of the surface stuff just all the little mosquitoes and flies on the surface they're really getting after those too bad I didn't bring my fly rod up here with me but tomorrow I think that's what we'll try we'll try with the fly rod and use some dry flies now we're gonna do this hike to what's supposed to be a beautiful lake with some fish in it we've got some wildlife there's a deer a little guy another one well we got our first view of the lake behind me there all the way down so now we're gonna hike downhill it's like the Lake's sort of in this bowl surrounded by big mountains really beautiful it looks really nice and clear now but it is actually a little bit Smoky here as well and he'd look down right down there looks a bit hazy that's actually some smoke looks like we have about a mile to go downhill see some switchbacks from here and then uh we'll be there fishing very soon on the lake it's so sick here intimidate me more than their much larger cousin the crystal brown bear in Alaska why um I feel like here they're used to really dumb tourists who do very dumb things like feeding them or leaving their food out so I feel like they are more aggressive you know what they say bad bear is a dead bear that bear is a dead bear don't see those videos of people running from bears don't do that they're just gonna chase you so one thing we did learn after that elk encounter you know we looked up what do we do if we encounter an elk like that when we're on foot and say you're supposed to run because they won't really chase you they said uh yeah just get the hell out of there it even talked about the body language and the body language she was showing us was that of like alarm or concern I guess um he was in rut that's like he had all those he had a bunch of Elks with him yeah he had a bunch of girls with him and dang that milk was big it was taller than the SUV and I was woof and our van is tall you know we sit high and his antlers were just I thought they were right in my face oh look at this ray of sunshine so if we get a brook trout or a rainbow that's a really cute oh the smell and this evergreen forest is just delightful it's nice huh yeah fresh air for all from all these trees oh it's right there We Go There It Is oh so nice water's so clear yeah Crystal Clear We're Not Gonna fish that first spot because that's where obviously the most fishing pressure would be so we're gonna try to walk along the bank here or actually there's another little Trail going a little further somebody's flying a drone he nearly crashed it into into us really close to Jocelyn didn't even apologize apologize or anything and just kept he just laughed and his friends laughed and uh just so you know you're it's illegal to fly a drone in national parks in any national park so you won't see any Drone footage on in this video yeah definitely don't be that guy yeah this one is actually separated from the other one it's like a foot deep ah got through here hey bear hey bear we're in Bear Country now I'm thinking right out the bend up here oh look at that there's a little point if there's a drop off there that would be a perfect spot and looks good to me let's try right here all right I've got the fly rod ready first starting with a tiny dry fly a little brown little brown guy let's give that a shot first we'll try this for a few minutes switch out flies and then if nothing works we'll keep moving let's go for it foreign [Music] we got a fish on hey that didn't take too long oh nice decent this is a cutthroat [Applause] got him oh wet my hands to handle them yeah this is a cutthroat trout look at that ate that dry fly around the corner of the mouth it should pop out pretty easily yeah it's a decent sized fish beautiful fish and they call them a Cutthroat because if you look under their throat looks like they have some blood on it it's a real nice plug it's really bright red so that's why they call them a cutthroat trout beautiful all right we'll let this guy go it goes nice and healthy whoa got our first cutthroat trout here in Montana in Glacier National Park man this place is beautiful oh high five very nice all right let's see if we get another so it's actually really shallow in front of me for about 20 25 feet and there's I'm targeting this drop off I can tell that right after that it drops off a little bit because the watercolor changes it goes from a light kind of green watercolor and it goes a little darker blue all right that's where I was targeting and that's exactly where that trout hit let's see if there's another one at that same spot foreign this one I saw coming up for it that was nice not sure this might be different yeah another Cutthroat pretty decent one too maybe even bigger Another Mountain Beauty look at that wow number two baby that was a good one too and then uh right around the same spot as well it's awesome being in a place like this catching fish man even if I can't keep them no worries we'll still cook something delicious later that's for sure oh got another one oh lost it that one came off check it out so here's my limited collection of flies I don't have too many but I've been using the dry flies and they've been working so let's see what I should do next maybe one of these guys a little bit slightly bigger one or a dragonfly or this red ant looking one hmm or maybe this one I'll do one with the I'll do this big one see if you'll hit something big these are good sized trout I can see this bigger Dry Fly much easier but let's see if they'll actually hit it too I don't think this is a Cutthroat looks different more like let's see what it is actually I think this is another cutthroat just uh a little bit more Chrome I think they're getting bigger yeah I took that bigger dry fly the goat came off easily beautiful all right we'll let this guy go that's number three fly fishing baby why is she my fishing's so easy let's see if Jocelyn can get one on the fly rod I love how crystal clear the water is you can really see the fish just come up and take it you don't want to go like back and forth like constantly you want to go forward pause go back pause and you kind of have to you you want to wait for for the uh slide to catch up real real if you want to fight you got to let it go you got to let the Reel go and it'll take drag yeah but now it's coming in so coming in it's coming in oh that's a big one that's the biggest one nice one of course you get the bigger one you know I'm huge yeah also Cutthroat go ahead wet your hand it's nice side dish I'll just hold your tail there it is nice one good job [Music] nice job that was a big one and we have some salmon dip here that we made with the smoked salmon thank you good trails now great troll snack good driving snack dude there's some Thai chilies in there and there's also Wasabi in here put a lot of Wasabi it's really good in salmon dip well that was a lot of fun but we should start heading back before it gets really windy up there so we'll see you back at the van we got back to our van and we headed down to Yellowstone National Park which is about a five hour drive from Glacier and Yellowstone's famous for its geysers and all of its wildlife [Music] now we're in Grand Teton National Park which is actually right next to Yellowstone we have this beautiful breathtaking view of the Grand Tetons right in front of us and Jocelyn's gonna make us lunch right now one of my favorites she's making Jocelyn's famous enchiladas they're not famous they're about to be let's get cooking so this is all the ingredients you need for enchilada sauce Roman Tomatoes serrano peppers as many as you want for spice level like a thick slice of red onion and usually like two to three garlic cloves these are really small all right and we're just going to put our tomatoes and serranos in here and if you're at home you could actually roast them in the oven and have kind of like a charred salsa flavor if you're into that or if you like green salsa you can replace these with tomatillos okay the other year Jocelyn grew a ton of tomatillos and we had a lot of salsa verde enchiladas those that's the stuff right there but you know we couldn't find any in Montana or Wyoming but yeah or even finding tortillas they're like some homemade ones they look pretty good I hope so so we'll see how those are we could have made our own too we wanted to but then this will be good they look good so while the tomatoes are cooking you can just lightly fry your corn tortillas and I know you're going to be tempted to use an oven but don't you can tell a huge difference oven cooked enchiladas tend to taste kind of dry in my opinion and I don't think they're good compared to these stove cooked ones takes longer but cooking is a labor of love and you want to just lightly fry it not completely fried or else it'll end up crispy like a tostada and we're making enchiladas so you can see the color difference here lightly fried not fried this is kind of the tricky part of making enchiladas in the van our blender super small but you basically want your tomatoes so the skin is kind of falling off the blend one tomato at a time I think so in the blender is going to be the garlic the onion the tomatoes and the Serranos once the skin is splitting like this is when you know it's done or if you're roasting it in the oven it should get like black and blistered and then just pour it into a pan and heat it up so it Cooks and make sure you wash your blender very well around your next smoothie is going to be very spicy I'm just gonna put a little salt in there and I went ahead and chopped up some red onion and some lettuce and how long do you cook the salsa for oh it's hard to taste right I don't know like 10 minutes maybe I feel like the longer you cook it the more flavor but it also will start to kind of get dried out last time we grilled some chicken but this time we got some rotisserie chicken leftovers so that's what we're gonna use for the for the filling just gonna shred up all this chicken and I always get asked why I cook My Salsa you do this for enchiladas and chilaquiles but not for like the salsa that you're going to dip your chips in or put on tacos that's a fresh salsa okay I think it's tasting good and you're going to dip your tortilla and this is also why you want to fry them lightly so they don't fall apart when you dip them in the salsa as you can already tell they're losing their like stiffness all right we're gonna fill it with chicken and I like to put a little fresh onion inside and then roll it up nope very nice peel it up and the raw onion is optional if you're not into that tastes really good and then I like to put a lot of salsa on top second I'm just going to put some sour cream on top or if you have a Mexican store near you get some Crema it's a little runnier and goes on easier and tastes a little different too yeah you definitely have to use queso Cotija not melty cheese and it's surprisingly pretty easy to find not most grocery stores I haven't found it in Alaska more yes I like extra when I first met taku he said he did not like this yeah that's true no I can't get enough of it seriously can't get enough of it it had like a little Funk at first you know first today now just so addicting and I like to put a little bit of lettuce on top of my enchiladas because I feel like it gives it a little Crunch and a little refreshing taste an onion oh yeah Taco likes a lot of extra onion [Music] oh wow look at this guys doesn't this look absolutely delicious oh it's my favorite all right let's eat all right can't wait okay well I'm gonna have a sip of beer first cheers guys oh let's dig in oh um there we go how about the salvation oh that's so good that's delicious man is what I always say if I wasn't going to wake up tomorrow this would be my last meal that's how good it is and so simple and easy to make it's got to be with the physical to have for sure it just adds so much flavor and and it looked like a uniqueness to that cheese so oh my God it's in the spice level on point I think we put another story yeah you could go up sometimes you make it like super spicy and that's good too but this is start off this is also very similar to how you make your chilaquiles in the salsa just like a little herb you always do it with chicken but I bet it would be good with other stuff too have you tried putting all this stuff well beef kind of feels too heavy for me yeah I've had beef enchiladas um shrimp maybe even crab would be good if you do like a creamy green salsa all right guys well I hope you enjoy this episode we got to see three national parks uh just in a very short amount of time and if you like the video if you liked Jocelyn's cooking make sure to hit the thumbs up subscribe if you like to as well we'll see you guys on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 193,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glacier national park, last meal, fly fishing, cutthroat, trout fishing, lake fishing
Id: dpWvtFrXP34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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