Chef Makes Japanese x Mexican FUSION TACOS in the Wild

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welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life I'm taku and today Jocelyn and I are up in the mountains in our van and we're gonna take a hike and go to a lake hopefully we can catch some fish there should be a fun adventure come along let's do this I got a couple rods fly rod and a spin rod oh I just gotta figure out how to attach this to my backpack I love these things they come in so handy I have many of them all right I think we're ready [Applause] okay let's do this ready yeah I got bear spray a little horn because now that we're back in the States this is our first hike in New Zealand and now we've got to worry about ticks and animals that can kill you if they want to I guess so Zealand just got worried about stepping on a weka always right outside your door look at this we start off with a really beautiful view already foreign just remembered blueberries and huckleberries are in season thank you grab a bag yeah already on the side of the trails there's some blueberries so Jocelyn wanted to she always wants to capitalize on the berries the berries a try a little huckleberry a little sour a little tart a little tarp I just saw a mushroom not an edible one but now I'm on the lookout here's the first Lake maybe porcini oh we're already on a lake yeah that's the first the first one the side oh it's not worth stopping at this one all right let's just keep going to the other one then look at here guys we are a mushroom looks like some kind of bullet it's not a porcini though but it's close the top looks exactly the same but the stem is not of a porcini so we'll just leave that one there we're getting closer to some good stuff [Music] I think both of us can feel that it's been a while since we did a hike huh yeah it's been since New Zealand we're getting there though it's a good amount of uphill it's a good workout for sure we're lucky because we get to do this on weekdays and uh yeah weekends it wouldn't be the same with a ton of other people walking around here oh look at this holy smokes look at that gorgeous that's amazing [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] pretty spectacular eh now I gotta get my rod set up I think you know what I think I might go with the fly rod [Music] the question is always which one do I go with which fly do I put on I fly fish like once a year so we don't have too much gear but I have some stuff we've got some streamers we got some worms down here some zebra Midge and that kind of stuff we also got some of these dry flies as well um those are eggs those for like salmon all right put one of these little worms on too we'll see how long we can go without getting tangled a dry fly on top got a worm and a little mosquito thing on the bottom I want to get out here before the sun hit the water sun's coming up pretty fast pretty deep huh yeah I'm gonna try to hit up the shade first let's all right let's see if I remember how to do this all right let's try this side pretty cool how they put this together yeah this is pretty cool they made a little pier it's pretty actually long pier let's see if we got anybody hiding under the log these locks are just connected by some rope it's pretty cool all right you watch that see if anything happens you just look at the the dry fly the white thing [Music] see if that goes down and then I just pull this yeah oh yeah you said the hook oh fish jumping right there just jumped yeah pretty good size too I'm over the fly rod already I'm putting up I'm setting this up yeah I try to just toss it that way there you go yeah just leave it down yep nice yeah just leave it there he was coming that way towards you he was coming towards you I'm looking for dragonfly larva but I can't find any come on nothing I flipped a bunch of these over already and nothing okay Jocelyn made a little lunch for us last night oh some Korean style noodles like cucumbers very refreshing nice lunch well I was really counting on those dragonfly larva to have some success up here with the spinning rod I was gonna put it on a bobber but I can't find any I don't I didn't really bring anything else for the uh spinning spinning gear um if I had like a spinner that would be nice fly rod flies not really working don't really know how to fish it effectively in a lake like this [Music] leave me in the comments let me know fly fisherman uh would you how would you fish it what would you use all right on to the next Lake this lake is beautiful but we're gonna check the next one come back huh come back whoa snap look at that look what you just found I know oh my gosh what a beauty I told you I'd tell you if I found a mushroom good job that's a poor Genie baby I did I was just looking at the lake it's right there just so you can see it through the trees yeah nice nice feels pretty firm yeah that is a beautiful porcini I'll just shave these uh dirt pieces off hey nutty ready I'm just double checking they're always on the trail yeah I think because people exactly people pick them and then as you walk along the mushrooms drop the spores along the trail and if it lands in the right spot there'll be more mushrooms there Dawson's on the hunt now what does she have no I can't see uh no no that's not a good one I'm like a dog once once I get one let's keep going yeah she's on the scent look at this like it's just as gorgeous there's some white sand here so this part looks so crazy um wows she's a beaut I wonder if there's any fish in there we're gonna go for a quick dip [Laughter] oh that's nice that's nice go little frog go go go all right go for it yeah yeah you sound exactly like the Frog how gorgeous is this Lake all to ourselves too all right guys well that was a nice dip I don't think I'm gonna fish here I just feel like I don't have the proper bait that I need but it's okay I I really feel satisfied with not catching a fish just beautiful yeah because how beautiful it was and also I have some halibut from last week uh still left in my fridge in the uh in the van so we'll cook that up when we get back for dinner sound good yeah sounds good and we got that little porcini too I guess that's why we're satisfied yeah see you later like it was beautiful yeah ah we'll be back we'll see you guys back at the van now we're at this perfect location this is going to be our sleep spot for the night the hike felt really good feels good to be getting out and getting healthy if you have been lazy lately this is your sign to get out go on a hike which brings me to our sponsor for today which is athletic Brewing athletic Brewing makes non-alcoholic beers and I know your first thought and my first thought no thanks traditionally non-alcoholic beers have been really terrible like definitely like nobody wants that but athletic Brewing is changing the game they are making craft beers non-alcoholic and let me tell you they have all your favorite types of Brews and of course mine is the IPA the most important thing is taste how's it taste whoa honestly that tastes exactly like a regular IPA that is delicious as a delicious non-alcoholic craft brew that's incredible how they made that I'm actually really surprised at how good that is yeah if somebody gave me this I would happily drink it like I've already finished half of it just in one gold but delicious it's healthier no hangovers you have to worry about the next day athletic brewing in 2022 won multiple Awards including a gold for their IPA and their lager through there too for the Trails program they've donated 3.2 million dollars since 2018. you know what honestly athletic Brewing amazing job I love it and I love the fact that I can drink it anytime not be hungover or not get you know I get slowed down by the alcohol check out athletic brewing and see all the types of beer on their website and with the link in the description order a six-pack try it for yourself I highly recommend it thanks athletic brewing for supporting the outdoors supporting the channel cheers guys okay here we go we are ready to cook we got these nice Brown aprons now as well one outdoorshaft here we go here we go here we go now all right what are we cooking today you ask I'm gonna make some Japanese Mexican tacos Fusion Fusion action all right first thing got my halibut from last week if you guys didn't see that video that was an epic video an epic day of fishing I had it frozen just thought it out took it out of the freezer yesterday and thought it out beautiful pieces of halibut take these halibut pieces and we'll slice them in uh like that maybe like one inch slices this would be perfect piece to go into a fish taco yeah that's pretty chunky even that's fine we'll keep it pretty big I'm gonna do a punkle breading on this so let me prepare that cornstarch like that crack an egg whiskey whisk [Music] halibut into the cornstarch you know what let's do a seasoning first these hex clad salt shakers pepper Grinders the most badass okay A little seasoning into the cornstarch into the egg wash just a simple panko breading technique and into the Funko right there cover that up perfect okay we'll do the same thing with the rest let's heat up this oil I got my trusty hex clad right here the the walk is the best because I can just do anything in the walk it's so versatile okay now our oil is nice and hot ready to go all right it's just coming up to temperature just going to slowly add them in so it doesn't cool down the oil too much okay we're good on a regular non-stick pan I wouldn't be able to use my moribashi because it's metal but the hex clad is all good it's a hybrid of non-stick and stainless and yeah you can use metal on them and no damage no Teflon in your food makes these pans super cool if you guys are interested and want to learn more about it I got a link in the description for these uh for these pots and pans look at that it's Beauty okay so that was only like a minute in there so these fish are not done yet just that the oil was actually too hot and it started browning the panko a little too fast so I'm taking them out for about a minute let the oil come to a perfect perfect proper temperature where it's not going to burn the Panko and it'll put them back in to finish off doing like a little double fry will make them extra crunchy these one should be done I'm gonna put these back in okay while those finished cooking I'm gonna work on my Fusion pico de gallo you got Tomatoes got an onion got lime got green onion the Serrano and you got Ginger pickled ginger that is what we're going with all right we have these beautiful heirloom tomatoes green onion here foreign Ginger I'm going to put a good amount of it like that we'll just chop it up just like that squeeze a bit of lime in there season with salt I'm still going to put a bit of cilantro as well all right taste test mmm that was delicious with the ginger in there put a little bit more serranos okay I feel like I was done and Jocelyn found these beautiful purple tortillas monadas tortillas purple corn so we're gonna use this all right we're going to heat up these tortillas while I do that I'm going to do something else too yeah come on how many tacos do you want two tacos yeah they are pretty girthy fish I'm gonna do three this is queso de Oaxaca we have here you want to take some nice slices of this cheese tax cheese tax oh this is a heart yeah it's kind of like a hard day okay got my fish got the cheese I'm gonna place the cheese on top of the fish like this I'll just do a taste test of this one put my torch got a torch for my torch the fire and daylight okay cheese is melted on there [Music] all right here we go tortillas nice piece of fish perfect Fusion pico de gallo not done yet we got a little bit of takoyaki sauce or okonomi sauce or tonkat sauce they all work so we're gonna drizzle that right on top finish it off with a little katsuobushi some Bonito flakes good look at that that is a fusion baby need some food baby oh mouth watering huge yeah [Applause] fish is still nice and juicy wow that's Fusion what do you think yeah it's good with the takoyaki sauce or yeah and the ginger really does give it like yeah a takoyaki flavor that's freaking delicious though cheese is nice yeah the Serranos are weak though yeah I need some habaneros my athletic Brewing I got a fresh one here nice cold one cheers guys thanks for coming along today it's a lot of fun here try this oh that's nice whoa what is this one this is just the light it tastes kind of fruity it feels like yes it does the carbonation yeah [Music] that's delicious oh everything combined amazing day ah well now we're just going to finish this up and enjoy the rest of the night here hopefully yeah we've got clear skies tonight so maybe we'll see some Stars yeah thanks for watching guys and we'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 124,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -gDdI5RPllo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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