How to Swing a golf club (The EASIEST way)

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I'm going to show you the easiest most uncomplicated way to swing a golf club it's going to be very easy to understand everybody can follow it whether you're brand new to golf or you're an established golfer this video is going to be worth watching let's kick things off with the grip how we hold the golf club the way the golf ball is hit certainly directionally wise is based on where the club face is pointing at the point of contact whether it's facing too much to the right it's going to squirt off to the right left it's going to go left and obviously if we're nice and straight it's going to go towards our Target and a lot of that comes down to how we hold the golf club it's the steering wheel of the golf swing we've got to make sure everything's nice and neutral so when I put the club down here on the floor I want to make sure the bottom of the club is super flat and I want to make sure that the the face if there was a mirror on the club face that is pointing towards my target a lot of grips manufacturer grips have some sort of writing or some sort of alignment on the front of the grip use that when you can for writing the golfers your right left hand is going to go on First and all we're going to do here we're going to wrap the fingers first around the back of the grip I'm going to place the squishy part of your thumb straight on top of the grip now from here a couple little check points from my view here looking straight down I want to see this knuckle and this knuckle my first two Knuckles on my index finger and my middle finger and you create this kind of crease here between your thumb and the pad of your index finger that wants to run up towards my right shoulder that's in a perfectly neutral position that's going to make sure that our club face returns back in that straight position next hand the right hand the bottom hand and this is for right on the golfers if you're left-handed just switch the instruction around because you want to hold it the other way around the golfers right hand on next fingers around the back of the golf club again and we're just going to put the squishy bit of this thumb straight on top of the thumbnail on the left hand okay now typically when you hold the golf club for the first time got to be totally honest with you it's not super comfortable so if you're experiencing a little bit of discomfort when you first hold the grip do not worry when you look at the back of the grip you can see my eight fingers there pointing at the back bar my thumbs you can see all eight fingers I advise the best grip for a lot of new golfers is the interlock grip so the little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand just linked together they just it just keeps the hands nicely connected now what you'll see from this side the thumb the crease here again runs up towards my right shoulder as does the left lastly we don't want to strangle the club keep it relaxed if 10 out of 10 was the tightest we could hold the golf club try and aim for a 5 out of ten if you start holding it too tight all your muscles start to tense and you're not going to be able to hit the ball as well so that's great watch that section of the video a few times just to get your head around it but we've got to start off with the grip being correct give us the best chance of hitting the ball straight next up is set up as I sell to the golf ball here I'm going to start things off by putting my feet really close together just as a starting point I'm going to put my club Behind the ball I'm going to go through my grip and again if you're watching this is a brand new golfer you're not going to do this straight away it'll take a little bit of time but you'll quickly get used to it it's like riding the bike once you start once you get going you nothing's stopping you from this point here I want to make sure your feet separate keeping the ball in the middle I'm just hitting an eight sign here so keeping that ball in the middle my feet are the same width as my shoulders if you can see from there you can draw some graphics on the inside of my feet are the same width as my shoulders that's going to help us with balance speed and stability from the back view here and this is where a lot of golfers can definitely because when you're new to golf this this position isn't very natural it's a little bit different I want to feel like you push your bum backwards you keep your back straight and all you do is just Flex the knees a couple of checkpoints here you can see from that angle my arms are hung naturally from my shoulder socket I've got that nice gap between me and the club I've kind of softened the knees I'm Not Bent then I've just softened the knees and you can see my bum is back and my back is straight that's going to give you again the best position starting position to make a successful shot that's important those two elements grip and posture how we stand to the golf ball is super important this next section is where I think most golfers struggle when they first come to hit a golf ball and I'm going to make this really really simple easy to understand and everybody watching this video is going to be able to swing the golf club incredibly easily you've got to think of the golf swing as two movements one a rotation of the body two a movement of the body where you move the weight so you're pushing towards the target for example if I was to throw a ball I want you to think about this because it's very similar throwing a golf ball or throwing a ball to hitting a shot I want to throw this ball as far as I can I'm going to twist I'm going to turn my body going to rotate I'm going to push into my front foot so I'm going to twist and push to get that distance and that power so what we've got to do in golf so how we do that in golf I want you to get into your posture that we've just talked about your feet wide your knees flex your back straight all I want to do is put your golf club just across your shoulder line at the moment just there across your chest and what I'd like you to do is think about this on the way back turn and twist the body so the end of the golf club where that's the grip or the head it doesn't really matter points to the ground you'll feel it in your back you'll feel it in your legs you're twisting the body round on the way down you're unwinding and twisting the other way and notice how the grip of the golf club this time is pointing down to the ground you'll also notice there how I've moved my weight from being 50 50. pretty much 50 50 still to now starting to go 60 weight percent of weight to the left 70 80 90 all the way even my back foot has had to twist up onto its tiptoe to allow me to balance so important rotate the body and move the weight and practice that without even hitting a golf ball practice that movement with the grip across your shoulders twisting the body and moving the weight so now I've got my grip I've got my setup I'm going to twist the body I'm going to move the weight [Music] if you get those fundamentals correct that is right there in a nutshell is the simplest and easiest way to swing a golf club thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come like And subscribe if you're brand new here do loads of golf videos that you'll enjoy them we'll see you next time
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 1,483,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: me5gjIUe1Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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