Can Bryson DeChambeau Beat Me Using 3 Golf Clubs?

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well guys we are back with another video today I'm going to be picking out three golf clubs for Bryson to use in a nine-hole 1v1 we're going to head over to his bag those are the only three golf clubs you can use how do you feel about that are you okay with that I guess what are these challenges man yeah I mean we just got to handicap you Bryson you're just too good right now we got to Nerf you down wait let's go over to his bag here he's gotten way too good at golf recently so we really got to make it hard for him to play good cuz then like when he gets in a Tour event going to be great can you at least make it like where I can have a chance like you can go pitching wedge you know wedges and wedges and I could be done no chance but you want to I want to go I'm going to go driver okay is this your driver right here you got like seven in the bag I know okay I'm going to go driver seven iron okay I can play and a putter you're giving me a putter I want you to have a putter driver seven iron and putter though so if you a smart I like that it's not too aggressive but it is cuz I could pick three wedges and he'd be done cuz I want him if he has like 90 yards he's got to pull out a seven iron yep that's right he's going to have to hit it Low by the way he's going for the green here on the first Hall I just came off the Thrift Shop Challenge if you guys have not already seen that we just did a thrift store golf Challenge on Bryson's Channel I don't this is my first drive of the day actually all right guys we are me and Bryson are currently racing to 1 million subscribers I'm telling you probably at this moment we are neck and neck he could have passed me but we need subscribers right now if you guys have not subscribe to the Channel Make sure you do that we're trying to beat Ry into a million um lead us off here I think I have to hit this pretty soft 3 three downwind wherever you end up I mean you're only going to have a seven iron which is the crazy part yeah I'd rather be on the green here just like a 3/4 driver oh and it's coming left here it comes it's going to land on the green it's going to land on the green where is that I think it's on the green it might have just gone off the back that was pretty good though gosh smoked that like you barely swung it there yeah I know I do not have a 300 car in the bag so I'm going with a four iron kind of mindblowing that Brian just swung easy at that somewhere on the green up there this is just like a little punch four iron to get it in Play Beauty that should be fine yeah sit down there sit oh my gosh that went too far that go too far I don't know it might be all right okay we'll see that that was rolling really hot I feel like you're okay I feel like I'm okay I mean it landed way back and just went hop hop I mean forever that's why this really bounc tricky little hole oh it's right there it is good wow 61 y uphill over a tree y That's pretty dang good that looks good I don't know where it is he's he's videoing it so it's pretty Dam good caught it high on the face that's where I made contact it barely came out but I think you're good I'm just going to be interested I mean you're going to have to chip with a seven IR today around the green you'll see some sevy magic okay well this is weird play like just a bit of a cut I don't know if I can land it on and keep it on I'm going to try and cut it around there crap go oh it's still going to work out I chunked it just a little bit ah oh that mud that's tight might do better with a thrift shop set I know that's what I was thinking this is not an easy challenge at all today for Bryson because I mean we gave him the Thrift Store clubs he actually played really good this is a lot harder so I think we have a really good chance good roll oh my gosh that was a good roll great roll okay down the hill little right to left Chase let's see what we can do little bit of work for both of us we could go good good but we could I don't know about that though we really could do it Bryson I got to make him I just missed it oh Grant you giving me a chance you are giving me a chance son of a gun no no way we just did that are you kidding me all right I can't get the ball out that wasn't our best no that was not our best start there Bryson no that's all right bogey bogey start for both of us brutal you thinking this is going to be a lot harder than the thrift store plus oh yeah for sure okay not even a question oh I don't know it it it it's just weird cuz I don't have the playability you know I can't just hit a pitching wag I got to control a seven iron or whatever right brutal second hole of the day par five par five wind is off the left par five just hit it right over the tree pretty much let's get it nice swing really good ryson oh should be good I mean that's probably driver 7even iron right there probably that's probably exactly what you need I got all the tools in my shed today you need all 14 I need all 14 okay that will work good shot down the right that is good take it he shoots he scores I'll take it bumpy start but let's settle in here are you way down there yep okay 231 231 pin all right I'm going to go with a 4 iron here seems like if I hit this low should roll up I might be able to get it to roll up in between those bunkers kind of low Riser all right hard as I can hit it here oh low Riser you did it it's right at it it's right at it go oh just bunker just short I was right at it though good try nice try it worked out it did you're in your favorite place the bunker yep oh my gosh it's just chipping it that that was it's tough too cuz I don't want to pull one left into the trees over there you hit this drive this had to have gone 360 350 and that I'm hitting it really far right now I had a good drive guys and I I'm telling you he was I had 230 what do you have 163 levels 163 definitely levels to it Chase I should have laid up with a driver yeah this is where it gets fun this is where you're going to 163 off a side slope oh that's just right oh just right of the green long right oh my God I had to did a massive cut there he should have actually flopped it that would have been better to flop you almost need to hit a flop shot that's brutal I'm still using the seven iron still got your seven iron in your hand I have zero chance here this a tough one this is a brutal one okay so you know what I'm going to do bounce it and run it up nice shot was pretty good it was pretty good that was pretty solid that was pretty good man that was pretty special bump and run in the rough all right we're sitting down here in the rough got to pop this up good chance here to make a birdie oh was that was it short oh yeah short of the bunker the bunker yep never even made it to the bunker Ah that's what that length does all right well I got that for a birdie I'll take that shot all day Bryson I mean you had to hit a bump and run out of the rough I don't I don't think you've ever hit a bump and run out of the rough a seven iron bump and run out of the rough nope it's great prep for Piner you know most people are working really hard right now and they oh I will don't don't you worry about that most people are grinding right now in their golf game and Bryson's hitting bump and runs with seven hours through the r 18 ft down the hill like 20 oh it doesn't break left oh my gosh it's behind the hole oh baby I thought it was breaking early there wow golly that's a disappointing par but not easy to make a birdie when you're 163 with a seven iron for me it's okay okay he almost still made a birdie there okay up the hill here for birdie got a really good chance to take the lead get back to even par oh my lipin good birdie jeez back even he is one up dud that thing did a 360 around the cup crap that did an absolute weird 360 around the cup but that gives me a one shot lead heading into our third hole this is a little bit more fair isn't it Chase we're three hole or two holes into this you said from the beginning this was going to be tricky I can see It's Tricky I can see the second you miss a green with a seven iron only that's where it really starts to set in it's brutal man guys really quick before we go on I just want to say thank you first off this golf hat was part of my collection with primo and it sold out in under an hour so thank you guys so much for getting this hat we have more hats available on the website the blacked out Primo hat there's so many also this is coming very soon so stay tuned it's going to be very limited you guys want to get a discount on these hats use code Grant 15 there's polos on the website there's still some available so thank you guys so much for selling this out so quick let's get back to the video we are up here we have the honors you said your your seven iron is the loft of a four iron oh yeah sure it's like 26 degrees 26 25 26 it's going to come out hot okay 173 I'm thinking here set sweating through the shorts you see my underwear uh-huh it's black it's good it's great if it was white underwear oh my God would you view me different if I was wearing Whitey tities no no discrimination okay I I find that hard to believe all right partner let's see one 173 going with a nine I don't haven't hit many nines from 173 but we are straight down win playing like 170 yeah oh no playing like sorry one like 60 68 oh that's got to go that's got to go wind died off the left go I got there good shot nice shot that's pretty close wow this is going to be difficult today this is going to be really tough I'm up for it though nice oh no right oh no kicked right that going to be so tough bro down for it he's going to have to open that thing up show us he's got hands like sevy mhm just a little right this is difficult yeah super difficult you know I was I was thinking the thrift store challenge was going to be a lot harder though no no no no no this is way more difficult okay that was a great shot by you by the way yeah it was solid shot I just I'm curious to see now what you're going to do with a seven ey out of this bunker pull some magic out of my hat because I mean to even get it out it's like you have to I got it you'll see well that's quite unfortunate came back and rolled in you know the only the only option could do that but I don't like that so I'm just going to play like a bump and run out of here let's see what we can do go oh man all right not bad not bad at all I'll take that jeez CH we got a good opportunity here Bryson's now grinding for par again for the birdie here this would be a big one no way oh my gosh what the heck you're playing awesome great putt 10 ft all right guys it's two birdies in a row riceing for the par all right I'm going to start turning it on now tired of this God never mind okay that's unfortunate we currently have two over to one under one under three shot lead what's funny is that even think going into this that your your pitching wedge is like the same I mean you could hit your pitching wedge 200 if you need to so a seven iron even makes it I can 240 my 7 240 you know okay well we currently have a three shot lead yep three shot lead Golf Course is pretty simple it's just not easy to hit a seven iron 26 degree lofted club uh 150 yards I've never beat Bryson in anything so this is kind of my first time that I there's a a little chance here I got to take it left H the left side yeah good ball thank you good ball should be good perfect thank you oh yeah oh yeah I mean I mean hopefully that's a seven AR I mean that's probably a pitch I know crap you almost hey there's there's here's some strategy Bryce you got to almost hit like a you know three-wood off the te but I can hit a three-wood I I can only have three clubs I get a driver isn't this your challenge that was a bad one dude I know you have that in-house simulator is that kind of what you I work off of that you just look at the numbers you don't really need no I have to go outside at some point I got to go outside and get comfortable with what's going on right both in the Fairway are free balls I don't think that's yours or mine oh that's not mine I might be over here that might be you right here y that wasn't too too much of a difference there no actually 233 233 I'll have a perfect 7even iron 23379 oh well no no not from here you're going to have two 220 220 I'll have to blast it but yeah okay that's going to be fun to watch 233 I'm going to go I'm going with a hybrid here I got to hit a good hybrid kind of keep it low and under the wind swing feels good right now guys we been working pretty hard on it things have been clicking so oh no down the left oh what a kick right in the Fairway right Fairway that looked like my uh kick on 16 at PGA yeah that was boom thank you tree what was that moment like on 18 with that putt was were you were you like amped up adrenaline and everything oh yeah massive adrenaline I'm ready to go but I feel like you when you talk about like pressure and nerves like you like you really embrace it oh I let it take over my body yeah like on the t- shot where I couldn't miss it right and I had to miss it left it just took over my body and I'm like I just got to got to go and I went and hit it quick I just played in that Myrtle Beach que and obviously I felt you have to have things to rely on your golf swing yeah like you have to feel certain things that allow you to hit a certain way and then you just get comfortable in the nerves don't play a factor got over the course of time okay I don't know if I can get it there but I'm going to swing out of my butt here 218 into the wind uphill so I don't know if I can get it 218 he's going with a Sr and it's going to be a huge one I think he's going to hook this stop hooking go yeah short just short that was smoked that was a smoke s you like you see the gear difference oh that was something special to watch that almost got there with a seven iron from 220 into uphill end of the wind it was like a playing like 240 240 yeah it would have been a 240 swing which would have been like a hard six AR that was a big one that was incredible you can now play a little bump and run with the sevene so put it yeah it's not a bad not a bad place not bad at all but you got a really good break actually great break right literally perfect the golf gods are smiling you right now with a three shot lead you better not let me come back we currently have a three shot lead but person's not going to let me win easy I just know it even with three clubs 41 yards I want to get this up and down get to this will be three birdies in a row Chase oh my gosh that was really close oh that was really close but not close enough we almost dunked it we almost dunked it but now we got a putt and guess what I have another seven iron the seven iron bump and run Bryson is now short you can tell this is a really difficult Challenge and he's going to get fired up I can tell when Bryson starts to get fired up and he's going to focus and snap it into another gear right about now Bryson's been playing so good right now it's either he gives me shots or I got to start him with some sort of handicap whether that's three clubs thrift store clubs you name it but see what he does here 85f footer yeah like 80 it's like 90 ft here all right left and then to the it's going right and then left 90 footer play it like a 90 footer it's 54 feet playing like 94t that's not good okay a little short oh boy and I would have chipped that 100% of the time too I just thought a 7 iron I didn't know how I was going to bounce through there little nerve-wracking left to right for the birdie Chase I like the look of this a lot okay okay Bryson giving you a chance giving you a chance to get back in it right right here missed opportunity nice roll good birdie I heard the click big all right that's a good birdie one under to one over two shot got a two shot lead we are on to our fifth hole par 4 4:15 from back here I mean it's downhill Bryson's probably going to get after this one yeah just got to go right of the bunker here I'm try to pump this one see what I got oh yeah oh yeah what's over there I mean that was is that perfectly in the Fairway uh it just landed I think so I don't know felt good all right that was a that was a big one left sit on the left side oh bounce or something maybe you got one of those bounces I got at 16 oh boy all right come on guys let's pull it back together here uh-oh so what is right now what's your workout routine like you were bulking up you got really big then you kind of toned back like what's what's your take right now on your Fitness routine just maintaining and trying to get a Little Bit Stronger over the course of time okay it I've experimented with B at a place where I'm actually the fastest I've ever been in my entire life you're swinging it the fastest oh yeah oh dude I was shipping it at 196.97 at the PGA was not even trying I think that and and I remember in the PGA you it was like 196 on TV and they were like wo they've like never 196 and like I know that you have two I can get well i' I got to 220 before but it's just like over the course of time as I'm swinging this fast it's just naturally continuing to improve in pressure situations so yeah I could say it's getting pretty fast okay I think Bryson is up by the green right now I am over on the left here I'm going to have to keep this low I actually have a seven iron in my hand ironically I'm going to try and keep it a little left it should kick right what a shot oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh great shot son of a gun there we go that was it that's what we needed you know I got to say that was quite impressive even coming from you that was really impressive hey like was my talent level Bryson I mean I outdid myself there no no no you you did yourself just right oh I'm up I'm back there no way yeah what wait wait what ho hold on yeah I'm this hole is 411 yards yeah and your point I told you a many before it must hit car you don't you can't even say that you know is that your ball that's my ball he's pass the pin on a 411 yard I just hit it past the pin Par Four 41 yard 411 yards I never seen that on the path or something right no I hit it flew it all the way here and spun it back now I got an impossible seven iron flop shot Seven let's see it Bryson oh that's money that's money what a shot I'll take that any day what a shot let's go that was sick came in a little right but I'll take it that's 425 never 411 yeah I've never it's downwind I don't care I don't care if you have a fan behind you 411 that was pretty deepeven check let's check for some scuffs on that golf ball should have taken the driver away is what I should have done yeah literally really should have gave you three wedges all right Bryson has a wonderful look for birdie to get back to even par got this to go to two under no way oh my gosh what are you doing kid it's that honeymoon phase with the new putter nice hey nice putt this feels like it's going to break left a just a little right there we go nice putt really good oh I'll take birdie there really good good tie that was a great Tie by the way a nice birdie from where you were dude all right well I thought there's no way you're making birdie two birdies on an unexpected par 4 but I still have a two- shot lead I am now two under par Bryson is even with only three clubs that was not easy getting up and down from there short side with a seven iron out of the rough you have upright clubs so it's harder to flop it I had to yeah I had to makeshift it yeah all right well this I mean this could be a pretty close no terrible pitching wedge yeah it's a pretty close pitching wedge I get it what do you have here uh I'm going to say like 165 170 171 171 yeah that's into the wind though I can I can mitigate that that's all right we are on to a par 3 171 yards if you're guessing it Bryson is hitting a seven iron shockingly is hitting a seven shocking shocking folks let's see what I can do here just a little 10:00 7 iron it's a little into the wi play like 180 there we go that's good down oh long I'll take that that's a good swing that is fine hey look I'm down for that shot that's a seven iron from 170 and I have to hit like 945 on my clock system and that's not something I practice every day so I will take that where's 9:45 on the clock system 9:00 45 is like right there 10 o'clock's right here so it's just just underneath that it's a little weird one for me got CU I don't practice it very often 170 going with an eight put like 175 that's beautiful gosh you're playing good right now dude be right oh oh short little short oo there is some room there is some room I need to catch a win against Bryson right now I got to do it I don't think I've ever beat him in anything what Andro guy bro through and through through and through you never you're never getting an iPhone it's at this point such a resistance sort of thing cuz everyone probably tells you yeah and I'm like you know what whatever I'm just going to use Android now from now on all right here we go four what do youd Yep this careered go go go go go that was right online too oh we at it it was coming in there right online Grant 40 foot are going to play this thing like 50 ft yeah I like like that 50 ft stay up good speed really goodt shot off right in the beginning really good pot thank you get a tap tap taparoo all right oh he walked it in as it was lipping out okay he walked it in as it was lipping out oh my gosh from lip outs to lipins we have graduated we are 200 par Bryson is even yeah this is a par four we got three par fours to end 375 is it we got two drivable ones after this is it drivable both of no the after this the next one's 350 and the next one's 330 ah gotcha okay I'm just going to go just over the right side of this tree perfect that is perfect down the left now I have no shot great shot I have no shot coming in just you know you have the wrong Club I'll use driver on the next you go either driver or putter on the next one you don't need to use that seven iron okay Par Four here that was a perfect Drive I can't really do what Bryson does I can't base my game off of that so I'm going to go a little ride of that oh he Stripes it down 18 that's a beautiful shot right just short of the bunkers he's going to have about a 200 yard shot in 200 I'm going to have a little wedging I was saying I was basing out of 18 at Augusta uh oh true yeah it's about what it would be for you in the Masters I would have 200 in on 18 mm after that D up hill mhm what do you have in on 18 out of gusta if I had driver I'm always going to have around like 140 150 so it's really not that hard of a hole no well but it is cuz the bunker is so big it's literally where you're supposed to hit the driver so if you're a short hitter playing Augusta it's a lot harder it's impossible really yeah you don't see short hitters really win that's fair you got to have like 175 to 80 ball speed to to compete it's tougher when you're shorter there's people have done it Zack Johnson's done oh for sure cuz he W like Zack Johnson that year his wedge game unbelievable yeah and there's obviously cases where it's happening but like it's a lot more difficult to do that uphill into the breeze 101 probably playing 110 I'm going full 56 anywhere on the grain I mean Bryson's going to have a really hard time hitting a seven iron on the Green from there oh no oh that was stop hooking think that's pretty solid there I think that's all right I think that's pretty solid oh go over it oh my gosh I need to aim it over there wow at least I didn't make a divot crap you're on the green you're on the green you're going to have a putt leave it in partner don't touch that flag 37 ft I need to play this about 37 30 about 40 ft here straight and it goes to the right I need to make this just just a little bit I thought that was perfect dude this is unbelievably difficult here no way oh my gosh what a great birdie [Music] that was not easy that was a SL people don't realize how difficult of a three-footer that was it was on a 7% slope look at the flag stick look at the flag stick yeah so you see the tilt of the H of the hole that takes me to three under par Bryson is at even Bryson's playing actually really good for three clubs I didn't expect to make this many putts just put this in the bag this is called the honeymoon phase okay hole eight I'm going to lead us off here it is a 366 yard par 4 I cannot even scare the screen Bryson he's got to take it over the houses on the right here the fences and 366 it probably on that line more like 340 not hard I'm going with a 4 and I got to keep it short of the water oh sit down that's fine it's rough okay just rough on the left wow this is visually a wild looking hole from back here cuz the trees just cut across the Fairway that's perfect go it's right at the it's right at the green I mean it I mean it was right on it it was right on the flag yeah there were two guys putting out and I saw him look back sorry four there's I guess there's somebody I didn't know that I couldn't see it I got to go say sorry yeah we're going to have to go say something to these guys can't see the green oh my gosh you're going to walk they're going to be mad and they're going to know it's you and think they're going to be like I don't know what they're going to do I mean I was right at the green it was not going in the water no it was a great shot you were perfectly hugging it down the side here oh it's in the bunker I see it oh my gosh it's in the bunker with a seven iron pin high in the bunker that's a great shot hey that was respect I'll take it you have such a narrow little Landing Zone there super tight okay let's see here 130 to the pin it might be a 50° or a pitching wedge I'm trying to I don't know yeah it's kind of sitting up like a it's not really going to jump that much hit a pitching wedge from 130 this is a big shot I mean anywhere on the green I think Bryson's going to make a birdie knowing Bryson he's going to hit a flop shot with his seven iron somewhat close make the putt we got a good chance to shoot one of the record low nines on the channel this year we get to like four or five under sit down oh my gosh right there right there it's sitting oh my go dud dude can you stop I can't I can't I have to beat you I have to beat you in something Bryson I must okay I'm mad now it must be done you haven't been mad the last seven nope got a couple shots to go uhhuh to take your anger out on right I'm just playing against the golf course I'm not playing against you that's and you're shooting three under power you're doing a great job I'm just beating the golf course not really you that's all it matters it's a good way to look at it yep I got I a terrible start too but they you're even par with three Club I'm not bad you're going to feel like you're going to feel unbelievable when you get all your clubs back oh yeah I'm be like okay this this golf's actually easy yeah right dang that pin now that pin's ridiculous that is ridiculous that is on a bowl uh that's a crown but okay crown on a bowl is it is on the top of a crown yep it's on an upside down a a bowl is like thank you you did it all right I got no chance here go dude that is so tough I don't know how I could have played that otherwise like I could have like open face like picked it but then it would have hit the grass there I I don't have enough Loft to just like ah dude that's brutal the two places I couldn't hit it water or the bunker and this was the better of two evils but I mean I had a great Drive exactly where I wanted to okay I could make this and you could three-pot too that is always a possibility that I don't like to acknowledge I don't even like those words being spoken this is the weird pin guys I'm going to leave the pin in should be a little left to right once it gets up to the top of that hill Oh no that's got to go oh no that's got to go oh no oh my gosh okay right when I hit it I knew I Mish hit the butt oh we hit it good sit sit sit sit sit oh no I really went after that one we got work we've got a lot of work right now wow that's brutal I'm telling you this pin is something special so super special I got to see what we can do here this is the putt these are the ones right here these are the putts oh there's the lip I got to make this that felt like a good stroke too I liked it oh my gosh how did that lift that hard okay that was eight-footer sometimes I deserve a lip out but that just that didn't deserve it that felt like a good putt nice putt that's big two under to even par I only have a two shot lead heading into the final hole well sorry I'm not don't know why I'm fist buing you cuz you made bogey but still well we're on the ninth hole it's 18th hole out here Preston wood Hills Golf Course got to thank the golf course for letting us play out here one hold the play You're 200 under par yep and you're leading us off here on a drivable par 4 again I mean I got to say neither of the last two holes are really drivable Bryson is just making them drivable should be pretty good is that red had it yeah that's where I think the green is cuz I went too far left the last time and it was pretty much on the V where I hit hit it and that was too far left so that looks like it's right at the green oh well I just don't get that man I just never see anything like it all right what do you mean I mean I just never like you got it on a frozen rope right now 340 mhm like there's nobody there's nobody I've watched that can hit it 340 on a frozen rope like that and I'm not just saying like they use that term the GW I'm not even going to say it you know what I'm talking about I hate that like when you like hype somebody up yeah I don't know what to hit here I mean where do you was there water up there just right at the far tree you see right of the dam okay is it a driver is there water or anything that no no no there's no water so just right of the bunker out there in the distance yep uh further right of that that just a little further right than that yeah that's perfect good ball spinny but that work I wanted it good ball clean yep perfect we're playing a completely different Golf Course me and Bryson like it's unbelievable to watch but it's coming down to the final hole here if he somehow makes Eagle that could be on the green right now we have no idea where it's at coming down to this guys hopefully you all have enjoyed this video if you have we're on the race to beating Bryson to a million subscribers so we need your help chase you don't say a word all right it comes down to this two shot lead one to play I whole out you par or you could be on the green right now you could be putting I could be putting if you don't need your seven iron right now you are in a really good position very good position cuz that's really what killed me in the last hole uh the last two holes Y no chance really well the guy told you that you were actually on the graen yeah and it wasn't it was in the bunker or not oh yeah you could eat the greens right here I know that's what I'm saying oh it's almost it's right next the green dang oh my gosh that was such a good shot all right you have a really good chance I have a good chance to make Eagle one of the biggest moments in my career is currently happening I have a chance here to get up and down to shoot three under that's all I'm thinking about I'm not thinking about anything else oh really you're not thinking about the water short no I don't even know I it's a thick I didn't even know there was water there I know I didn't think there was either but it's a thick lie yeah 70 yards probably playing 75 up the hill now second shot you hit today went pretty far yeah you hit on number two no I I would just love a birdie here that would be awesome a really nice stressfree birdie let's hit it close right there sit there spin it's a great shot man thank you that's a great shot okay if you make this for Eagle I will actually I don't know how what I'll feel I'll be happy for you I'm to make I don't even want to go there oh no oh okay still got a chance at the end of the day Bryson's even right now with a chance to shoot one under with three clubs with zero wedge game I mean it's it's a pretty cool thing to watch when you're good at golf you're you're good at golf pretty big breaker left to right chance to shoot three under just don't for put yeah I just don't want a for putt that's true four putt would be bad way to lag it up there oh it was on the perfect line too ah dang it see I want to see you make this I want to see you make this great job thanks man good win thank you let's see what I can do here finish strong 13 ft one under with three clubs would be nuts oh my gosh he did it he did it let's go baby he did it that's one under three clubs good job he shot one under par with three clubs I won by one shot in the end if I somehow would have three putted that and you would well guys hopefully you all enjoyed that Bryson the end shoots one under I shoot two under I mean shout out to him for for doing that I mean that's thanks for I'm putting you in a very tough position by only using three clubs to embarrass yourself and you didn't do that it got you got off to a little rough start two over through three brought it back to one under I'll take that any day of the week guys and I know you felt the same nerv nerves there as the PGA so I wanted to make it but I lined it up I'm like oo this looks good yeah so but guys we're going to link all of Bryson's socials in the description make sure you go subscribe to his channel but at the end of the day I still want to beat him to 1 million subscribers so luck do I really want you to go subscribe to him no but yes I I don't know I can't figure out [Music]
Channel: Grant Horvat Golf
Views: 326,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, GoodGood, Grant Horvat, GM Golf
Id: Sok6D_-mRJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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