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hi my name is wort Trotter with oceans east baton tackle and in this quick video we're gonna take a look at some different drum rigs drum rigs are all the same principle it's a slide rig you know sinker on a slide but they're kind of like snowflakes they all have different variations and you can tie your own accordingly or buy some here at oceans East so we're just going to go through a rundown of some of the different rigs that you can potentially use to catch drum especially off the piers and off the beach so the first thing when looking at these drum rigs is they're all going to have some of the basic components a sinker some form of slide that allows that sinker to slide and then a rig at the end so in all these instances when that rig is sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor in theory you take out the slack after you've made your cast and the way it of course is on the bottom and the hook which has a piece of cut bait on it is relatively close to the sinker slide in theory when a fish comes along and sucks that bait it allows that hook to slide just a little bit so that you can get penetration on the hook set and fish on this particular ad that we're looking at would be AJ rigged with a very very short white leader that short bite leader will give you the advantage of having distance on your cast without a helicoptering as much if we take a look at another rig it's really really popular for the beaches and the piers it's a little bit different in that this particular rig is known as a cannonball rig so it's also another slide rig but it ends with the swivel instead of a shock leader so all you have to do is tie your line directly to the swivel bait up and there it is ready to fish I like this one because it's an inverted circle hook that sits on the bottom of the ocean floor and that's great for drum sharks even cobia and catfish there's a lot of versatility in this one particular rig this particular rig is the same thing as a normal fish finder rig but you'll notice it's got a much smaller hook so that would be a great one for puppy drum even speckled trout bluefish and other stuff normally when we're fishing for puppy drama we typically fish not as far out so distance is not nearly as critical and when that baits in the wash it does not hurt to have just a little bit longer bite leader so that if this weight gets buried really really deep you still have good presentation with a little bit longer bite leader so that when that fish comes by the bait in theory is not buried down as deep in the sand when considering these fish finder rigs you're basically gonna have three or if you choose four components to use a bead or to not use a bead is an argument that will go down in the history books but essentially you're still going to have to have a sinker slide and two sinkers to go ahead and put the weight onto the sinker slide then the slide you don't tie the slide goes over your shock leader and this instance will say that you want to use a bead so you can put your bead on and what people will say that does is protect the slide from rubbing directly against that swivel thus creating less shape on the knot and then simply tie the rig I like to use a single union op which not to use as an argument that people can talk about forever but the single uni knot is strong and simple I can tie it on the fly especially at night when you're tired you finally see a few fish get caught and you really really want to get get into the bite and into the mix cut the tag it never hurts to be just a little bit of a tag in for insurance and there you would have a fish finder rig this particular one we have a little bit longer bite leader so you might not get as much distance on the cast the length of a bite leader a lot of people will argue about see that's why they're kind of like snowflakes they all are the same in the fact that they slide but they're all different because one person might want to use a different brand of hook a j-hook versus a circle hook a different length bite leader a different kind of sinker slide maybe even a different shape weight so they're all the same in the fact that they slide but if you're tying your own it's going to be completely custom and up to you what you think works
Channel: Oceans East
Views: 60,673
Rating: 4.8879552 out of 5
Keywords: Best Redfish Rigs, Best Fishing Rig for Beach, Beach Fishing, Beach Fishing Rigs, Beach Fishing Rig Bait, Best Bait Surf Fishing, Surf Fishing, Beach Fishing Tips, How to beach fish, Beach Fishing Rigs Tutorial, Pier Fishing Rigs, Pier Fishing Bait, Pier Fishing, Pier Fishing Tutorial, Pier Fishing Drum Rig, Outer Banks Fishing, Oceans East Bait and Tackle, Oceans East
Id: qlzFDXBws94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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