Beach Fishing Rigs ( 6 ) KILLER RIGS for Target Species

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Gidday! Welcome to my video on the best rigs for beach fishing In this video I'm going to show you all the rigs that I've learned over 40 years of fishing the beach rigs for every different type of species that you're going to catch off the beach and soon I've got another video coming up on the best baits for beach fishing where I'll show you exactly how to bait up each different bait whether it be slab baits, live baits, pilchards, worms, squid all the different baits so that you know exactly how to do it the right way and if you're struggling catching beach worms which are an amazing bait check out my website where I have my master class beach worm series so in a few minutes I'm gonna head back to my place and sit down with the tackle and show you how to make all of the best rigs first of all it's good to discuss what exactly is a fishing rig quite simply a fishing rig is the way that we set up to catch a specific type of fish and that influences what size hook we choose how big a sinker we use, a small sinker, big sinker, or no sinker and also what breaking strain of fishing line that we use these all influence making a fishing rig so the first rig we're going to do today is a classic beach fishing rig that is used all over Australia and something that I've been using for about 40 years off the beach it's super simple and it's purely a running sinker with a single hook so I'm going to show you now and just do this rig so what we've got here is I've got my line and just a medium-size ball sinker first thing that goes on my line is my sinker then I'm tying on a swivel (chipmunk noises) first up there's just sinker and a swivel but we need a leader I don't like to use too long of a leader because when you cast it just flies around in the air too much doesn't fly as nicely so I reckon a leader about 40 to 50 centimetres is good so now I'm just going to tie the other end of the swivel (smol squeaks) this is 15 kilo line it's a little bit harder to bite so now you can see I've got my ball sinker coming down to the swivel and I have my leader roughly half a metre in length now I'm going to tie on the hook in this case I have a long shank hook because this first rig is to fish for whiting and when we fish for whiting we use a long shank hook so once again I'm tying on this long shank hook now make sure you watch my video coming up on the one simple knot that I use for 90% of my fishing which is really easy to tie so that video is coming up shortly so here we have it, this is a classic simple one hook beach fishing rig with a running sinker the reason people like to use a running sinker is because when the fish picks up the bait in the water oh would you believe I've hooked the table LOL's back in business... okay when a fish picks up your bait and tries to swim off it can just swim off on the line pulls through the sinker and there's no resistance the fish doesn't know there's a sinker there so it's very natural and that's the general thinking about using a running sinker that it the fish don't know so this is rig number one: a classic single hook beach fishing rig setup for whiting fishing when we're fishing for whiting the main baits that we're using off the beach are worms or yabbies and a long shank hook is perfect for them now we're going to move into rig number two which is basically the same rig but with a different hook because with rig number two we're fishing for bream and not whiting now that we're fishing for bream we're going to put a different hook on this is actually a three OB hook which is very similar to a three a suicide but it's a really good size hook for bream and when you're fishing off the beach you can use different baits with this hook you can use prawns you can use worms, you can use yabbies, you can use pilchard, you can use slab baits, pipi's so here we have the running sinker, a single hook rig once again but this time we're set up with a different hook fishing for bream okay now with rig number three rig number three is a cracking rig it's also super simple same setup with a running sinker down to a swivel, but this time we are using ganged hooks and pilchards for bait now when you're fishing with a ganged hook and pilchard because you've got a larger bait, if you have two long of a leader it really does swing around a lot in the air so when you're using ganged hooks it's best to have a short leader so I'm actually going to cut this down now and I know from experience that really I only want to have a leader which is maybe 20 centimeters long I'm just going to tie these on here if I'm fishing using whole pilchards ganged off the beach this is the way I would rig it up you can see that the leader itself between the swivel and where the hooks start is only about 15 to 20 centimetres long when you cast this rig it flies through the air really well you actually get it makes it easier to cast a long distance if you need to this rig with the ganged hook with a short leader simple running sinker rig is a fantastic rig for fishing off the beach for Tailor and flathead and salmon and also mulloway really simple, really effective this next rig that I'm going to show you is really awesome I've used it to catch multiple species off the beach and you use this rig when you're using a half pilchard or a small slab bait or fish fillet or some squid if you're using a bait that's not as big as a whole pilchard you can cast it a bit further but if it's fantastic with this particular rig it's the same setup as the other rigs with the running sinker to a swivel and then you've got a medium length leader of about 35 centimeters and then what you do is you actually put on a stinger hook or what's also called a keeper hook so what I've got here is I've got a size 4 suicide it's just a small hook and I'm going to put this hook on first this is 15 kilo line so it's reasonably heavy so I've got a size 4 suicide and a 4-0 suicide which I'm now going to tie on this is an awesome rig for using a small to medium size bait where I have a 4-0 hook with a stinger or keeper hook it's amazing how many fish get taken out by that little stinger and I use this particular setup to fish for bream and flathead but I've also caught snapper off the beach, mulloway, trevally, so many different species using this particular rig I love it the only thing is when you do use it generally you need to have a leader of about 15 kilos because when tailor take this size bait they can bite you off quite easily and with a 15 kilo mono leader you still catch most tailor if you get a really big one if they swallow it, you're still going to get bitten off but I don't generally fish specifically for tailor when I'm using this rig I'm usually fishing for bream and flathead and other species but if the tailor are around, at least it's better than using light line so I can highly recommend this rig it's one of my favorite rigs for off the beach now it's time for rig number five which is my classic mulloway rig for fishing off the beach this rig is good for live baiting and also slab baits or squid baits and it's a very simple rig works really well essentially I have a star sinker attached with a snap swivel and I have here a 40 centimeter amount of line tied to a swivel then, what you do is you've created this then you put your main line through the top part of the swivel like so so that's running like that now also I have just made up a short leader with a 9-0 hook this leader would be about 20 25 centimeters long tied to a stainless steel ring so just getting back to my other piece here so I had my mainline going through the top of the swivel which is attached to the line with the sinker then I tie the mainline off onto the stainless steel ring all right I've now completed the rig you can see here my swivel which is attached to my line with my sinker with my main line going through tied on to the stainless steel ring going to a single 9-0 hook this is a great rig for a live bait if I'm using a slab bait or a squid bait I add a second hook and when I add a second hook you could put another big hook on you don't really have to it's almost like a large keeper hook I'm putting on a this hooks a 5-0 suicide I've got a 5-0 on and a 9-0 you simply make a loop put it through the eye of your second hook pull that loop up and put it over the hook and pull that down and you can adjust it while it's loose the position of it depending on the size of your bait and then basically what you are left with here is two hooks and with that setup you can put on a fresh fillet of tailor or salmon or you can put a nice piece of squid on there and sometimes I like to put a half hitch around the top of this hook like so just to hold that in place so that it keeps those hooks in the same position so there you have it that's all you need that's a great rig for mulloway the main line here is 15 kilo the whole lot is 15 kilos - 15 kilo mainline 15 kilo leader and you can land pretty much anything now we have rig number six which is my go-to whiting rig this is what I mainly used fishing off the beach a two hook rig where essentially it's a Paternoster rig if you know what that is but I have a star sinker with a snap swivel about 40 centimetres of line up to a threeway swivel and then off the threeway swivel I have a short leader with a long shank hook and about another 50 centimeters up the line I've repeated the process I have another 3-way swivel with my long shank hook so essentially I've got my line coming down with two droppers long shank hook, a bit of line, another long shank hook, a bit more line, and then my snap swivel with my star sinker on the bottom I like using the snap swivel because I can change the weight of the sinker dependent depending on the conditions or how far I want to cast I can put a heavier sinker on or a lighter sinker so this is a great rig I really like it it's actually I use it pretty much all the time for whiting I don't really fish with single hook rigs that much it's just good having two baits and you can also catch two fish at the same time which often happens when there's plenty of fish there so I can highly recommend this fishing rig So there you have it, my favourite rigs for Beach fishing all the information is in the description underneath make sure that you like, subscribe and if you've got any questions please put it in comments don't forget to keep your eyes open for my baits video on the best baits for beach fishing that's coming out next and if you're struggling to catch beach worms go to my website where I've got my complete masterclass training series this is working really well for people and it doesn't matter where you are you can learn how to catch beach worms please let me know if you've had success I love hearing your stories and all the best with your fishing
Channel: Roger Osborne
Views: 311,351
Rating: 4.925612 out of 5
Keywords: Roger Osborne, Beach Fishing Rigs, Beach Fishing Rigs Australia, Beach Fishing Rigs For Beginners, Beach Fishing Rigs For Mulloway, Beach Fishing Rigs For Whiting, Beach Fishing Rigs For Tailor, Fishing, Fishing Rigs, Fishing Rigs For Salt Water, Fishing Rigs For Whiting, Fishing Rigs For Flathead, Whiting Rig Setup, Surf Fishing, Surf Fishing Rigs, Surf Fishing Tips, Surf Fishing South Australia, Beach Fishing Australia, Beach Fishing NSW, Mulloway, Mulloway Rig
Id: I-At3GWOU-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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