How to Read The Beach - An Aerial View Over the Surf (Drone Surf Fishing)

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reading the beach is one of the most important aspects and surf fishing it is very important to have a train not to know exactly border cast how to find the cuts to troughs the rib types and most importantly the fish green the beach is not rocket science it's actually quite simple especially presented from an air review so I put together this quick and simple Vader to much more easily explain how to read the beach from an aerial view but before we continue if you're gonna be elite everywhere not only to serve you want to catch all kinds of fish you want the best fishing tips that will make you one of the most elite anglers please click on the subscribe button and hit that Bell notification for some of the crispiest fishing videos out here I would like to start talking about the most underrated area of the beach this is the weight gut you see most beaches of multiple sandbars have an initial trough failure right in front of the beach this is called the weight gut weight guts are typically no deeper than 3 feet this is a prime area to catch your bait fish why t-slot fish such as reds puppy drum a lot of spectra I guarantee that most of the time that you go surf fishing you don't even need to get wet if you fish this area this is one of the best areas to fish with soft plastics from dinner size fish I guarantee you that have you fished a weight gun you can catch big boar it's awesome you see you don't need a cast for most of the time on your surf fishing you just fishes front end right here you don't need a 13 foot rod most of the time all right a nice end for rod with a soft plastic or small baits is guarantee to catch anything in the weight getter ok don't worry about having to get a big set up to cast away out into the sandbars you know it's real cool it's you know it's a leader you have to cast 375 yards into the ocean you know going offshore stuff but most of the time that's unnecessary what's the gutter of the trough though the trough or the guts as many call it it is the area and between the sandbars with no wave action the best way to identify this is by looking for breaking waves and looking in between those areas the area in between those areas that do not have working waves is a guts these are primaries to cast baits into there are fish highways and this is where a lot of the fish travels throughout the beach when I'm fishing the guts I like to cast my baits along the sandbar in the middle of the gut many fish such as bull rays and sharks swim in the deepest layers of these troughs other fishes is pompano tena swim and hug sandbars looking for small crustaceans small baitfish to eat a lot of fish like these era since the breaking waves disorient small baitfish and other small baits the further you get into the beach the deeper the truck gets I like to fish the back and barter in a low tide Gulf Coast beaches have an immediate sandbar I like to wait to this sandbar and cast into deeper guts if I'm feeling a little adventurous I can simply the second sandbar and cast it to deep areas but I do not advise this if you decide to do this do it at your own risk next up we have cuts cut to the next identify beach structure that is very important cuts are exactly what they sound like a cut or a gap on the sandbar cuts are one of the reasons why we have real tight you know sandbars running parallel to the beach a cut runs perpendicular to the beach guts run between sandbars and cuts run across a sandbar a cut can be identified by looking at the porky waves on the sandbar but here's how to find it here's a video also drive down a beach and you see a breaking wave along a sandbar but there's a sudden gap with no breaking waves on the breaker that's a cut you see cuts are exceptional errors to fish on the beach proto tree fish used these cuts to navigate from sambar to sandbar they also use this as an ambush point to attack weaker baitfish that are over powered about the stronger turn that is formed back cut cuts are extremely dangerous and this is where the majority of rip tides occur predatory fish are usually excluding in the back end of the bars by the cut ready to devour any bait fish that is being overpowered that being said this is how you fish a cut if the cut is on the first sandbar which is typically the closest sandbar to the beach I took if you like to fish lures in this area this is a primary to catch speckled trout slot bread it's another big game fish I don't get in the water it's too dangerous where there's a cut I can usually cast into them for sure I'm fishing cutter live bait I like to cast behind the cut the current that goes through the cut usually crates a wash up the back end of the bar I'll have to cast my fates in there to another grader to fish in a cut this is a little harder and requires heavier weight is to cast directly into the cut but like I said you have to use heavier weight and you have to use a big bit here also you know if you have the accuracy you can cast in there this is a great area to cast bay because a lot of the fish that are migrating through the bars are gonna go through that cut and first we're gonna see is a bait that's a great area to cast most of the bigger fish that I've caught I've either caught caught on my casting the bait behind a sand bar next to the cut or directly in the cut this is a great area cast Bay because a lot of the fish that are migrating through the bars are gonna go through that cut and first we're gonna see is a bait that's a great area to cast most of the bigger fish that I've caught I've either caught caught on by casting a bait behind a sandbar next to the cut or directly in the cut up next we have holes holes are harder to identify and can be confused as I cut along the sandbar most of the time a hole is several feet deeper than a sandbar or a cut as a matter of fact is deeper than the most of the bottom surrounding it areas to the untrained eye a hole can be easily overlooked but once you know what to look for you will always find them here's an example of a hole [Music] when there's a hole that stretches through a sandbar you will see a breaking wave for it right before a hole and you will see that the way we're no longer break over the hole but the wave will continue to break and spill around the edges of a hole the water will remain flat over the hole then the water will finally start to crest as the hole starts to rise at the lip the main difference between a cut and a whole list of following a required is a sandbar whereas a hole does not require a sin bore holes can actually form anywhere along the beach the way I fish holes is pretty simple just cast right in there it's just that easy and one last thing is that these Beach structures constantly change when there's a cut or a hole on the beach one day it might not be there another day the beach constantly changes us to wind and currents change wind and tides play a major role in the beach structure sandbars changes will but are much more stable and do not drastically change day by day major storms such as a tropical depression in a hurricane it will change the sand we're at a greater rate though depending on a type of fishing that I'm doing I like to cruise the beaches to find an ideal spot with as much structure as possible this is the reason why few renters are very successful when they are surf fishing on your next trip try to locate as many of these beachfront structures as possible I guarantee that once you find these beach structures you will consistently catch and improve your surf fishing odds trust me surf fishing isn't as easy as many people say what cannot simply cast into the surf and expect a decent fish that is basically fishing blindfolded well that's it I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope this video helps you land your next biggest fish like share this video also follow me on social media such as Instagram on Facebook all right links will be in the description that's the Presidio [Music] [Music] I hope it's not a little shark man hello red Oh shocked leader [Music] [Applause] [Music] red [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Beach Bomber Fishing
Views: 225,062
Rating: 4.9065108 out of 5
Keywords: how to read the beach for surf fishing, how to read the beach for fishing, surf fishing rigs, surf fishing tips, surf fishing setup, beach fishing, surf fishing, drone fishing, reading water, landbased fishing, reading the beach, finding beach structure, surf casting technique, surf casting, beach fishing rigs, beach fishing florida, beach fishing tips, moster fish, fishing the surf, fishing the beach
Id: OmSAZ_gJ6Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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