BEST PRO Settings for WoW Dragonflight | Interphase, Camera, Combat & More!

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today's video is sponsored by bloodline Heroes of lightness this game is one of the best looking mobile games I've ever seen and has one of the most unique mechanics and they got a special holiday deal going on right now but we'll get into that in a second bloodline Heroes of life this is a hero collector where you can build and customize your own champions in PVE campaigns and in PvP my favorite part about this game is how you can customize the Champions through Bloodlines there's elves demons demigods Orcs dwarves lichens Dragonborn vampires and more and what makes this so unique is you can take any two of your own Champions marry them together and they create an offspring with merged characteristics and traits you want to create a half dragon half God you can half demon half werewolf you can which brings me to this awesome update that they just added the game a new season is just starting and they're adding a new clan of these lichens that you can get one right now you can get this Champion for free right now just by playing in the Christmas event and for more free stuff the game's free to download you get a free liking just for playing and if you use the link down in my description or the QR code you get a free starter pack this thing is worth 20 bucks you get a hundred thousand gold a 100 diamonds and three stamina potions and one more thing with this with this season everyone has a chance to claim bloodcraft Champion Scarlet it's a rare combination of demigods and vampires and on a for real no the coolest thing about this game is every time they added a new race to the game it adds in so many possible combinations with all the pre-existing races already and if you want to pair two Champions together you can gender swap them to be whenever you want and each Champion comes with two different versions of the same Champion one male one female so you can mix whatever way you want for some crazy combos traits what are you gonna try because I definitely want to see what a Dragonborn with this new like in the end of the game looks like so again check that link down description check that QR code out get your starter pack and get going into this game and thank you Bloodlines Heroes of life this response from this video what's up people I'm the dungeon coach I'm here to take your World of Warcraft game to the next level I just recently did a video for newbies to the game and people who have just came to World of Warcraft maybe came back to World of Warcraft or it honestly might have some things in there you keep doing because if you're clicking your abilities like this or if you're turning with a keyboard like this you should go watch that video check it out it'll be in the description but this is for the settings of the game which does not sound very exciting but my God trust me if you just have the right settings you're gonna have more fun play the game better because that's we're all about here on this channel so here we go we're going to get right into it support you know what that is shop what's new all that kind of stuff okay great we're gonna really get into the options of all of this here you are going to see what I have for my options and you can have those by all means but I am not just going to explain this is what I use I wanted to customize towards yourself instead of just being like Oh click these do this sticky targeting is important I have it on but if you don't have it on and you target an enemy right here you can click left click off and it drops your target if you have sticky targeting on once you have an enemy you cannot untarget that enemy unless you literally press escape and back out of it or you target a different enemy so I think it's important to have I don't want to accidentally lose my target right um Auto dismountain flight if you do anything while you're in Flight you Dismount now if I turn this off and I actually Mount up and everything I can cast a spell I'm pressing a spell and it says you can't do that while mounted but if I turn this back on now I can and it drops me off I like to have this on and just have a little responsibility now this has killed me before but uh you're okay Auto cancel away mode means whenever you've been AFK for a while you get the AFK flag on yourself you just move in anything and it takes it away but if you want Keys stay AFK and hide away from your friends and stuff and not let them know you can actually turn this off and then you have to type slash AFK to clear that off the top of your head but yeah I'll be nice interact on left click this is something new we'll show you the interact key down here the interact key is when you have a quest giver and you target the quest Giver kind of like old school like like regular video games I guess you can Target the person in and then you press the interact button to interact with them and like talk to them and bring up a quest log or whatever that they have to offer you I think that's why not just left click it so interact on left click yes please open the loot window at the mouse if I'm looting something and let's say I killed this target dummy which is impossible whatever and let's say I loot it the loot for that would appear where my mouse is I think that that's better there's also an interface we'll talk about in the edit settings where you can change where that thing comes in at and you can have it always come in in a certain location on your screen I like to have it come in where my mouse is currently at and let's be real we all auto loot anyway which Speaking of olive yes turn on auto loot uh shift key is What disables or enables Auto loot this is automatically always gonna Auto loot so if I killed five things and there's five different things to loot I right click it and it automatically loots it no button required but if I wanted to specifically do it I could hold down shift loot it and then I would just see what it has to offer and I could click only the things I wanted this next option combines your bags into a single button so whenever you open your bags it's one entire bag I think that that's better honestly in my opinion and for myself I usually have my hearthstones and everything down here and I have this like line of things where everything here and below I gotta organize my bags real quick all of this and below are things I always have here consumables uh this is the different types of gear I have so whenever I get new stuff and loot new things all the new stuff is up here at the top enable interact key is the thing I talked about about having to select it and then press the button I would not turn on any of these leave that all alone interact sound cue no it plays a sound whenever you do the interact thing I'm just I'm not all about it you can though you can try it out uh for the mouse lock curse at a game window just means like see right now I have a circle this is a weak or around my mouse to show where my mouse is at uh but after I move I have now my screen my mouse is on another screen floating around up here and then I bring it back down I go over here and I bring it back in and it allows it now if I click this on I am now trapped inside of the game and I like to have my mouse be able to move all over the place I think it's better so I'm going to unlock that invert Mouse is for the camera pitch whoa that feels weird so if you have it uh this is how the mouse normally works and you can always invert that and it actually changes it all around right so yeah I'm just going to leave it how I've always had it because that'd be just weird Mouse look speed is changes how quickly you you turn the camera whenever you turn the mouse like this now I how I look around and I hope this is the same way that you do and if you're not watch the last video I talked about that's in the description I right click and then turn right click and turn that's how you should be turning and that's what this affects the speed of I don't have to be too crazy fast uh but six is fine for me this is mouse sensitivity of how fast the cursor moves I just have to be the same speed that's on my regular computer so I'm fine with that this is disabled and click to move oh my God please do not click to move click to move is oh look at that I didn't even know you could play the game like this I'm right clicking on the ground and my character is running to that location no no no no no no this isn't Diablo people get it nope nope nope how you should be moving if you didn't know is you should resume your movement Keys again I do have a video I'll put that in the description as well esdf you should be using esdf for your movement if you use wasd you're losing out on entire thing your hand's not in the center of the keyboard I'll have a whole video on that if you're interested in it either way you should be pressing forward to move backward to move and you're left and right if you let's just say you're using wasd W should be moved forward s should be moved back a it should be straight left and D should be straight right so all you should be able to do without your mouse is this how do I turn though how do I turn you use your mouse turn yourself around right right click turn and that's how you should turn you can stray if you can do all this type of stuff right so anyway camera water Collision sets it to where if you are above water the camera stays above water and it doesn't actually dip down underneath the surface of water but as soon as your character goes underwater now it's it it Clips at the top and doesn't come out of the water I like that but in general I like to be in full control of my camera and if I'm above water below water I don't like it to just randomly be clipping so I'll I leave this unchecked and this Auto follow speed here in the camera following style I set mine and never adjust the camera what the game can do is whenever you're running and you turn around like this and you let go the game will spin your camera back around to be behind your character I don't like that because sometimes I do want to look over my shoulder as I'm running forward and I like to be again in control of my camera cool next interface option right here is your name this this turns on your name above yourself at the top I don't know why you want to see your own name above your character but you could if you wanted to NPC names I have this be the option which shows hostile enemies Quest people objective type things and interactive NPCs people you can actually talk to for a purpose this option would be every single thing has an a name plate above them again a name plate is a good example this guy right here this little cow person right here they have a name plate this is a health bar two different things Critters and companions you don't need to turn those on no leave those name plates off friendly nameplate sure minions enemy players enemy minions okay so like we just said we have names and then we have name plates with actual health bars on them so always showing I'm going to unclick this and you see how the health bar has gone away no no no always show these name plates um you can have the nameplates be even larger if you want I have threat plates I have a whole video on these on my threat plates if you want to watch that and update that for an add-on I like them way better than the default UI but you can also change these options here for the base thing of what you want to show what nameplates do you want to show show animes minions all this stuff friendly nameplates I don't like showing friendly nameplates because I'm not damaging them maybe if I was a Healer you could want to show friendly nameplates that might make sense flash on aggro losses for a tank when it the actual helper flashes if you lost aggrove something and it runs away as like a Visual Alert and motion type is stacking or overlapping if you have a whole bunch of enemies all clumped up together you can set it to where they stack on each other and they never overlap and they just kind of like grow outwards or they overlap each other and the health bars can literally be on top of each other next up for display we have hide adventure Guide I'm going to hide the adventure Guide alerts you can leave them on if you want to see all of those alerts but I turn those off in-game navigation is the quest markers and World points you actually can have spots where like oh I'm going to go this way and it has that little thing that pops up and it shows that the distance counting down that's what that is tutorial you can turn on tutorials if you are new to the game and you want to make sure you learn everything or reset it if you like thought you missed something you really want to make sure you're nervous things at or you can just watch my videos next is the status text which shows that you can show numeric values percent values or both I have both turned on because just whatever the game is wanting to express in that moment I'm fine with that that's that's the default chat bubbles this was a big thing for some people you can exclude party chat so if people in your party say something you can exclude those chat bubbles to where that doesn't pop up I turn this off because like in Dungeons and stuff I might not want to see all of that popping up on the screen and I I'm pretty good at looking at the chat to know when someone's saying something but if you wanted to be more of an RPG experience and see people chatting and talking like you normally do you can turn that on to all and then you see that or you can exclude everybody raid frames this is for those raid frames that pop up on the side over here whenever you're in a raid you can display whatever you want on those things I like having the class colors turned on so that all the different class colors I can look over the raid and see them whenever who's getting low and all that kind of stuff display pets I usually turn off I don't want to see those unless you're in something like the old school like Ruby sanctum type stuff where you have some sort of Mount or pet you have to keep track of you can turn those back on if you want to see that I have Power Bars turned off because old school wow when I was a tank and I needed to know the healer's Mana that really mattered now it doesn't really matter so I have that turned off show debuffs all that kind of stuff all pretty self-explanatory next thing is action bars this is where I have my action bars I have I've all these turned on now I do use bartender for my my bars all these down here are bartender I do have a full video for bartender I've decent amount of videos at this point now let's go so in general I usually do show numbers of cooldowns I usually do have both of these turned on where it locks them in place but I usually don't I even usually have these hidden so I do like to be able to pull them off because I'm not ever clicking down here and I don't click my buttons anyway so that shouldn't matter and then show the cooldowns I use Omni CC for the display so I don't have to worry about that either combat Now personal resource display if you've ever wondered what that thing is on your character that's underneath your feet that has your health and Mana bar or whatever it is that your character uses that's what that is it shows underneath your feet I have it weak auras and shadowed unit frames and all that kind of stuff so I turn this off because I don't want to see that because I create my own user interface that I want to see that for and if you want your own user interface based on all the stuff I have uh my patreon I have links to every single add-on every single week or every single macro that I use to help thank you to all the patrons that support what I do here to make this all possible so cool there's a little that raid self-highlight highlights your character in a little circle you can change it to it just an outline or both or none Target of Target you can turn that on or not I do like the target of Target because if I'm tanking something and it's attacking someone that's not me or whatever I kind of want to know that and if you're a DPS and the Tank's getting low you might want to know that as well or a Healer or whatever I think target of Target's pretty good you know whenever you get low health and your screen starts flashing red if you want to turn that off this is the option right here do not flash screen at low health I'm a tank I want to know in my health slow uh I I think it's valuable and just another visual indicator so I'm leaving that off as in I want to see it loss of control alerts yes show me whenever I've lost control Etc sometimes it's hard to see with a big scheme of things uh scrolling combat text to self I personally don't want to see the combat text to damage of the web I have on myself I'm fine with leaving that off I I just want to see how much health I have I don't care about individual instances of damage I just care where my health part's at Mouse over cast now this is pretty interesting there's a whole bunch of stuff you can do for Mouse overcast and you can take a button let's say it's a heel or something I have Flash and laugh bound it to button four if I press button four I'll use it like normal but you can do a mouse over cast where you can use alt controller shift and put a modifier on it and it turns into a mouse over cast no no please please don't use this no if you want to use a mouse over it should look like this here we go I'm on the priest now and we got that flash Shield I talked about this is what you should do I have an entire video on Macros and everything like that here's a super quick example of this uh hashtag show tooltip slash cast space bracket at Mouse over comma exists close bracket Open Bracket close bracket the spell you want to do I will put this link down in the description as well just if you want to grab this uh quickly up for yourself and what that does I put it right here on button number five is Flash Shield it if I don't have a Target whatsoever it casts flash shield on myself it's healing me if I have a Target this random person right here and I have this Warrior targeted I flash heal and it's flash healing them but what the mouse over does is if I Mouse over this person right here and now I press it it prioritizes my mouse over so if I have a mouse over it has to heal on them and then if I don't have a mouse over it casts it on my target cool so now when I have a classified Shield you'll see I'm healing that person instead of that person over there that's how Mouse over should work that's so simple there should not be some sort of button you press please don't do that moving on the self-cast key I never use it's alt uh I would honestly yeah okay there we go I'm putting it to none there I just I just fixed my my own settings right here so thank you all for that Focus cast key I also don't turn this on I have this off I I use macros for this as well I usually have shift modifier B for that but only for certain abilities and I have full macros for that as well and for empowered spells like the drag fear let me show you tractor is so cool okay so for the draft there they have an ability this little fire breath situation right so this I have to hold it down and then release right um that's kind of how that thing works but there's a better way to do it in my opinion I like the feel of it much better I really honestly at the beginning did not like drakthia and some of their type of abilities and the default is hold and release so for these charge up spells you hold it down and then upon release it releases it I like the press and tap so press and tap for me is much better so that whenever I go to press this ability I press it my hands are up and then I press it again to shoot it off with how long Wow's been out pressing an ability to do it just makes more sense than this whole whole thing so I would change that if I was you spell alert opacity spell alerts are the things that baked into the game these little weak Aura type things where a certain proc happens and this thing comes up on your screen and you can see it here's an example there we go this right here this is the default blizzard UI it shows a certain thing that is what I want now myself personally I do a whole thing with weak Wars in fact I was just actually opening up I was just opening up my week course just for to show that uh spell alert opacity turns the default ones down to nothing so I personally turn all of those down to zero and I create my own recourse now I have an ALT or something or I'm leveling something up for the first time I will turn that back up because it's nice to have them by default press and hold casting is kind of interesting I don't really necessarily like it I'll show it while I'm here on this draft there is uh normally you'd have to press like like a bunch of times I think you can probably hear myself pressing this W button but what this press and hold thing does is it lets you that's very strange it's not working for me but the whole concept is that you press and hold the button and it just keeps casting that spell over and over again so you just hold down and you could spam one spell over and over again either way I'm not too upset that it's not working for me right now I turn it off because I like the control of being able to do that and I I could see myself like not lifting it up soon enough and accidentally starting the cast when I didn't want to I don't know enable action targeting is actually interesting it feels weird I don't use it but I could totally see this being a viable option in general if I'm moving around I I left click to Target things that's one of the old that's the the only thing I click in the game all my abilities are bound I I click the different targets that I want to Target right um what enable action targeting does is again my hand is not going to click anything it is I'm see that it automatically targeted the closest thing to me as I run down this list it is automatically targeting the closest thing to me very interesting and if I run over this way it's going to automatically Target this thing that's really interesting like now it's now I'm talking over there and just because I'm closer to this but it's targeting towards what I'm moving towards it's actually very interesting I honestly might try this out and just actually play the around with this because it's pretty cool in fact I'm going to make a note for myself right now but again I could see myself probably not doing that because I do like control I don't want things to automatically happen for me I like to be able to control things and there's so many times especially as a tank I could see that I'm gonna be here and I want to run over here but keep this thing targeted and I have Mouse over things and so honestly I'm probably gonna actually delete that note and not use it man that was a roller coaster anyway social settings is a mature language filter you know what that is you can turn it on or off curse words and stuff right uh guild member alert lets you be alerted for Guild members I'm not even in a guild whatever uh block trades I don't know I mean if you really just don't want people to trade you ever then sure block them block Guild invites uh that is something usually whenever I make a new character that's not part of a guild it's really annoying to get spammed with Guild invite so that you can turn that on these have to do with blocking and not letting you display your characters achievements uh chat Channel invites all that kind of stuff showing online friends I usually turn this off because if I'm in the middle of making a video I don't like it whenever my friends come on or offline or whatever in the middle of a video it's just kind of annoying to me broadcast updates displays a message from the blizzard when you're a battle tag friend comes online or updates their broadcast no no no the only thing I don't know what this is is the show toast window enable this option display blizzard messages in a toast window I don't know what that means I think that might be the whenever you have a support ticket that thing pops up I don't know I don't know what a toast window is comment let me know chat style I like the classic style the old school style before they updated it to this weird I am style I like all my Whispers to be in one it's very annoying whenever I had my chat and someone would whisper me and it'd be in a new chat and I would have to delete that chat I didn't like it I didn't like it so I like the classic style and the whole new Whispers things about exactly what I'm talking about I like to put it in both it makes a new tab and I can see it because sometimes I wouldn't even know because I didn't see it in my main whisper log or my main chat log whatever uh chat timestamps don't care about that and reset chat position sometimes you can get a lost or whatever so you can reset it back to normal and no I'm not signing into Twitter K bindings oh man key bindings I have an entire video overhauling key bindings and everything that's coming out soon I have three videos on key bindings it's going to take your keybinding game to the next level I promise stay tuned for that and there you go that is the gameplay settings for yours all of this for accessibility colorblind mode all that kind of stuff this is specifically for what you have for your games your graphics audio language Network all that kind of stuff for whatever you want specifically for you so I hope I've specifically helped you with your game in some way if you have let me know like the video subscribe all that good stuff I appreciate it there's a small little Channel we're trying to go and do some big things here so stay creative think outside the box peace
Channel: Dungeon Coach Gaming
Views: 72,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Coach Gaming, World of Warcraft Shadowlands, World of Warcraft Dragonflight, WOw Dragonflight, WoW Shadowlands, wow addons, wow guide, wow tips, Wow settings gudie, best wow settings interphase guide set up, wow setting tips
Id: mGfMmi-5UHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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