3 Minerals that People over 50 Need to Supplement With

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it actually has antioxidant capabilities inside our muscle which means that it could be combating free radicals that would normally damage the mitochondria remember we want our mitochondria to be functional not dysfunctional our bodies are dynamic our needs change our needs for specific minerals and nutrients change as we get older okay accepting that is a big part of maturity okay what you need when you're in your 20s when you're super active and your muscles are contracting in slightly different ways is totally different from your 30s and that's even different from your 40s and then it gets extremely different in your 50s as you start to go through a little bit more of mitochondrial shift okay we'll talk about that and i'll keep this all fairly high level but i want to talk about three minerals that i personally feel people over 50 years old should be getting in their diet and quite frankly probably should be supplementing so we'll touch on them we'll explain why they're beneficial we'll talk about muscle mass we'll talk about bones we'll talk about brain it'll be a good video but before we get into everything i want to make sure you hit that red subscribe button so you subscribe to this channel and then i want to make sure you hit that little bell icon to turn on notifications and after this video there's a link down below in the description to check out fujito matcha okay matcha tea is awesome at any age very clean form of green tea that comes from baby tea leaves baby green tea leaves that are grown in the shade so they had a lot of the chlorophyll they have all the nutrients that you would really like but they're also just very clean and pure and fujito is a 180 year old matcha company they're in my opinion like the original matcha company so very very cool if you're into matcha green tea so highly recommend you check them out special link down below in the description check them out after this video okay this video is for informational purposes only i'm not a doctor i'm just some guy on the internet that lost 100 pounds and knows a tad bit of biochemistry but with that being said i do a little bit of research so let's break this down the first thing that's not going to be on this list that i have to get out in the open is calcium i will honestly say if you're taking a calcium supplement unless you feel like it's absolutely required by a medical professional you should probably stop okay there is a study that was published in the journal the american heart association big study took a look at over 5 000 people that found that there was a significant increase in the risk of coronary artery calcification in those that took calcium supplements okay we don't need to be taking in extra calcium we get enough from our diet even if you're not consuming a bunch of dairy okay you are probably getting more than enough calcium it more so comes down to with vitamin d vitamin k2 and getting those things into the right place but that's a different video the first mineral i definitely think you should be adding into the mix is magnesium 60 of the magnesium is stored in our bones so if you're over 50 that means that that magnesium is getting used to strengthen bones which is great but if that's the case it means that you can become deficient in magnesium in other areas remember magnesium is required for over 300 different enzymatic processes in the body that means making energy supporting your hair supporting your brain it's all requiring magnesium and if your magnesium levels are low because your body is having to use it to prioritize bone strength then you run into that issue there the funny thing is is that magnesium is equally as important as calcium when it comes down to osteoporosis so get magnesium in that's the one we're typically deficient in not so much calcium okay now let's talk muscle for a second now not just talking muscle from the side of wasting away and losing muscle but also peck you're over 50 you want to maintain your muscle you want to build some muscle you still want to look good you still want to feel good you still want to play the field right so let's go ahead and let's talk about how you can still look good with this there was one study that took a look at 740 participants and they found there is a very clear correlation with magnesium levels and muscle mass those that had lower levels of magnesium ended up going through sarcopenia and losing muscle much faster than those that had sufficient magnesium so yes definitely want to be taking in some magnesium now why is this happening i'm a biochemistry nerd and i want to explain it so people get it right the mitochondria the energy powerhouse what's allowing us to create energy in the muscle as we get older becomes a little bit more dysfunctional okay dysfunctional mitochondria just means that as we get older the mitochondria gets weaker and stranger and then when it goes through its biogenesis and gives birth to other mitochondria and spreads and whatever well then it has its own dna so it creates more kind of weak weird decrepit mitochondria this means you lose muscular function but magnesium can help support that because it helps your body create energy helps the mitochondria function so anyhow that's where it has to do with muscle mass then what about sleep and recovery okay we cannot deny the fact that magnesium plays a big role in sleep there is one study that showed that just 500 milligrams of magnesium for eight weeks significantly improved sleep scores in those that were over 60 years old now we know that sleep's important for recovery so if you're over 50 over 60 70 whatever that's very very important anyhow let's move into the next mineral which is zinc now zinc plays a very big role when it comes down to muscle as well okay we have to remember zinc's role in testosterone production whether you're a man or a woman this is going to be important for you because a little bit testosterone is still what helps support that muscle mass and it's been shown that zinc is an indicator of our muscle mass so low levels of zinc seem to indicate higher levels of sarcopenia now why is this happening well it's their eyes that has to do with the antioxidant capabilities of zinc we see zinc as a mineral which has to do with our electrical system and stuff like that but it actually has antioxidant capabilities inside our muscle which means that it could be combating free radicals that would normally damage the mitochondria remember we want our mitochondria to be functional not dysfunctional so zinc can come in and act as sort of a barrier as sort of a soldier to help protect that mitochondria then the mitochondria doesn't become as weak as fast therefore allowing the muscle to still contract with maximum force and allows you to maintain muscle and ultimately have better metabolism one of the things that i stress so much is that muscle is not just a vanity play muscle is a secretary organ which means that it secretes hormones it means that it has signaling effects within the body okay we're finding now in science that muscle has a lot of properties with just overall health so the more muscle you have generally the healthier you are because you have more mitochondria there you have more just general health now more muscle also means more risk for that mitochondria to go bad so you just want to make sure you support it so anyhow i know i'm talking a lot about muscle but trust me it's playing a big role in your overall health now here's what's wild though the american journal of clinical nutrition found that zinc played a big role in cognitive health too okay when it has to do with like your overall memory your spatial memory your cognitive function in general turns out in a study that took a look at 240 individuals there was a relationship once again with zinc and memory and it has to do the fact that zinc is stored in the cerebral cortex portion of your brain that has a lot to do with your memory and your overall working memory so if zinc levels are high and that cerebral cortex has higher levels of zinc then you might very well end up having an improvement in your memory at least as this study indicated there's of course the argument talking about zinc and the immune system and everything like that but that's valid for any age group so i'm not going to focus on it too much here now the next one is chromium you watch my channel you probably know i talk about chromium as something that you can take surrounding a cheat meal to help your body utilize glucose that is always good okay anytime that we can help our body utilize carbohydrates better it's a good thing we don't want rogue excess carbohydrates floating through the bloodstream that's never really a good thing we want our cells to optimally be using what we take in and chromium can help with that by increasing the glut4 transporter helping the chromium or helping the glucose get into the cell now interestingly enough there's science now that shows that chromium can help brain function in those that are over 50. there's a study that was published in nutritional neuroscience that showed that chromium helped improve what is called brain insulin resistance remember our brain utilizes glucose just like other cells in our body so our brain can become insulin resistant and it could actually become more insulin resistant than the peripheral tissues in the rest of our body so if we can improve that specifically that's kind of a cool thing more glucose getting properly utilized within the brain can mean a better brain better function of the brain so if you're insulin resistant in the brain that means the brain cells aren't really using glucose well and you're just ending up glucose intolerant and basically ending up feeling foggy this circles us right back to mitochondrial dysfunction once again okay the mitochondrial dysfunction i talked about the muscles is going to play a big role in the brain too so long story short chromium's going to help you out of the muscular level it's going to help you out in terms of absorbing your carbohydrates and it's going to help you out in terms of utilizing fuel in your brain better the last thing i'm just going to touch on as sort of an honorable mention is potassium potassium is important for everyone but i'm a firm believer that as we get a little bit older we become a little less efficient at utilizing our minerals properly potassium is important for regulating that fluid balance in the cell i don't want you to end up consuming sodium and dealing with some kind of hypertensive issue and stuff like that so if we bring potassium into the mix it does help at least balance the sodium i don't believe in reducing sodium drastically unless you have a medical condition i think that sodium plays an important role again i'm not a doctor i'm just some dude on the internet but if we balance it with potassium at least we have the mineral balance of the osmotic relationship that we need to keep the body healthy so just to recap we've got magnesium zinc chromium and potassium the go-to minerals if you're over 50. as always keep it locked and here my channel i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 526,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minerals for over 50, supplements for over 50, best minerals, healthiest minerals, best supplements for over 50, best minerals for over 50, foods for over 50, age 50 health, over 50 health, benefits of minerals to the body, benefits of vitamins and minerals, supplements for over 50 female, thomas delauer, minerals and supplements
Id: -0gkxe7Lsg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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