WORLD'S MOST EXPENSIVE BEEF (Matsusaka Wagyu) & ROASTED CRAB Bento Box in Matsusaka Japan

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[Music] just tokyo tower over there this is just a really nice view of central tokyo look at this oh what's that it's like a someone's house the massive swimming pool fountain I hope not because I definitely be really jealous of that okay about to hit two the same constant station of going to Nagoya today so right now I'm beginning a five-day food tour this is actually in in partnership and sponsored by food so they're basically taking me to four different very exclusive foods horse and it stars in they're going up today I'm gonna meet up with that with been spending the night in Nagoya and the food tour starts tomorrow of course that's when the official food tour starts but come on we're food touring all the way all the way there all the way everywhere and one of my favorite things ever about Japan is ready on a high-speed train of course eating a bunch of bento box so that's what we're gonna do right now let's go [Music] my favorite bento store the Wagyu box is always the best can't go wrong with this so we'll do a little surface of beef and crab also I literally just left my suitcase like outside of the store wouldn't do that any other country Japan no biggie [Music] this is another one of those boxes where heats up on his own this thing is heating up all that steam is coming oh my gosh it's burning hot right now while we wait for this dough beef bento kuraki Wagyu you really can't go wrong with any sort of Wagyu bento just like the other ones the flavor of the beef is really good there's not that much so I'm kind of rice just a little bit of beef cut is like crazy any and looking squigglies I wouldn't say these are that good it's like stuff to squid so the outside kind of tastes like squid Sharky and inside it is rice I sticky rice on the inside it's kind of low weird not the best well roasted crab lake in a bento box this thing smells like the crab bisque worth roasted over the fire great smoky aroma is coming from this box this tastes better than some of those crab legs or funnels of cheap Chinese buffets because not a lot of substance so you get a few pieces of crab and there's little bits of crab on top but don't rise again it's really fun of it actually the flavor of this rice is really really good it's not just plain rice I think this season maybe a little bit of a secret stock but really really tasty so even though it's not a ton of meat rice is pretty delicious on his own just remarkable deliciously sweet incredibly smoky just taste like it just came off the grill it's amazing how they're able to get that fragrance that flavor into a bento box it's why I loved it man I forgot the best part they have the crab innards brain and organs all this is like the natural seafood so this might be the best mental bars I've ever had in Japan [Music] welcome to Matsuzaka home of the most expensive beach in the world it's gonna be a great day tomorrow matcha I got souls a must so get off the train we're in Taiki town and we're near Matsuzaka right now this is a little farmhouse we're staying at tonight we're have like traditional matcha and then a little welcome matcha and mochi the double aims to eminence and traditional Japanese home in the concept of this is called Ming tegu you can stare these houses in you can also experience kind of like the agricultural side of traditional Japanese homes but this is my first time staying a traditional Japanese home they're so lovely sweet and just refreshingly fragrant a lot of people might sip this and feel like it's better it's just so gratifying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't look at that so besides the do-it-yourself sushi we have the skewers and you see there's a lot like local 7-elevens this is so close we've got a bunch of stuff to choose from and you keep go here was actually a member of parliament in Japan so kind of a big honor to have records I met her over stuff this a bit some reason is just a tional good but because it was made my get someone's home where I rolled it myself my rolling skills are amazing aspire not evil but seriously dive into some of the old then fishcake is these little chilli noodles no calories I kid you not all my favorite things for hop hop crunch is rubbish whistles ooh fresh vegetables from the farm right outside this house put into the miso soup tofu see we spring onions potatoes loaded and meself Wow such a rich online flavor of the music you put miso anything in front of me miso want to eat it all right we're gonna eat up their winter sale rooms go to bed tomorrow the most expensive beef in Japan Matsuzaka we're gonna see where it all came from welcome to my room good morning after a great night that's lovely Airbnb see miss more stunning in the daylight right there's like tea fields over there it's like bunch of vegetables growing all around here we're gonna come back to this place and have lunch but right now heading off to the famous lots of czaka farm [Music] okay we're at the Matsuzaka farmer about to meet the owner this is until cheeky son yes I see and there's the Matsuzaka cow right there Oh Ohio - cheeky son Mike really nice to meet you nice to meet you looks so good and that's a strong handshake there used to meet every day and this farm is literally where Matsuzaka beef originated until cheeky sons entire life's been raising these cows yes wait is it mostly what I thought they're all female oh all of them yes yes one thing is Matsuzaka beef is the reason why it's so expensive is so exclusive is because they're all virgin female and they believe to have the most tender of meats and how many cows does he have on the farm so one of these cows will go for about $30,000 the only sold one at any time he only has a few only a few cows on the farm and you've been doing this since you were 15 years old shego neat and what 17 years 17 years old that's a long learning as a higher education okay let's go [Music] slipper for the cows Wow what why do cows need slippers from damage so imagine this is the hoof of the cow right here and this is completely handmade from grass dry grass oh this is how they walk through the field I've heard of horseshoes I never said I never heard of cows shoes before I heard cowbell not cow shoes I'm gonna go have some tea and talk a little cattle this is actually really exciting because I've always of course love to whack you and I learned about Matsuzaka beef a couple years ago and to be able to sit with a like legit living legend you know soil who's been doing this his whole life just to be able to understand more about why this beef is the most expensive in Japan let me introduce you this is Olivia she's gonna be translating for us first of all it's a pleasure so she gets to meet you in to talk with you a little bit thank you Matsuzaka tea is also very popular very famous and how did you go into this profession he said that he really liked the cow since he was we thought instead of having pet he preferred to have cow instead this area there's a like Association who joined the farmer the butcher from there he start to you know like try to learn I say why do you think Matsuzaka beef is the most expensive and best beef in Japan [Music] multifunction hiding - so before this area they raise the cow only for working for the field it's a walker cow right there's a very famous restaurant who operates the the restaurant because they have a different meal so she asked him to make the cow edible yes okay mm-hmm that is the very start so so cheeky sign was really the founding almost a founding father for Matsuzaka beef before his ancestor no ancestor Meiji piss Oh Meiji period okay and would it would he just write this is the letter from the lady over at the restaurant oh wow how old is a letter from Michi period oh my god really basically did you guys son is saying is that his ancestors literally got a GU request and this is the actual letter from the restaurant during the Meiji period where the restaurant owner asked his ancestors to give them a cow that's like tinder so they can serve it in the restaurant is amazing this is like beef history right here I'm gonna go get Vinny only for this one restaurant and so this letter is over a hundred years old how did you were your ancestor figure out how to create the process of raising Matsuzaka beef you know feeding it the best foods and rubbing it with wine and giving a beer how did they learn how to do all that or how did they invent that so they did the process the food for oh okay okay you're actually making the food not just like here go crazy round here's a carefully prepared meal for you all but I got then bouquet doping on this he said that if you feed the the car with the raw grass yes really is that still the case today do you still cook and make the feed for the cows no more cooking for you cows there's a lot of I guess a story is about how Japanese Wagyu is fed beer its massage is that is that real to the customer and then if the customer is not finishing the beer they give the unfinished drink to the cow they don't want to wait yes after day it becomes addictive circulate circulation is better okay this is a misconception that Japanese cow because as fattier is not healthier for you to eat but that's not true right [Music] human body so so literally it's just building your mouth yes in the classic way of cooking Wagyu or Matsuzaka is sukiyaki right why is sukiyaki so good for what once as I can be yakiniku shimazaki new target you know what pretty much in Italian you if you do the meet in you cannot tell the original really because you have to eat with the sauce right and he said but if you cook in sukiyaki way hmm the fat is mouth oh okay that makes sense like yakiniku you do get a different like it's just smell melty fat so sukiyaki it melts the fat already you get the actual taste of the beef that makes a lot of sense alright so here's what I found out this is kind of a revelation for me and maybe for you guys as well I wanna actually tastes real Matsuzaka beef if you want the best Matsuzaka beef it can only be found in Matsuzaka because there's so so few of them they can't be shipped anywhere else so what I ate in Tokyo the Matsuzaka beef was the younger younger cows 30 months so they haven't really got the best the best flavor so if you want the actual best best of the beef this is where you go a little more information if you guys are coming here to Matsuzaka takusan is the term that's used to describe focus on the original best quality cows here in Mountain Sokka and we're getting that today this is the toka some mark look for this if you want the best quality the 40 month cow were older that is the best quality of Matsuzaka beef you can have thank you so much because this has been like I I thought I knew stuff about Wagyu or Matsuzaka I did my research and I ate so much of it last time I was in Tokyo I really knew nothing but thank you are the glasses i must thank you so much [Music] something [Music] this environment is so great like there's a tea garden in the back and just pray farmlands and hills everywhere no wonder the best cows are growing right here I'm even the surrounding is so serene and peaceful and obviously they are adorable and so it's kind of sad but they are giving a really good and loving life here gotta go and we're actually gonna go taste the authentic Matsuzaka beef now sukiyaki style but seriously if I could be 88 and look and feel as good as this gentleman right here you're pretty lucky maybe the secret is in the beef [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah I'll take the basket for sure put me to work oh I got to work I got a gig I mean if I don't work I don't eat gonna work up an appetite I got any mas I'm going with Sookie you said we're gonna go harvest some a shiitake mushrooms and then we're gonna start cooking the beef we would have more shiitake mushrooms this time but monkeys came how did the monkeys get in oh just a little little space oh wow small monkeys well maybe it's a trim but I'm also a monkey and I'm taking the mushrooms okay so check it out these are the shiitake mushrooms I was surprised at doing something wrong here Oh at least didn't take this at least the monkeys weren't so greedy or yeah we're they're so full already I think that's everything the monkeys left us not even a full baths not even have a basket it's not yeah it's a whole basket three three baskets the monkey took two and ninety percent of a basket that monkey harvest my own cabbage that felt really cool sukiyaki I mean I was easy hard works done already by him I just got to pull it out of the ground rice spring onions oh let's go it says the monkey stole the other vegetables this monkey should help carry some to the table alright we're sitting down for the classic sukiyaki meal and this is our muscles acha beef of course it's got this red logo Mount Fuji and the Sun and this is when you know that this is the localized highest quality of Matsuzaka beef the Tokyo sign this logo right here that's what you look for when you're in this region of course we got the thinly sliced version for the sukiyaki and right before that the mushrooms we picked just a little bit of fire a little bit of soy sauce it's a ducky Maas boy she - something so simple so flavorful so glad the monkey did not get this one this is like laid out perfectly little side dishes egg and the classic where you eat sukiyaki is sukiyaki sauce is really just some soy sauce and some sugar and then you dip it in the egg and that's it so it retains a lot of that great beef flavor and after learning all this stuff I learned today about Matsuzaka beef and wag you in general I feel like I'm gonna experience everything again for the first time I'm passing on precious cargo Yukiko sign here open Wagyu this is worth more than people's jewelry right now right this is a good pound or so a pound of Matsuzaka we'll go for about 500 US dollars and you can see here this is really cool they put a piece of fat here just in case you're barbecuing it instead of butter you're gonna use Matsuzaka beef fat the powder like fine arts that's what makes good Japanese Wagyu what it is like it just looks like it should be hung in a museum so while your people Senate's doing the buttering and the fat all the fun stuff I'm gonna start putting the cracking the egg into the ball okay so apparently to make really good sukiyaki you've got to cook everything on the pan forcing ingredients so first piece of Matsuzaka beef is going in and we're just stir frying all this together you'll tuck it sauce like I said it's just sweet soy it's usually what's inside of sukiyaki sauce so the vegetables and the meat is cooked first on the hotpot there you can see a little bit of carmelization from the sugar and that smell it's just getting to be pretty darn incredible and then you're gonna dip it in the egg and this is done for a couple of different reasons and one of the reasons is that the flavor of the egg is gonna offset the sweetness of the sauce a little bit and the second is that it's gonna cool down the ingredients that just came from a hot pot what's for me oh honey got those like less look at this the Matsuzaka beef all that great marbling that beautiful pattern is still visible after it's cooked I just learned today we do the sukiyaki because a lot of the fat does render so it leaves more of the beefy flavor and for those of you guys who are not familiar with Wagyu there are different types of Latakia and of course probably the most popular one is Cole Bay but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best it just has the best marketing department good wag you it's it's greatest so there's a 1 through 5 and this is obviously a 5 even 5 has an index rating of between 8 to 12 and 12 of course is the best prime which is the best cut of beef in the US has about 6 percent fat this thing minimum 25 percent every time I have top-quality wagon the cessation just clobbers me it's like that first time you were ever kissed work the first time you ever seen the Sun setting into the ocean like that kind of sensation it's just unbelievably melty as soon as a touches your lips the dissolving process begins and by the time you're chewing it for like the fourth time and they're so right about the sukiyaki cooking method it's a little sweeter but you get much better sensation much better flavor from the actual beef and that flavor is so incredibly strong it doesn't just no but that incredible beef flavor just completely dominates your taste buds when people often ask me what is the best food I've ever had in the world I consistently say Japanese Wagyu top-quality Japanese Wagyu all right we're getting some of this and then we're gonna use some with rice Oh steamed eggs with a little bits of shrimp and seafood inside oh my god oh shoot oh wow learn amazing melt-in-your-mouth edge a little bit of fish cake I thought the beeps gonna be the star of the show today but hmm check out all right by the way this is so kawaii I wanna hug you when I go to bed freshly cook rice from an actual stove now we got a bunch of vegetables we got a pot full of Matsuzaka beef grease that's eight [Music] [Music] all right got my full play got a refill button on my sukiyaki more Matsuzaka beef what's so amazing about the experience again besides the flavor and also like what I love about Japanese for this you feast with your eyes your nose and then it goes in your mouth about that time it's just the anticipation it's just in sync I pull this from the ground I gotta taste it everything it's just culinary perfection simple stop it's just a great flavor but the fresh quality experience on top of that is just this incredible experience of learning all about Matsuzaka beef and again I thought I knew a lot about Wagyu beef already but really I learned so much from till she gets done this morning so much about this beef and how the cows are raised and how they get drunk off beer then go on an eating bender then coming here and having Yukiko son cook me the perfect sukiyaki and then go and vegetable picking with itsuo son and this is actually rice that he grew right here on this farm just all that combined with how amazingly delicious every single part of this meal is but going into like the local region where a very specific food is from and having it made by the people there and just being able to experience all this that is priceless I mean there's a price to it but the experience really you can remember that for a long long time of course like I mentioned in beginning of this video I'm here on invitation but by food which is company that it's just all about food experiences in Japan so they do cooking classes they do Food Tours experiences like this so a lot of great stuff if you love to eat and I know you do otherwise but wouldn't be watching this channel or you could be watching because you like me yeah I know it's just a food but they do all these great things and also what I do it from every single booking they donate to causes supporting children all around the world and so far they raised about seven million yen to fund this charitable cost so that's really awesome but check them out anything you need for booking for experiences food-related towards around Japan they're the ones to go through that information available forget down below again this is like one of the greatest experiences I had in Japan so far learning so much I ate with my mind and with my mouth today alright guys thank you all so much for watching I got more sukiyaki to get to until we eat again later let's see how bin likes his first taste of Matsuzaka beef is Chelsea Dan's girlfriend my god it's amazing mr. Ben in my life myk's it's what I know it's good but we were surprised to be good you need to come these are not paid actors the testimony they give is their own well Ben's paid but Chelsea's not so there you go
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,541,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matsusaka beef, matsuzaka beef, kobe beef, most expensive beef, japanese beef, japanese wagyu, matsusaka wagyu, wagyu, wagyu beef, japanese cattle, most expensive, japanese steak, japanese food, matsusaka, matsusaka japan, japanese, japan, bento box, bento, beef, steak, most expensive steak, world's most expensive, best steak, shuabu, sukiyaki, tokyo, farming, farm, travel, tourism, traveling, food, eating
Id: 5yMRizQqkko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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