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[Music] that is a scary Tiffany robot was it gonna shoot crystals at you [Music] all right ah this is a good sized hotel room bedroom this is a really really big bathroom only it's like 20 doors in this amazing here there's a toilet room with his own faucet and bum cleaner shower robes have no idea what these buttons do Oh living room the Oconee Wow so basically it's just a tad bigger than my hotel room in Paris plenteous I'm back a little bit gotta get some food so hungry [Music] good morning so this is a popular restaurant traditional English breakfast check out I got grilled tomato egg this thing is called bubble and squeak it's basically a combo of cabbage and potatoes some sausage bacon and they're not kidding around when it comes to bacon look at this look at this bad boy black pudding these mushrooms and some liver for breakfast that's like the only way to go this is my favorite part [Music] I'm just gonna stir this for a while so pretty I never had this before bubble and squeak [Music] hashbrown you're gonna definitely have some supper ahjusshi little sweep these tomatoes are so incredibly juicy in teeny it's just a lot to remember to live I've had four first time eating black pudding this is nothing what I expected the texture is actually super creamy and soft and lofty aftertaste pretty earthy flavors super well first time heating the liver for breakfast when I wanted this the guy the counter was so proud of me I think you almost want to give me a hug [Music] I mean you're either a liver lover or not I'm a liver worshipper understand I so incredibly crushed the outside really clean liver flavor she never had liver with a punch for the outside before [Music] I mean just monster flavor super chewing reisi I feel like after eating an English breakfast American version of breakfast just seems really wimpy in comparison this is definitely the grown-up version that's good but no wacky that every single day now [Music] you can't move at all you're just a fake person it's like a wax figure or something what if he gets an itch on his nose I'd see some reference in that move at all [Music] so apparently this is the only movement they can do to stretch out they can move to but that's the only thing they're allowed to do is March 10 paces and distraction I was told I had to experience this in particular tradition here I love this winter wonderland listen man where do they make these things really talking to you Kay yeah screams a good festival [Music] start out with a hot chocolate lottery police is warned it's just a big carnival there's not nationally so hold me there be a lot more food here but I don't think so Wow let's never ever ever do that again walking down Piccadilly Street is like I'm stuck in Times Square for the last hour pretty festive a lot of : army it's a Saturday night get it so many people [Music] making my way through all the crowds to get it shut it down finally this is a really festive look in Chinatown a lot of red everywhere oh man it's crowded I'm going to this restaurant right here all right some British guys just on my pants and call me a wanker awesome nice oh please apparently is really known for their try hopping swingers but they also have a lot of dishes here oh my gosh is lasers are so funny snowflake these slices there's someone stabbed a tofu or something like is that how you get blood Toph oh this is pretty funny Chinese leaves these napa cabbage all right you're still peanuts my gosh [Applause] this is what this place is known for try pot I got a bunch ingredients danos Lotus fish beef lamb tripe I wish I got more but you stopped me what is some tofu skin in here as well feel like this complete right now this is pretty good I mean I've had my share of my lights on boy this is really really nice level purpose fish what are the toughest ingredients to get right in this dish delicious love the flavor in here not overly dummy not overly spicy this is a really good knowledge just a really the bounce very very impressed potatoes just perfect much better than anything I've had in New York for sure if you live in London right now you should be having this that's right hop up that was amazing it's gonna walk around it look for a milk tea oh my god how do i how do I throw a poker bar this tank this is just like I'm straight except for it I don't feel like it ever ends here last full day in London I hear you gotta try the Sunday roast in this place supposed to be amazing this is the Sunday roast and pick a starter I think I'm gonna go for potted beef and bacon New York shut that's calling my name 35 day aged roast my mouth is watering just reading the ingredients Yorkshire pudding and there's some gravy and I believe this is supposed to be a roast first I'm having Yorkshire pudding this area denied thigh I don't even know what I order this is just a cold smear of meat so all that's on table is fat so this is the beef there's beef fat on top and I guess you just saw some here and a little bit of gravy oh this is just pretty salty beef look fat I love how Airy in life the yolks are putting us that's surprising this is actually delicious here it is oh gosh that is that is just filthy looking winter roasted garlic greens carrots potatoes huge Yorkshire pudding a couple pieces of beef roast I wish or more that doesn't seem like is that tender [Music] it's not actually not that tender at all beeps almost kind of tough and slightly came loose because I thought the roast with the horseradish is not been my favorite thing on the plate is actually to the fried potatoes that is pretty good in the Yorkshire pudding from when I tried before those are really really good the roles especially were sitting on this plate kind of disappointing house he was fighting a lot from this you know what's funny was that I was looking forward to the beef element of the dish the most and that turned out to be my least favorite on that play I mean the skirts really sweet really crunchy all the veggies really fresh sauces are good yolks your pudding excellent beef roast not so much you taste a nice try aged flavor of it but it's just so not tender at all anyway I couldn't take a walk in duck go visit the place I wanted to visit the most here in London the Tower of London because you know I heart attack yeah [Music] you know there's a skating rink down there pretty on the outside you know instead of tower locates the most cursed diamond in the world [Music] whoo standard-issue full this will be cold in the winter let's see some cursed diamonds that was pretty cool so if you don't know what I'm talking about there is a curse diving probably the most cursed diamond in history of diamonds it is locating there's called the Kohinoor and I did a video on this on the beyond Science Channel if you want to check it out but it's basically anybody who owned it as long as it's a male who owned it has died and his empire completely destroyed his a diamond that came from India even right now like I don't think that UK actually owns it and the only people that are supposed to be able to wear the diamond are females that's why Queen Victoria had it and then she locked it up in the Tower of London so nobody else would touch it crazy by just the most cursed thing ever and I'm like staring at it so hopefully it didn't rub off on me now let's go into the scary part there we go well make sure there's no burgers allowed in here okay lucky I got some noodle slices of two boys were found under this staircase this is the toilet back in the day yeah this will be really drive T prisoners were kept in on the wall and to see like graffiti I'd love to just sometimes mean evidence that over here look at this dirt barrel staircase that's ice well that was an interesting tour executions horrors curse diamond just really made me think that mr. time [Music] my last dinner here in London got to try this before I leave this place got a fish to choose from burgers to perfect last meal - he is massive caught fish great crunch on the outside his skin Wow it's fishes swimming in his own juice Oh I'll ask perfect crispy crunch on the outside just the most deeply flaky tender and juicy fish me inside you're not gonna get much better than this I mean I shop there but this is delicious just a great combo of crunchy melt-in-your-mouth batter consistent like fully delicate sinter fish me as in ships just like the patient crispy on the outside is super tender in the middle this is a great pair also this fish is so incredibly fresh all right that was a good meal this time I was only in London for a couple of days for something personal so it didn't have a lot of time to film a lot of spots I know there's tons of awesome restaurants and Marcus I haven't explored yet so that's gonna have to wait till next time I think the best meal I had on this trip I gotta say and this might sound really biased but I promise you it's just I'm just basing everything on flavor is demolish I'm gonna hop to dry hotpot best meal I've had here probably one of the best of that dish I've had anyway anyway my impression of London is such a historically beautiful city I mean just a roar you look there's tons of I mean that's Europe in general if everywhere you look just tons of history you feel like just walking down any simple neighborhood of course uh-uh not a big fan of that Winter Festival but that's just me I don't like crowded places that's why I moved into the woods all right guys thank you so much for following along I gotta go to bed tomorrow bright and early Madrid Spain good night you [Music]
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 1,303,571
Rating: 4.9085226 out of 5
Keywords: london, english breakfast, london breakfast, british breakfast, sausage, bacon, eggs, tomato, beans, hawksmoor london, hawksmoor, breakfast, uk, united kingdom, fish and chips, sunday roast, chinatown, london chinatown, london chinatown food, chinese food, dry hot pot, hot pot
Id: lHuNbMDS4eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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