BEST Optimization Guide | Starfield | Max FPS | Best Settings

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Starfield has literally just released we'll be going through some super optimized settings to get the most out of your game while keeping it looking really good this video won't go into Windows optimization at all instead in the description down below you'll find a Windows 10 11 and Nvidia optimization guides as well as anything else relevant this video is purely going to focus on optimizing star field so that's where we'll begin when you open up Starfield for the first time you'll see a shaders build at the very top of your screen you'll need to wait for this to complete for the best possible performance if they were a way to skip it I wouldn't recommend doing so when it eventually completes hit any key to continue and we're on the main menu so we'll Begin by heading into settings followed by display and starting at the very top we have bondless full screen as an option it's either model is full screen or windowed there's no exclusive full screen which is a little bit confusing as usually playing games with exclusive full screen gives you much better performance but that's what we're working with currently when you have borderless full screen enabled which is one I would highly recommend you aren't able to change the resolution and that's fine we'll be keeping this to our native resolution anyways so that we're not wasting any extra power generating pixels we don't see and the game shouldn't be needlessly blurry if the resolution is too low so this is good we'll skip over the selected Monitor and head straight to Dynamic resolution now a lot of Articles and things like that recommend having this on and while it could result in higher FPS numbers overall there will be some weird stuttering and glitching between loading and unloading different textures changing qualities dynamically while you're playing the game while it could be a good experience historically it's not a very good experience so for that reason I'd recommend turning this off just so we have a more stable overall frame rate that will customize further below then render resolution scale by default this is set to 75 and it goes all the way between 100 and 50 percent why does it start at 75 percent well for upscaling we have fsr2 cars and that's it surprisingly no dlss on video options though those may be coming in the future does it really matter usually not AMD fsr2 gives brilliant results and that's why they've chosen it as the default here there should be practically no visible difference between 100 native resolution and 75 with fsr2 that's the default and that's what I'd highly recommend you keep it set to right below it we have a sharpening which is by default set to 70 and that's awesome a relatively good number sharpening is definitely needed when you use any kind of upscaling as it helps the overall game look but if you find that the game appears too sharp this is something you can come back and adjust for me I'll leave it on the default as that's probably good these settings I'd recommend for everyone what we'll do is we'll customize these settings in between here which will really give us our FPS difference first of all vsync usually I turn it off as I don't get screen tearing for the top and the bottom half of my screen don't match up if you get any screen tearing while you're playing the game enable vsync here though do note you will increase your input latency the graphics preset starts at custom with things optimized or at least set up up for your graphics card of choice I have an absolutely Overkill graphics card that's why it's gone for some super high options here but there are a few that I'd recommend lowering as this is a more cinematic game Shadows are something you're going to be paying more attention to as it's much slower paced I wouldn't recommend going below medium here otherwise it may become distracting if you're really crawling for FPS this is something you can lower and that generally goes for all of the options here if you get to a point where the game is unplayable lower your settings as low as they need to go certain options will have a bigger impact compared to other options then indirect lighting for this I'd recommend keeping this on high as once again we could be navigating planets there'll be lots of indirect lighting light bounces and things like that these two quality options are probably at the very top as they'll have the largest impact on your gameplay or at least perceived gameplay experience if you're glowing for FPS you can come back and lower these as for Reflections thus you can comfortably lower to medium or even lower as they aren't going to be so many reflective surfaces that'll catch your eye too often if you find that low is too distracting though leave it on medium for me I'll leave it to low for a smoother higher FPS experience particle quality this is really situational if you find that you're dropping FPS in certain areas you'll need to lower this down to low that also being said because it's situational you can comfortably leave this on low and it's not going to distract you pretty much at all during General gameplay volumetric lighting once again cinematic game I'd recommend keeping this on medium or even high if your PC can handle it medium will give you better fps and a very slight quality impact compared to high Ultra isn't really necessary unless you're rocking an Overkill PC crowded density this will mostly have to do with the CPU in your system for pathfinding and things like that if you have a super powerful CPU you can set this to medium or even high and if you have a lower end system set the stand too low that being said medium is probably the highest that I would go setting this to high instead may impact your graphics card more as well have having more NPCs loaded at the same time I'll leave it on medium motion blur this is pretty much your preference the higher this option is the more motion blur we should get and the better the quality of motion blur is I for one absolutely despise motion blur unless it's in certain situational games like maybe racing games for first potion Shooters and things like that motion blur really sets me off that also being said if you find that you're easily made motion sick especially by games this is definitely something you should turn off as for FPS impact they shouldn't be a big one gtao quality is the ambient occlusion quality and once again lighting Etc this is something you'll want to keep on medium or high if you can for a better overall gameplay experience gross quality because we'll be navigating large planets possibly with lots of grass this can cost you FPS on certain places and certain scenes more than others so setting this to medium is a good starting point if you find that grass doesn't really cost you a ton of FPS looking in certain directions in certain locations you can comfortably raise it but then again you're not going to be paying too much attention to it so medium or even low is probably good enough contact Shadows these aren't super noticeable as much as Shadow quality in general you can comfortably lower this down to the very low end without noticing too much difference for a more cinematic experience set this to medium or even high vsync we've gone through upscaling and sharpening finally vrs what is vrs well variable rate shading basically allows your graphics card to render different parts of the image with different amounts of power meaning that it'll land up with a more smooth experience while you're playing the game if you find that your system struggles with this on which is going to be very situational from PC to PC then you can turn it off but I'd recommend leaving it on for a better experience finally film grain intensity if you find the film grain distracting you can lower this here usually when this is an option in games I'll set it to maybe 0.5 I don't want to be drowned out by a film grain and of course if you're someone who's recording your screen or streaming having film grain set to higher options is going to cost you a ton more bitrate in your recordings and streams in order to keep the same quality that being said if your recording quality is already insanely High leaving film Grain on you posted to YouTube can result in even better looking streams but that's just a really odd side tangent unfortunately scrolling around on this menu will change options so it will need to move our Mass over to the far left and scroll down where we finally see enable depth of field this is your preference personally I don't enjoy depth of field in many games but I feel like in a game like this it is going to improve the general experience so I'd recommend leaving it on here now we can head back and that's pretty much it we've gone through most of the settings and it should result in a really good looking game with pretty good FPS obviously the more powerful your Hardware the higher you can crank these options for a better looking experience but also this is a more cinematic focused game so you don't exactly need to be pushing 160 frames you should aim for somewhere around the 40-50 FPS Mark for the best POS visible looking experience and the best performing experience I'm using an absolutely overkilled system here so I should be able to crank these settings up higher to reach that sort of goal area just around 60 FPS maybe 50 and the game should look incredibly good if you'd like an FPS counter do note that this game doesn't have one built in instead you'll need to use something like the steam overlay like I have in the extreme top left or third-party software such as MSI afterburner and rtss oh and also not to mention if you find that you're stuttering while you're looking around motion blur is something that can help improve the feel of it without actually improving how much stuttering there is it can help mask the stutteriness of looking around also on top of that because we can't adjust the resolution of the game without turning off things like AMD FSR what we'll need to do is adjust our resolution in Windows and then fire up the game after that so for example you'll only really need to do this if you're on Lower End Hardware and you're trying to play the game on a 4K or 2K monitor them but for the most part you shouldn't need to worry about resolution most noticeably situations like these if you're losing FPS that'll have to do with your particle options as for performance it's actually really good but of course this is going to be an incredibly demanding game if you're playing it too game don't expect the highest FPS but wow does it look really good that being said resolution may be a thingy needs a lower anyways thank you for watching this very quick guide hopefully you found it useful and hopefully you enjoy Starfield thank you for watching my name's been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao foreign
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 162,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield optimization, Starfield fps, Starfield settings, Starfield pc settings, best Starfield settings, Starfield fps boost, best Starfield settings for fps, best pc settings for Starfield, best graphics settings for Starfield, Starfield visibility settings, Starfield settings for low end pc, Starfield best settings, Starfield, Starfield max fps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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