Best of r/NuclearRevenge 2023 - Reddit Stories

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Welcome Friends to another r/ nuclear revenge  video if you enjoy hearing these stories of   nuclear Revenge make sure to hit those like And  subscribe buttons down below that said our first   story of the day is by Fred King 1313 if security  asks to Turn Down music just comply so let me set   the scene I'm a security officer with redacted  security company I work in a refurbished office   building that's been made into a bunch of stores  I've been with this company for almost 8 years so   I have a great professional relationship with the  building owner clients and all store owners now   I'm generally a good guy and I'm relaxed about the  rules as long one as your space doesn't get out   of hand two I am needed or called for a complaint  this particular day I received a complaint of loud   music so I'm following procedures and walking the  floors and find the source as I get to the third   floor via stairs I can already hear the music on  the floor it's the new nail salon I decided to   go to the restroom and on my way back I calmly  knock on the door of the salon and I'm greeted   by Store employee the conversation went like this  I say I'm sorry to bother you but I've received a   noise complaint I know it's the weekend and not  a lot of people are here but I have to ask you   to lower the volume please the store employee  says oh okay no problem I didn't think it was   too loud I say thank you for your cooperation she  then shuts the door in my face rude but okay so I   continued to the other floors and didn't hear  any more music so I returned to the security   desk about 40 minutes later store employee comes  down up to the desk I'm sitting at and this is   the conversation that follows they said you're a  liar I said excuse me they said you said you got   a noise complaint against me I just went up all  the floors and nobody said they complained about   me I said I'm sorry ma'am you misunderstood what I  said she cuts me off before I can explain she said   don't try to backtrack now you're a liar and I'm  going to get you fired for harassing me I called   my boss and she's calling building owner I said  I'm sorry you feel that way but I need for you   to return to your workstation as you're causing a  scene in front of clients and if not I'll have no   alternative but to walk you out of the building  as the site has a zero tolerance policy for these   kinds of events she says I'm so going to get you  fired for this and storms off to the elevators   about an hour later I get a conference call from  my boss and building owner my boss said morning op   I'm on conference call with building owner and we  received a wild complaint about you misbehaving on   site just now we want to get your side of things  before we decide on what to do next the building   owner said I agree as the allegations against you  are really out of character and I have confidence   in your performance in representing both of  our interests so I give them the rundown on   everything that happened and how I handled it  the building owner said that sounds more like   you however it's now he said she said as she  claims you forced your way into her workspace   and was yelling at the top of your lungs at her  to turn the music down while yelling obscenities   and racist remarks at her in front of her clients  and how you threatened her life if you had to come   back up there she says she feels like her life's  endangered as long as you're here working so close   to her and her client said that she was telling  the truth now I was pissed cue my Nuclear Revenge   as a safety precaution a while back I bought a  body Cam that has connected to my cell phone and   guess what after the conference call was over I  remembered that turned on my cam and it had been   recording since before I clocked into work when I  checked I struck gold because I had a recording of   all the interactions with store employe so after  reviewing my audio and video footage mostly to   get start and end points of all the interactions  I had with Store employee I called my boss back I   said hey boss I forgot about my body Cam and how I  could prove what I was saying my boss said really   great send me an email and a copy of the footage  for me to review I said okay sir and do I have   permission to contact building owner and let her  know my boss said if you want to I'll be calling   her after reviewing the footage too so I called  building owner and told her about my body Cam and   how I could prove my innocence I could literally  hear her perking up at this she responds perfect   send it to me ASAP my email address is so and  so in time the notations I should look at fast   forward 2 hours later who comes wobbling out of  the elevators in tears and a sobbing mess with a   box with her stuff in it with her head down doing  the wadle of Shame as she's being escorted out of   the property by police it's Store employee later  I find out that building owner called the salon   owner and was livid that her employee was causing  such a scene and had gotten her clients involved   with the incident against me and how that was  unacceptable while building owner didn't have   the power to fire employee building owner made  it clear clear that she was now banned from the   building and all of its resources reminder the  salon owner that thought Store employee called the   shots inside the salon her butt answered to her  once she steps out of that salon and the icing on   the cake building owner renegotiated my contract  and I got a $5 raise for my outstanding service   thank you building owner after having heard this  story if you were ever to work in any kind of   security job even if it was just building security  would hearing this story be enough to make you   invest in a body camera for that job do you think  just about every security guard building security   Etc should have some kind of body camera on or is  it kind of over the-top for building security to   be wearing a body cam let me know what you think  in the comments down below and our final story of   the day is by feral tax evader buddy you picked  the wrong person to harass the year was 2014 or   maybe 2013 who gives a crap I was a freshman in  high school on a general basis it sucked I mean it   was an American public high school with literally  thousands of kids it's a given that it's going to   blow some major balls one thing in particular  that made it extra sucky though was gym class   specifically this one guy in gym class this dude's  name was Jack A McGee the a of course being short   for butt as the name would imply he was a donkey  at first it was pretty standard High School guy   in gym class level of obnoxious jerk you know the  type overly loud unreasonably aggressive during   games bossy tossing the collective brain cell back  in forth between his two equally aplike Buddies   the usual I don't know when exactly it happened  but he developed a sort of I for me after the   first couple of weeks or so he started asking me  bizarre questions that I now believe may have been   some sort of inuendo sitting uncomfortably close  to me resting his hand on my gym shoe just General   creepy Behavior he once blocked a doorway with his  body this dude was massive forcing me to literally   squeeze my way through and crawl over him he  then tried to grab me and pin me to him once   I was almost through but I'm very good at dodging  physical contact whenever possible and dipped on   him before his giant gorilla arm could catch  me I still shutter thinking about it I cannot   emphasize enough how terrible this dude smelled  but the true Breaking Point came during the peak   cruelty of this school mandated sadism Jim swim  before anyone asks let it be known that yes I   did try to tell someone about this I told my gym  teacher first semester really early on that Jack   was making me incredibly uncomfortable the gym  teacher waves it off saying he was just playing   around and that it's probably because he likes you  his suggestion was basically to just put up with   it and wait it out because he was sure Jack would  lose interest soon anyways spoiler alert he didn't   second semester rolls around and the 4-we period  of Jim swim descends upon us like the bloated   carcass of a catapulted whale crushing us beneath  its wet foul smelling body 40 some odd adolescence   forced into a cold overly chlorinated pool for  50 plus minutes adorned in swimsuits determined   to crawl up into our butts like Ant-Man himself  it was Heck on Earth basically as I've mentioned   in a previous post I'm autistic so the echoing  sounds reflected fluorescent lights pungent odors   slimy floors and assorted BS made the situation  even worse for me I wasn't officially diagnosed   yet so my complaints were written off as me being  whiny and I was told to shut up and deal with it   so I did I think I had more meltdowns in that 4-we  span than I've had in the past 2 years combined   but whatever on top of the sensory overload there  was Jack I think something about being allowed to   go shirtless and stare at the nearly bare butts  of girls for an entire period emboldened him   because Jack promptly lost whatever semblance of  restraint he'd had until then he made frequent   attempts to grab me trying to hold me against his  bare skin which was disgusting and I spent most   of the class trying to evade him the swimsuit I  was forced to wear fit a little awkwardly around   my chest which he delighted in pointing out to  his buddies staring unabashedly at my chest he   managed to sneak up behind me and snap the strap  of my swimsuit even trying to pull it down off my   shoulder but I jerked away fast enough to prevent  that I'm furious at this point but I'm like 5 fo2   maybe whereas he was easily over 6'5 and probably  300 plus lb and I'm not stupid while all of this   was happening my new gym teacher they switched  every semester was busy trying to keep a couple   of the other guys from drowning each other she was  one adult forced to watch over 40 Rowdy butt kids   in a swimming pool she was a bit preoccupied  the final straw came one Wednesday afternoon   the event that finally pushed me off the edge  of rationality I'd been clinging to and sent   me plummeting into fullon bloodthirst there I  was paddling around mining my own business when   Jack and his two goons managed to Corner me I'm  immediately suspicious hackles raised as they ask   me fairly banale questions about how the pool is  today and the like cracking up the whole time I   give short tur answers trying to see if I could  maybe slip past them I spot an opening and bolt   for it but Jack was apparently expecting this as I  swim through the narrow gap between him and one of   his friends he stretches an arm out and actually  manages to slip his hand under my suit to grab my   chest I froze for a moment the delighted giggling  of him and his friends echoing in my ears as if   from a thousand miles away the next thing I knew  I was out of the pool being held back by the gym   teacher and Jack had a bloody nose he was shouting  angrily at me calling me a crazy witch as his nose   gushed blood into the water there was a mass  confusion among the class I was told to change   quickly and sit in the hallway apparently the  gym teacher had heard me screech like a banshee   followed by a number of shouts and had looked over  to see me wrestle out of Jack's grip jump on his   back and throw him off balance enough to smash his  face into the edge of the pool wall I remembered   none of this but I did find a few chunks of greasy  brown hair clenched in my fist that I'd evidently   ripped from his scalp when the teacher pulled me  off I washed my hands thoroughly it was decided   that I'd go in early to school tomorrow to have  a little talk with the dean they would have just   sent me there straight away but Jim was my last  class of the day and the dean had already left by   then for whatever reason so it had to be postponed  a little while it was pretty heavily implied that   I was going to be suspended quite possibly even  expelled for what had happened I wasar curious   not only had Jack made my life a living heck but  his horse poop was now going to be the cause of   my expulsion I wasn't about to go down without a  fight but I realized that I'd have to play this   pretty smart if I wanted to weasel out of it the  next morning I did two things I put on mascara and   I made a superficial but rather painful incision  on my right thigh high enough so as to be covered   by my shorts normally I hate wearing makeup  because I don't like the way it feels but I'd   worn mascara before and notice the interesting  effect it had on my appearance specifically I   already have pretty long pretty dark eyelashes  so adding mascara draws a lot of attention to   my eyes and makes them look huge like total Bambi  eyes wide innocent naive harmless I sat down in   front of the dean at 6:40 a.m. I didn't need to  fake the fear in my expression but I made sure to   throw in something that could be interpreted as  guilt too bowing my head and twisting my face in   dismay needless to say the dean was pretty pissed  do you know why you're here young lady he said   yes I said softly and you know that what you did  is very serious yes I said again making my voice   tremble care to explain yourself then I I began  my voice shaking I just wanted him to stop stop   what the dean prompted his eyebrows furrowed I  just wanted him to stop touching me I blurted   as I said this I reached my hand under the table  where he couldn't see it and dug my finger into   the cut on my leg causing me to Lurch forward  as if in a sob my other hand covering my face   as my eyes watered from the pain touching you the  dean asked his brows now on a collision course for   Mars I spent the next several minutes divulging  all the crap that had happened to me that year   digging into my injury for some tears whenever  necessary and by the end of it the dean looked   horrified he reaffirmed that no I shouldn't have  attacked Jack like that but they'd have have to   investigate the matter further I basically got  off with a slap on the wrist and after multiple   testimonies from other girls Jack got suspended  for 2 weeks I wasn't satisfied they hadn't been   able to expel him due to lack of Hard Evidence but  I was out for blood he returned to school 2 weeks   later and I was ready one of his friends had a  little brother in my bio class a fairly chill dude   named Owen who had worked out a deal with see Jack  had been very vocal about his displeasure with me   to his friends which made its way to Owen who for  the low low price of bailing his dumb butt out in   biology was more than willing to share that  information with me I had a direct pipeline   anything Jack shared with his friends made its way  directly to me via Owen and as it turns out this   dude didn't keep a whole lot to himself there was  a lot of crap I was tempted to nail him for for   instance I found out he was selling drugs mostly  Aderall and some occasional weed from his locker   and had been cheating his way through most most  of his classes however I knew how suspicious it   would look for me to report something like that  so soon it probably just look like I had a grudge   which I did and was trying to get even which I  was he slipped up really really bad about a week   after his return and that was when I struck see  he hadn't been subtle about his displeasure with   my retaliation and spent most of gym class sending  really ugly looks my way the gym teacher kept us   as far away from each other as possible but he  managed to track me down in a passing period one   day and ranted me about how I screwed him over and  that I was a lying little witch yada yada yadada   and that he'd make me regret it funny stole the  words right out of my mouth I found out from Owen   later that Jack had been bragging to his friends  last night about the switchblade he'd stolen from   one of those hunting stores downtown and promised  he'd show it off to them later that day I sees the   opportunity I took a few seconds in the bathroom  mirror scratching at the scab on my leg until my   eyes were Tey enough to really sell the terrified  victim look then bolted down to the Dean's office   stuttering and shaking crying out for help the  front desk lady was understandably startled by   the sight of a seemingly panicked freshman girl  bolting into the office and called the dean out   right away his face grew serious when he saw  me Mr Dean please help he's going to kill me   I cried now slow down he said what happened Jack  I said resisting the urge to grin maniacally at   the Harden that appeared in the dean's eyes he he  cornered me in the hall he called me a witch and   said he was going to make me regret telling on  him he he's got a knife he what the dean barked   everything moved very quickly after that the  security guards were told to search the kids's   Locker while a couple other security officers were  called down to get Jack out of his classroom and   take him to the office I was told by the front  desk lady who had heard the whole exchange to   hide with her in The copier room so Jack wouldn't  see me they found the stolen knife in his backpack   and the drugs in his locker that combined with  his previous charges was enough to get him not   only expelled but arrested I never saw him again  which is probably a good thing because I'm still   mad and would probably try to kill him if given  the opportunity personally I don't think what op   did here was enough of revenge against a jerk that  treats people that way all the stuff that they did   but it's definitely a darn good start getting them  expelled and away from you and getting them locked   up at least for a short term that's a really good  start to the right path for this jerk assistant   from heck let me preface this by saying I'm still  going through some mental issues because of what   happened in this story background I was born  with cataracts that later became glaucoma when   I turned five after some years something happened  that caused me to lose all Vision in my left eye   this meant that I needed an assistant for the rest  of my education now that you're all informed the   story when I was starting Middle School my parents  found an assistant to help me with moving around   my school I'll call her Ella for Simplicity sake  anyway Ella was friendly to me and my parents so   they didn't have to worry Ella did her job and  she was very friendly with me and then it began   one day Ella didn't come to school she called my  dad saying that she got in an accident on the road   it was fine she got in an accident it wasn't her  fault I spent the first 2 weeks of school trying   my darnest to explain why I couldn't write the  work and give a convincing argument and walk   around without bumping into every wall in person  on top of that Ella became more and more hostile   as the months went by she then began telling me  awful things about my appearance my personality   and she even talked crap about my parents to other  teachers who were just as scummy as her the only   reason why I didn't say anything was because  she made me think that doing so would get me   expelled me being a stupid 13-year-old I believed  her needless to say I was miserable the straw that   broke the camel's back was the day where she  was so so angry that she slapped me I was done   the Revenge I told my dad about everything the  absences the slander everything when I told him   he went absolutely ape crap and we went straight  to the principal after telling her everything that   happened we found out that Ella was present  to write herself up as present but she never   arrived to help me we also found out that she had  faked most of her reasons for absence after a long   investigation that took 2 years to actually prove  prove we took OT of court I only had to testify   every single detail of what she did and what she  said long story short we won that case and Ella   went to prison for 3 years after word got out  of what Ella did my family had heard that her   friends and family basically disowned her she also  lost the remaining custody of her kids which went   directly to her husband who works as a vendor that  passes by my school Ella became forgotten garbage   it's been almost a whole year since Ella went to  prison but I sometimes still hear all the Terrible   Things She Said thanks to her I'm scared to make  decisions because I can't get her words out of my   mind I'm going to start school soon maybe I'll  finally get that demon woman out of my head   honestly I'm surprised that even in the situation  with all that they did that they actually did end   up going to prison for 3 years because of that  stuff I don't know if that shows like a depressing   lack of trust in our legal system or really just a  surprise that it would be that harsh for what they   did do what do you guys think are you surprised  that they even went to prison for what they did   and also do you think the 3 years is too harsh or  just right I'd like to know what you guys think   in the comments down below our next story is by  literally a person Marvin's kild Dozer sometime in   the early 2000s there was a small town in Colorado  among the residents in grandby there was a muffler   repair shop owner named Marvin heier he was a  sort of cool guy I don't know how to describe   him he also got along with some people one day  some company was going to make a concrete plant   right next to his shop Marvin was against the idea  but he was alone the construction of the plant   would cut off the only entrance to the shop Marvin  tried to get some people to sign a petition but he   couldn't get enough people to sign Marvin decided  he was going to make his own entrance to the shop   and bought everything he needed to do so the city  denied his request to build a new road eventually   the concrete plant cut off Marvin's sewage and  the city finded Marvin for it this was was the   last straw Marvin started constructing a tank  out of the materials he got to build a new road   to his shop one of the items was a bulldozer he  recorded himself often and eventually finished the   kill Dozer despite its name it never killed anyone  he designed it so that when the armor was lifted   onto the bulldozer it's not coming off Marvin got  into the bulldozer and lifted the armor onto it   Marvin drove the kild Dozer through his shop and  into the concrete plant he goes goes to the city   and destroys buildings of those who wronged him  such as a newspaper place that lied about Marvin   the former mayor's house and the town hall he  destroyed many more buildings the governor of   Colorado even considered destroying the kild Dozer  with Hellfire missiles that idea was scrapped for   obvious reasons when Marvin was destroying a shop  the radiator was leaking and the bulldozzer broke   down Marvin then ended things I forget how long  ago this was was but I remember hearing about this   story at some point I don't know if I stumbled on  a weird YouTube hole or something but I definitely   remember seeing like some video or footage of this  kild Dozer rampage that was going on maybe it was   even one of those like world's craziest events TV  shows or something June 4th 2004 Calamity struck   when a bulldozzer piloted by blah blah blah really  I mean it's an insane story our next story is by   don't look behind you 01 refuse to pay me look at  your garden my cousin who's fairly entitled asked   me to do some lawn work in dogit for her when she  was going on vacation for her friend's wedding or   something along the lines of that I agreed under  the condition that I would be paid $15 per hour   as she had a large garden with many flower beds so  for a week I tend to herar flowers and other yard   things such as picking weeds watering the lawn and  picking up dog poop she comes back and refuses to   pay me in goes Revenge so I have a house key to  her house she goes up to the mountains for a bit   just because it's fun and why not so I go into her  house I know that trash day is the next day so I   go to the dumpster and take out two or three bags  of trash and dump them out all around her house I   pick up the dog poop from the backyard and put it  in the bedroom under the pillows then I take the   trash still in the bin and add that to her house  finally I go to a local hardware store store and   get some weed killer that'll also kill other  plants I found out that the hard way I spray   that all over her Garden on the flower beds the  grass and the vegetable garden for 2 days when   she comes back her entire house is wrecked the  trash attracted pests the poop in the bed ruined   the pillows and Mattress her whole garden is dead  she had to pay to get her house deep cleaned a new   mattress replant all their vegetation and get new  grass for both yards she paid $5,000 for something   that should have cost her $210 moral of the story  pay someone for doing work for you please I will   say that this is definitely a nuclear reaction to  be fair one of the things I hate doing the most   is work outside in the yard around the house so  if I was op and I got stiffed on doing all that   work I would be pretty pissed too and $210 is no  like little tiny snippet I don't think I would   ruin a person person's house and yards over  it but you would definitely want to get back   at them this next story is by crappy username  37 beating me up I'll run you over this story   is not mine neither of anyone I personally know  but it's something that happened where I live and   it became news last week because of how gruesome  and stupid it was as it is public and on the news   I'll try not to give names as to not expose even  more the parties in their families this happened   Sunday April 21st 20 19 the Revenge victim in the  situation was an MMA fighter and the perpetrator   was his Uber driver I'll refer to them as fighter  and Uber that night the Uber picked up the fighter   and some of his friends in a planned neighborhood  in the suburbs of my city the group was supposedly   drunk and were screaming and making a huge fuss  inside the car which annoyed the Uber he asked   them to stop which they did for a while but soon  after started again they kept annoying the Uber   until he snapped he stopped the car on top of an  overpass and told him to get out of his car this   was late at night so it had no traffic the group  started to get out but the fighter did not like   the Uber's attitude so he started punching the  Uber right before leaving his friends take him off   the driver and the Uber speeds off the fighters  group start walking to a nearby gas station to   wait for another ride meanwhile the Uber makes  it back around and starts speeding back in their   Direction and hits the fighter in the back running  him over from what I heard the impact alone would   not be enough to kill the fighter but that was not  it the force of the impact launched the fighter in   the direction of a truck parked nearby and he  hit his head on said truck killing him almost   instantly while the Uber sped off the driver  presented himself to the cops on April 25th   the fighter had two kids and so did the driver  I mean it might be a terrible time to say it in   regard to this story but cooler heads do Prevail  I guess if cooler heads prevailed In This Moment   somebody literally wouldn't have died in general  this whole story is kind of just disappointing to   hear about because it's like Reckless agitation  gone totally wrong and our final story of the day   is by Lil ta don't suspend me for a stupid reason  backstory I'm a sophomore in high school we have   four assistant principles in our high school for  freshmen sophomores Juniors and seniors anyways   my school is a very left-sided School most of the  teachers are very liberal and honestly don't let   you share your own opinion if you are conservative  the story one day I decided to post my own opinion   on my Snapchat story bad idea I posted how it's my  opinion that girls shouldn't wear makeup as I just   simply don't find it attractive some girls started  a rumor that I was talking about her and she and   her friends came at my physical appearance and  my nationality I made a bad decision and called   her out for cheating on her boyfriend and called  her a ho and she got really mad and deleted her   story stories and she made it seem like I was  simply just coming at her for no reason I was   already pissed I have tons of screenshots of what  was said however I couldn't stop this now I had   175 views already and the amount of screenshots  I had on that story was 86 people started making   memes about me calling me a weasel Geral said my  forehead was big and everything it really hurt   but I knew I still had some friends I go to school  the next day and I'm getting threats to get beaten   up and people are spreading rumors about me I was  so distraught but I thought through it as I was   getting my lunch a group of at least 15 girls went  around me and formed a circle around me and yelled   at me the girl I was talking to at the time was  on my side surprisingly and she went and yelled   at all those girls many kids made Rude memes about  me and it really hurt turns out someone told the   sophomore assistant principal she was pissed that  I was just mansplaining and I didn't know anything   about girls or women or why they wear makeup turns  out someone told the principal the wrong story and   didn't show the assistant principal screenshots of  everything crap escalated quickly and she started   yelling at me and I kept saying that wasn't the  full story turns out someone made fake screenshots   and gave it to her I was surprised at this and I  even showed her everything that I posted but she   said I deleted it I showed her all the things  people made with the name not blurred out and   she was now surprised she called them up and told  them not to do it anymore then they just got let   off with a warning after they left she told me  that I was going to have to be suspended she was   a real witch and I don't know why she suspended  me for this I was really mad that I was suspended   for at least 2 days all because of a Snapchat post  that wasn't even that bad getting suspended meant   a lot to me since I'm usually good and I've had  perfect attendance since first grade this is why   I was about to get in a National Honor Society now  because I'm suspended my chances really low this   is where the Revenge starts Revenge the minute  I got home my parents instantly talked to me and   cited with me they even said I could just treat  it like it was a snow day and I didn't even get   punished they were pissed too I sat at the desk in  my room on my computer and I thought what could I   do I looked up my assistant principal's name on  Google to see if I can find any information I   find her Instagram and Facebook she's quite young  actually like around 26 to 30 I decided to make   make a fake account posing as a random person so  she would accept my follow request I had to buy   followers and make posts so it didn't seem too  suspicious I think I spent $30 on followers and   likes I'm not sure I needed this to work I soon  Got a notification around 5 or 600 p.m. saying she   accepted my follow request perfect I scrolled down  to her pictures and this was before Instagram's   stupid layout update so you could still see her  posts she had around like 450 posts could be a   little less could be a little more I just assume  around 450 I scrolled down and saw pictures of   her husband and her 2-year-old with her he  wasn't Tagged so he probably doesn't have an   Instagram not a big deal so I scrolled down more  then I saw a picture of her except she was in a   Hooter's uniform I thought to myself that people  usually work two jobs but this picture was very   odd it was one of those pictures you could slide  right and you could look at more pictures the next   picture was with a kid that looked really really  familiar I then saw a bit of his shirt I couldn't   really tell what was on it but I saw that it had  my high school colors I then instantly realized   who it was the junior that was the captain of  the varsity football team I was so curious so   I slid to the next picture he was grabbing her  butt while hugging her and she was looking up   at him like he was her husband I was so shook and  I had to screenshot I keep scrolling through her   Instagram and it's just her and this kid then I  found the perfect picture she was kissing him and   it was definitely at a house party I knew what I  had to do I had to screenshot this then I quickly   went on Facebook I found pictures of her husband  and he was tagged I knew his name now so I looked   him up on White Pages he lived at the same address  as her so I had to do this during school I found   out where he worked and so I quickly printed out  the pictures that I found this was the best thing   I also plan to email the pictures to the school  she shouldn't suspend people for a stupid reason   and she shouldn't be kissing her students I went  to sleep knowing this was going to work I woke   up between 9 and 10:00 a.m. that day and was ready  for this I grabbed my bike and biked the six miles   to get to their house across the city I'm on the  varsity soccer team so I'm quite in shape this   took me about 20 minutes and when I got there I  saw his car in the driveway great he didn't leave   for work yet I simply just put the pictures in  her mailbox knocked on the door and biked off as   quick as I could I had to wait until at least 7:00  to email the school I made an entirely new email   address and emailed it at around 6:30 because  I couldn't wait they emailed back almost right   away and said they would deal with it right away  since today was my last day of being suspended I   was ready to go back to school tomorrow aftermath  I woke up in the morning really happy and excited   and I couldn't wait to see what was going to  unfold in our lunch the assistant principal   along with a few teachers walk around monitoring  the lunch I then see the principal along with two   police officers pull the assistant principal  and the student out the whole lunchroom gets   quiet and so many people are recording I smirked  really openly when I saw this happened I asked   one of the monitors to get a bathroom pass just  so I could hear what was going going on he told   me I couldn't go right now as something is going  on I was kind of sad about this but also happy   I knew what was going on but I couldn't tell  anyone now some stuff happened in the next few   days but I'll just sum it up first day after the  day after it happened she didn't show up but the   student did I asked him what happened but he  wouldn't say all I knew is that he wasn't in   trouble that made me glad because he didn't have  a reason to be in trouble and that wasn't my goal   5 days after since it was a 4-day weekend that  week as we had Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday   off we came to school back on Tuesday I noticed  her office was empty I was really stunned that   she got fired and so I looked up our state's  court case search there was already one case   and it was hers she had cause child 13 to 18 to  view sex activity as the charges pressed against   her 3 weeks later the school wanted to hide this  so of course no news came out but a new case has   opened up up her divorce case I saw this and  I instantly knew I succeeded she should have   never have been an assistant principal as she was  extremely hateful and biased and even a purve now   she's serving 10 months in prison and I don't feel  bad at all nor should you there's a very obvious   power Dynamic that makes it very in most places  not illegal for that kind of relationship that's   also not ignoring the fact that this kid might not  have been 18 yet which the last time I checked in   most places is very illegal standing up to my  workplace bully led to unforeseen consequences   let me start this one out by saying that I  fully intend to seek revenge on the person   in this story but the Aftershock of the eventual  confrontation is what led to the aformentioned   consequences rather than by my direct actions  I work in the UK for a large technology company   doing software support I'm part of a team that  has members all over the world I've been in this   job for around 10 years and other than the major  issues I've had with this guy I truly enjoy my job   when I started with the company I wouldn't say  that I was green I had about 7 years industry   experience under my belt I was definitely  inexperienced with the company but the job   that I'd been hired to do use technologies that  I was more than comfortable with the point I'm   trying to convey here is that I wasn't completely  oblivious to all of the applications supported by   our company everyone in my team around 30 of us  was very nice and was very Keen to help except   for Shane Shane is probably what you term as the  team Guru about 5 years from retirement part of   the office furniture metaphorically as we're all  homeworkers he'd been with the company for nearly   40 years everyone labeled Shane as the only guy  to go to when you were truly in a bind when I   was initially starting out I did indeed find  that chain was highly knowledgeable and more   often than not had the answers to whatever obscure  questions you might have things were great and our   team ticked over nicely I got to know the rest  of the team well over phone over time too and   my best friend was a woman named Mel she was of  a similar age and experience level to Shane and   in my opinion was just as knowledgeable as him  one day Mel and I were on a brief call chatting   about a work issue when we got to shooting the  breeze for a while we talked about ourselves and   also the team I'd said that I hadn't met anyone  face to face yet and that was when she told me   she'd once met Shane in person a couple of years  ago they were both based in the US I'm in the UK   and both got invited to a Tech Conference in New  York she told me that he has serious health issues   due to his weight around 450 lb and when he was  home was often on oxygen and medication his plan   was to write things out until he was able to take  early retirement so that he didn't need to worry   about paying for his medical insurance anymore  that sounded like a reasonable enough plan to me   and we were soon talking about something else  the issue started about 2 years years into my   tenure with the company we started moving in  a New Direction with what applications we were   going to be offering to customers and towards the  end we were trained in a bunch of new stuff I saw   this as a great opportunity and equalizer if no  one on our team had any experience with this new   software then I would be on equal footing with  everyone this went really well for me and I put   a lot of time and effort into learning as much  as possible Shane didn't show much interest in   the new stuff he still continue to spend most of  his time with the Legacy Tools in team meetings   you could clearly tell he was getting pissed off  that his status as a guru was gradually becoming   more and more meaningless this wasn't anything  personal we work in software you have to adapt   in order to remain competitive as time went on it  was becoming clear to the team how much work I was   putting in and I was well on the way to becoming  the go-to guy for the new software during this   time Shane would start sniping at me for anything  he could plausibly manage for example if I was   late to a team meeting because a customer call  overran he'd make sure to interrupt whatever was   being said to comment something like oh look op  has bothered to Grace us with his presence even   though he'd been guilty of the same in the past  things like email changeed too almost anything   I sent out that included him and our boss on an  email he would reply with some unrelated complaint   or observation completely irrelevant to what was  actually being discussed one day Mel called me and   asked me what my beef with Shane was I truthfully  told her that I had no beef at all with him and he   just seemed to have it in for me she said that if  she managed to find anything out she let me know   things continued like this for a couple of years  I continued to be the go-to guy and he continued   to try and discredit me and generally paint me  in as bad a light as possible one day we had a   major incident one that literally could have cost  the company millions in SLA fines if it was not   solved quickly our manager split us into teams to  troubleshoot specific areas and she paired me up   with Shane I wasn't happy about it but whatever  I was a professional we got on a call and started   working through the issue as our call progressed  it was becoming abundantly clear why he didn't   like me he knew nothing about the new application  he hadn't done any work on it at all everything I   asked him to check he needed handh holding even  for the most basic of tasks eventually I just   shared my screen and said for him to watch me I  went into the guts of the system through so many   logs explaining to him what I was doing the whole  time and eventually found the problem was with a   recent patch we had installed at this point he  dropped from the call I didn't think anything   of this at the time we use Skype for business  and it can be flaky so I just continued what I   was doing our process was not to roll back any  changes until it had been approved approved by   the senior manager as I was the one responsible  for deploying or rolling back patches made some   notes about what we needed to do and then rejoined  the main call I wasn't worried at all because bad   patches happened every so often they just didn't  usually have this level of impact as soon as I did   I got absolutely destroyed by the incident manager  apparently Shane had returned to the group call   and informed everyone present that the outage  was caused by an error that I had made in the   deployment process and that Shane had told me what  the correct fix was and I had refused to implement   it then and there I was Furious he had accurately  told them the cause of the problem because it was   me who literally demonstrated to him how to find  it I had even foolishly mentioned to him what I   thought would fix the problem because of how long  he'd been with the company compared to me only our   immediate team knew the truth about who was really  the better skilled person in this situation his   historical reputation still carried a lot of  weight with people who didn't work day-to-day   with him because this incident was so major over  a hundred people were on this call several of them   two or three levels of management above our team  he made me out to be a reckless incompetent idiot   and he was believed despite my manager's protests  I was disciplined and given a verbal warning he   meanwhile was congratulated for steering the  company away from a potential disaster and   given an a commendation I was so angry R and a  while later Mel gave me a call apparently Shane   had been bragging to her about putting that smart  butt punk in his place she was shocked and asked   him what he was talking about his real beef was  that he thought I had disrespected him by trying   to take over his role as the go-to guy for the new  software that wasn't my intention at all I didn't   see it as my fault that he was too darn lazy to  do the work again I lamented with Mel that she   should have recorded the call she laughed and said  that Skype showed shows when you're recording a   call and he'd never have spilled his guts while  being recorded I immediately Had a Brain Wave   I decided that I would confront Shane oneon-one  I pinged him on Skype and said that I wanted to   talk he responded with a smiley and just said sure  I called him and let him know that I was recording   this call and the Skype notification popped up to  let all participants know that this call was being   recorded I went right for it and accused of M  lying about the major incident and said that it's   seemed like he had major beef with me as expected  he lied and said that he was sorry that I felt   like I had to react this way he said that he would  need to talk to our boss about it I said wait one   second and turned off the Skype recorder I then  said that Skype isn't recording and then he knew   exactly what he had done his mask slipped at this  point and he said that he was perfectly in his   rights to put me in my place he said that you need  to respect the longer serving people in jobs like   this and that he would do it again in a heartbeat  I didn't hold back I called him a dinosaur who   refused to move with the times and wanted to Coast  out his days here without doing any work he said   that he was a couple of years away from retirement  and he'd be darned if he was going to bust his   butt for some shiny new software I said to him  speaking of new software has he heard of OBS of   course he hadn't and I suggested he Google it I  then hung up on him not long after the messages   started he was begging me to not use the secret  recording that I'd taken he said that if he gets   fired he'll lose his retirement package and his  medical benefits I told him to go freak himself   and that he should have considered that before  trying to get me fired I passed all of this on   to the relevant channels before really giving it  any thought things set in motion and sure enough   a few weeks later after a company investigation he  was fired I heard from Mel that he asked to take   an early retirement so as to keep his benefits but  this was AAR apparently rejected it all came out   later that apparently he had significant debts and  that he was counting on his retirement package to   keep him financially afloat with no job and no  package he had no money to pay for the medical   treatment which he badly needed he was in no  state to get himself a new job and his skills   had stagnated so badly that he couldn't even get  a new job online Mel told me that he died about   6 months after this whole incident due to his  ongoing health issues I felt conflicted about   this for a while sharing that recording obviously  contributed to his death but I don't know how bad   I feel about it I'm a young guy trying to build  my career and he actively tried to destroy me I   should maybe have held off when he pleaded for me  to not reveal the truth but he was old enough and   wise enough to not engage in the childish games  he played if I'd known he'd been dead as a result   of this I'd maybe have done things differently  it's one that stays with me that's for sure I'm   still at the company and I can tell you that I  will will never treat a new employee the way he   treated me so maybe the breaking of that cycle  is the positive to come out of all of this so   considering the end result here do you think that  in retrospect when the guy was pleading about I'll   lose everything I won't be able to afford Medical  Treatments that op should have held off would that   have been enough to change everything I don't  know or do you think despite the outcome that op   was completely right to just keep going forward  with it I'd like to know what you guys think in   the comments down below and our final story of  the day is by erican 89 how this client gets   what's coming to him hey all so I'm a freelance  web developer had a guy contact me saying there   was a small project he needed help with stating  it should take minutes and wanted to pay 50 bucks   fair enough he also states that he needs it done  by the end of the day since he's apparently in a   tight spot with his employer so he needs it done  fast also fair enough I'm not going to turn it   down just because it's a tight deadline I get  in and find out his previous developer was very   sloppy and the code was darn near impossible to  read his sites in Squarespace and a lot of second   rate developers work there which is fair because  it's pretty easy I tell the client this code is   horrible and I need to reformat then it turns out  the new links that he wanted in there completely   broke everything I told him that it would likely  take about 6 hours to get all of this sorted out   and he said that was fine and would compensate  me Accord accordingly by my hourly rate of $80 an   hour so I finish everything up tell him the total  of $640 and he agrees says he can pay me the next   day this I'll pay you the next day BS goes on for  about 2 weeks and I try to call him again on the   most recent day that he said he'd pay me turns out  he's now blocked my number a couple days go by of   trying to contct him while still getting nothing  I went to log into the site to cut my losses and   delete my work turns out he he's changed the  password at this point it's clear to me this   was planned so I'm pissed I email him stating that  if I don't hear within 48 hours I'll be serving   him court papers and a demand of payment to his  address that I had to find through An ancestry   site and subsequently call his apartment complex  to confirm before I serve some poor SAP with   random court papers he does an email for 24 hours  and this morning I find out that I'm still logged   into his site through the Squarespace app clearly  this is a huge vulnerability in Squarespace since   he had changed his password and I was still in on  the app I'll likely report this to them but this   is where my revenge comes into play I created a  new email that was his address at   which I then used to sign up for a new Squarespace  account with invited myself as a contributor so I   can access on desktop as well and set his live  site as password protected he sees this and is   repeatedly emailing and texting me me saying he  can pay me 250 but 750 now with late fees is just   insane and way too much now apparently he can pay  me on Monday which I've heard plenty of already   this pissed me off even more so I stated I would  continue adding late fees until he pays up and   that his site will continue to be mine now his  site is indeed live again but every page autop   plays crappy SoundCloud rappers and all the links  he had me place now take the user to cool math   games I considered PE Hub but that's perhaps a  bit much I've never done this to other clients   but this dude is a 43-year-old piece of garbage I  should also state that I pride myself in work and   generally run on a very professional level however  I won't accept no payment and being jerked around   for weeks all I can say is I definitely support  what op was doing here pay your web developers   and web designers because it's literally stealing  otherwise op had posted some updates and basically   got about $200 total from this guy over the next  few months and could never get him to pay up the   full amount and it's eventually going to go to  a court case so I hope it works out for op a   family's incompetence nearly killed me neighbors  go nuclear a few years ago at the age of 22 I was   diagnosed with epilepsy which came out of the blue  in my appointments with the epilepsy nurse and   my neurologist I was informed by way of informing  those who were looking for a cause for my epilepsy   that I had suffered from measles when I was around  13 months old and was not yet fully vaccinated   against it Upon returning home I spoke with my  sister and remarked that I had never heard of this   before in private my sister decided that as it was  me who was involved I had the right to know what   she knew of the story however she was only 8 years  old at the time and was unsure of the true extent   of what had transpired the story that she told me  was as follows shortly after I was born a family   moved onto our street and they had a son who was  around my sister's age my sister wasn't fond of   him he was a bit pushy but not in an unkind way he  likely just wanted to make friends and pushed his   way into playing with the other children my sister  however had an anxiety disorder and has had it for   a long time and she really didn't appreciate  this Behavior finding him quite intimidating   she knew very little about his parents and has  never actually spoken to them about a year later   I came down with the measles and was rushed to  the hospital with severe complications my sister   explained that as far as she was aware the family  was opposed to vaccinations and believed that the   only way to build a natural immunity was to  be infected with a virus this was before the   falsified study linking vaccines to autism as  such when their unvaccinated son contracted the   measles the first thing that they thought of was  to do the other families on the street a favor   and send their infectious son out to play with  the other children without warning anybody my   sister inadvertently brought the virus into the  house and we were both infected she Shrugged it   off but I wasn't so lucky 21 years later I would  find out that this virus and the seizures that had   caused at the time caused scarring in my brain  that has left me with epilepsy and all of the   joys that come with that lovely stuff I returned  from the hospital after an anticlimactic recovery   and a month later the family disappeared until  recently that was all I knew of the situation my   parents were understandably traumatized by the  whole thing and they didn't like to talk about   it so I dropped it into the conversation with an  elderly neighbor who was not in any way affiliated   with what happened at the time I was informed that  while I was in the hospital who has since passed   away had confronted the family over what they had  done during a time when it was still possible that   I might have died their response was something  to the effect of you should be be thaning us   she'll be much safer now that she's had it she'll  have a more natural immunity now to my neighbor's   knowledge nobody liked that and for good reason  on top of that parents didn't feel safe with them   around and there were other infants on the street  who were my age or younger people hurdled abuse at   them he recalled and they ended up leaving to stay  with relatives before the house could even be sold   it was only recently that the extent of the abuse  was relayed to me by another neighbor who may   or may not Taken part in it all their tires were  slashed multiple times almost as soon as they were   replaced their car was keyed when people weren't  hurdling abuse at them in the street the worst of   all being my grandmother who had a razor sharp  wit always being able to come up with something   new and unique they wrote handwritten letters  calling them every obscene name Under the Sun   and reminding them that they could be responsible  for my death posting them through their mailbox   and sticking them to their windows and doors the  res resident baseball boy with the blessing of   everybody present tore their letter box off their  wall and smashed it in with a baseball bat one of   the residents on the street had a pair of cats  and when they brought any little presents home   she would scoop up the unfortunate prey with  a shovel and leave them on their doorstep this   evolved to include the waste of the cats too and  another neighbor who had a dog decided to do the   same with his dog droppings this would be done  primarily when they were out of the house and   this was being done In the Heat of the summer so  you can only imagine the smell and The Cloud of   flies that would be wafting around their porch  when they returned hours later the owner of the   dog even went as far as to smear the droppings  all over their door handle and as much of their   front window as he could though people found  this a wee bit disgusting so he stopped while   the abuse and letters kept up people very quickly  stopped leaving droppings and such on their porch   or sticking the letters to their Windows because  un fortunately their young lad who was about seven   or eight got caught in the crossfire some of the  older children caught onto the fact that their   parents didn't like his family and began to bully  him without ever really knowing why his family   was hated so much and this ended up reaching him  at school to their credit they realized that he   likely didn't understand what was going on and it  wasn't his fault so they dialed it back a bit and   kept the abuse to where only the parents could see  this family was so distressed that they took their   son and aanda The Sibling of one of the parents  after the sibling of the other told them quite   frankly that they didn't want their unvaccinated  son around their children the house was sold in   their absence I wondered aloud why the police  weren't called because some of the perpetrators   were very obvious at which point I was informed  that these people had an inherent distrust of   any and all authority figures and held the belief  that the system was against them they were being   oppressed and that the police would sweep it  all under the rug so they just left instead of   exposing their son to the biased police which is a  really baffling to me because in my country their   Community is a majority and they'd be more likely  to receive support so the moral of the story is to   vaccinate your children folks considering  everything this family did and what they   believed in I don't think there was any saving  these parents to me they seemed a bit too far   gone as far as the conspiracy theor and people are  out to get them and would you consider what these   parents did to be kind of abusive towards the kid  especially in the long term or do you think it's   just their decision and it's up to them let me  know what you guys think in the comments and our   final story of the day is by throwaway by twin I  didn't give my twin brother my kidney because he   had an affair with my girlfriend and then outed me  as bisexual I Ryan and my twin brother Sebastian   have never ever been close in fact he made my  life heck growing up and my parents didn't help by   playing favorites getting him better stuff on our  birthday only going to see films he liked at the   cinema and giving him extra money for housework  despite us doing the same amount of work he would   always put me down belittle me bully me with his  friends at school break my stuff and then blame   me and was just a pain in general growing up the  only people I knew to rely on was my older sister   Jane my cousin Kai and best friend Isaac who all  knew what an awful person my brother was anyway   cut to when I was 17 and I had my first girlfriend  someone I loved very much we didn't hook up cuz   she wanted to wait till her 18th birthday to lose  it but it turns out she was having an affair with   my brother behind my back for half the time  we were together and only got caught when it   was revealed she was pregnant I was crushed she  knew how much I hated my brother and she saw some   of the awful things he did to me but still went  and did that cheating is bad enough but to do it   with him of all people I punched him in the face  and broke his nose and made him lose a tooth but   according to my parents I'm the one in the wrong  and now we have to help this girl who's carrying   my brother's child and have to help support them  my brother then said he had no intention of being   a father and told my girlfriend to get an abortion  she then ran out of town and I never saw her again   don't know if she had the baby or not all I know  is that she was gone and my folks were still   praising my brother as The Golden Child I was  still the black sheep and failure as usual another   year goes past and me and my brother still despise  each other but I had started dating again was a   long while but I found someone found a boy I liked  I'm bisexual and this new guy Daniel I admitted   College caught my eye he was deaf and I studied  sign language out of boredom so we got talking and   things just seemed to click we date fall in love  bring him to my friend Isaac's party to introduce   him to friends and all feels great at this point  the only one who knew I was by was Isaac but one   day walking into a cinema holding my boyfriend's  hand I bump into my evil twin he points laughs   and says some homophobic remarks I tell him to  go freak himself and I go see a movie with my   arm around my boyfriend when I got home after  dropping my boyfriend off I knew I'd be facing   something as I walked through the front door I  saw both my parents on the sofa my mother crying   about how on Earth could she have given birth to  someone so disgusting was it too much to hope she   saw the light and was talking about my brother but  nope she was talking about me and how I'm aain on   our family's name my father gets up to yell at me  spout homophobic remarks and slurs at this point I   see my brother up the staircase with a poop eting  grin on his face he then comes down and says he's   uncomfortable with sharing a room with an fword  and my folks kick me out there and then with what   little clothes and money I had I went to Isaac's  house and and his family took me in where I stayed   for 6 months actually experiencing familial love  and affection and Isaac's mother and stepdad I   consider my own parents now eventually me Daniel  and Isaac all get a two-bedroom flat together and   all is good for the time being so cut to December  Last year me and my boyfriend now husband Daniel   are married Isaac was my best man my sister and  cousin Kai walked me down the aisle I have a   brilliant job in graphic design have my own house  by the Sea and life has never been better however   I got a call from my sister that my brother was  in the hospital I hadn't thought about him much   over the 9-year period since I was kicked out  but being reminded of his existence brought up   a lot of painful memories for me I was told by my  sister that Sebastian wanted to see me and that it   was urgent so I went to the hospital he was in and  met my sister outside the front entrance I ask her   what this is all about but she doesn't tell me and  that I need to ask my twin so I arried to where   my brother is who have my parents at his side and  my folks actually look happy to see me as if what   they did to me hadn't happened and Sebastian also  looked really pleased to see me it's safe to say   something was off eventually I ask what's going  on and why I was even here to which my brother   tells the family to leave us two alone he looks so  weak as before he used to intimidate me so much he   told me he was dying from kidney failure and has  been for the past few years but now he didn't have   long left I knew immediately where this was going  he then said he always regretted that we never   got along at which point I told him no he looked  confused and asked about what I was on about so   I simply told him I wasn't going to donate my  kidney to save him he looked as if I had just   pooped in his food he then went on about how bad  the situation was and that he was really sorry   for all the things we did to each other growing  up like excuse me we did to each other I told   him that I just wanted a brother growing up that  cared and loved me who wouldn't try and break me   every day for 18 years he then called in our mom  and dad and told them that I wasn't going to give   up my kidney they then started to spout off that  I owed them for my existence and that I have a   duty to look after family I asked them where that  Duty was when they kicked me out of the house or   where that Duty was every time I brother gave  me a black eye or their Duty was to look after   the grandchild when Sebastian decided he didn't  want to be a father I said for all the things   he's done from outing me to having an affair with  my girlfriend and abandoning his child that this   was the universes and my way of finally giving  back what he dished out to bite him in the butt   I then turned and walked out of the room having  that be the last time I ever saw Sebastian again   not sure why they'd want an f-words kidney anyway  I walked past my sister who gave me a look I gave   her a look back who then in turn gave me a look  that said I understand after leaving the hospital   I felt as if a great weight had been taken off  my shoulders I went home and never looked back   pleased with my decision now last week I get a  call from my sister calling to inform me that   Sebastian had died she asked if I was okay and I  said I was that I didn't really feel anything in   all honesty she said she understood to a degree  as Sebastian hadn't been all that kind to her   over the years either I had my husband and Isaac  there to support me honestly at this point Isaac   may as well be our adopted child since he's  living with us till this whole situation with   the world is over the next day I was getting  calls and texts from family members I hadn't   spoken to in years telling me that I'm going to  heck for being a bad son being a bad brother and   being an f word and that me and my husband don't  deserve children hubby and I have been looking   into adoption and surgus you see this makes me  second guess my choice of not giving my brother   a kidney even in death he's making things harder  for me I did wonder if I was a bad person and if   I made the wrong decision but I knew that if I  was in that position I would have been left for   dead screw him other bits of information that may  clear things up his renal failure was from living   a hardcore lifestyle of drugs and alcohol my  folks and sister did get themselves tested to see   if their matches and none of them were I disowned  them being my family years ago apart from Jane so   when I got married I took my husband's last name  and hyphen it with Isaac's last name to which his   folks were very pleased about some family Kai's  folks and my dad's brother have actually called   to see how I'm doing and say they don't judge me  for what happened others however have continued   with said abuse whom I've now blocked if he had  been a good brother throughout my life I'd have   done it without a second thought I'd have done  the same for Jane Kai Isaac and my husband but   I felt he didn't deserve it it's unlikely I'll  ever see my parents again and I'll make sure   my children will never meet them my revenge to  them will be being a better parent than they ever   were honestly I can't say that I blame op either  this is one of those situations where for almost   two entire decades growing up throughout your  developmental life you were essentially tortured   you were looked down upon your self-esteem was  crushed and then to top it off they kicked you   out and basically said to never come back so it's  no great surprise that later on when they're like   please I need your help we're family the answer  would be no because they never were truly family   jerk gets publicly humiliated before the entire  student body and his parents and grandmother this   story happened when I was in high school I went to  a smallish high school around 950 students ranging   from the 9th to 12th grade with so many students  in one place I had quite a good few friends that   I talked to but only a handful that I hung out  with and talked with on a daily basis now there   was a certain person in our social group let's  call him Bailey Bailey was a social outcast by   many people standards not by bullying or hazing  or mistreatment from the other students it's just   that no one really liked him because he was a jerk  all the time he was always playing the victim when   he was rejected by girls he threatened to ruin the  lives of said girls who did reject him he harassed   girls online and touched them in uncomfortable  places in person after being told to stop stomach   lower back neck he begged for money off of people  he was a sexist and racist person to all Races and   ethnicities he put himself into other people's  conversations and generally wasn't a very nice   person to hang around I have a really good friend  let's call her a a has been my best friend ever   since I can remember and she's a wonderful sweet  and generous person to everyone one day before we   got out for winter break a came up to me in the  hallway before the end of school falling her eyes   out I asked her to tell me what was wrong and  she said that Bailey had asked her out before   she went to her class over text but when she  declined after explaining that she already had   a boyfriend all heck broke loose he called her  a racist slur and a slur about being promiscuous   he said she should end herself because of how fat  she was he said no one loved her because she was   a mixture of the two worst races and said that no  one would want her because she's a seword and she   has a stinky hooo area a had some in Securities  about herself and ba hit every single one of them   Point Blank I was freaking seething with rage  while reading her texts and I was completely   appalled and disgusted at his behavior I told  her to dry her eyes and send me screenshots of   the conversation he had with her when she asked  what I was going to do with them I simply told   her that I had enough of him harassing girls  and I was going to do something about it now   I was not going to confront him directly not  with how angry I was at the moment instead I   decided to rally the troops and get ready for the  bloodbath I was going to Massacre what was left of   his entire High School career his entire life now  Bailey had done this to Girls before and luckily I   had those girls numbers saved in my phone because  they're my friends and we would send each other   memes so I made a group chat and asked everyone  to send any type of rude racist sexist or failed   attempt to be asked out screenshot over any type  of social media that Bailey had sent to them over   through the next 15 minutes my phone was blaring  with text notifications there were screenshots of   Snapchat stories Facebook comments text messages  all in all I had around 60 photos of sexist racist   failed dcks or jerk comments and rants that he  made to 15 females including myself over winter   break I composed all of those screenshots into a  nice little PowerPoint and saved it in my flash   drive on my laptop I spoke with a principal  and I asked him if I could show him something   relevant to the safety of the student body during  his free break at lunch he told me that he had no   problem with it and a time was set when it  finally comes down for my meeting with the   principal I have a small parade of girls behind  me who wanted to come testify anxiously holding   on to each other's hands we were invited into the  principal's private conference room as he sets up   his laptop and plugs my flash drive in to connect  it to the projector the principal called in some   teachers to be Witnesses and called Bailey down  to the conference room to take a seat and to try   to defend himself if the allegations weren't  true the principal clicks the remote to play   my presentation and it slowly begins to load  up the first slide comes up and the room goes   deathly silent besides a few gasps of shock as  the slides continue on I notice Bailey squirming   around in his seat uncomfortable and the people  in the room are getting more agitated and angry   halfway through the slides Bailey jumped comes  to his feet and throws his arms in front of   the projector screen to censor out a particular  image that he had sent to a girl even though she   had blurred it out ad pick he tried to explain  that he was joking with the comments about race   and being a guy or girl and that these girls were  framing him for something he didn't do he pointed   to me and said that I was the ring leader of  this operation and that I should be the one who   was being thrown on the spot not him the entire  room was tense and the principal turned on the   lights with his hands on his hips and a giant sigh  the principal turns to me and tells me thank you   for bringing this to his attention and he asks if  he could take the flash drive and use it for the   investigations and alleged rumors that were going  on about Bailey I gave it to him and he thanked me   again before he left with Bailey and the teachers  in toe since I copied the original slideshow to   my cat flash drive I sent the PowerPoint to not  only mutual friends at the school but also to   his mom and dad through Facebook all of them were  not only absolutely disgusted by his comments but   his family was extremely distraught but thankful  I brought this up to their attention a few days   later the entire school was summoned to the  gym for an announcement Bailey was there with   his parents on either side of him and his frail  grandmother on the small stage we have set up   for concerts and band Productions the slideshow is  playing on repeat on a projector in the background   for everyone to see the principal said a few words  about how harassment in any shape form or fashion   would not be tolerated and neither would sexism  or any form of racist Behavior or comments the   principal made Bailey apologize publicly to the  school about his behavior and how he would never   do it again his parents were embarrassed but  they also apologized to the school and to the   young ladies that he had harassed his grandmother  did not let him off so easily she slapped his knee   with her cane hard and started yelling at him him  for being so disgusting and such a disappointment   to her and the rest of the family Bailey started  to cry on the stage as his mother and father tried   to calm down his grandmother once everything  calmed down they were escorted off the property   he was suspended for the rest of the year for  verbal harassment and racist comments later on in   the same year I found out that he tried to rob a  grocery store and was now facing trial for battery   assault with a deadly weapon and armed robbery my  friends and I all grabed graduated happily and I   never saw Bailey again I'm kind of curious what  you guys think do you think this public display   of what Bailey said putting them up on stage with  their family in front of the entire school do you   think that was the right thing to do or a good  thing to do or do you think Bailey should have   just gotten quietly expelled and totally removed  from that system or maybe even something else I'd   like to know what you guys think in the comments  down below our next story is by mind Chaser 05   entitled family Tre trespasses so we total their  car so in our state you can skin a deer in your   yard as long as it's a bit out of sight you don't  have to as law enforcement don't care much me and   my grandpa go hunting every once in a while for  white tail then we take it back and skin it gut   it and all that we had just got a nice buck and  we had it registered when you kill it you have   to make sure people know so after we got back  to our house we set the deer up in our backyard   away from the road we figured we didn't want kids  seeing what we were doing so we could skin it gut   it all the nice stuff so we had it up on the  line that we set up that went from our porch   to a nearby tree it was maybe 50 ft mind you our  house is a tea kind of shape one side's towards   the road and the other side is away we had it set  away so my Grandpa gets his knife and we work the   fur coat off we don't hear anyone around until  entitled kiddo says waa what's that so cool I was   shocked why in the heck was there a kid behind our  house the Pelt was almost off off so we laid that   over our Jeep bumper now my grandpa can't hear  very well without his hearing aid which he took   out for a second because it was hurting his ear I  tug on Grandpa's coat he looks at me with a shrug   I motion for him to put his hearing aid in he does  I try to tell him about entitled kiddo but he must   have run off now that entitled kiddo was gone we  continued my grandpa sticks the knife in the deer   and he slic it open the guts go everywhere my  Grandpa gets to cutting them out when entitled   mom's screams what are you doing now just for  clarification we have a fence and a private   property sign up grandpa says where are you back  here this is PR entitled mother jumps in shut up   with your devil chance I say this is private  property we'll call the police entitled mother   looks a little scared but yells shut up my kid  can be here mind you her kid is behind her and he   started crying she said look what you did you made  him cry me and my grandpa are baffled but since   we live in the country where there's no Rhyme or  Reason to be out here he grabs his shotgun Grandpa   does it like in the movies where he pulled up and  slammed it down to pump it I'm in awe because I've   never seen someone do that the entitled mother  just took off she took entitled kiddo by the arm   and ran now you think she would be smart enough to  stay away no she didn't now we're taking the guts   away and she pulls up in her minivan behind our  house mind you this blocks our vehicle's path out   so since this is private property we can block  her vehicle since she's trespassing my grandpa   signals me to put out some cinder blocks behind  her vehicle and tires now she honks her horn like   she just found out what a goose is and is trying  to act like one she keeps going and all the while   she's smiling since her house is a giante I walk  around and grab some cinder blocks from the front   I sneak a peek at her vehicle it's like a freaking  clown car entitled mother gets out then entitled   father then entitled kid and then three God darn  others my grandpa noticed them get out and stops   what he's doing I sneak behind her vehicle once  they all get out I lay four down behind her tires   and stack some I also make the cinder blocks  barrier longer so now you have like 12 cinder   blocks completely stopping her from leaving I walk  back around and go upstairs I walk out into the   patio and down to where my grandpa is they're all  arguing my grandpa grabs a shotgun again they all   back up and get in their vehicle they keep honking  and my grand shoots into the ground in front of   their car entitled mother speeds back her tiny car  can't get over the cinder blocks she tries to go   forward but my other line I laid stopped her my  grandpa laughs and laughs entitled mother throws   it back crunch smash her vehicle was total when  she got over the bigger line her car plopped onto   the bricks she gets out and yells what have you  done you're going to pay Grandpa keeps laughing   entitled father says I'm calling the police he  called the cops entitled kid cried and they got   arrested for trespassing and harassment pretty  short story but well worth it I mean you're out   in the wilderness and somebody's skinning a deer  what does it look like they're doing what is this   family doing strolling up here the entire family  these people very clearly just were not very smart   and our final story of the day is by Chewbacca  gimon don't pay me I'll ruin your business and   have you find so this happened a few months ago  around November 2018 I was working at a small Cafe   as a kitchen Porter basically washed dishes and  helped out every so often in the kitchen anyway   I was supposed to be paid a week in hand a week  after I get paid as an 18-year-old in college at   the moment I was more than happy getting about 50  lbs a week for a few hours of honestly easy work   one week I didn't get paid and asked my boss what  was happening and he just told me to bear with him   as he had to do something quickly I complied and  he asked me to cut up some chicken and veg whilst   he had it quickly pop out I go into the kitchen  open the fridge that was supposed to be for   chicken only and saw that it had a tray of just  raw chicken sitting in blood with veg although I   wasn't that involved in catering as much as I was  a few years ago I still knew this was disgusting   and a clear breach of food safety I quickly snap  a picture of everything that was just absolutely   disgusting and against health and safety regul  ations and took as many photos as I could somehow   some of the photos got corrupted so I only had  two of them fast forward to the next week and I   asked my boss again when I was getting paid this  was getting close to xmus so I kind of needed the   money for presents he also owed me about 160 lb  at this point as I did some overtime and told me   that if I came to see him on the Saturday coming  up was a Thursday at the time then he'll be able   to pay me then I messaged him on Saturday asking  where he was and he just replied he'll be be there   in 5 30 minutes pass and he finally shows up and  just gives me50 in cash and basically started to   walk off I asked him about the other 100 lb  and basically he just said that the shop was   being closed for some electrical reworks and that  he'd be able to pay me then now my mom walks past   this Cafe on her way back from work and taking my  sister to hockey training and every time she did   she saw the place open with a few people not  customers just chilling she tells me and I'm   annoyed so I plot my mate just suggests jokingly  to put a brick through his windows and then ask   for the money or to just report him to both  environmental health and the tax man as he was   paying me in cash no wage slip basically he was  paying me illegally and tax-free I couldn't go to   the tax man as I'd be screwing myself over to but  I like the idea of environmental health still had   those picks I make a report and receive a response  being basically saying how they'd look into it and   that they were grateful as this was actually the  second store he owned that has been reported the   first one was closed but not told why a week  or so passes and basically the shop is never   opened and my mate looked into the charges that  we knew he'd get along with any others that he   may get needless to say it's most likely more than  a 100 quid yeah the guy deserved every bit of this   nuclear Revenge not only were they illegally paid  their people and stiffing them to boot honestly if   he was paying the people it wouldn't really bother  me but not only that they were endangering anybody   that remotely ateed that place because of terrible  cross-contamination there's basic rules about like   raw stuff not being near or above cooked stuff or  whatever but this is just like vegetables in the   same tray as the raw chicken in the Raw chicken's  blood it's like holy moly that place was bound to   get shut down my performance reviews that became  my manager's performance review I was the top   salesperson by a large margin at a location that  was vastly underperforming I was working with a   busino business sales company we sold services to  companies basically and this company had managed   to hire the most incompetent lazy and jealous  sales manager I've ever come across we were   a team of five salese and a sales manager all  five of us salespeople hated our sales manager   for various reasons but we liked her personally I  was the to salesperson of the team I was sitting   at 170% of my yearly objective and was well on my  way to president's Club this is largely because I   was the only salesperson on the team with real  sales experience and the sales manager was too   incompetent to train a team so my VP came down for  our yearly performance reviews and I was called in   first it was my VP and Mrs B short for which  I was expecting a positive performance review   right off the bat Mrs B hits me with op you know  our location hasn't been performing at objective   for a number of years and we suspect this is  because salespeople are misrepresenting their   daily work I'm taking it back op I don't think  you're actually doing what you say you're doing   in your CRM this is something that could get you  fired I looked at Mrs B and I said really she said   yeah I hit her back with I'm shocked you decided  to go this route Mrs B with a confident smile said   we got to do what it takes to get this location on  objective I said all right let's play a game Mrs   B pick a day any day in the CRM and let me prove  to you that I went to all my appointments and did   all my stops as recorded well op I'm not saying  you never go in the field I just think some days   you stay at home and put in BS notes in the CRM I  said Mrs B pick a day any day pick a day you think   I lied about my sales activities so Mrs B picks  a day now I'm smiling ear to ear and I'm freaking   heated right now I noticed the VP smiling at me  and his head is slanted to one side I suspected   he knew Mrs B was about to get absolutely freaking  own and he was right so she gives me the day and I   turn to VP Mr VP are you aware of how Android  phones work VP responds enlighten me I said   by default Android has location services turned  on and in fact Google will track where you went   and when naturally I carry my phone everywhere so  let's compare what Google says I did that day to   what my CRM says so I pull up my Google location  services for that day and surprise surprise is a   match Mrs B is obviously very concerned at this  point I said I'm actually quite enjoying this   performance review let's pick another day Mrs B  Mrs B fires back we don't need to do that I turn   to the VP and say Mr VP would you mind picking  a day he says sure what about XYZ he pulls up my   CRM I pull my location services for that that day  guess what it's a match I then get ready to pull   out the big guns Mr VP do you remember company  XYZ with a contract value of excess of 1 million   that we lost recently they say yes op I remember  apparently our competitor won them over on price   we can't win them all I say Mr VP here's an  email from their VP basically stating that   they've decided to not go with us for our failure  to provide three samples for them to decide on   which product worked best for them they say op  can you forward that to me sure not a problem   Mr VP forward it over I say Mr VP while I'm at  this let me forward you over several email chains   before this where I clearly asked Mrs B to order  those samples in fact in those very same email   chains she confirmed that she had in fact ordered  the sample he asked me to forward those emails so   I did now Mr VP I have one more thing I'd like  to bring to your attention do you mind if I step   outside for a minute so I can show you he said  sure I need to have a talk with Mrs B anyway now   I need to mention that several years prior to this  a general manager at another location assaulted a   woman the company was sued and lost a lot of money  because of this since this incident the company   put in a very clear-cut policy no relations  between management and people who work for them   it's a immediate termination for the manager now  another sales consultant in the office was named   Joe Joe was a married man with two beautiful  kids and Mrs B had the hots for him she tried   to hook up with him multiple times twice on text  Joe and I had talked about if he should report   this transgression I walked into the sales office  and said Joe I think it's time we get a new sales   manager you got those texts he looks at me and  goes is today going to be the day I said today is   going to be the day all the sales staff knew what  was going on the mood in the office was lifted Joe   and I begin walking back to the conference room  when the location manager who was not part of the   performance review saw Joe and I and he asked  what's going on Joe said you're going to need   to hire a new sales manager soon location manager  was confused he said he's coming into the meeting   we said fine I knocked on the door Mr VP said come  on in so I did there we stood Joe myself and the   location manager Mrs B knew exactly what was about  to happen we all took our seats and I asked the VP   Mr VP I just want to clarify a company Poli y they  say sure I say is it true that if a manager tried   to engage in a sexual relationship with a direct  report that it's immediate termination for that   manager Mr VP sits up straight takes a moment  and goes yes if something like that came to my   attention my hands would be tied I'd have to fire  the manager I said well Joe has something he wants   to show you Mrs B got up and walked out of the  conference room she was about to cry you could   tell her world her career had just completely  wrecked and I don't think she wanted to be around   for the end Joe went on to tell the VP how he's  a happily married man with two beautiful kids and   Mrs B kept hitting on him in fact she had sent him  numerous sexual texts and on two occasions openly   invited him to come hook up with her once in the  office and once at his home even after he made it   clear he wasn't going to hook up with her Mr VP  asked to see the texts and Joe provided them the   VP asked him to screenshot those and email those  over Joe said he would then the VP said I'm going   to need both of you to go back to the sales office  the location manager and I have some talking to do   we walked back into the sales office I noticed  the sales manager Office had looked cleaned out   apparently Mrs B was balling she was a wreck and  crying and said she was going home Joe laughed and   said yeah she won't be coming back it was about  20 to 25 minutes when the VP came into the sales   office and asked me to come to the conference room  again so I did I sat down and the VP said well   I would like to inform you that Mrs B has been  terminated effective immediately with this being   said after your performance review and looking  over your numbers you're our top sales rep in   this location and deserve nothing short of Stellar  remarks on your review and you'll be getting that   I said thank you I do have one question he  said sure anything I asked how do I apply for   the new sales manag job that just opened up Mr VP  laughed and said you sure do like to strike while   the Iron's hot don't you I said I do he said he  would let the location manager know and I'd be   able to put in my application I thanked him and  he said no thank you in my 35 years of being in   sales and Sales Management that was by far the  most interesting performance review I have ever   witnessed I did not end up getting promoted I  ended up quitting shortly after because they   decided to not promote me and in instead hired  a guy with no sales experience to be our sales   manager and this rubbed me the wrong way also our  service department sucked and couldn't deliver on   what I was selling and another company offered  me more money if you were working at a place   where you hated your manager and they had a very  strict policy that said any manager should have no   relations with any other employee or else it's  immediate termination and you had evidence of   them attempting something like that would you feel  any remorse about reporting them and watching them   get terminated on the spot or considering it's  a manager you wouldn't have liked would you just   not care let me know what you guys think is the  right thing and what you would do in the comments   down below and our final story of the day is by an  anonymous poster crappy customer gets vandalized   I work at a restaurant where the employees are  overworked and underpaid despite this everyone's   cool with each other and management the evils  that mess up our day are the customers and our   by the book district manager who drops by every  now and then for about 3 months we had someone   in the men's bathroom come in and smear an ungodly  amount of feal matter all over the handicap stall   of the men's bathroom even sometimes they'll fling  scat outside of the stall onto another toilet or a   wall of course management sends one of us peons to  clean it up fortunately for me I never had to as I   work the cash register the one coworker who we'll  call Arthur was who I'd call the personification   of pettiness he was crazy and had a smart mouth  and an explosive temper when pushed too far me and   Arthur were cool I never had problems with him but  management always had him clean out the bathroom   when it was poo smeared one day Arthur came in  on his day off to get some food after placing   his order he went to use the restroom while there  he heard someone moan and groan having a massive   poop storm in the handicap stall he didn't think  much of it even when he smelled that God awful   scent an older gentleman around 50 exited the  stall Arthur came out and noticed the smell was   even stronger than before curious he peaked into  the stall and noticed the poop smears all over   the place infuriated he asked the old man if he  had done that and why would he even the old guy   said with a scat eating grin look I don't care I  just want to ruin some poor Freaker's day Arthur   was set the Freak off as he was that poor freaker  initially Arthur wanted to clock the guy right   then and there but in his own words time slowed  down around him and all he saw was red Arthur   didn't say anything to the man instead he washed  his hands and sat back down waiting for his food   he sat on the opposite end of the restaurant but  the location provided an overview of the entire   floor he could see the old guy at his Booth  munching away like nothing happened of course   someone complained that there was poop smeared all  over and one of the other employees that Arthur   was cool with had go clean up the mess Arthur  caught the old guy looking on at the situation and   grinning to himself seeing that Arthur thought the  man needed to be taught a hard and hurtful lesson   the old guy finished his food and drove home  little did he know that Arthur was following him   he ends up following the old guy to his home and  Stakes it out for an hour Arthur does this for a   couple of weeks following him home learning about  this guy as quick as possible even on days off he   drove over to where he lived and followed him to  both the restaurant and to his old guys company   Arthur had gotten a rough idea of this guy's  work and sleep schedule so it was time to enact   his revenge going by the information he acquired  about the guy's activities and the neighborhood   he lived in Arthur figured out that this guy  lived well enough to survive but had no means   of back up if something were to happen Arthur had  a three-part plan for him First Act in the dead   of the night Arthur went to the old guy's house he  slashed one of the tires the old guy drove a Jeep   so Arthur opened the spare tire compartment and  poked a small hole in it the old guy woke up the   following morning to find his tire flat according  to Arthur the old man was on the phone freaking   out because he was going to be running late for  work and really didn't have the money to get a   new tire not only that to Arthur's surprise the  old guy didn't know how to change a tire the old   guy spent nearly 2 hours in the hot Texas morning  heat on the phone with someone on how to put the   spare tire on this is important for later in this  act at this point Arthur's foaming at the mouth   with excitement the old guy drove on the spare  to work only to find out that afternoon that the   spare went flat even more frustrated the old man  drives the car to a nearby auto shop to get both   tires serviced later that night this time Arthur  slashed three out of four of his tires remember   when old guy was on the phone getting instructions  on how to get his tire fixed well before that   he had called his car insurance company to get  someone to come out and fix his tire he was very   loud and the gist of the conversation was that  the insurance company wouldn't come out and fix   his tire and couldn't get them insured because all  four tires weren't blown out they said it would   be easier and less expensive to just change the  tire himself and get another so later that night   Arthur slashed the other three tires save for the  new one Arthur wasn't there the following morning   but he knew that the old guy surely had a meltdown  that and he didn't show up to the restaurant for   a month second act piggybacking on the First Act  Arthur would regularly check on Old guy's car when   all the tires were replaced Arthur went to the old  guy's house late at night and poured a gallon and   a half of sugar and bleach into the gas tank his  car had one of those manual gas covers instead of   the modern button inside the car so no one was  none the wiser in the morning during Arthur's   steakouts the old man started his car up and left  for work only to get halfway there before the car   stopped working so old guy had to get his car  towed to his house the Final Act Arthur got   the old guy's name from the phone conversation and  searched him on Facebook he downloaded a couple of   good pictures of him and created a few Flyers due  to the old guy's car being unusable he wasn't able   to come into the restaurant to do his usual crap  pun intended Arthur printed the Flyers out and   posted them all over the restaurant the Flyers had  a picture of the guy his name and described what   he did in the bathrooms for the past few months a  few days later the old guy comes in with a friend   the friend goes ahead in orders while the old guy  runs to the bathroom one of the co-workers spotted   him and notifies everyone there including the  friend old guy starts to do his thing in the stall   until he sees the flyer with his face on it he  storms out of the bathroom flyer in hand angrily   demanding for the person responsible to step up  to him AR arur steps up in his uniform and claims   responsibility the old guy begins threatening  to sue for slander and emotional damages and   other offenses to which Arthur simply says with an  equally scat eaing grin look I don't care I just   want to ruin some poor Freaker's day old guy's  Soul momentarily leaves his body as he realizes   that the same guy he confessed his crime two weeks  ago was one of the employees the managers arrive   and ban the old guy from the restaurant the old  guy threatens to Ram his car into the windows to   which Arthur says is your car a unicycle better  check your tires you poor freaker old guy then   realizes that Arthur was behind the attacks banned  from the restaurant no hard evidence of Arthur's   vandalism and extreme embarrassment old guy  decides to bow out haven't seen or heard from him   since unfortunately fast forward a month and two  nights ago Arthur got arrested from fighting an   off-duty officer at a convenience store this story  was a roller coaster and insane like the lengths   Arthur went to all that and they pulled all of it  off and then at the very end op's like yeah they   went and fought an off duty officer so they got  arrested considering all the stuff Arthur did in   this story it's somehow both an absolute surprise  that they fought that officer at a convenience   store yet actually just makes so much sense  Arthur's a crazy dude harass your classmates think   twice hun this is kind of a long story but here  goes this happened back in high school about 4   years ago I was involved but another girl exacted  the Revenge that the rest of us were begging for   I'm going to call the antagonist AP her initials  I go to school with ap she's 16 and in the year   below met her in anatomy class she's nice to me  and we get along tells me she's bisexual and I   mean I'm totally cool with that but I don't know  why she told me I see her here and there and we   hang out at the homecoming game AP starts leaning  against me as as if I'm her significant other   think this is weird but I'm like whatever I get  up at one point she takes this as rejection I see   this because of the way she acts when people are  upset with her or can't hang when I get home that   night AP texts me says she's going to end it all  and asks why I didn't hold her and stuff like that   AP asks why I don't love her and says she thought  I was her girlfriend I may be bisexual too but I'm   not interested in her in that way she also tells  me she was assaulted multiple times and stuff like   that that she only ever said she was assaulted  in the past when she felt rejected I feel bad for   her and tell her I'm sorry if I hurt her feelings  but I'm still weirded out by her behavior hang out   with her more and she keeps leaning on me hugging  me and putting her hands on me same routine every   time I reject her she threatens ending it all and  I apologize when really I'm trying to get her away   from me cue the final straw I'm in anatomy class  one day and she touches my butt like dead center I   I jump and turn to her I get up in her face and I  tell her don't ever freaking do that again at this   point I'm about to flip out I know it's not the  worst thing that could have happened but I feel   violated and I hope to God no one saw her do that  to me now I have never said anything like this to   anyone but this had gone on for a few months and  I was on edge didn't speak to her for a while   you may be wondering didn't she say something to a  teacher yes I told my teacher and a counselor that   she was harassing me sending me photos touching  me threatening self harm the teacher just gives   me a look of what do you want me to do about it  counselor tells me to tell AP to leave me alone   I didn't want her to get in too much trouble but I  wanted her to get help I was fuming at this point   and I went home tell my mom what happened and she  was livid tells me to stay away from her and I'm   thinking you don't have to tell me twice move on  to the next block in the second block of my senior   year I'm in stagecraft class we're in the middle  of working on our set for Little Shop of Horrors   everything's going well and our set looks insane  we even get the Audrey 2 prop from Broadway one   day teacher announces that we have a new student  I'm hoping that we'll get along nicely who is it   AP she walks in and sits at the same table as  me she hangs out with my friend who I'll call   Eevee Eevee is being nice to her and I don't say  a word to AP I don't even look up later we go to   work on the set and I go to my te teacher I ask  her if she won't make me do jobs with ap as I've   had issues with her in the past teacher is super  nice and understanding and says she won't I think   her move on work with EV and EV tells me that AP  is being weird I tell her I figured and ask her   why Eevee tells me that AP was talking about her  period in detail out of nowhere and tells Eevee   that she was assaulted by a classmate in another  class now I'm not usually one of these people but   I don't believe a word of what AP had said to  EV I tell Eevee to avoid AP we go on with our   day and I'm chilling out with my guy friend ar ar  is this really nice and funny rooc kid unicorn of   my heart I tell you AR tells me that ap's been  getting handy and flirty with him he hates her   too we hang out a lot and she practically follows  him around like a puppy even at her workplace she   kind of moves on some exf friends of mine whatever  out of my life now I previously said that she was   sending photos I deleted my Snapchat to get this  girl off my back because she kept sending them   and as previously stated she's 16 at the time the  photos she sent me were inappropriate like picks   of her in short shorts tank tops low cut dresses  Etc turns out I wasn't the only one she sent picks   to the pcks she sent to others were worse one day  her friend gets mad at her like fuming mad AP had   sent her some photos as well ap's friend is hungry  for Revenge at at this point I don't know what AP   did to her but it must have been bad ap's friend  goes on Facebook gets on ap's page and posts   the pics I mean hundreds of them everywhere her  friends and family see them relationships ruined   she became an embarrassment now I don't Advocate  this Behavior at all but this is why we don't   harass people with photos and inappropriate sexual  behavior if ap's friend wanted Revenge that's on   her short of going to the police in the situ ation  they kind of exhausted what they could talked to   parents talked to teachers talked to counselors  none of them actually offered any help considering   all the creepy and weird Behavior AP put out  towards a lot of people do you feel bad for AP   at all knowing that all the unsolicited pictures  she sent to people were pasted all over Facebook   let me know down in the comments and our final  story of the day is by Captain Chronicle never   steal from a mechanic okay so I shared my little  story to a few friends friends and a Discord and   was told to share it with you fine people this  all happened a little over 10 years ago when I   was just starting out of my mechanic career it's  a bit of a long read but I believe it's worth   the time due to the nature of the story some  parts and locations will be vague Looking Back   Now I probably went a little too far at first but  apparently fate had other plans in the end so to   start off a little backstory I grew up on a farm  in the east coast lots of hard work with no pay   and being from a less fortunate family we never  had much Growing Up This Way helped me appreciate   what little I had though once I was 16 I bought  a car with a blown motor and rebuilt it while in   Auto class I loved that car while working for an  auto part store my mother decided to move down   south parents were divorced long ago and since  my stepmother was a total witch druggy ruined my   father's business that kind of witch I decided to  leave everything behind and move in with my mother   a few states away a few months after turning 18 I  barely had enough to get there once there I helped   pay the bills with my auto parts store job for  Christmas that Year Mom couldn't get me anything   we were barely getting by so I scraped up enough  to get myself a stereo for my car a cheap one   but nice to 19-year-old me and her a goldplated  cross necklace she hung on her rearview mirror   she cried when I gave it to her and still tears  up when I talk about it we lived in a trailer park   surrounded by trees covered in Spanish moss hidden  from the main road and a few miles away from the   nearest town we knew our neighbors well as there  was only around eight other trailers on the slot   nice people apart from the one that was next to  us I'll call him Chad Chad was in the military   and worked on a nearby base he was also an MP as  such he never cared when him or his buddies were   being too loud at night left trash everywhere and  refused to clean it up and generally was just a   jerk to everyone he even cussed out a 90-year-old  lady for asking him to clean up the beer bottles   him and his friends threw into her Rose Garden the  whole neighborhood hated Chad and his jerk friends   one spring I blew a head gasket in my car so I  was in my little driveway parked next to my mom's   car her boyfriend's truck was parked in front of  the trailer out of the way anyway late one night   as I was working on my car Chad's buddies were  making their drinking rounds walking all over   the park throwing bottles everywhere peeing on  cars being jerks they saw me working on my car   and came right over to make fun of me for being  poor not having a better car still living with my   mom at 19 everything I tried to just ignore them  since I was not a confrontational person I asked   them to let me be so I can get this done to this  they just made a bit more fun of me and left when   they realized they weren't getting a reaction from  me later on they all went into Chad's trailer and   continued partying so I packed up my tools and  parts and took everything inside ured all our   doors were locked and went to bed that morning I  woke up to all our cars doors opened and them ran   sacked I was pissed missing was my stereo my mom's  gold cross and her boyfriend's truck stereo was an   expensive HUD style we called the cops and they  didn't want to do anything about it as the donut   Patrol was talking to me saying this isn't worth  the Department's time something in me snapped I   politely said okay I get it we'll be sure to keep  a watch out for next time then and the cops left   I went inside and started thinking of how I was  going to get even no one will make my mom cry   so I went to Chad's door and asked him where our  stuff was he was hung over and I woke him up at   700 a.m. he was not happy but let it slip that  he doesn't know where his friends took it to so   I had him I told him he has 24 hours and nothing  will be done he laughed it off and Slamm the door   in my face it was on later that night came a huge  storm Heavy Rain lots of Thunder the works so at   1:00 a.m. I dressed up in some old clothes and  thermals grabbed my tools and went out to his   car he had a nice new little Nissan and to me it  looked a little too nice I got under it and took   off everything I possibly could without being  caught I unbolted every nut cut every wire cut   a few holes in the gas tank sliced his tires from  the inside sidewalls took off the oil pan I went   ape crap on this poor little car my father was a  mechanic for many years and growing up with him   I learned a lot about how to destroy a car without  being noticed thanks to the storm Chad never heard   a thing after a few hours of getting my revenge I  went back inside and cleaned up tossing my clothes   in the wash and going to bed happy I was able to  cause him some Peril the next morning I wake up   to the Blissful sounds of him cursing and punching  his car that had no chance in heck of ever working   again all those parts of his I threw into a small  pond just over the fence near the edge of the lot   they'll never be found he was so pissed he broke  all the glass and Ed several body panels the cops   were called and they asked around everybody said  he had anger issues and was within reason that he   would take it out on his own car or his wife who  was hardly around due to him being him but they   had a kid so I guess they were making it work  somehow the cops being the lazy jerks I knew   them to be from the day before didn't do a thing  and chocked it up to him having issues and left   any other Revenge story this would be it right  I got my revenge and he has to pay oh but fate   would have it I was but a cog in life's plan to  give him what he had coming I never planned this   part but it makes me smile every time I think  back so since he didn't have a car anymore he   had it towed off his wife at least I thought it  was his wife would come over to have some loud   open window sex one thing that perplexed me is  there was no kid in toe as usual and her voice   was different so I got a webcam and set it up in  my window a perfect spot to see who was coming in   and out and hear all the juicy bits of their love  making thing is there were several different girls   coming over when I was gone to work since old Chad  didn't have a car now he had to have his Affairs   do house calls Apparently after a little over  a month I compiled every girl every runchy sex   section and every front porch kiss goodbye into a  folder and caught his wife bringing their son by   when he was out one evening I asked her to come in  and I showed her the clips she was livid she was   so pissed she called her dad and ordered a U-Haul  I helped her gather anything she said was hers   including a 55 in TV it was 2009 those were still  very nice the fridge and even the washer and dryer   she gave me a hundred bucks for my time hugged me  and thanked me over and over for letting her know   just how much of a jerk he really is that's when  I told her he did me wrong too and explained what   had happened to me and my family she was slack jaw  and called her dad again she told me this wasn't   over and she felt so bad for us having to deal  with them an hour later she came back with her   dad and he gave me another 200 bucks and said he  was very appreciative that someone did the right   thing he shook my hand thanked me again and I  never saw him after the most amazing thing was   when Chad came home after drinking and realizing  all the stuff was gone he destroyed the trailer   kicked out the walls Windows ripped off the door  everything cops were called again by the old lady   neighbor and he was put in cuffs and taken away  he was never heard from again but I was told   from the nice landlord who owned the whole lot he  was on the tab for all the damages and for rent   and took him to court they had to wait because  apparently he made a fuss at the station and hit   a cop I don't know what happened after since we  moved so his life is probably still ruined and I   couldn't care less I bought mom another cross  me another stereo and mom's boyfriend one too   that wasn't as good as his old one but was still  nice I told him the full story over a bottle of   tequila with his friends and had the best night  I still don't remember much of take care of your   mechanic friends well now I know if I live in  an area where the cops don't really care and I   have a mechanic nearby that can take apart my  car better not go and double cross them or be   a jerk isn't it just sad though that both sides  turning to the police because things were stolen   in damaged and taken apart and the cops look at it  and go yeah we don't have the resources for that   just try uh keeping an eye on it next time thanks  guys I really appreciate it that makes me feel so   much better and helps with my problem they kicked  my friend's mom out so we trashed their store and   got it shut down okay I realize this may sound  terrible but you have to read through the whole   story this happened about 15 years ago when I was  living overseas now I'm in the US let's just say   I used to live in a developing country back in  the time me and my friend let's call him Han were   driving around the city one night when he got  a phone call from his older brother let's call   him Barry the phone call from what I was able to  comprehend was pretty intense after Han hung up   he was pretty frustrated he told me to drive over  to the supermarket near his parents house I did   I asked H what was wrong he said it looks like  Barry has gotten into a fight and that he needs   our help I told him let's go see what's going on  on our way to the supermarket Han called a couple   of our friends and told them to meet us there for  extra support I know how this may sound it sounds   like we're a bunch of gang bangers looking to go  start some stuff so before yall start jumping into   conclusions let me give you some background the  community I used to live in is heavily tribal   it's not about ganging up but more like standing  up and being there for a friend in need that's   the common mindset and that's their way of life  it's pretty backwards at this day and age and it's   worth pointing out that I'm completely against  that mindset now especially that I'm living in   the US but anyway we eventually arrived at that  Supermarket it was in a very busy and vibrant area   with lots of traffic we parked our cars at the  front door and stood out on the street waiting   for Barry until he showed up he was enraged but  yet calm and on point we asked him what was going   on so we went on explaining apparently Barry and  Han's mom went into the supermarket to buy some   chicken she did manage to buy some chicken in a  sealed container she needed it to cook for the day   but when she got home and opened the container the  chicken smelled absolutely rotten and disgusting   understandably she decided to go back to the  store and return that chicken notify the store   management and get another chicken that isn't  salmonella in a box since she shops there quite   often I know my friend's mom she's not a Karen in  any way and she's the super sweet lady in her 60s   who's very friendly with everyone she meets when  she went into the store found the store manager   told him about the rotten chicken and asked him  politely to give her a different one she was even   discreet about it and didn't want other customers  to hear the manager was super rude and refused to   acknowledge that there's anything wrong with the  chicken outright refused to exchange the chicken   and wouldn't even smell or look at it he called  her a liar and told her to get the heck out of   his store hanon Having learned that his mom was  insulted that way was pretty Furious Barry told   us that he was going inside to talk to that  manager and give him a piece of his mind and   that he wanted us to be there on standby in case  things go down we agreed and waited outside Barry   went in we were looking at him through the glass  door we saw him speak to that manager with a clear   understanding of how heated the conversation was  getting basically Barry asks the manager if he's   the one who told his mom to get the heck out and  the manager says yes and you get the freak out too   and shoves him away now a little background on  Barry he was feier weird he's always been kind   of problematic since he was little he was never  a bully but he just never took crap from anybody   ever now while I don't agree with the way he  handled things I've always respected how he   stands up for himself and for the people he cares  about it's worth mentioning that he's a lot more   calm now within seconds of him going into the  store and after hearing how belligerent that   manager was Barry lost control over his rage and  we see him start throwing punches at that manager   other employees joined him on the fight too and  all heck broke loose me Han and another friend of   ours immediately jumped into the store we started  to trade punches with whoever was fighting it was   an utter cluster truck all I remember was that I  punched the manager a few times and then I was on   the ground I didn't get punched or anything and  still have no idea how I ended up on the ground   luckily no one got really injured from either  side but we had a clear advantage over them the   aftermath was horrific glad glass was broken  shells were knocked down and product stands   were destroyed I still remember M&M scattered  all over the floor it was a hot mess at that   time we knew we were absolutely screwed we pretty  much vandalized a whole darn store and physically   assaulted its staff eventually we left and stood  in front of the store and started cussing them   out they stayed inside the store because they  knew that the law would be on their side while   they were on their property so about the laws in  that country make absolutely no freaking sense   whatsoever a good example of its ridiculous laws  is if you get physically assaulted by someone and   you decide you want to press charges and you  do just that you'll need to go get a doctor's   note stating your injury and then head to a police  station and press charges the person who assaulted   you gets a phone call from the police telling them  to come to the police station that person can also   press charges the same way even if they're not at  all injured if both parties have pressed charges   both parties will go to jail awaiting trial  unless bailed out it's also worth mentioning that   obtaining a forged doctor note in that country  is easier than buying a tub of sour cream fact   that said we knew we better hurry up and press  charges we got to the police station before the   supermarket staff and filed a complaint against  them they eventually arrived like 15 minutes   later to do the same thing it was the jerk manager  and another guy that was in the fight too at the   police station it was a shock to me how nicely we  were being treated by officers and how crappy they   treated the supermarket death like what the freak  is going on shouldn't we be in handcuffs right now   what I didn't know was this while we were standing  out the door cussing those guys out after the   fight Barry disappeared he did meet us at the  police station but we didn't know what he was   doing after the fight was over well it turns out  that while Barry was exiting the store after the   fight he started Ed yelling my name is Barry so  and so and I'm not done freaking you up apparently   a passing by police patrol heard Barry yell at the  top of his lungs and stopped to see what was going   on out of sheer coincidence one of the patrolling  officers turned out to be a distant cousin of   Barry it's a small country and he recognized his  name while he was shouting it he took Barry aside   for a word and started asking him what was going  on Barry explained the entire story of how they   insulted his mom after selling her bad chicken and  refusing to admit any wrongdoing the officer also   turned out to be an on duty health and safety  inspector he then took it personal and assured   Barry that he'll take care of it anyway back to  the police station now that both parties have   press charges the police were clearly favoring us  they threw the supermarket staff in a Cell while   we were sitting on the couch sipping coffee Barry  was still cussing the manager out eventually we   reached an agreement to drop all charges and we  all went our way now the real revenge after the   store was picked up and everything went back  to normal kind of Barry's officer cousin went   to the supermarket on an inspection the next day  do you see where this is going yep he found tons   and tons of badly stored meat of all kinds that  was completely inedible and could potentially be   lifethreatening he also found spoiled Dairy and  a buttload of expired items apparently the OWN   owner orders the staff to unplug the fridges  and freezers at night to save on electricity   the owner was knowingly selling rotting meat to  save a few bucks the store was immediately shut   down pending investigation the health Ministry  got involved and find the supermarket and the   fine was just so huge that the store stayed shut  down and never opened again because the owners   weren't able to financially recover considering  the end result finding out that all that food was   expired they turned off the fridges and freezers  at night do you think getting in that fight and   all the precursors to that health inspection  made the entire thing worth it to save people   let me know what you guys think in the comments  down below and our final story of the day is by   Gustavo the recliner was told this belonged here  which tries to destroy my Orchard I destroy her   life well let's start a few years in the past  my great grandparents planted an orchard it's   now at least 120 years old my grandparents and  my parents were really proud of the peach trees   growing in it and did their best to keep them in  good health and well we always threw a big party   when the peaches were ready to be harvested and  invited all of our friends and neighbors to it I   love those parties The Neighbors on the property  to the south of our Orchard were particularly   fond of our peaches they were a bunch of fine old  people and me and the old man Sam were pretty good   friends he taught me a lot about woodworking with  hand tools only and we had some great evenings in   his workshop and we finished many a good whiskey  in there together in return he got a lot of fine   peaches marmalade homemade peach liquor Etc sadly  he died a good 10 years ago Cancer's a real jerk   his wife followed soon after many suspected it  was of a broken heart they had no kids so all of   their property was left to the state except his  tools and whiskey collection which he had gifted   me a few weeks before he died in comes Karen the  name speaks for itself haircut attitude witchiness   the whole deal she bought the property of my late  neighbors we hadn't had the kind of money to buy   it at that time as we'd met some Dire Straits  the years before and all of our savings were   gone the first thing she did before she actually  moved in was to go around and make demands of the   Neighbors on the surrounding properties when it  was finally our turn to listen to her gibberish   she told us that we needed to remove half of the  trees as the leaves were blowing on our property   we told her in a polite way that we won't comply  to her demands as the orchard is a vital part of   our family heritage tradition and life and has  been there for at least 120 years she was pretty   pissed but did nothing for the time being there's  some things you need to know before I continue   with the story the workshop I mentioned before  was situated right at the border to our property   it was a small Timber framed building at least  160 to 180 years old the regulations in my state   are pretty strict concerning old structures every  structure over a hundred years is protected and   you need a special permission to tear it down  failing to get this permission can lead to a   hefty fine to get the permission to build a new  building it has to be up to code and you have to   ask your surrounding neighbors and if they agree  you're good to go except there's one specialty   in my County you have to keep a certain distance  to the border of the property to allow Emergency   Services full access to your property if one  of these requirements isn't met the building   is illegal or at least only partially legal and  can actually be ordered by Court to be torn down   that might come in handy later so back to Karen  after our first encounter with her she did her   best to pester the whole neighborhood she got  the neighbor's dog put down because he allegedly   attacked her brat later turned out she faked the  attack the dog was the sweetest and most innocent   dog you could imagine a Burnes Mountain Dog big  but a real teddy bear anyway ways she later got   us to stop doing our annual Peach parties as she  called the police every time for various reasons   noise complaints we had a band playing there in  the afternoon arson we lit a fire in a designated   fire pit in the middle of our property she called  the ATF on us allegedly making moonshine my dad   had a license to dtill for our own consummation in  short she was a real pain in the bum bum and after   3 years we decided it wasn't worth it to deal  with with the various officers and law enforcement   agencies every time we threw the party and we  decided to quit after she had reached this goal   she resorted to pestering us to remove the orchard  we didn't cave in and some things started to get   really fishy somehow the tires of our trucks  got slashed eggs got thrown in our Farmhouse   our cat disappeared and surfaced a few days later  in pretty rough condition it looked like somebody   had tried to cut his tail off don't worry he  healed up completely but we actually couldn't   prove that she did all that then came the day  she made her biggest mistake she had a company   come in in sort of a secret operation and tear  down the old woodworking Workshop overnight 2   days later they started building a big garage  SL recreational center slous right where the   shop was but she missed one fine detail which  got pretty important later on she didn't ask   for our permission nor for the Neighbors a short  while after the trees right next to our property   started to get sick the leaves turned brown in the  middle of summer and the branches started to die   we lost four trees before we figured out the cause  somebody had driven long copper Nails into them we   had a suspicion but we couldn't prove it so we put  up some trail cameras perfectly legal as it was on   our own property we caught her red-handed my dad  confronted her she apologized and my dad being   the way too nice guy he is wanted to let her get  off the hook but not me the nail she drove into   our oldest tree was the final nail to her coffin  I started to investigate I had some friends at the   administration of our County and asked them to  do some inquiries turned out she hadn't applied   for permission to tear down the old shop nor for  permission to build a new building I further did   some inquiries on the borderline of our property  turned out the old markers vanished over time and   her building was about 3 ft on on our property  after I gathered all this information I presented   it to my parents at first they were reluctant as  they didn't want to start a neighborhood Clash but   after I recalled all the things she did to us and  our neighbors they were in so let the games begin   first we called the authorities on her for tearing  down a protected building and presented them with   all the evidence we gathered then we called  the building Authorities on her for building   a building without permission not up to code and  not only didn't she keep the required distance to   the property border she also built on our property  without our permission long story short turned out   the workshop hasn't only been protected because  of its age but also because it was a historical   landmark which played a vital role in a conflict  back in the 1860s she got sued for this and had to   pay a fine of an equivalent of about $150,000 she  further had to demolish her newly built building   costing an additional $50,000 got fined for this  too about $83,000 and had to rebuild the workshop   on her own expense which was another whopping  $154,000 as it had to be period correct up to the   smallest detail meaning it had to be built with  the correct materials with hand tools only and to   the correct Dimensions as you can imagine paying  professionals to build quite a large Timber framed   building only by hand gets pretty expensive pretty  fast so all in all it cost her an equivalent of $437,000 plus further expenses as lawyers Etc this  caused her to go bankrupt so she had to sell the   property in the end which my parents bought by  the way last I heard of her was that she moved   back to the big city I'm sorry but if you're going  to move out somewhere more rural a place that's   a lot more discreet a place with trees nearby you  should kind of expect that leaves are going to be   blowing into your yard this was one of those Mega  witch neighbors that nobody wants to live near if   you live next to them and they can have a say  or try to stop you from doing anything they're   going to try to do so unless you're silent your  leaves don't blow into their yard and you just   let them do whatever they want they're going to  try to make your life as miserable as possible   and just because of the dog thing I hope this lady  wherever she moved struggled and couldn't find a   home grandma gets revenge on neighborhood teenage  creep this is my grandma story that she loves to   tell at family gatherings and it's always a good  laugh this happened when she was also a teenager   takes place in the 1970s my grandma used to live  in this neighborhood that had a community pool her   and all the other kids in the neighborhood visited  the pool on a daily basis during the summer there   was one boy I'll call him creep who was Notorious  for his swimming speed and removing girl's bikini   tops basically creep would sneak up on a girl  underwater untie the bikini top causing the   girl to be exposed and swim away before anyone  could really catch him my grandma included of   course the Lifeguard on duty was notified and  the Lifeguard directly spoke to creeps parents   multiple times but they never did anything about  creep and always brushed it off I'm assuming the   Lifeguard couldn't stop Creep from showing up  to the pool or something like that since it was   a repeated offense since nothing was done about  creep my grandma decided to take her revenge into   her own hands my Grandma's nails were and still  are very strong and healthy one night she sat in   her bedroom and carefully filed all of her nails  to a sharp point the next day everyone was at the   pool as usual my grandma was in the water and  strolling around she purposely held her hands   above the water so her nails remained hard and  dry and awaited sure enough creep saw a back   turned to him and thought this was another target  for his creepy rank he swam up to her underwater   unknowing that my grandmother was watching him  from the corner of her eye and when her bikini   top fell down she lunged after creep while he was  just about to swim away and raged all of her claws   down creeps wet and soft back creeps screamed as  blood began spreading in the water around them he   scrambled to the pool Edge and was frantically  trying to get out of the water and according to   my grandma she said it look like he was attacked  by a wild cat to which my family jokingly says   he was everyone in the pool had to evacuate for  obvious reasons either later that day or the next   day creeps parents storm to the pool and wail  about pressing charges against my grandma The   Lifeguard simply responded with a reminder about  creeps behavior and warned that he would also go   to the police to be a witness my great-grandmother  was also there and threatened with a lawsuit of   sexual harassment against creeps parents needless  to say creep never returned to the pool after   that my grand says she feels bad about probably  permanently scarring creep but that's about it   do you think that considering the creeps actions  that the grama should feel guilty about what they   did or do you think the creep deserved every ounce  of what they got let me know what you think in the   comments down below our next stories by gustavson  a cooworker stolen other people's lunchboxes   and almost dies post-year 2008 subprime crisis  situation third world country the it sector was   very affected after the sub Prime crisis I got a  job as a developer in a place with horrible rules   treatment of staff and very ugly workplace in  general and on top of that allowed smoking inside   the offices without ventilation but I had to pay  the bills the pay was so bad that it was normal   for many people to do small thefts like papers  pens notebooks Etc but one thing they warned   me when I came in was that I should never leave  anything to eat in the fridge because someone else   was going to eat it there were a couple of booby  traps with soft drinks with laxatives or similar   but as I found out later someone left a lunch boox  with food seeing that the food was poisoned with   rat poison someone ate that food and it turns  out that already had rat poison this woman had   almost died from internal bleeding and ended up  with serious long-term damages in her digestive   system destroyed kidneys and compromised liver how  did I find out when the police came and question   us all in a brutal way I was cleared but it was  not pleasant and they never as far as I know found   the culprit a month or two later I found a better  job it didn't pay more but it was better I mean   yeah I think that probably just about Takes the  Cake for one of the worst workplaces I've heard   of you know you hear these lunch Thief stories  and sometimes you hear them where someone goes   and puts dog food in their lunch and the person  still goes and eats it or they make a cat food   tuna sandwich or something isn't too often you  hear the story about the rat poison this next   story is by X danst XX meme X steal my stuff I'll  ruin your life okay so for a little backstory I've   lived in the same small town all my life I'm  16 and I have a lot of good and bad memories   a lot of good stories too but I'll save those for  another day so you could say I had or am having a   rough childhood you know bullied in school poverty  parents constantly fighting homeless for a while   got jumped a few times and even got shot once but  the worst of them all is when my mom passed away   from pneumonia in her lungs last year I was 15 I  would do anything to have her back me and her were   very very close so all the stuff that's happened  to me happened for a reason cuz I can tell you I'm   not no punk even if I don't win a fight or even  get the life beaten out of me which has happened I   will take it like a man so everyone that knows me  knows I don't take no kind of stuff I'm also very   clever and smart so I can pull some slick lick  stuff sometimes okay so this happened not too long   ago probably 3 to 4 months ago so I'm pretty chill  so I don't really care who comes over to my house   as long as you're chill too no one has ever stolen  anything from me or my house and everyone was cool   with me cuz I'm a pretty funny chill and nice guy  until one day this kid came around we'll call him   Mack so Mack is new in town and doesn't know much  but he moved in the house down the street and I   guess he noticed all the people coming over or he  smelt the weed so he came knocking and I answered   and he seemed pretty cool so I let him in we  chilled played some Xbox and smoked for a few   hours until Mac decides he wants to go home so of  course my high self didn't notice anything went   missing until my best friend asked if he could hit  my vape I say sure go grab it and sure enough it   was freaking gone and I knew it was Mech because  everyone else in the house I've known since   elementary or was family and I trusted them with  my life I also have really bad OCD so I know where   I put my stuff but before I start to run down to  his house I check around to see if anything else   was missing turns out he somehow managed to steal  both My Vapes my pack of cigarettes a lot of my   weed and my phone which I give them props for cuz  neither did me or my three other friends notice it   happened so I practically flew out the front door  I don't even know if I touched the yard I think I   cleared the witch but all I know is I ran fast  to his house I only knew where he lived cuz I   saw him moving in while I was riding around on my  bike his house was only a block or two away but I   felt like I teleported there I banged on his door  like a freaking cop and of course there was no   answer so I couldn't really do much I wasn't  going to call the cops what am I supposed to   tell them he stole my weed and cigarettes no I'm  16 and I'm not kicking down the door cuz that's   just dumb so I just walked home and started  thinking of a brilliant plan so it's the next   day and I walked down to his crib and knocked on  the door he answered and I kid you not he looked   like he was going to poop himself but he didn't  say anything and neither did I I pretended like   nothing happened I asked him if he wanted to  come over and chill and he kind of hesitated   but he took the bait so my friends and I already  had a plan and we all had our own parts so first   of all we got him stoned as freak I ordered an  ounce of moon rocks which cost me a pretty penny   but it was completely worth it so we chilled again  and played more Xbox almost all day but made sure   Mac kept hitting the bong until he could barely  stay awake he actually managed to smoke about 11   or so G by himself I only smoked like 3 G though  cuz I didn't want to be too high for my plan me   kept falling asleep for little naps then waking  back up to smoke more so my friends did little   small pranks like cut chunks of hair off and draw  wieners and stuff on his face he actually woke up   while I was drawing a certain former German symbol  on him but he was so stoned he didn't give a freak   so I asked him if he wants a beer he said yes so  I go into the kitchen grabbed a Bud Light open   opened it and poured a decent amount of dish soap  in it you'll see why I did this later I hand him   the beer and he just completely ignored the fact  that it was already opened and down it I did this   a few times too our next move was to get Mac in  public which was freaking hard his fat butt didn't   want to go anywhere cuz he was pretty messed up  we weren't though we just pretended like we were   so he didn't suspect anything it literally took us  like 10 to 20 minutes to convince him to come with   us to town to show him around own we took him to  the local Walmart in town and we started playing   truth or dare which was a part of the plan we  dared him to go in and steal a candy bar now   remember he's drunk and high off his butt he has  stuff all over his face and his hair is completely   messed up he looked like a freaking crackhead Mac  said yes without even thinking but what he didn't   know was that our buddy was working there at the  time and we told him to bust Mac I kind of wish   that the plan worked but apparently he didn't  even make it to the candy all I heard was that   he just passed the freak out and pooped himself  dish soap he was arrested for all kinds of stuff   I even heard he pooped on one of the officers but  I really don't know to be honest we took the Freak   off the second he went into Walmart he tried to  stick it to us but no one believed in Mac the cops   did come over but we were little angels and didn't  know anything till this day I don't know where Mac   is I really don't care he could still be in jail  for all I care I never got my stuff back but I   really don't care I actually ended up mowing Max's  parents yard for some money and bought a new phone   and a Bad to the Bone Vape with the money I got  from them well if there's anything that I gathered   from this story I learned a new use for dish soap  and to be fair I assumed Mac going into that house   and being around them knew kind of what the deal  was like they were in there and they were around   these people for long enough to know that if you  mess with these people you're probably going to   get a pretty harsh revenge and they messed around  and found out and our final story of the day is by   chocaholic don't mess with the fur I'm an athletic  gay guy and always have been I was also born and   raised in Texas so you can imagine some of the  going on in my younger years when being homosexual   was less accepted this was a little over 10 years  ago freshman year I'm on the basketball team I'm   not good not great just average the team also  takes up a class period and some days we have   to study instead of practice one of the kids on  the team M would constantly give me crap for being   gay calling me an fword a qword all of the usual  slurs I always being a pretty amiable guy and   extremely slow to action accepted his insults with  open arms although I wasn't the star player among   the people who knew me I made sure my nickname  was the esler I'd answer yes to every does butt   taste good or do you have a body count I never  let it show but this constant disrespect towards   me and other people including teachers really got  to me he would harass my friends pick on the boys   cat call and make lwd comments to the girls he was  the kind of kid to do a fake yes sir to a teacher   who was getting on to him about something that's  when a little birdie told me his dad had died 3   years ago and his mom was an alcoholic despite the  fact that I now had this knowledge I held on to it   until I had my chance and like to shove people  around but he never did me because I was pretty   popular and matched him physically like I said  said that didn't stop him from picking on people   close to me I started preparing for the fight  I knew would come working bags learning footing   all the good stuff after 3 months of preparation  I felt ready he came upon me in the bathroom talk   some smack I don't remember there were a few of  his buddies perfect remember how I said his dad   had died I said okay Daddy Issues can I call you  that is not having one really considered a daddy   issue by the way why are you so fixated on gay  sex why do you ask so many questions do you want   to try it or was the last thing your dad teach  you was how to suck you know what admittedly not   the best as I type it out but mean enough this  got him enraged all the better he charged at me   through the narrow part of the bathroom my back  was to the wall and he was moving too fast I got   out of the way and he harmlessly flung himself  against the wall harmlessly for him and me well   not for long he had to shift his weight ey to his  side had already done so it was a one punch KO to   the side of the jaw this kid had never been in a  real fight before it only took me raising a middle   finger at the next three friends he had brought  with him to make them reconsider their dedication   to the mission at hand next I kicked him in the  face while he was down four times my shoes were   smeared with blood I kicked him in the balls  a fair few times after that spat into the back   of his head and walked away I never talked to him  again I never cared how he was doing today day but   I'd seen his face and it certainly wasn't the one  he'd been born with naturally where did the fight   spread around I got in some big trouble suspension  but the motto don't mess with the fur spread   around real quick as far as I know nobody ever did  yeah I mean all these bullies think they're high   and mighty until somebody who can actually defend  themselves is in that position I'm going to go   out on a limb and assume that they thought that  because op was gay that somehow they'd be weak   or inferior or couldn't do well in a fight I mean  let alone the fact that they brought four people   to go up against One op considering everything  op had to go through growing up in Texas taking   all these rude remarks and stride as well as  they could and then dropping that right hook   it must have been just so satisfying to deliver  that punch and defend yourself like that I'm sure   that's a lesson that that kid will never forget  and honestly considering all that happen happened   I'm surprised op didn't get more punishment but I  think that just makes it all worth it parking spot   stealing douche waffle gets his Lexus set on fire  while not as nuclear as some stories I've read   proportionate to the crime I'd say this counts  set the way back machine to the year 2000 I'm   living in a crappy apartment over a storefront  so parking was limited now this was the middle   of winter and I didn't have a car at that period  in my life but my girlfriend at the time did she   was coming over in a couple hours and finding  parking on the street as a gamble so I wanted   to dig out a parking spot for her out of the snow  bank in the alley behind my building I didn't own   a snow shovel so using a hammer old plastic ice  cream bucket and my bare hands I dug out a chunk   about 3 m x 2 m x 2 m to make room for her to park  I don't know if you can appreciate how much snow   that is but it was a lot of work especially  considering my lack of proper equipment this   isn't fresh fallen snow either this is a snowbank  packed by a plow practic IC AL Ice but whatever   we do crazy things for love right but apparently  I'd had too much faith in humanity I thought the   cardboard sign I left in the newly cleared  parking spot that said I spent an hour and a   half digging this out for someone specific please  do not park here would be enough nope wouldn't be   riding this if it had been naturally some Thunder  runt of a Lexus owner threw the sign in a dumpster   and stole the spot I remember it was red I was  going to post a link to a pick of the car that   resembles it but it's kind of IR relevant anyway  I hadn't told my girlfriend about my plan to dig   out the parking spot mostly because I didn't want  to look like a wuss if it was too much work and I   gave up so I just stewed on it imagining all the  things I could do my girlfriend ended up finding   a spot on the street of block away and we had  a good evening anyway she had to work the next   day so she took off around 2:00 a.m. and I stayed  up until maybe around 4:00 a.m. the car was still   there and I was still pissed by this time all  the bars were closed the neighbor neighbors were   asleep and the streets were quiet couldn't ask for  a better opportunity to ruin someone's crap I went   outside with a bottle of in hydrous isopropanol  I kept around as a solvent doused the car's tires   and set them on fire I nabbed the cardboard sign  from the dumpster and used it to quickly scrape   the snow and cover my tracks and then took it  inside with me no point leaving evidence behind   over the course of the next few minutes I heard  bang kapow blam boom as the tire burst one by one   I had honestly expected the whole car to go up  in Flames but each burst was apparently forceful   enough to put out each individual Tire as well as  blast out a sizable divot in the snow pack nothing   happened until the next day but police were  eventually called they were knocking on doors   asking if anyone saw something nope sorry must  have slept right through it good luck officer hope   he catch the guy I turned on my police scanner to  keep tabs on things mostly out of fear of getting   caught but there were no Witnesses and I learned  the owner only had liability insurance what kind   of idiot buys a Lexus but not full coverage  I would soon find out when I went outside   to survey my handiwork under the guise of taking  out the trash and being a curious resident oh man   yeah that guy was going to need to get his whole  car resprayed the car looked fine structurally   but I did probably more than two grand worth of  cosmetic damage not to mention needing four new   tires I also got a look at the guy who owned  the car and the image I created in my head   of what a person would look like that would so  unapologetically steal someone's hard work was   completely accurate he was a grade a first class  board certified textbook dbag orange fake tan way   too much hair product leather pants weapons grade  douchery a decade before Jersey Shore was a thing   I regret nothing never saw that car again got away  Scot free be honest if it was snowing harshly and   there were no parking spaces around whatsoever  you see one perfectly shoveled out parking space   but it has this sign saying I shoveled this out  please don't park here would you ignore the sign   and park there anyway or would you try and find a  spot blocks away that's just a lot less convenient   let me know about you guys in the comments down  below our next story is by Rumple forkin 990   scumbag does $22,000 damage to my car steals my  best friend's motorcycle while recovering from   dental surgery gets whole life destroyed for years  this happened several years ago but first let's   meet the cast there's me best friend and of course  the star of the show scumbag first a little bit of   background there was this homeless he wasn't  truly homeless scumbag who I was Sheltering   in my house while he looked for a place to stay  I wanted to help him out and help him get back   on his feet he'd been problematic for a while he  was pooing in the trash can peeing being in soda   bottles everywhere and lying to everyone all the  time he wasn't even good at lying he was one of   those pathological Liars who can't tell the truth  to save their life and when he got a BB gun he   shot out my neighbor's window this will become  relevant at the end the list of sketchy stuff   scumbag did could go on for days but that's not  what I'm writing this about though it certainly   does factor into the Revenge now on to the main  event while one of my buddies needed a ride to   the train station and I was too tired to drive  I let him take my car and drive him to the train   station when he came back my front bumper was on  the ground and he duct taped it back on he claimed   he was T-boned at an intersection and injured his  leg he went to the hospital faked his injury and   came back with crutches so I'd buy it when I asked  the police in the town he said it happened in whom   he said he had filed a report with they told me  No Such event had been reported and they had no   clue what I was talking about I later found out  through my buddy who was in the car with him that   he was doing donuts in a parking lot and hit a  tree so shame on me for letting someone drive   my car I know it was a very stupid decision on my  part the cost of repairing my car came out to be   $2,000 and I couldn't get insurance to cover  it so the repairs came out of my pocket so I   gave him the benefit of the opportunity to make  things right and said all right pay for the cost   of repairs and I'll forgive the transgression he  already had a minimum wage job so I expected him   to pay me every week until it was paid off after  2 weeks he stopped so I took his PS3 and safe as   collateral and said I'd give it back when he paid  me back and if he didn't I'd sell it to cover the   costs a few weeks later my best friend who was  also staying with me had his wisdom teeth removed   he was in a ton of pain that dental pain is the  worst scumbag said he needed to go to the store   he let scumbag take the bike to the grocery store  but after a while we became became suspicious he   called saying the bike wouldn't start I drove  over to the store he said he was at and he and   the Motorcycle were nowhere to be found the store  was 10 minutes away we called him and said bring   it back now or else we'll report it stolen when he  came back later that evening with a girl he made   up a BS excuse as to why the motorcycle had 130 Mi  on the odometer the way he told it made it clear   he had no clue how mechanical odometers work they  don't glitch and jump ahead 130 MI like he said it   did my best friend would know he's constantly  pulling his bike apart and making repairs and   modifications to it I grilled him about the fact  that he was never where he said he was we deduced   that he had rode the bike to his hometown to  pick up his girlfriend in back and lied about   everything that was the last straw that broke the  camel's back and a very bad mistake my best friend   and I were trembling with rage when we threw him  and his girl out the front door to the curb this   is where the nuclear Revenge be begins scumbag was  dumb enough to leave all of his password saved on   the laptop we loaned him while he was with us we  got his email and change the password once you've   got someone's email you've got everything else  by default we got a social media accounts and   financial accounts and reset their passwords too  it was hysterical seeing the flurry of password   reset emails coming in you know we had them in  the bag and was frantically trying to salvage   his situation he had opened a bank account at the  local bank did deposit his pchecks from his local   cashier job while he was in the area we emptied  the whole thing for a total of $2500 imagine my   shock I kept the $2,000 from my car and gave the  remaining 500 to best friend for his troubles and   having my back we then sold his PS3 on Craigslist  and split that 50/50 we eventually opened his safe   and it was full of random papers and earbuds  of no value but it did have his debit card and   one of the papers had his pin on it which is how  he emptied his bank account in addition to that   while he's on the way out I go to the store he was  working at and tell his boss he won't be showing   up this afternoon and to consider him to be quit  I explained why the manager was cool about it but   told me he can't take my word for it in any event  he was never seen at that establishment again so   sooner or later that manager was going to have  to take my word for it but we're not done yet we   still have a social life to destroy we hijack his  Facebook and make all of his friends hate him we   make posts about crappy stuff he did we make posts  about eating his poop we make posts exclaiming his   Love of All manners of debauchery and degeneracy  we start Patty fights with his friends list in the   DMS we go under their walls and say snarky nasty  crap we turned everyone against him and in the   process of destroying his social life a bunch of  girls he abused and who lurked on his page came   out of the woodwork praising us for taking him  down a peg it's been years and he still doesn't   have a social media presence a few weeks go by and  we get a package in the mail from him turns out he   wasn't homeless and completely out of options like  he said big surprise I know the package was mailed   from his parents house it's an empty threat to sue  me overflowing with hilariously madeup lies and   pages of screenshots of what we did to a social  media me and best friend are laughing our butts   off reading it he said he left town because the  bills were too much he never did Sue us and we   even taunted his bluff with our new Facebook  account the reason why he thought this would   fly is the neighbor threatened to sue us over the  window he broke and we paid for the replacement   window so he thought that the mere threat of  a lawsuit would be enough to put an end to the   Revenge I still have his lawsuit letter because I  like to read it for a good chuckle every now and   then I'm thinking of framing it on my wall as a  trophy last I heard he's completely destitute and   has zero friends now that everyone knows how much  of a terrible person he is even his parents got   sick of his manipulative Behavior his girlfriend  didn't take long to wise up and apologize to us   so what's the real lesson of the story protect the  ever loving crap out of your email because that's   all anyone needs to gain access to everything  else you do and completely ruin you also don't   save your passwords on the computers of the people  you're screwing over I mean I have to agree you do   want to protect your email because that's kind  of a central hub if you use that same email for   everything social medias bank accounts credit  monitoring even potentially lower stuff like   Amazon fast food Play Store or iCloud there's  a lot of damage that somebody can do with your   email I'm definitely not going to say what op did  here was right because there was a lot done to   this guy but the guy was a lying stealing jerk  so how sorry could you really feel for him and   our final story of the day is by drumhead entitled  ladyes Porsche loses tires okay so this story took   place back when I was in Florida in the early  90s it does involve an active vandalism that's   connected to Revenge hopefully it won't be removed  and hopefully it'll count as nuclear Revenge   anyway South Florida was devastated by Hurricane  Andrew my dad was part of a local charity that   was set up day after day at a local market seeking  donations from Shoppers to give to food banks you   have to understand this storm left many people  homeless and without power in some cases for 6   Plus months in Florida heat and humidity my father  was legally disabled from a serious car accident   he was hit by a drunk driver in the early 80s and  suffered from Relentless hip and back problems it   never killed his heart or kindness to others hence  the charity work one day he was about to pull into   the disabled space at the local market to go buy a  few items to donate to the hurricane charity right   before he's about to pull in this lady pulls into  the space in this shiny red Porsche my dad parks   behind her and says excuse me ma'am I was about  to pull in there and also points to his disabled   placard in the window she says to him you don't  look disabled and proceeded to walk into the store   for anyone who has a relative who uses a disabled  space you know the frustration of this situation   and the anger one feels my dad seemingly unfaced  Waits until she goes into the store and then gets   out and snips the valve stems on all four tires  flattening but not destroying all of them he then   pulls into another space not far away and just  Waits about 15 minutes later the lady comes out   and is shrieking about her car being vandalized  my dad's far enough away so she can't see him   but he can hear everything she calls the police  big mistake she files a report for vandalism and   the police give her a ticket for being parked in  the dis disabled space with no placard about $250   at the time the cops leave and she calls a tow  truck as the car is being loaded onto the truck   my dad pulls up and says to her you don't look  disabled but your car sure is and then drives   off my dad could be a nice guy and pure Savage  when he needed to be I don't necessarily approve   of what op's Dad did here but I mean come on  somebody in a shiny red Porsche parking in   the disabled spot when obviously they don't have  any disability it makes it kind of want to cheer   for the outcome here because they're just a total  jerk the least toxic thing you could do would be   to hit the like And subscribe buttons down below  to be honest I have no idea what subcategory to   write the story because it has a bit of everything  entitled parents entitled people nuclear revenge   and fair warning this story stretches out over a  period of more than a decade so it's going to be a   long one so first some backstory I came from your  average nuclear family I had a mom and a dad who   hated each other and seemed to spend their whole  marriage talking about divorce an older sister   whom I didn't get along with But as time went  on would not only become my best friend but also   kind of my hero and me the youngest 14 years old  when this all started very relevant to the story   my dad until losing his job only a few months ago  worked overseas most of my life and was only home   5 months of the year so our taale begins with my  mother succumbing from her long battle with cancer   she'd been hospitalized for quite some time and  I'll admit those last few months I had given up   completely I had hardly gone to see her I just  could not bring myself to see her rotting away   in that hospital bed my dad hadn't been much  better than me and the hero of the story had   been my sister the one who had never gotten  along with my mother who held her hand until   the very end none of this is vital to the story  but it was the point where my sister not only won   my respect but also became the one person whom I  would grow to trust than any other my dad not so   much in fact his life had hardly changed at all  and my Mom's ashes had hardly been released and   he was overseas again leaving me and my sister  behind also worth mentioning at this time my   sister was no longer living at home but was living  with her fiance he later cheated on her she broke   the engagement and he will therefore not feature  in the story so all the pieces are set in place   my mom's past my dad's overseas and my sister's  living elsewhere leaving me a 14-year-old kid   living alone in what until recently was our family  home soon after I got a tenant to take one of the   rooms and that rent money paid for all my living  expenses now as I mentioned my dad was out of the   country only 7 months of the year which meant he  was home for five of them or so you'd expect the   truth is he wasn't my dad was a skirt Chaser  and even in those 5 months I hardly ever saw   him as he'd be out staying with whatever he was  hooking up with at the time I could write about   a thousand more stories about the woman he dated  in that time but as none of them have relevance   to this story I'm skipping forward four years in  the introduction to evil stepmother it's worth   mentioning that when she and dad started dating  he was actually already engaged to someone else   who kind of just disappeared from the story as  if she was never in his life to begin with evil   stepmother was the wife of a deceased politician  I've never been able to figure figure out how   much exactly he left her but my estimate is  somewhere between 15 and 20 million although   neither my sister and I had any interest in money  her financial status was something of a relief as   my dad was pretty well off himself so at the very  least we knew she wasn't a gold digger so actually   when I first met her she was lovely polite a  good sense of humor overall just a nice person   to be around and I was truly happy that my dad  had finally found somebody who could make make   him happy skip forward another year my sister was  now engaged to a new guy and was starting to plan   her wedding my sister being the angel that she is  even with a multi-millionaire father never asked   him to contribute a single penny to the wedding  what did she ask him for him and evil stepmother   to attend he was her dad after all please note  even though I'm calling her evil stepmother she   wasn't officially our stepmother yet at this point  she had given the date to evil stepmother who had   kind of brushed it off and said they would try  to attend but they couldn't make any promises   because it might interfere with their holiday  plans my sister was understandably distraught   and ultimately just called off the wedding  and would end up taking their vows in front   of a judge so a few weeks after evil stepmother  had broken my sister's heart she and my dad were   traveling to God knows where and my sister and  I were at the movies we both get the same text   from Evil's stepmother it went something like  this hello I want you to to be the first to   know that father has asked me to become his wife  and I have accepted I forget what the rest said   cut forward to the day that my sister's wedding  would have taken place and we both get an invite   to evil Stepmother's house my dad had long since  moved in with her I had a bad feeling about this   but thought to myself that no one can possibly be  so unnecessarily cruel but if people weren't then   I would not be writing this story so you guessed  it evil stepmother had stolen my sister's wedding   date and had married our dad that morning the  invite we had received was to their wedding   reception there's going to be a massive time Jump  now but before I do I just want to emphasize some   of the highlights of my dad and evil Stepmother's  first marriage yes you read that right these   included a house rule that strictly forbid me or  my sister ever mentioning our deceased mother me   making the grave sin of turning 21 please note at  no point did I ask my father to cut their vacation   short to celebrate this with me but he decided to  come surprise me and come home a day earlier to   do so the next 5 years and I'm not making that up  every single time evil stepmother saw me she would   berate me for how my birthday screwed up their  vacation her and my dad showing up at the family   house while I was at work taking the family dogs  and giving them away without so much as Consulting   me to top it all off she would constantly try and  play my sister and me up against each other always   cornering one of us and telling us what a waste of  space the other was so skip forward about another   year I'd now been the landlord of the family house  for about 7 years I was now renting out to several   tenants and using that money to rent the house  for my dad the rest I used to upkeep the place   as well as I possibly could basically even though  his name was still on the deed it was pretty much   accepted that the house was now mine and would  officially become mine when my dad passes the   place was beyond sentimental to me and then one  afternoon he shows up with a car full of things   declaring that he's left evil stepmother and was  moving back in with me oh joy following this it   took less than a month for all my tenants to break  their contracts and move out yes he was really   that difficult to live with the month ended and he  went back overseas leaving me with an empty house   and somehow still expecting me to pay him for  that month's rent sorry Dad you kind of screwed   that up for yourself he returned 6 weeks later  and fell back into his old patterns never coming   home hooking up with any woman that looked at him  and then somehow getting back together with the   fiance he had left for evil stepmother his divorce  from evil stepmother had already been finalized   by this point and then almost as if I was 18  years old again he once again left that same   fiance for evil stepmother at some point they got  remarried I honestly don't remember when so let's   get to the main part of the story yes I haven't  even touched it yet a secret about my dad I love   him dearly but he's a freaking jerk I would learn  this the hard way as I would become a pawn in his   numerous Affairs he went so far as to send some  of these women to stay in the family house with   me and then invite me over to have dinner with  him and evil stepmother forcing me to fake smile   while the woman he was cheating with was literally  hiding at my house this went on for years both I   and my sister knew about it both of us had begged  him to stop and he just did not give two Hecks   wow it's taking a lot out of me not to use curse  words as I relive this period also during this   period my sister had given birth to a beautiful  baby girl even though my dad and evil stepmother   had already been having marital problems at  that time again he had shown up with her to   the hospital and introduced her as grandma in the  years that followed this gorgeous little one would   actually bring my sister and evil stepmother  quite close together which makes this all the   more tragic Flash Forward several more years I'm  now 30 and going through a very tough time in my   life I had lost my own fiance in part due to my  family shunning both of us and ultimately forcing   me to choose between them and her this basically  happened every single time I got a girlfriend my   business had hit a streak of insanely bad luck  and was hanging on by a thread I had lost all   my savings trying to save my beautiful dog from  a rare blood disease I had been falsely accused   of assault basically I was closer to ending things  than I ever imagined possible and to top all that   off my dad again left Evil's stepmother and once  more moved back in with me to make matters worse   he wasn't doing so alone no he brought with  him his Asian mistress a lady that could not   speak a word of English and they were literally  communicating with each other via Google translate   the whole situation was pretty messed up just to  keep the the timeline straight he had left her   before going back to work overseas and had warned  me beforehand that he would be moving back in with   me upon his return at no point did he mention  his Asian mistress also slightly relevant the   day he came back was the 24th of December at this  time evil stepmother was on the verge of her own   mental breakdown and was calling my sister day  and night trying to learn what my dad had left   her this went on for the entire time that my dad  was overseas and continued when he came back my   sister was calling me in tears saying she couldn't  keep this secret anymore she had grown fond of   evil stepmother and knew the only way to release  her was to tell her about the Affairs there had   been eight that we know of I on the other hand had  never grown to like evil stepmother but even I had   always been disgusted by our father's behavior  and never saw any justification in what he had   been doing to her ultimately I told my sister to  just tell her that would be the biggest mistake   of my life life you see learning of my dad's  betrayal had given evil stepmother a new purpose   in life she wasn't only going to get revenge on  my dad she was going to get revenge on everyone   that was involved her first mission was finding  out who the woman was that was currently staying   with him and to find out she turned to me now side  note here I had been so angry at my dad for this   whole situation that I hadn't even been back to my  house since he had moved back in I had spent about   3 days including Christmas just driving around  aimlessly I had slept in my car for those nights I   was done being his accomplice therefore when evil  stepmother asked me who the woman was I happily   told her there was just one problem with this my  dad had foreseen me turning on him and given me   the wrong information therefore in the eyes of  evil stepmother I had purposely sent her on a   wild goose chase following this my dad had sent me  a message that I was no longer his son the woman   had actually been masseuse at a massage parlor  that both my dad and evil stepmother had often   frequented less than a kilometer away from their  home to this day I don't know how evil stepmother   found this out but she showed up at the massage  parlor and started screaming and threatening to   sue she also started following my dad's mistress  around what happened next she refuses to admit   what's her doing but a few days later someone  sent naked photos of my dad's mistress to her   boss and she was subsequently fired my dad  and the meantime had grown bored with her as   well and had started to rebuild his marriage with  Evil's stepmother this was unbeknownst to both me   and my sister and made even less sense when their  second divorce finalized my dad's mistress around   this time also completely vanished off the face  of the Earth did I mention that evil stepmother   liked to brag about the mob connections she had  left from her deceased husband's time in politics   and had openly told us how they could make people  just completely disappear cut forward a few months   later I hadn't seen my dad in months and still  had no idea that he and evil stepmother had gotten   back together I found this out when his Facebook  relationship status changed to mared to Evil's   stepmother followed by their wedding pictures this  was kind of a shock to me but the biggest one was   still to come I was still in financial difficulty  following my recent streak of bad luck and then   I got a text I forget what the exact wording  was but it basically came down to the fact that   evil stepmother had no longer felt comfortable  living in their old place knowing that he'd met   his mistress so close to there so he was taking  back the family home and I was going to have to   evict all my tenants and move out myself at that  point I'd been living in that house for 19 years   and had been the acting landlord for 16 of those  to add fuel to the fire I also learned that evil   stepmother was having the old house demolished and  building a new place on top of it I was shattered   that place had meant more more to me than anything  else in this world and she was coming in with   bulldozers to destroy it to make up for my sudden  eviction they had however taken the liberty of   already finding me a new place to live that they  knew would be in my budget they took me there a   few days later this place was terrifying it was  the kind of place where you'd get shot in the face   if you left your home after dark to make matters  worse they were right it was literally the only   place I could afford at that point and on such  short notice dad of the year and evil stepmother   had left me to pack up the entire house including  everything left from my mother The Shoe Box I   was moving to obviously didn't have any space for  any of these things so most of it ended up on the   sidewalk to evil stepmother this had been like a  mini climax as she'd always had an unnatural hate   towards my deceased mother whom she had never  met and had died before she met my father she   would go so far to destroy every single thing  that held any memory of my mother even cutting   down our family tree and quite literally turning  it into firewood taking my mother's wedding ring   that had been left to my sister to hold for  safekeeping only to quite literally throw it   away and deny ever having it that was her revenge  on me my sister she had other plans for you see   once my sister had exposed my father's Affair  to her she had wasted no time in revealing to   him that my sister had sold him out my dad being  the self-entitled person that is still was unable   to see that he had been in the wrong here and  basically had not spoken to my sister since he   had not only stopped speaking to her but it also  stopped talking to his granddaughter both him and   evil stepmother had been quite active in her life  for the first few years and now both had written   her off completely as I write this 2 years after  my sister had exposed my dad he's not spoken to   her or even asked about his granddaughter once  I confronted him about this on several occasions   but he just kind of shrugged me off and told  me that I've not once taken into account how   hard these last two years have been on him it  also later turned out that Evil's stepmother   was monitoring his phone and I'm pretty sure she  had been deleting any messages that my sister had   tried sending to him about this all being hard on  him he was right you see even though my dad may   have brought this all upon himself I do feel truly  sorry for him evil stepmother had taken away from   all of us what she deemed most important to us  with me it was my house and all my memories with   my sister it was her relationship with her father  and with my father it was his freedom she had   taken away all forms of privacy and freedom he had  left she had taken control of his bank accounts   taken to monitoring his incoming messages deleted  all his friends from his Facebook account and lost   him his job the new house they built even had an  open bathroom that you literally could not pee in   private in it was disturbing and and honestly very  hard to witness this story doesn't really have an   ending my sisters finally stopped trying to make  up with my dad the few times I've seen them have   been under strict supervision from evil stepmother  that usually ends with her fighting me and telling   me what a stain I am on his life although I never  saw my dad as any kind of Saint he was always my   dad and I always loved him still do but the man  he is now is no longer a man he is a prisoner   evil stepmother has turned him into to a real life  version of Theon grey joy and I for the life he is   now living feel nothing but sadness if you had  a close relative or maybe even a close friend   and you saw them willingly allowing themselves  to fall into this prisoner relationship would   you be willing to accept letting them go as far as  being in your life or would you want to try to get   through to them and explain how not healthy that  relationship is is it a lost cause let me know   what you think in the comments down below demoted  then they realized they screwed up worked nine   years at a well-known company worldwide provider  of various products won't name this company but   it was a division of this company I worked for I  started at this company at the bottom as a tech   did my job well and excelled upwards after 6 years  I was promoted into the national support group and   also then excelled at this position it was well  paid and salary which was a very nice bump and pay   and the hours were great after a year in the new  position I was promoted to a cooperator position   which I shared with another which we were very  good friends and got along very well to this day   we still do lunches and chat quite frequently  to this day we still do lunches and chat quite   frequently now I was trained up on the in-house  software that runs the dispatching of texts which   was made by an in-house software developer  which the software used codes for areas and   states very complex but for him it worked though  no documentation whatsoever no manual nothing the   guy that had the position before me was leaving  the company for a better offer so he took a   month to train me on the software and of course  I wrote down all the codes for all the areas just   so I didn't get anything wrong since there were no  manuals or instructions he then leaves the company   a year later the developer of the software dies  from cancer so now no one but myself knows how to   use the software and taking vacations were far  and few between due to this issue I constantly   asked for a back up to be trained so they can do  this job while they go on vacations at this point   I could only take 2 days at a time for vacation  and my wedding was coming up in 8 months and we   were taking a month-long honeymoon no go got  denied every time I requested a replacement to   be trained when my cooperator and I took over this  new Department it was in shambles our turnover for   repairs was sitting around 8 days which upset a  lot of customers due to these machines being used   constantly during working hours we brainstormed  and came up with solutions to fix this and reduce   downtimes dramatically the bad thing about this  is that it put extreme pressure on Logistics to   get parts overnighted to Tex in the field  which Logistics manager was okay with he in   turn hired enough guys to take this burden on and  was working out pretty well this turned out to be   great we reduced our downtime from eight days to  on average 2 days customers commented constantly   about how much better our service was and how they  were definitely happy with how the repairs were   going then it starts to go south from this point  my manager was looking to move up the ladder and   needed to hire someone for his position of course  me and my cooperator apply for the position since   we know how to run this Division and think we  could do the job great we both get looked over   for manager's friend which he had no experience  in this division whatsoever he was actually   one of the logistics purchasers he has no idea  whatsoever on how to run our department nor any   technical experience whatsoever he of course gets  this position and right off the bat this stupid   idiot wants to change how we do things and reduce  the strain on the Logistics Group cooperator and   myself immediately protest and opposes changes  with prejudice and vigor though this fell on   deaf ears when he tells us to implement the  changes I refuse and so does my cooperator   for weeks we argue with manager's friend which is  now my manager and he gets upset and continuously   fights with us to make the changes we again refuse  I emailed his manager and explained the situation   and pointed out that it would increase repairs and  our customers would be very unhappy at this time   we grew the base of our customers 20 fold and our  satisfaction rating on all our reviews were in the   upper '90s though these emails and everything  that cooperator and I were explaining went on   deaf ears at this point manager's friend feels  that I'm the instigator of the Disobedience and   that week I was called into a conference room with  HR manager's friend and his manager they informed   me I was going to be demoted from operator to  dispatcher due to my inability to be a team player   and confrontational to my manager etc etc so I  said fine with me meant less work and same pay   so I'm okay with this now with this job you had  certain functions of the job that you could and   could not do you could only do what was assigned  to you for that job description dispatchers could   only dispatch calls to text and not assign their  own calls that was my previous job my cooperator   at the time was in charge of escalations and  onboarding texts and did not know the system   I used to dispatch these calls next day I come in  and sit at my desk waiting for calls to be put on   my board knowing that there was no one now to  dispatch calls to the dispatchers after about   4 hours I get approached by manager's friend  asking why I was is not dispatching calls to   everyone I politely said remember I got demoted I  can't dispatch it's not part of my job description   and I don't want to be fired for doing something  that I'm not allowed to do the dread on his face   could be seen as it streaks up his back and hit  some full force at this point he realized he just   freaked up of course his manager in HR didn't know  anything about this software that was developed   in-house and had no instructions on how to use it  it was the backbone of this division's dispatching   software without this no calls could be dispatched  out whatsoever the news is now getting around that   no calls are being dispatched and manager's  friend's manager now enters and asks what's   going on he soon realizes as well what happened  they then call me back into the conference room   and ask me to train a replacement of course I  refuse the day ends and I go home next morning I   show up for work on the dot and they call me back  in yet again off refering my position back and to   please start dispatching calls as soon as possible  of course I refused the promotion pointing out key   points that they brought up during my demotion  meeting on why they were demoting me and because   of those points I felt I had to overcome them in  order to be able to accept the promotion and it   would be a great time to focus on my abilities  that they outlined they were flabbergasted and   frustrated clearly they get upset and tell me  that I'm holding the company hostage and that   they'll have to take me to court at this point  per my contract I am now entitled to a lawyer   and they have to pay a few days go by of course  no calls being dispatched they're now relying on   emails and phone calls to get calls dispatched  and parts ordered and it's pandemonium abound   it's adding so much more time to each call and  ordering parts the whole system is falling apart   I finally get contacted by a lawyer telling me  that he is to represent me and that he's being   paid by the company I work for but that he works  for me period that he can't talk to them without   my knowledge he cannot do anything against my own  interests and that he is being paid by them but   works for me he goes on to tell me that they can't  force me to take a promotion and they can't fire   me if I fulfill my obligations of the employment  contract which was pretty easy basically just show   up on time take breaks and specified time and  leave at specified time so I do this goes on   for a month when they're finally getting to the  breaking point repairs are exceeding 2 weeks and   customers are canceling their repair contracts due  to service issues they decide to demote me again   to Logistics now the manager of logistics is a  good friend and he thinks this is retaliation   for all these issues so he just says to me to  take a desk over in the corner and do my thing   whatever I wanted he wasn't going to punish me for  their stupidity we go to court they present their   case and my lawyer presents presents mine after 2  days the judge rules in favor of me and says that   a company can't force me into a job or doing a job  that I do not wish and this would be considered   enslavement they pressed the judge to have me turn  over the information to run the software that runs   their division the judge asked me if I had written  it down at this point I didn't have it I threw it   away so I answered honestly to the judge though  I did say I do remember how to use it and all the   codes to dispatch since I did it for years it  became like second nature judge asked me if I   would be willing to write down the instructions I  politely said no judge said okay that's that then   upon coming back to work the next day I decided to  start looking for another job after about a month   I found a new position at another company making  about 10% more and with better options and also   agreed to give me the month off with salary for  my honeymoon so I wrote up a resignation letter   and sent it to my manager his manager and the  senior staff of the division and also the CEO   of the company explaining everything that went on  and why I was leaving the company and wish them   the best that Friday I packed up my personal stuff  and left 2 weeks later I get a call from the CEO   of the company apologizing for what happened and  that all this information just came to light and   that the individuals involved were terminated  manager friend his manager and the one above   him which was sweet to my ears and offered my  job back I politely declined a few weeks after   manager's friend was fired I was told by my good  friend and cooperator that he passed from a drug   overdose which is sad and completely not deserved  no matter how much I hated him the division I ran   was merged into another Division A year later  after it was not able to recover 30% of the   people that worked for that division were laid off  or transferred to other divisions my cooperator   still working for the same company though he said  that after this whole ordeal it never recovered   and was never the same and had gone downhill  dramatically and he'll be retiring this year if   a job you're working for was just full of nepotism  and incompetence they didn't help you out and then   demoted you for saving their butts would that be  enough to make you just say screw it you guys are   going to sink the company and I'm not helping you  anymore good luck let me know what you would do in   the comments down below and our final story of  the day is by sub to dead meat abusive husband   loses his family house Visa dignity and $100,000  this story happened in Lebanon Australia Lebanon   in that order so please bear with me my cousin  Australian has just met a wonderful person he   cared for her loved her and really treated her in  a special caring way or so we thought one day she   came in the middle of the night to my house and  then I saw her with her son both had bruises on   their face as it turns out he he just married her  for the Privileges as an Australian so when they   got a son she got pressured to handle the harm  and stay with him just so that she can see her   son and now this guy is going to pay my family and  I devised an elaborate plan to send the cousin and   her son to Australia where she has more custody  rights over there but we also had to make her get   some money to start off her business there as well  first we went to the police who said that they   can't arrest him because the cousin didn't report  him but they don't mind us taking care of him so   later that night one of my cousins and I attacked  him with bars of soap wrapped in a towel no   bruises or wounds and we hit him until they broke  and after he went to the police station to report   us they laughed at him after he got out we warned  him to leave Lebanon before we seriously hurt him   and after that confrontation he got his wife son  and $100,000 here came the tricky part we had to   have incriminated evidence of his harm against her  to blackmail him we can't attack him in Australia   so after my aunt helped them get a house she  rigged a camera and after she captured the harm   and the time of the recordings my cousin took her  son and $100,000 when the guy tried to confront   her and take his son and money back to Lebanon  he was shown the incriminating footage and given   an ultimatum he either leaves Australia without  divorcing the wife with the sun and he might not   stay alive we roughed him up for roughing up the  Sun or he leaves Australia penniless and he chose   the latter when he made it back to Lebanon he  slipped into alcoholism he lost his family and his   house due to his temper issues lost his Visa since  his ex-wife reported him anyway and is currently a   homeless man I saw him while I was in the car in  Lebanon I'm currently stuck there and he looked   so empty even when he saw me and recognized me  but he didn't react and then I realized that   I made him lose everything even his Australian  Visa got revoked but then you realize that this   man deserved it my cousin is currently running a  restaurant with her new husband who has a daughter   and is a truly amazing guy disclaimer no illegal  actions happened in this story other than what   the husband did so admittedly I don't know very  much about Lebanon but I feel like I've learned   just a little bit more about kind of how their  police force works at least probably in some areas   seems like they're a little bit supportive of the  Vigilante system that said a lot of times I can   kind of think through things and imagine how some  people make some callous decisions or cheat people   over but I can't for the life of me ever put  myself in some mindset of somebody that coerces   anybody by harming them especially kids to me I  feel like if you're going to go to that extent   I feel like you're beyond being redeemable a lot  of people you might feel bad for them ending up   homeless but this guy you can't feel bad for him  at all they lost their family house Visa dignity   and $100,000 and what this guy did was so bad that  you probably would go yeah well kind of serves him   right doesn't it all I know is op is good family  to have and I'm glad that op's cousin was able to   get back to Australia get a wealth of money and  a good start and get into a situation that's good   for their future I'm glad that things are really  looking up Grandpa gave up what time he had left   for revenge on my behalf I grew up dealing with a  lot of mental health issues as my mother's a drug   addict and my father liked to ignore my existence  as I'm the result of a one night stand while he   was married so needless to say his wife hated me  and their children treated me horribly as well the   only good people I had in my life was my grandma  and grandpa on my father's side I love them and   spent a lot of time at my grandpa's business I'll  explain that a little later now at 14 everything   went further downhill I won't go into details but  my mother almost passed away and I met a man let's   name him goat he looked like one long story short  goat was 25 at the beginning and harmed me in   every way you could think of while I was under the  precent that I loved him and it was okay he pushed   me away from my grandparents and isolated me for  2 years until a friend helped me get out of it   during this next year goat stalked me threatened  me and had me absolutely terrified I was afraid to   go to the police as I didn't want to bring harsh  light to my grandpa's business and because I was   afraid I was staying at my friend's house for a  while during this time as my panic attacks and   what I now know as PTSD was horrible and I hated  to be alone during this time my grandmother passed   away one of the only lights in my life left so  I became worse I began drinking and going to   parties and trying to forget my life right before  my 18th birth Day goat made a real life appearance   again on my way back from a big party he jumped me  left me black and blue and nearly killed me I was   found and taken to a hospital where they began  treating me and as I was underage they asked me   to call an adult in my life that they could talk  to I tried to call my father but he didn't pick   up knowing my mother wasn't going to help I had  to call my grandfather he was at the hospital in   lightning speed and for the first time in my life  I watched this man that had built his own Empire   really break down even at my grandma's funeral he  didn't cry I spent 2 months in the hospital with   police questioning me and my grandpa by my side  every day during this time he met my friend who   also helped me out of it all at the beginning and  became very close to him my grandfather helped me   get on my feet for a whole year until one day he  had a large family gathering and socialized the   whole time taking me with him that night I will  never forget we went to get ice cream and then he   just hugged me for a very long time holding me  tight and re reassuring me everything would be   okay the next day my grandpa exacted his revenge  now my grandpa was the owner of a well-off law   firm that also had private detectives in a smaller  office in his building he apparently Tracked Down   goat and went about his revenge my grandpa shot  goat three times in the stomach and once in the   chest goat passed away in the hospital later that  day while my grandpa was taken in and soon put in   jail for manslaughter which he plad guilty to I  never got the chance to visit my grand grandpa   in jail as he passed away soon after in jail from  complications one week after my grandpa's death   I got a call from his solicitor and he asked me  to go in I was met with a lengthy letter from my   grandpa which was nothing but a loving and showed  that he' found out he had terminal lung cancer and   wouldn't live much longer but he couldn't happily  leave me alone in this world without goat being   gone too my grandpa left almost everything to me  at 20 I would inherit the law firm and could do   as I pleased with with it and I inherited 95% of  his savings his house he lived in with Grandpa   and his other Assets in case anyone's interested  I turned 21 last week I'm currently working at the   law firm my grandpa's secretary now the CEO has  taken over the important things in the building   and makes most of the decisions I spent half the  money I was given and locked saving funds for all   the younger family members to go to college  when it's time I cut off all contact with my   father who tried to steal money from me during the  death Arrangements of Grandpa my friend mentioned   earlier in the story is now my fiance and we're  getting married next summer I'm still suffering   from PTSD and depression but it's getting better  every day I'm in therapy for my PTSD treatment I   got a tattoo for my grandpa and my grandma on my  back of two lions protecting a cub I also opened   up a safe house for anyone going through any  kind of harm no matter the race gender or age   I'm trying to help anyone I can in that situation  besides for what I've put away for later in life   I'm also thinking of opening up the bakery I  always wanted and employing the people that need   the job and help the most but I'm unsure at the  moment about that my Grandpa and Grandma were a   godsend and to this day I miss them greatly but  I know I couldn't have changed the stubborn old   man's mind even if I tried well I would say that  was a very serious Revenge I'm kind of curious   do you guys blame the grandpa at all for what  they did I mean their Revenge was really really   something I'd like to know what you guys think in  the comments down below and our final story of the   day is by Creed more wolf 666 bratty kid hurts my  cat until she fights back for a quick background I   babysit in my home sometimes as a side job I have  two cats and one dog one of my cats is a super   sweet tuxedo cat named Bella and she also works  as my personal therapy animal she would rather   run away than confront someone so not a lot of  people who know her often expect her to be capable   of exploding into a heck is Ray AG one kid had to  find out the hard way and as far as I know he's   been respectful of kids since then this kid who we  call spoiled brat really lives up to his nickname   he was probably one of the worst kids I've had to  deal with and I'm usually pretty relaxed when it   comes to babysitting he was always stealing things  making messes and throwing Tantrums over literally   nothing I'm pretty sure he has some kind of mental  disability but since he was only six at the time   I never wanted to voice my concerns but out of all  of the things this boy did whenever he stayed with   me the one thing he knew could push my buttons  was hurting my animals he would pull my cat's   tails and ears kick them chase them and I caught  him throwing rocks at them more than once and my   poor dog who had a part-time job visiting kids  in hospitals had to deal with this little terror   too because of his training when he got tired of  the kid he just left the house and disappeared up   in the woods until he heard the kids's parents  arrive and take him away I felt so so bad for   Duke my dog that I ended up teaching him the time  to go phrase which is our code for spoiled bratus   here so you better go before he sees you and I  would even leave the shed door open so Duke had   a place with water and a bed until the kid left I  had spoken to the parents many times about spoiled   Brat's behavior and how it was unacceptable in my  house and if it continued I would raise my rate   which was already low to begin with in order to  pay for damages and possibly even vet bills the   parents said they would work with this on spoiled  brat but every time he came back there was no   obvious progress one day I had settled spoiled  brat in for his nap and was working on an online   certification class when I heard him get up to  use the bathroom at first I thought nothing of it   since that's normally part of his routine but what  happened 5 minutes later scared the Daylights out   of me I hear an ungodly howl from the bathroom and  I'm still not sure if it was Bella or spoiled brat   that made it but spoiled brat comes comes running  to me his hands chest face and even his back are   scratched and bloody and Bella comes after him  snarling in spitting in a crazed rage her entire   body is soaked right up to her ears her eyes are  the size of saucers and her nose in one of her   paws is actually bleeding I quickly Usher Bella  into my room where she takes Refuge under my bed   I call my vet and say I have an animal emergency  but I can't take her on the half mile drive to his   office luckily he says he can send his assistant  and I hang up and deal with spoiled Brat's wounds   of course spoiled brat is Wailing and screaming  and in a great deal of pain and I'm doing my best   to stay calm and not jump to conclusions but it's  rather difficult not to after how abusive he's   been I just remind myself to tend to his wounds  first before I find out what happened and do my   best to stay composed I'm going to explain really  quick that I do have a camera system in my garage   where the bathroom's located from where the camera  is you can see into the bathroom but you can't   see the toilet so a child can use the bathroom in  privacy my doors have locks so whenever I babysit   the door is rigged to stay open to prevent a  child from locking him or herself inside and   potentially hurting themselves or causing damage  the camera was actually originally intended to   catch any burglars that come into my garage but it  came in handy in this situation as well at first   I didn't think about my hidden camera I made sure  spoiled brat was on the couch resting his wounds   dressed and a glass of milk with paint killers on  the table for him then I went to the bathroom the   sight that greeted me was even more shocking than  spoiled Brat's wounds and Bella's rage there was   fur all over the bathroom bloody paw prints on  the wall and blood on the floor too as I stepped   through all this to the sink I nearly went into  a fury myself the sink which is about a foot and   a half deep and about 2 ft wide design for shops  was almost completely full of steaming hot water   so hot it actually burned my finger when I tested  it and it had cat fur and blood in it as well as   a pair of scissors I was horrified I'm not sure  what spoiled brat was trying to do to my cat but   it was then that I remembered my hidden camera  and I rushed to get the footage as I watched   I became so angry I was tempted to walk out and  bend spoiled brat over my knee myself in fact I   wished I could slap that kid silly but I knew this  would be better handled in a court situation where   this kid can get the help he seriously needed  the footage showed spoiled brat coaxing Bella   into the bathroom with a handful of food after  filling the sink almost to the brim he lunged   and grabbed her by the neck and at this point  she's already struggling and clawing him he   forced her head underwater and in the footage you  could see her tail and legs flailing as she tried   to escape somehow she got free of him and though I  expected her to run at this point instead she tore   into spoiled brat like a wild animal as he tried  to grab her and force her back into the sink she   claws his face tore it his chest and then raked  her way down his back all the while he's trying to   get a hold of her tail I'm stunned when he grabs  a pair of hair trimming scissors off the shelf and   runs after her with them but I think the pain set  in because he dropped the scissors panicked for a   moment threw the scissors in the sink and ran  inside a furious black cat chasing after him I   made careful note that Bella immediately stopped  attacking him once she was out of his grasp and   did not touch him after he dropped the scissors  and ran inside the vet's assistant arrived and   was as shocked as I was about the situation  she treated Bella gently and gave my cat some   mild sedatives while I explained everything that  happened she was angry too and she said she would   happily support me in court with this clear  evidence of abuse Bella had swallowed a lot   of water and one of her claws had actually gotten  ripped out in her mad dash through the garage to   escape spoiled brat she'd been stressed and jumpy  for a very long time and I prayed this would not   affect her job as my therapy animal the parents  were called once everything was somewhat in order   and I didn't even give them a chance to be angry  I told them pick up your child I'll see you in   court the court case wasn't even a challenge  with my camera footage and the testimony from   the vet and the vet assistant I won more than  enough money I'm not going to say how much for   damages vet bills and an extra month's paycheck so  I could find a new client to work for in addition   spoiled brat would not be allowed to have pets  of any kind until he had gone through multiple   different stages of therapy for his behavior and  would be registered as an animal abuser in case   future incidents happened when he became an adult  some of you might ask why I tolerated it for so   long and mostly it was because all the times I  tried to tell the parents to curb his behavior   I was nervous about kicking up dust or causing  trouble and I couldn't afford to drop a client   at the time but after this horrible experience I  will never tolerate such Behavior again regardless   of how much I'm getting paid to deal with it as  for Bella she was relatively unaffected by the   incident and Still Remains her sweet and lovable  self she still enjoys having her seasonal baths   and will intrude on my privacy whenever she wants  but I hope spoiled Brad learned a very big lesson   he saw Bella as nothing but prey and I don't think  he ever expected Bella to turn the tables the way   she did I also hope that spoiled brat will get his  life straight and learn to be respectful to both   animals and people and next time he feels like  he can treat an animal like garbage I hope he'll   remember the terrifying rage a seemingly harmless  house cat Unleashed on him his parents also try to   write a formal apology to me for allowing their  son to behave that way which was an order given   by the judge reading it was very amusing because  I just knew they hated writing every single word   the letter said Dear Miss op we apologize for  our son's behavior and we sincerely hope Bella   will recover quickly his behavior was by no  means acceptable nor was our lack of attempt   to prevent it we also apologize for the damages  in your home and the stress this has caused you   we also recognize your tolerance of spoiled brat  and are sorry you didn't speak out sooner so such   an incident could be avoided we hope both you and  your cat will recover and never have to deal with   a situation like this again our formal apologies  and best wishes entitled parents you got to love   that even after knowing what their kids did  watching the video of what their kid did and   having a court-ordered mandate to write this  apology letter they still managed to slip in   a whole sentence of How It's op's fault sorry you  didn't speak out sooner so such an incident could   be avoided op said that they've been trying to  speak out about it maybe not so blatantly but   they they very clearly said that they discussed  the kids' Behavior I don't think these parents   learned anything and I'm concerned this Brat's  just going to grow up to hate animals even more   a friend set up my dad and he was nearly beaten  to death my grandfather got revenge on everyone   involved this isn't my story but it comes from  my dad and other family members who witnessed it   this all went down in the late 1970s when my dad  was 17 the area he grew up in was in the UK and   was a stereotypical workingclass town the part  of town my family lived in was run down full of   poor families and had its fair share of crime but  it was close-knit and everyone knew everyone this   will be important later now my dad wasn't the  most well- behaved kid and he had hated being   at school but aside from a speeding ticket he had  never been in trouble with the police he was and   still is a really talented musician and had a very  active social life for his 17th birthday one of   his friends had bought him a leather jacket with a  very specific logo on on it we'll call this friend   Dave for future reference according to my dad it  was a rare and quite expensive motorcycle jacket   he was extremely happy that David got it for  him David bought himself the same jacket a while   before and it was a big surprise my grandmother  apparently joked that with the jackets on they   looked like twins and she wasn't far wrong they  had similar features black hair and were both   well known for being kitted out in motorcycle  gear a few days after my dad's birthday he was   leaving work at is a bartender in the Town Center  at around 1: p.m. as he was getting close to where   his bike was parked a gang of five men approached  him from behind the last thing my dad remembers   was being smacked over the head and passing out  as he hit the floor these men beat up my dad with   bike chains and a crowbar literally to within  an inch of his life luckily two bouncers from   a nearby pub had heard the commotion and rushed to  help the men ran off the bouncers called the cops   and my dad was taken to the hospital it turned  out that d Dave had quite a substantial gambling   habit and owed a large amount of money to people  who you really didn't want to owe money to they   had threatened Dave and told him that they would  be looking for him to teach him a lesson so Dave   decided to set up my dad to take the beating  instead of himself or at least less than his   chances of taking it he had bought my dad the  same jacket because these guys knew that that's   what he wore when he rode he then arranged for a  guy he knew to find out when my dad left work and   call up the lone sharks let them know where Dave  was what a scumbag the Revenge my grandfather and   grandmother were obviously distraught about this  whole thing the first thought of my grandfather's   mind was if my dad would survive when that  was answered his second was how to best get   revenge a bit of background on my grandfather he  was a lifelong boxer and a career military man   he enlisted at the back end of World War II at 17  stayed in the forces through Korea and then served   in Malaya and Burma as a scout and sniper during  the mid to late 1950s he only reluctantly retired   when my dad was little and worked as an engineer  after his discharge this guy was certified Bad to   the Bone even into his 50s and although he wasn't  the best husband or father at times he could never   stand by and watch his family get hurt the first  move my grandfather made was to call up every   ex-service buddy bouncer Pub landlord Etc that he  knew and even a few less than legit characters he   knew from the pubs in my town word traveled fast  and my grandfather was well-liked and had a bit of   a reputation so it wasn't long before he had the  names and addresses of the five men who attacked   my dad apparently these guys had been bragging  about beating up a defenseless man from behind   these guys were career criminals with violent  reputations but my grandfather really didn't give   a crap who or what they were my grandfather then  called up a few of the most dangerous hardened   guys he knew from the service he EXP explained to  them what had happened and they were all happy to   help one night the group kicked in the doors of  each Thug and beat them to a pulp all five of them   they knew that if they hit one the others would  hear about it and run so they hit all five of them   in one night my grandfather knew that no one would  call the police in the area they lived in talking   to the cops was a big no no in that area back  then so there was little chance of being caught   all Five Guys ended up bloodied with broken bones  shattered teeth and the requirement to be fed from   a tube by the end of the night one of them had  to be put into a medically induced coma of course   the police interviewed all of them in the hospital  when they sufficiently recovered but none of them   talked both out of fear of my grandfather and fear  that they would be labeled as rats and nothing   came of it but my grandfather wasn't done there my  grandfather used his Connections in the clubs and   bars to start spreading rumors about why they'd  been beaten up soon it had gotten round that   these guys had had messed up and had beaten up the  wrong person not only that but they' bragged about   it and lied to whoever they worked for about  it not only were they physically broken but my   grandfather ruined their credibility so that when  they got out no one criminal or otherwise wanted   to be associated with them once this was all done  my grandfather turned his attention to Dave he had   specifically left Dave for last knowing that he  would crap himself knowing that my grandfather   knew what he had done my grandfather however  was much more subtle in dealing with Dave as   he thought that a simple beating would be too  good for him he waited and asked around and it   turned out that Dave was not only a compulsive  gambler but it also recently turned into a heavy   drug addict as well my grandfather found out  who he was buying his drugs from where he would   usually buy and where he had a buddy of his follow  Dave when he went to buy his stuff follow him to   where he was living and let my grandfather know my  grandfather then called in an anonymous tip that   there was a huge drug deal going on at the address  and he thought he had heard gunshots he had two of   his buddies do the same the police investigated  searched the house and caught Dave red-handed   with bold loads of drugs in his home as well  as counterfit bills and a ton of other illegal   stuff Dave was charged denied a bail and ended up  pleading guilty to all the charges laid against   him my dad could never remember his exact sentence  but it was definitely heavy at least 15 years to   add to that Dave owed a lot of money to a lot of  people and let's just say his time in prison was   made much worse by this fact my dad never spoke to  him again his parents disowned him his girlfriend   dumped him he struggled to get a job with his  record and when he got out he had to move miles   away as no one he knew wanted anything to do with  him my dad eventually recovered from his injuries   although you can still see various scars on his  body from the beating he took my grandfather   never told anyone what he had done until my dad  asked him about it when he got really ill in the   early 1990s Dave's life was ruined and out of the  five who attacked my dad three ended up in prison   later in life and two ended up dead due to Crime  my grandfather passed away in the late 1990s and   although my dad and him had their issues it could  never be said he didn't look out for him when he   needed it so obviously this is a pretty insane  nuclear Revenge op's grandfather really felt like   a Mafia Boss pulling their connections around to  kind of put a hit in considering the scumbag that   Dave was and what they did to op's Father do you  think Dave and the five men deserved what they   got in the end or do you think maybe it was a bit  much let me know what you think in the comments   and our final story of the day is by elbron Mystic  my dad's ex-girlfriend robs us and he gets even   okay for reference I was a young teen around  14 or 15 my father had had a rough time with   women and always seemed to have bad luck with them  until he started dating an old high school friend   that we'll just call Susan she was a cool woman  I was glad my dad found love in his life again he   deserved it Susan was kind to me and even had two  kids of her own one younger and one older than me   but they didn't come around often my dad dated her  off and on for over a year thinking he was super   lucky but soon we started having problems that  escalated until the breaking point I'll start   from the beginning and you'll that I'm not lying  when I say that Susan is an evil woman Susan is a   struggling drug addict that my dad knew about and  it tried to help her through it but she was always   fighting him on it and had moments of pure rage I  hate when people yelled and fought with each other   I'm kind of emotional and I start getting weepy  I don't know why anyway my dad had a bad accident   when he was hunting behind our woods behind  our house he was coming down and halfway down   he fell and perfectly landed one of his legs on a  rock that completely shattered his kneecap he had   to have surgery and go on heavy pain medication  to keep him comfortable 3 weeks and he came home   but needed crutches for months and still had some  heavy pain meds enter Susan who was hardly around   during the hospital during my dad's entire stay  she would end up sneaking my dad's pills when he   was asleep and just abuse them all the time my  dad ended up hiding them from her that was the   moment things went downhill first she tried to  convince me to steal my dad's Med so she could   take them saying that if two or three go missing  he won't know I was appalled of what I was hearing   I refused and I thought her behavior was out of  line but my dad still believed she was a good   person next I have to admit that I suffer from  low self-esteem and emotional anxiety from time   to time it was a while after the pill issue that  Susan came home and was trying to convince me to   run away from my dad because he didn't care about  me anymore I was in a bad time in my life and she   succeeded in making me do just that I did come  back afterwards when I was found on the road by   police she was turning me and my dad against each  other and got us literally yelling at each other   but we resolved this and after some reflection we  both realized that for all the major problems we   have had happen Susan was the instigator my dad  promised she'd be gone soon and wouldn't you know   it dad found out she was actually cheating on him  he walked in on her and her ex when he went to her   place to break up it made his choice a lot easier  Susan was gone we finally had our lives back or   so we thought one day I came home from school and  went into our house to find that it was completely   trashed I was shocked and confused and didn't  know what was going on my dog was acting normal   and happy to see me but everything was wrecked  I looked around and saw my Xbox 360 and Wii were   stolen along with most of my games my dad's  room was also in tatters so I decided to call   my dad to ask what was going on a family friend  actually showed up during during this and looked   around too my dad rushed home and was absolutely  Furious when he went inside our friend left and   Dad checked around and noticed that only his pills  were stolen from his room we knew instantly that   it was Susan our dog was acting normal because  she knew Susan and was used to her that's how she   didn't get mauled by our dog and was able to Rob  us instantly my dad began to figure out what to   do I suggested that we call the police but my dad  refused he called dibs being ex-military even with   a bad leg made him a dangerous man to mess over  he found out that her ex a Russian dude that's   a wannabe gangster helped Rob us my dad acted as  swiftly as possible and to be honest I was scared   I thought he'd literally kill the both of them it  took 4 days for my dad to find out where they were   staying they moved in together at his house my dad  told me to stay home and drove over there at night   with a baseball bat and his favorite pocket knife  around midnight he came back and I saw stuff in   the back of our car he told me that my consoles  were sold away and he couldn't have gotten them   back I asked what happened and he sat me down he  had went down and found that the both of them were   there that night and he honked his horn real loud  and they came out Susan didn't recognize the car   in time and her ex let's call him Tim got scared  to death as my dad got out bad in hand now this   dude was supposed to be a bad to the bone gangster  that would beat anyone down and my dad was only   just recovered enough to not need crutches anymore  so in the favor of odds you'd expect Timmy to be   itching to fight knowing he'd win but he caved  in my dad had a reputation of being the guy who   will beat down anyone who messes with our family  he's beaten a few people around town that's hurt   our friends or family Tim apparently got on his  knees and begged for his life and that he'd do   anything and my dad being the saint he is told  him to give them all his clothes Tim couldn't   tear them off fast enough Susan was about to go  in the house presumably to call the police when   my dad told her not to move or he'd baseball bat  Tim very seriously he grabbed the clothes and told   them to never come near our house again or else he  also assured them that he'd be back I was shocked   but glad my dad didn't kill anyone he told me  that I wasn't going to school tomorrow because   I was coming with him to Susan's house so the  next day at noon we show up and Tim immediately   has him in his bedroom my dad told me to get the  big cardboard box he loaded up yesterday we went   in and he told Susan that he was taking their DVD  collection he went over and told me to take them   all which I did I'll be it reluctantly I was a bit  uncomfortable with the situation but was in awe of   how bad to the bone my dad was being he yelled for  Tim and that dude ran right in like a dog and sat   down on the couch my dad told him he had a week to  get out of our town if he didn't he'd have a bad   time Tim agreed profusely and my dad and me walked  out but before we left my dad stopped and turned   to Tim and told him to give him his clothes again  I watched slack jot as Tim hurriedly pulled his   clothes off and gave them to my dad we eventually  went home they never called the cops too afraid I   guess of the authorities or my dad I don't know  which but we haven't heard from them since good   riddance considering they literally broke in  and robbed you of everything sold your gaming   consoles it was pretty scummy lowlife stuff the  only thing is what's with the clothes thing like   is the this some submissive tactic I don't know  it just there was something about that detail   that took this story from like a really bad to  the bone story of Revenge and partly turned it   into some like weird embarrassment satisfaction  thing I don't know but it was pretty harsh Revenge   I was fired and took my boss co-workers and the  business down with me after uni late 2018 I fell   on rough times and was forced to move back  to my hometown I tried to transfer my job to   a branch in my area but failed thus I needed to  get a new job I settled for a 20-hour a week job   at a bookies with a second bartending job in the  evenings The Bookies is the target for my revenge   which was entirely accidental involved are the  following Janelle my manager's manager sheay my   manager Jorge and Gordon my co-workers and Cara a  cooworker at another store who's relevant later I   ended up working behind the counter as a customer  service manager basically a step up from a cashier   it's fancy when seen on a CV but there's really  nothing to it I took bets chatted with customers   helped people with machines and for the vast  majority of my shift sat around waiting for   something to do I got on well with my co-workers  or so I thought and had no major issues it was   20 hours a week about one lb more than minimum  wage with a lot of overtime required of me and a   regular shift patterns though I had no issue with  the job Beyond how difficult it was to juggle the   schedule rules of both my jobs in February of  2019 after working for the company for 6 months   I was invited to a probation hearing it cannot be  emphasized enough that it was a probation Hearing   in which I would have my performance reviewed as  informed in training and was entitled to a pay   raise at the end of it I arrived that morning to  a disciplinary hearing where without even a shred   of evidence I was accused of 11 different cash  discrepancies dating back to early November of   2018 shortly after I'd started which all amounted  to 271 lb all but one of which I'd never heard of   before these had apparently been reported and  logged by my manager Shay and my co-workers   despite no one saying a word to me at all not a  whisper in the 5 months this had apparently been   occurring I was told that it was unacceptable  a call was made to HR and I was terminated on   the spot and forced to hand over my keys and to  never set foot in the store again to my protests   I was told the decision could not be appealed and  I would eventually receive written confirmation of   my employment's termination in the post I didn't  let myself slump around and feel sorry for myself   so on the way home I opened up indeed and applied  for a bunch of jobs and before I arrived home had   an interview set up for the next week at what  is my current place of work now I was Furious   fuming at having gone to what I thought should  have been a normal probation meeting and having   effectively been called a thief and been banned  for life from a place I'd never go to anyway but   somehow my parents were angrier and ordered  me to let them know and they got into contact   with me again almost 2 weeks later I received an  email from the company's HR which reiterated the   accusations and stated again that I was terminated  my mom sat me down in her kitchen and walked me   through a letter response that was two parts  professional and three parts scathing ripping   in into them about their unprofessional conduct  their ludicrous claims their lack of evidence the   holes in their story because there were quite  a few and finally the cherry on the cake the   employment laws they'd broken now I didn't want  much just a nice reference a promise that not a   whisper of these accusations would turn up when my  new job asked them for a reference because by then   I'd already been offered the job I then attached  the letter to an email to fire back at their HR   department then I added Janelle's work email  then her boss's email and finally the holding   company that owned the brand cuz I wanted to  make sure this was seen a bit of background   The Bookies I worked for is a brand that's owned  by an international company their name behind the   scenes is slapped on everything and they pretty  much dictate everything we did I'm not sure if   holding company is the correct term but I'll  stick to that for now anyway I sent this email   with a 48-hour window for a response I received a  reply the next next day from the same email that   my demands were being met I smirked victoriously  and moved on with my life happy to wash my hands   with the entire ordeal however I'd set off a chain  reaction that I wouldn't know about until 3 months   later 3 months on I'd settled into my new job a  call center position with double the hours and a   well over double the pay I'd gone through training  and was settling into my new position when I see a   new set of the trainee settling in near my team  among them was Gordon one of my co-workers from   The Bookies I was stunned Gordon had been at  the bookies for six years when I joined he was   well-liked good at his job and a favorite of the  managers there was no way he'd been fired though   I didn't really want to talk to him as I was of  the impression that he Jorge and my manager had   likely set me up I did want to know what happened  luckily on seeing me in the break room one shift   he sought me out and told me everything apparently  my email had been read by the higher-ups in the   holding company and it caused a lot of scrutiny  to fall under the bookies in our town of which   there were three in our area that Janelle was  responsible for two in my town and a third in   a neighboring one someone in HR passed a message  down to the area manager Janelle's boss claiming   they wanted things investigated and they wanted  results yesterday causing him to drop everything   and to send on our little town with the panic and  aggression of a man whose superiors were watching   his every breath he went to Janelle wanting to  know why he hadn't been made aware previously   that I was apparently stealing money why I had  been given keys to the shop and shifts on my own   when allegations of that nature were attributed to  me and why I hadn't been put under investigation   turns out Janelle had in fact put in my employee  file that I was under investigation but had never   actually gone through with any of the official  procedures for monitoring and investigating   getting me shock horror thus she had fired me  for the accused crime without looking into it   at all falsely claiming otherwise thus the area  manager took the dates and amounts of the cash   discrepancies confirmed that they'd been reported  on those days without my knowledge in Shay's   own log book of the Shop's cash and sent that  information onto our security team to investigate   another little detail is that the CCTV for every  shop in the brand is outsourced to a private   security company who monitors each shop remotely  and has access to all the cameras in video as was   procedure they looked into the dates mentioned to  see if I'd have been doing anything on torward I   know I wasn't and nothing was ever said to me but  they did find something turns out money was going   missing from the shop but surprise surprise it  wasn't me but hor and Shay they not only set   me up for reasons I'll never know but were also  falsifying numbers and cash checks on the system   to hide it one thing sheay was caught doing was  deliberately short changing customers by taking   portions of their winnings without them even  knowing it bear in mind a lot of our customers   were elderly men and women Gordon claims that he  once opened the shop after I and Shay had closed   the night before and noticed a cash difference  but had been told not to say anything to me as I   was under investigation and it could compromise  it he did apologize and I let it go needless to   say Jorge and sheay were fired but it doesn't end  there our team was small including me there were   a total of four people working at the store as  they hadn't been able to hire anyone to replace me   Jorge and shas's termination meant Gordon was the  only employee at the busiest shop in our area even   if they'd been able to get other colleagues from  the two other shops to help out it wouldn't have   been enough to keep the shop open and manage the  amount of customers so they closed the location   down until they could get the staff to run it  it was at this point that Gordon handed in his   resignation and applied for his job at my work  meaning they had no one on top of that Gordon's   girlfriend worked in the same shop as Janelle and  she relayed that she was rarely at their store in   the other town for the next few weeks before the  area manager reported she was fired as well no   reason given to her I was later issued an apology  for everything by the area manager and informed   she Janelle was no longer with the company and  an email sometime later but somehow it doesn't   end there with the story I worked at closed this  one being on the High Street and where most people   preferred to go the only other location in town  was the much smaller location in the suburbs the   one where Cara worked alone she suddenly received  an influx of customers in her tiny store space   and absolutely no support from other staff or  upper management thus for her own mental Health   having already been underworked and underpaid  running an entire store by herself she quit   meaning that location had to be closed down too  all of this was at the worst possible Time March   when the sheltonham festival was occurring which  is a huge Money Maker for the gambling industry   even in a small town like ours an opportunity the  three other bookies on the High Street reaped the   benefits of instead of my old place as the former  customers went to them instead as it current ly   stands just over a year later both shops remain  closed and I'm currently entering a job in cyber   security the training for which I paid for with  my current job thanks for firing me idiots you did   me a favor if you discovered you were unjustly  fired and could probably get some more demands   like maybe you could take it to court and get  some kind of severance package or something   but you also had already landed a much better job  elsewhere would you undergo that process to stick   it to them or would you rather move on and not  have to deal with that drama and stress let me   know what you would do in the comments down below  and our final story of the day is by ordos Deluxe   I knock the divisional manager off his pedestal  I work for a large Global IT company and my team   we're part of a larger extended team and an  even larger still divisional team the manager   of this division is called Raj he's based in the  states and is what many would call the poster boy   definition of a corporate suck up according to  him he's constant video chats with the CEO and   has a lot of face-to-face interaction with him he  also appears on much of our division's promotional   emails and photographic material so he's a  companywide recognized person as for me I'm   a trench working techy from Scotland my direct  manager is always happy with my performance and   I'm somewhat known in our extended team but not so  much in the divisional team until this event which   was a while before the co outbreak although I was  aware of Raj and his reputation I'd never worked   with him directly I got invited to a companywide  collaboration event in America which we usually   use for Technical Training and Innovation  discussion we got there and there were some   initial social events and meet and greets Raj was  among the group and his General demeanor seemed   appropriate for the reputation which followed him  we went into the first day bright-eyed and bushy   tailed I was assigned to a group of 10 people to  work on a problem with some coding all was going   well until we came to do some group presentations  for our group a young woman named Natalie was   speaking for our results it all seemed to go  okay but after the session was over Raj asked   to see Natalie out in the hall from inside the  room we could hear Raj literally screaming at   her many many offensive slurs were used and we  could hear banging on the wall as well Natalie   returned to the room a sobbing mess much to the  shock of everyone Raj returns as if nothing had   happened this pattern continued over the course  of the week Raj would single out people for these   one-on-one performance critiques he would go  into detail about how work was substandard   and how they needed to improve all while taking  group photos for corporate comms for the higher   ups orchestrating shots to make us all look like  one big happy family I spoke to some of my own   team back home about this in my downtime and it  does turn out that this has always been rumored   behavior for him just no one ever knew someone  who had experienced it before I don't know what   the job culture is like for this role in a place  like America but here we have dignity at work   regulations performance criticism is fine but not  when you're engaging in a ritualistic humiliation   of your employees I knew exactly what I was going  to do for the next few days I made sure that I was   delivering more presentations than anyone else  and really making an effort to attract attention   as hoped he asked me for a chat and P pulled  me into the Hall he didn't wait for the door   to close before starting his rant experiencing  it firsthand was interesting he claimed I had   no idea what I was talking about even though it  had likely been about 20 years since he did any   technical work himself he was vile shouting and  spitting in my face I also learned what those   banging noises were he would punch doors and slam  His Hands On The Wall near me as if to try and   intimidate me I was prepared mentally though and  just smiled and nodded during the entire rant he   looked angry that I was reacting this way and by  the end of it I thought he was legitimately going   to burst a blood vessel when he was finished I  asked him if he was done he told me to get out   of his sight and that's when I did it I gave him a  glassgo kiss for those unfamiliar it's a headbutt   and it's not the first headbutt I've delivered  in my life having been brought up near Glasgow   he collapsed to the floor in shock holding his  nose which didn't bleed unfortunately looking   up at me I leaned down and in my most glass Egan  accent I whispered to him if you ever disrespect   me or my colleagues again I'll kick the utter  freak out of you next time you runt I went back   in the room while he did not inevitably I got the  HR call Raj was in the room as well and I could   see that he had two black eyes as a result of the  headbutt I was asked to explain myself and I told   the truth mostly I explained about his Abus of  Behavior but focused specifically on the hand   slamming and how it had been intimidating me  it hadn't really but I'm massively played up   on this aspect of the encounter I described  the headbutt as a reaction when he slammed   the wall right next to my head with his hands  I wasn't sure what story he had told them but   I was sent away after this I ultimately ended up  with a disciplinary on my record but no further   consequences other team members were interviewed  over the next few days and once the p pattern of   abuse was established Raj was terminated from the  company the most satisfying part of this was the   day after when everyone on the course went out for  dinner Natalie insisted that he stand next to her   for the division group photograph black eyes and  all I have to think that photograph contributed   to his downfall in some way this makes me think  of a quote by masterful Poet Matt Barnes violence   is never the answer but some times it is I'm not  saying what op did was the right thing to do but   it did set off the chain reaction for what I think  is a very appropriate ending for Raj but with that   being said that's all the time we have for today  so of both of these stories that I've read today   which was your favorite and why let me know in  the comments down below and if you haven't yet   if you could like And subscribe that would mean  a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking   subscribing turning notifications on all of  it helps grow this channel and I appreciate   the heck out of it so until next time I'll  see you all tomorrow with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 152,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: xrsO9vUaFcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 45sec (14085 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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