Best Of Bob The Drag Queen ✨ RuPaul’s Drag Race

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies


Best Of Bob

BOB The Drag Queen

Best Of Bob The Drag Queen

I cracked the code.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/ffantasticman 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Best of Bob? I'm sorry I dont have time rewatch s8.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/missnarcca 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

It will always be a tragedy to me that the best winner came from the shortest season. Imagine if she got 30 episodes like the S13 girls will have

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/EricHD97 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

This just proves how much Bob has grown since her season as well. Not a lot of winners do tbh, and despite being one of the best winners and bulldozing the competition, Bob just keeps getting better

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

The way this has practically all Bob moments in it because she's that iconic. My favorite winner!

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Denidevi 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

The only tragedy of Bob winning the season is that they aren’t on all stars. Can we get an all winners season please just so I can see more Bob

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/kortiz46 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Now I need to rewatch season 8

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/BrooklynWitch 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

about time!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/iwannaruletheworld 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music) - Oh girl. - NY in the house. - My name is Bob The Drag Queen and I'm 29 years old. My drag is funny, it's irreverent, what you see is what you get. My bodysuit says it all. You're welcome. (screaming) - Yes, take it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm hilarious, beautiful, talented and humble. How are you? No just one more. (screaming) Take it. (laughing) - That was too real. - New York, New York and New York, yeah girl. - Oh. - Maybe some of the other Queens are like resentful that there's so much New York City representation. There's a reason New York City has some of the best drag queens in the world, and that is a fact. This is a gag. - The children don't even know. - [RuPaul] Next, Bob The Drag Queen. - Hey stop, stop - You got two more left. - I'll just look shocked. And how about we do like that black and white photo where no one - Nice. - [RuPaul] Thank you. Bob The Drag Queen gone with the window. - [Judge] Yes honey lead with the bag, I love it. - [Bob The Drag Queen] This outfit shows I have the ability to make a finished garment. The fabric is hideous, but the construction is everything. - [RuPaul] No shade, but that dress looks like it was made out of curtains. - [Ross] Frankly my dear, I don't give a dental damn. - Team Naomi, my co-director Faith Evans is here. - Hi ladies. - Now she has lived this life. So if you have any questions for her in terms of character or inspiration. - What's the best hand to slap a hoe with? Like the left or the right? - Well I'm left handed. - [RuPaul] All right so places people, places. - Action. - Now where the hell is Rocious? Rocious. - Rocious probably smelled you and went running. - Well then why did I waste my time putting on this? (laughing) Why you all gagging? I bring it to you every episode. - Cut. - You say this is an overacting challenge. I'm like, you ain't gotta tell me twice. - [RuPaul] Bob The Drag Queen. Not to be confused with Bob the high school counselor. - I didn't have enough time to finish the transformers outfit. So I do my backup plan. I'm like a Tron robot inspired character. - She's a robot oh yes girl. - Be careful. - And I'm just like trying to move on stage without breaking a limb. - [RuPaul] Nice save. She's like a robot. - Okay slow down girl. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. (upbeat music) - Girls at this damn white party, we're gonna act like a family. - Hey, Hey, Hey. Hey. Hey. I know y'all ain't starting this white ass party without me. And why it gotta be white? You know. Where's Rocious. Rocious. - Rocious probably smelled you and went running. - Oh. Well then why did I waste my time putting on this. Oh there's more, yes. Yes. Why'd I waste my time doing that bitch. - Bob The Drag Queen, condragulations you're the winner of this week's challenge. - Thank you. Oh wow. Now the other girls can see what I can do. I feel like everyone knows I'm a girl to beat. - Welcome to Snatch Game. Let's meet our supermodel contestants. Vogue cover girl, Chanel Iman. Hey. - And Sports Illustrated bombshell, Gigi Hadid. - Hi Ru. - Hi darling. - I'm so excited. - [RuPaul] Are you ready to meet our stars? - Yes. - We are. - From orange is the new black, Uzo Aduba is here. - Don't say nothing stupid, don't say nothing stupid. How you doing RuPaul? - Are you ready to play the game? - I'm excited. I don't know why you all gagging, she bring it to you every season. Snatch Game. - First question, Gigi Hadid. There's a new dating app for drag queens. When you join the first question they ask is how big is your blank? Let's go to Gigi Hadid. - How big is your wig? - I love that. - Let's go to our superstars and find out if you got any matches. - Okay. - [RuPaul] Crazy eyes. - Because you pretty, I just wrote a poem to Iman. A once a queen named Iman, remind me of the sun instead of her supermodel life, she can be my wife. - Unfortunately Chanel that is not a match. Next question. Let's go to Gigi Hadid. Lady Butney has an unusual way of celebrating gay pride. Instead of the rainbow flag, she hangs her blank out the window. - Her tucking panties. - Well look who's here. - I'm sorry that I'm late but Uzo Abooboo left the stage and she asked me if I would fill in. - Ladies and gentlemen Carol Channing. - Oh thank you. (laughing) - All right Chanel Iman, Sally the supermodel is so lactose intolerant, when the photographer says cheese, she blanks. - Sneezes. - She sneezes. - I've worked with Sally for so long. She pops a pill RuPaul. She pops a pill. - There is so much talk about drugs. I haven't taken anything but lipitor for the past 10 years. You don't really get a buzz off of that. - Now is there an anal option? - I might happen to have a flea or two in my home. - A flee in a month, now you're talking my language. - If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. By the way Eartha I didn't know that was you down there. - It's me darling. - From here I couldn't tell if you were Della Reese or Luther Vandross, I couldn't see, these aren't even my good glasses. But back to the matter at hand, I just wrote corn. - Yeah it's always a good answer. - You know there's no dairy and it comes out the way you put it in RuPaul. - [RuPaul] Bob The Drag Queen. - Oh. - [RuPaul] Not to be confused with Bob the camp counselor. - [Gigi] I love. - My favorite Madonna look is Madonna at the Glad Awards and she's dressed like a boy scout and it is a huge political statement. And I'm not in a kimono. - [Judge] Get a load of those girl scout cookies. - [RuPaul] And she earned a badge for walking children in nature. Welcome ladies, Bob The Drag Queen condragulations you are the winner of this week's challenge. - Thank you, thank you. Woo! I took a risk and it paid off. It is a known fact that Derrick Barry is not very smart. When she heard Britney Spears, she said, does she? I prefer fencing. It is very hard to have an intelligent conversation with Derrick Barry. The only thing harder is Robbie Turner's wig lines. (laughing) Robbie Turn, Turn. I know you're a huge fan of classic movies and television, may I recommend one of my favorite classic TV shows, 'Flipper'. (laughing) - Ladies, since you love reading so much, I want to share with you my favorite book of all time, 'The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz.' This week's maxi challenge is your chance to strut your stuff down the yellow brick road, but you won't be doing it alone. Please welcome some drag race super fans. - Oh my God. - The cast of Lifetime TV's 'Little Women LA'. - So how do you fit into your group? Because here's the thing, they're sick of me winning all the time, so they're all like, oh Bob wins everything, everyone loves Bob. - In the first season of the show there was a photoshoot that we did and the photographer were giving me all of his attention. Terra- - Which one's Terra? - The bitchy one. - The one right here? - Yeah. She was really bitter so I know how you feel. - I mean I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I don't know if there's anyone in 'The Wizard Of Oz' more the opposite of who I am than Glenda The Good witch. And I think honestly a lot of the girls wanna see me do bad. I am nervous. - Why? - You know you guys are all (beep) gunning for me to lose. - Well of course we are, we just want you to trip and fall that's all. - Our resources are very limited. - You know in like Master Chef competition they always give each other mustard and honey. - Oh bro this aint Master Chef honey. They hate me, they're not gonna give me their stuff. These hoes are evil. - [RuPaul] Serving Glenda The Good Witch couture is Bob The Drag Queen and Rob The Faux Queen, Glenda Evangelista. - I'm really shocked that I dressed as bad as I did, but we looked good. Me and Rob The Faux Queen are like living our dreams on the runaway. - I think I wore that outfit to prom. - I think I wore that outfit to prom. - I want to try to create you as like a super villain. So I want shots of you in the video, like doing this. For today's challenge, we have to come up with a presidential campaign ad that promotes ourselves, but at the same time smears the opponent. I want to clear up on this idea that you're not smart and that I'm really smart. - I'm down for that. I want ours to be the best. But we both wanna win and that's the kind of energy we need right now. - Why should Bob The Drag Queen be president? Because I'm louder than everyone else. - Shh. - I'm the loudest one. - Shut up Bob. (laughing) - Alright Bob, your turn baby. - Can I get like the big couch over here. I'm going for a little bit of Michelle Obama meets Hillary Clinton. So like Blackie Onassis. - Here we go, action. - I believe in strong drag family values. Derrick Barry only had one baby for breakfast. - That was great. - So now we have to do the Derrick's stuff right. - Yeah, there's a scene in the end where she eats the baby. Oh, that's good. That's like Norman Bates (beep) - Okay good ready? Action. - Why? - Derrick is going in. - Go with it, go with it. (laughing) Great cut. - That was awesome. - I'm really shocked. Derrick has never let go like this. - Fabulous. - We did it. - Are you really doing an all white face? - Yes, someone to finally stand up for white people. - Bob you're quite a political person if you will. - I like getting into politics, it's actually fun. My slogan is actually my real life slogan. Bob The Drag Queen, a queen for the people. I live my life by this. I was in Albany in the Capital Building when marriage equality passed. In 2010, me and a couple of my friends decided to get together and do something about the inequalities we experience in the gay community, and we decided to do something called 'Drag Queen Weddings For Equality'. And we'd do these demonstrations in Times Square every single Saturday until there's marriage equality in New York state. And I got arrested at Bryant Park for blocking traffic. They (beep) threw my ass in jail in full drag girl. Like you don't have to go get arrested, but just something. Something as simple as voting. It is really important because politicians they literally make very real and very, very important decisions for you. - Like you could have done maybe something about it before it happened. - Oh you can definitely do something about it. - [RuPaul] First up here's Bob The Drag Queen. - Bob The Joker. - Uh Oh. - I've decided to do a look inspired by the movie 'Freaks'. So I look creepy, I look gorgeous. I'm serving girl. - [RuPaul] Harlequin, romance, novel. - [Judge] Oh and the sneer, I like that. - First up Bob The Drag Queen. Let's take a look at your shady political ad. - Hi, I'm Bob The Drag Queen, a queen for the people. And as a public servant, I believe in serving the people. That's why I want BJ's for every single American. That's right, better jobs for every American. Buy yourself something pretty. I believe in strong drag family values. I adopted these three needy drag babies and Derrick Barry only had one baby, for breakfast. Bob The Drag Queen has a plan, the gay agenda and it's designed by lesbians, so you know it works. Bob The Drag Queen for president. Why? Because I didn't eat a (beep) baby. This ad was paid for by uncle Steve. He got money girl. (laughing) - I love that you threw so much shade that you made your opponent look like an absolute maniac. You did an excellent job, strong shape. - You have a very small amount of time to tell your story, to get the laugh and I think it was tight and it worked. - You demonstrated gravitas. - I'm gonna throw a challenge at you. I would love to see a fully realized glamoursaurus rex. - Okay. - Bob The Drag Queen and Derrick Barry, condragulations, you are both the winners of this week's challenge. - Congrats baby. Pleasure meeting all of you. - Thank you all of you. - I'm glad that we wanted together. Working with Derrick I've learned to like and respect him. - Let the bitch fest begin. - Coming to the stage, Kim Chi. - I used to be 350 pounds. - And what did you get down to? - 349. - Oh my God congratulations girl. - But the camera adds 10 pounds, I ate like seven cameras. - Do you have a bit of a speech impediment? - Speech impediment. - Oh my God Kim this is ridiculous. Bye Kim. - Oh (beep). - Well hello there Bob. - Hey RuPaul. - Now last week the judges, Michelle specifically, called you out to see if you could do glamazon drag. - I'm gonna glamorous for my book look. So I'm taking this corset, I've already got three pieces glued down, look at me and go. Do a corset that kind of branches out, goes past the bosoms, then I'm gonna do like a gradient color. - Is that a conscious decision? - It's a consciousness. Cause if you come to one of my shows, it's like me on stage by myself for an hour and a half. And if I'm going to be in like a gown with huge earrings and a big old sculpted updo, by the time my show is done, my eyebrows become my mustache. I'm sweating. See what I mean. So I'm gonna show up in a leotard. - You're so confident. What scares you? - My mom got sick recently. She has like a chronic and really rare form of pneumonia called BOOP which sounds cute, but it's not that cute actually. I got the scariest call which is like you need to come here. I was like really freaked out. - Yeah, yeah. - My mom has been very physically fit and then she was just like skinny and frail and like her hair was falling out and she couldn't do anything, like anything. - Wow. - I mean it was really hard to see my mom like that. All of the things in my life that, that make me a good person are because my mom taught me to do it. I don't have a lot of people like my mom in my family. (beep) got me bitch. - Wow that's pretty rough. What'd you think your mom would think about you in this competition? - My mom thinks I'm the best ever. My mom is the funniest person right now. My mom was my hero. She showed me that you can do anything, more importantly come through anything. - All right. Well I wanna see gorgeous Bob The Drag Queen. - Note taken. - All right, thanks. - Here we go girl. - [RuPaul] Up next we've got Bob The Baby Drag Queen. Why that's the biggest pearl necklace I've ever seen. - [Bob The Drag Queen] When I was just a little boy I asked my mother what will I be? Am I going to be pretty? Am I going to be rich? And here's what she said to me. You'll be a drag queen bitch. - [RuPaul] She's working at Pebble Flintstone's Couture Bob The Drag Queen - [Bob The Drag Queen] Martha Caldwell. She can make a power suit from New York and Company look like Saks Fifth Avenue. She also sacrificed. When we would go and get a happy meal, she would give me her adult size fries and drink and that's what moms do. - [RuPaul] Viola Davis. "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?" Bob The Drag Queen. Not to be confused with Bob the librarian. - [Bob The Drag Queen] It's not about being the prettiest or wearing the best dress, it's about taking huge risks, learning from your mistakes and taking advice from people who've done it already. Look I may make waves, I may rock the boat, but dammit we're gonna make it to shore. - [Judge] Hope you like short stories. - She has a spastic semi colon. - Is that what that is? Bob The Drag Queen, Derrick Barry, I'm sorry my dears but you're both up for elimination. - I'm not mad. I'm like you're right, I get it. But I'm a little disappointed in myself. It's not a fun feeling. - Two queens stand before me. Ladies this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination. The time has come for you to lip sync for your life. Good luck and don't (beep) it up. ♪ Floor darlin' and I feel like I need some more ♪ ♪ And I feel your body close to mine ♪ ♪ And I come make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ Make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ You make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ You make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ When we get home darlin' ♪ ♪ And it's nice and dark ♪ ♪ And I know you'll love me ♪ ♪ Like you should ♪ ♪ Oh you make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ I feel real ♪ ♪ Real, real ♪ ♪ I feel real ♪ ♪ I feel real, real ♪ ♪ You make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ Oh you make me feel ♪ ♪ Mighty real ♪ ♪ I feel real when you touch me ♪ ♪ I feel real when you want me ♪ (cheering) Ladies I've made my decision. Bob The Drag Queen, shantay you stay. - Thank you. I just want to say, I probably had the biggest blood of the season with Derrick Barry and I ended up being her biggest cheerleader. Even if you're afraid of something she does it harder than anyone. I love her. And I guess that was the lesson that we learned today. (laughing) - You may join the other girls. - So brave. - What do each of you think you've learned about yourself throughout the competition. - I've learnt that apparently I can come off as very arrogant, but I attribute it to confidence. I have not always been this confident. I was like a little chunky kid. I was really a effeminate, really dark skin and kids can be mean to you. So once I found out what I was good at and I really embraced it, people started to like me. Find something about you that you like and focus on that. If I don't like my face, if I don't like my skin if I don't like my weight, I think to myself I have nice teeth and it may just start with one tooth. Look at that tooth, that's a nice tooth man. And then once you can accept that little thing about yourself, you can just accept you for who you are. - But first Bob The Drag Queen, not to be confused with Bob the barista, no foam. - [Bob The Drag Queen] This is it. This is the final runway. So I wanted to wear a tuxedo and do a feminine version of it. So I'm wearing this crazy sequin jacket. This is quintessential Bob The Drag Queen. - [RuPaul] Tell me about it stud. - [Bob The Drag Queen] Resit peachy, pass it on. - Ladies here at RuPaul's drag race we have the luxury of celebrating who we are but we must never forget that even today, there are little boys and girls who feel they don't fit in. So I want you to turn back time and share the wisdom you have today with the child you were then. So Bob The Drag Queen, this is you- - That is me. - At four years old. - Yeah. - What do you have to say to little Christopher? - I say hey girl. I would tell myself, you're gonna want to change for others, do not do that. I just wanted to be like my brother or like my uncles. I was so different than every other guy in my family and I just wanted to blend in and be like them. But once I realized that how important it really is to be me, then I really shone through. And I would also say, don't take out that student loan freshman year of college, just pay out of pocket like you did the rest of it because it's still haunting me to this day. - Thank you Bob. All right ladies, final question. Why should you and not your competitors be crowned America's Next Drag Superstar? Bob The Drag Queen. - I have statistically done the best in this competition and you reward the person who's done the best with the highest reward. I don't just do what I do for me, I literally do it for anyone who can come within the range of my obnoxious raspy voice. I serve the people. I serve the community and more than just doing stand-up comedy, and actually getting my hands and feet into the dirt of the community and helping it grow, because the community has helped me grow and it's made me who I am today. - Thank you. Ladies before I can decide who makes it to the top three, that's just one more thing. This is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination. The time has come for you to lip sync for your life. Good luck. And don't (beep) it up. ♪ Real is what you feel ♪ ♪ Feelings aren't real ♪ ♪ Put your money down ♪ ♪ It's your best spell to win ♪ ♪ Put your money down ♪ ♪ Put your money down ♪ - I am living my dream. I actually got into drag because of Drag Race. I'm a Drag Race baby boom. Right after season one, I started doing drag. So this is important. I came here to show America why I think I'm one of the best drag queens in the land. I need to make top three, like I have to. ♪ The realness ♪ ♪ The realness ♪ (cheering) - Oh my God. - It's the last day of school. - Welcome back to the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race. Now our top three queens have snatched your attention all season long and tonight I've challenged each of them to slay the stage one last time. Purse first, a New York city girl who puts the taint in entertaintment, give it up for a demure little lady we call Bob The Drag Queen. (cheering) ♪ I don't go out looking for the spotlight ♪ ♪ The spotlight finds me ♪ ♪ Uh, over here ♪ ♪ Try to tone it down ♪ ♪ Tuck it in real tight ♪ ♪ But it's not that easy ♪ ♪ It's not that easy ♪ ♪ Since I was a child ♪ ♪ People keep saying I've been doing too much ♪ ♪ Doing too much ♪ ♪ Mama always said hold your head up high ♪ ♪ You got that magic touch ♪ ♪ Magic touch ♪ ♪ So whether it's acting, comedy, body ♪ ♪ Singing, dancing, or serving chocolate chip cookies ♪ ♪ I don't like to show off ♪ ♪ Don't show off ♪ ♪ I don't like to show off ♪ ♪ Don't show off ♪ ♪ I keep it subtle, keep it humble, 'cuz it's not my gig ♪ ♪ I like to keep my talent shoved under my wig ♪ ♪ Woo ♪ ♪ I don't like to show off ♪ ♪ Don't show off ♪ ♪ Read my lips ♪ ♪ All the other bitches call me ratchet ♪ ♪ Your wig too big ♪ ♪ I snatch it ♪ ♪ Go ahead and hand me the Oscar ♪ ♪ I'm the only one on the roster ♪ ♪ You come for B-O-B ♪ ♪ You must be an S-O-B ♪ ♪ Never was a hater ♪ ♪ But I'm making mashed potato ♪ ♪ Over e'rybody right in front of you ♪ ♪ Ha, ha, ha ♪ ♪ I don't like to show off ♪ ♪ I don't like to show off ♪ ♪ I keep it subtle, keep it humble, 'cuz it's not my gig ♪ ♪ I like to keep my talent shoved under my wig ♪ ♪ Woo ♪ ♪ I don't like to ♪ ♪ Show off ♪ (audience cheering) (audience cheering) - Now Bob, you excelled at so many of the challenges. Did you study the show before you came on? - No I'm just really talented. (audience laughing) Listen this is my favorite show. This is what I thought I was supposed to be doing my whole life. When I was performing in like bars in New York city, dodging beer bottles, literally, I was like this doesn't feel right, there's something bigger coming. Lo and behold, I found something bigger, her name was RuPaul and she blessed me. (cheering) - Now Bob, at one point in the season, the other queens were rooting for you to fail. What did that feel like. - It felt like I was doing it right. I mean no one's rooting for the person doing the worst. No one was like, oh you're doing bad you should get out, they're like, oh she's doing so well, get her the (beep) out of here. (audience laughing) - All right so we've got some fan questions over there. - Hallelu I'm back RuPaul. (cheering) Tucker from Florida wants to know, does your humor come from overcoming a dark place in your life? - See I have the struggles that a lot of y'all homosexuals here had- - What there wait, wait. There this? (cheering) - A few. I had the same hardships that everyone else here has and we all deal with it in different ways. If you find something to filter your pain and your anger into it'll flourish, it really will. - Thank you Shantay. Now Bob, you blew everyone away with your Snatch Game impersonations. Now did you ever hear from Uzo or Carol Channing? - Well Uzo tweeted at me and was like, but this was amazing. And I was like thank you. And I am obsessed with Carol Channing but she's just, she's 95 it's hard to get out of the house when you're 95. I'm 18 and it's hard for me to get outside. - Yeah I know, I know. Well we did hear from the one and only Carol Channing. Take a look. - Thank you Bob for your colorful impersonation of me. I'm so honored to be a part of your history. Oh, I'm proud of that. (cheering) - Oh my God. - Yes. So Bob I know your brother's over there, right? - Yeah he's the one who was just a shade darker than me. I'm 11 o'clock, he's midnight. - Justin what was it like growing up with Bob? - Bob used to cry on my birthdays because it wasn't about him. - It's true. - Now Bob I know that your mother couldn't be here because of her health. - Yes. - Darn you know it would have been a great opportunity for us to have a taped message or something but we don't have, wait a minute. Oh actually we do have a taped message. - Oh. - Let's roll that. - Bob this is your mother. I'm very proud of you. I've always believed in you even when you didn't believe in yourself. Continue to work on your craft. Always respect your fans. Reach or the stars Chris, do the best you can. Like I always tell you and your brother, keep the first thing the first thing. And I love you. (cheering) - You got me, you got me. Oh my goodness. - Now Bob, what would it mean to you to win $100,000? - Winning $100,000 isn't the thing because money comes and goes, but winning this title, that means something. You get to go forth and carry a legacy and do something and make a change in somebody's life and put first things first and do something. - Right. (cheering) - Now I've watched all 109 episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race and I have noticed you have never once walked into the room purse first. - Oh my God, look at this. Oh and it matches my outfit. It's perfect. I love it. Purse first. (cheering) Give it up for Bob The Drag Queen. As always I've consulted with the judges and the fans, but the final decision is mine to make. The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race, America's next drag superstar is Bob The Drag Queen. (audience cheering) (upbeat music) My queen, is there anything you have to say? - Yes, I have too much to say, but I'm gonna keep it to one thing. Take whatever you love about yourself and walk into the world purse first. (audience cheering) ♪ If you just believe ♪ ♪ In your wildest dreams ♪ ♪ It will come true ♪ ♪ It will come true ♪ - Do you want everything RuPaul's Drag Race at your fingertips? Then head over to YouTube now and subscribe to the RuPaul's Drag Race channel and you will get all the episodes of everything you ever want including brand new episodes of 'What You Packin'. Hi.
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 1,217,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, Bob The Drag Queen Season 8, Bob The Drag Queen Best Moments, Bob The Drag Queen Comedy, Bob The Drag Queen RPDR Winner, Bob The Drag Queen Season 8 Winner, Bob The Drag Queen and Monet Xchange, Bob The Drag Queen, RPDR Season 8, RPDR Winner, Drag race Winner Season 8, Drag Race Season 8, Naomi Smalls, Kim Chi, Thorgy Thor, Derrick Berry, Bob The Drag Queen and Rupaul, Bob The Drag Queen Compilation, Bob The Drag Queen Moments
Id: 6_73PxCd_HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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