Best Of: Jimmy O. Yang | Prime Video

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like my real name is not in Jimmy that's my English name my real name is man Shing and Cantonese Man Singh it stands for 10 000 success yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I had very ambitious parents and now I'm telling jokes and doing tai chi on stage so I'm an old man now I don't even like going outside anymore all my friends stay back to normal right they're like oh Jimmy you want to go to Coachella I'm like nah no seats [Applause] another look fun to me six flowers standing in the desert that you see all these kids like with the Instagram posts you know it's always like people just like jumping around dancing and then all these buff dudes got like girls on their shoulder I'm like dude you're not even going to concert you're doing CrossFit how's that fun the only concert I've been to this year I took my girlfriend to a Don McLean concert yeah you guys know who that is yeah people thank you thank you Tom McClain for you guys that don't know saying the song Bye Bye Miss American Pie yeah he's all that dude he's 77 years old and so was his audience it was my favorite concert I've ever been to on a ticket it says the show started at eight start at 7 59. I don't think anybody in their right mind will go to Winnipeg not that there's a nothing wrong with that City it's way too cold and just not that fun I had to go there for some work so whatever but I felt good I walked through the Border I was holding my blue passport and I slammed it down from the Canadian border patrol I'm like I'm American sir and he's like okay I didn't ask you that but okay are you here for business or pleasure and I was like I didn't think that far I was obviously there for business but I didn't get a business Visa so I looked them in the eyes I was like sir I'm here for pleasure and he looked right back at me he was like are you sure because nobody comes to win a pack for pleasure the next thing you know I was detained in this 10 by 10 box nothing has changed and then there's Rachel brush in the hand do you guys know who she is huh I love her she plays The Marvelous Miss maisel great show right it's an awesome show and I did a movie with her a few years ago so I decided to say hi I was like oh my God Rachel it's so great to see you congratulations on everything and she was like oh okay I'm like okay she probably just forgot who I was I'm like look we did a movie like six years ago called Patriots Day you were awesome in that movie I just want to congratulate you on everything you've done so far and she was like oh yeah sure and I'm like oh really it's The Marvelous Miss maisel [Applause] but I wasn't gonna act out of pocket I was there to represent [Applause] so it's very nice I was just like oh it's okay you just don't remember um anyways I just want to congratulate you for all the nominations are marvelous Miss maisel you're awesome and she was like oh I'm not Rachel brush the hand I'm Evan Rachel Wood from Westworld [Applause] and I was like holy I'm the racist person here I think all white people look alike everybody in the front row was judging me John Stone was staring me down like you're a bastard you can't even stand and I didn't know what to do right I was profusely sweating my face was flush red I saw I was just like oh my God I am so sorry but either way it's so nice to meet you my name is Aquafina and then I just that's right that's why it's good to have other representation out there Asian people we don't all look alike until we need to so when I was 14 years old I stole my brother's calculator I stole Roy Rogers calculator lock myself in my room and I started rebelling I started doing math homework other kids were like around with like alcohol and drugs I was up some problems you know lock myself in a room I was just punching in numbers I was like oh man this feels great you know so wrong it's awesome my dad was pissed he was knocking the other side of the door he doesn't like locked doors in the house and he was screaming he was like check me out Jimmy what are you doing inside come out right now I know they're using a calculator come on right out I was so scared I didn't know what to do and he unlocked the door and he came in I wanted the full panic mode so I just threw away the calculator and I pulled out my pants ever since I was five years old my mom had me believe that anything I do would make me sick you go outside without a jacket you get the flu you go to bed with the fan on pneumonia God forbid you fall asleep with wet hair you don't wake up that's it you're dead that's it you're dead that's fear-mongering man I'm not scared of anything anymore I don't think I have any fear anymore I don't even like going to Chinese restaurants with some of my friends anymore because this is what they do to me every time they like Jimmy you speak Chinese you speak Chinese yeah yeah order a Chinese bro they're gonna hook it up order a Chinese bro bro order Chinese bro I'm like bro we're Panda Express my girl asked me she was like babe what's your love language I'm like what she's like you know your love language like how do you convey love to your partners and loved ones like for example a love language could be words of affirmation like words of information I was raised by Asian parents I've never heard one word to have you so great you can do it they're like don't it up their love language was verbal abuse trying to figure out my love languages physical touch right it's another love language nobody touched me and tell us 22. I'm not familiar with that what are some other love languages acts of service what I like I like every woman just screaming out at the apartment acts of service gift [Music]
Channel: Prime Video Canada
Views: 719,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy o yang, guess how much, comedy, stand up comedy, prime video
Id: sjqEzUXFj4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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