Best of Grumpy Ron Swanson | Parks and Recreation

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oh boy this is taking a lot longer than i thought it would can you guys run up ahead and set up the picnic sure ah where are they going with the food i'm starving i only had one breakfast okay relax look what was going on back there why all the sniping not exactly sure the only one i know is michael and we're not exactly best friends i'm hungry okay well don't be such a baby i cooked you some bacon for a trail snack i ate it already what i could smell it in your purse before i even parked my car and now it's gone and i hate everything i'm sorry about andy but i'm not sorry about what i did what's my crime i got bold a little negligent nope my office now hey can i smoke in here you don't smoke just asking if i can are you high i'm high on kaboom don't ask for permission ask for forgiveness that's right you never did ask me for permission did you well i'm sorry to burst your kabubble but i just had my ass handed to me by the city manager and now this entire department is co-screwed ron i'm so so sorry what the were you thinking i would prefer that she asked me for my permission so i can say no i like saying no it lowers their enthusiasm i got a second box of donuts if anybody what the is this this mr director is your new desk okay this desk is the epitome of the swedish concept of yam stealth or equality imagine someone needs your attention somebody say my name chris swivel what is jerry you told me to say your name and you did a great job superstar someone else say something you look like a freak swivel april that is not a very good attitude i will keep my eye on you from my circular desk where i can see everything tiny swivel see how it works what about my office and its many walls that becomes a new public waiting room and we got rid of that giant pillar that was in front of your door i loved that pillar it made it really annoying to stand in my doorway well get over it cause it's gone you're gonna be more accessible than ever wow this is exactly what our imagine heaven looks like right down to the unisex linen tunics annabelle moshery hi i'm sorry i'm late for our coven i was polishing my oyster forks with a cage-free olive oil rub apology accepted and then i have no reaction to anything else you said i can't help but ask what's in right now well this season i'm intrigued by asymmetrical overalls angora toothbrushes and locally sourced italian flip-flops also there's a flirty trend in beverages so you've had soy milk and almond milk now try the hottest new craze beef milk it's like almond milk that's been squeezed through tiny holes in living cows milk excuse me there's a sign it ramps at park that says do not drink the sprinkler water so i made sun tea with it and now i have an infection sir sir are are are you listening to me sir sir i'm talking to you sir sir are you aware that there is waste in your water system okay eagleton ron tell me a little about yourself well i love the outdoors love nature amen i'm a big believer in environmental conservation recycling and composting and like i'm a yoga nut and i'm uh nut nut they make delicious milks man and i'm a vegan of course slowly working towards full freaking vegan what in god's name is freaking vegan you only eat vegetables that have been thrown out in people's dumpsters what is on your foot sir my trusty sandals believe a man's feet should remain uncaged same goes for all chickens well uh eagleton ron we here in pawnee value loyalty above all else so would you be opposed to signing an official loyalty pledge to our new town as long as that new town we're open to the ideals of communal living where everyone pitches in towards a common good in the immortal words of cat stevens if you want to be free be free i no longer like ron i ask you is this too revealing for a public pool kindly get your groin off my desk so my body makes you uncomfortable too take in the vibe of the room and remain open of mind and of spirit now quietly sit behind me and let's join breath i'll stand interesting technique all told we were in there about six hours and no i was not meditating i just stood there quietly breathing there were no thoughts in my head whatsoever my mind was blank i don't know what the hell these other crackpots are doing look a clock we don't have that in america you call that a tower try the sears tower friend nutrium's energy bars are just absolutely loaded with high fructose corn syrup and fatty oils and any way you slice it they're just extremely unhealthy for you leslie needs to butt out the whole point of this country is if you want to eat garbage balloon up to 600 pounds and i have a heart attack at 43 you can you are free to do so to me that's beautiful okay all public photos of me recovered nameplate removed from my office door pediatrician files confiscated and destroyed anything i'm missing great news ron jean-ralphio loves your shirt what the hell are you talking about oh i've been taking pictures of you all day for my new facebook album ron swan getting off the grid tom do you maybe see a problem with what you've done i do now yes sorry erase erase erase erase all pictures of ron erase all pictures of ron erase all pictures of ron what the hell is happening he accidentally opened a vine you just find your first selfie ron and i'm finding you vine yourself the world is a nightmare hey anne if you get this i don't know if you should come up here he's not worth it okay just call me let me know where you are ron what in the devil's name is this portobello mushrooms where's the steak oh there's no steak that's a healthier option it's organically grown you okay whoa whoa okay can you get us a cold compress or something hey bro listen i was trying to buy this handcrafted mahogany wood model of b25 mitchell panchito aircraft oh for me don't sass me and i went to this website and this ad popped up that said hey ron swanson check out this great offer what's your question my question is what the hell like how do they know who you are yeah okay um there are these things called cookies where like if you go to a site and buy something it'll remember you and then create ads for other stuff you might want to buy so it learns information about me seems like an invasion of privacy dude if you think that's bad go to google earth and type in your address i was shot in the head with a shotgun ron it's actually not that serious i just need you to stay calm okay yeah i'm just gonna stay angry i find that relaxes me okay ron we called 9-1-1 and they're gonna send a ranger oh damn this is a mess the rangers won't let us come back next year you know what we're not gonna think about that right now you guys can you just put him on the daybed in the carcass room daybed yeah sure your home hold on donna donna are you okay what is it your heart are you having trouble breathing okay here's your scotch okay jerry jerry's here here's your scotch run here we go ron okay hey you know what is great anne's gonna take care of you and ann is the best nurse in north america all right here we go what are you okay did you did you shoot me what no there was a bird kinda near me and i know how desperate you were to prove yourself no no i swear i didn't ron i swear to god i've never shot anyone well you better find out who it was and then purchase them a coffin because i'm rip them apart you
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 2,304,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, TV Series, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, NBC Parks and Recreation, Parks and Recreation, parks rec, Amy Poehler, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Rashida Jones, Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson, tv mockumentary, Outstanding Comedy Series, Paul Schneider, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Rob Lowe, Adam Scott, Greg Daniels, comedy thursday, Best Series, compilation, best of ron swanson, grumpy ron swanson, ron swanson swivel desk, beef milk
Id: 8Qs_VGXBphs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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