The Early Days! Part 2 | Gumball 1-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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you should be happy to be young before you know it you'll be overweight unattractive balding middleaged get go for breakfast I don't want you to see me like this what's his problem you never know with that guy come on let's have breakfast man what a pile of beans dude watch your language you'll get us in trouble well I'm sorry Darwin but it is it's a big steaming pile of beans gball look a shooting star this is our chance make a wish I wish I was a grown up me [Music] too that didn't work at all Baker oh darn kids what y'all think you're doing today's lesson will be about the transformations of the human body as you get older hormones begin to change your appearance here horon it's me as an adult talking to my secretary over the intercom it's me voting awesome passing notes are we no Miss Simeon well watch's this uh that's us as adults I guess you're on topic then anyway pimples actually it's pretty gross you may continue e pimples or actually can pop up at every time dude what's that on your face what what that what it looks like a greasy yellow egg no no actually it's more like a small volcano with a sweaty golf ball do something do something okay okay hold on let me just [Music] um I think we're going to need more little hats just relax dude that's easy for you to say why don't you have any just lucky I guess [Music] oh I think that's all of them what's happening to us I think we've got the plate do you have any other symptoms my top lip feels a little silky next comes the appearance of hair on the body and face dude you look like an undercover cup stop laughing do something okay I see Mom do this all the time and that on one occasion that feels so much better don't worry dude I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you you look like a baby werewolf no not me it was better when it was just you uh guys I don't mean to interrupt but this is a girl's toilet uh yeah sorry we got to sort this out start chewing okay settle down everyone get into your team for Dodgeball oh no not dodgeball you're going down you get the idea please not above the should the ear out up there a Bowling [Music] bow enough oh hey oh thanks for coming Gumball you look uh Dressed I guess you should come in oh well that's one way to get in the house right so what do you want to do today today is the funeral oh for Mr Cuddles my pet oh thank goodness I thought it might be a real funeral I mean pets pets are great like part of the family so what happened to them my dad flushed him down the toilet by mistake that's terrible did it go rounder rounder straight down straight down I'm Penny's father blocked right come to the backyard the service is about to start penny I'm sorry I thought this was a date why didn't you tell me it was a funeral I did in the cdor at school do you want to come to my house it's Mr cuddle funeral I could use some support from a friend Gumball are you even listening uh this Saturday 400 p.m. it's it's a date oh oh oh yeah don't worry I'm still here for you Penny thanks Gumball awesome day for remembering those who have left us shall we go dumball perhaps you'd like to say a few words about Mr Cuddles of of of course well Mr Cuddles was Penny's Pet even though I never met him Penny's pretty hot so I'm sure he was pretty hot too thank you Gumball that was really special my picture huh my sister made a photo tribute so we can all remember Mr C A how thoughtful want to see [Music] the spider knock his block off that's awful I hate spiders who want something that creepy in the [Music] road listen son I think it's best you leave I'll uh let myself out play on dear oh d boy the pipes the pipes uh sorry it's me again can I use your bathroom cuet it's kind of it's a second on the left upstairs thanks from Glen to Glen have a nice funeral just get out of here oh man what is wrong with me she's never going to forgive me for that I'll spend the rest of my life alone and never find happiness the spider duck is block off no [Music] wait he's on the toilet is he trying to say something the toilet look the toilet just ignore him and I guess I'll have to show them come here little fella oh good boy Mr get off get off get off get off get off get [Music] off don't look you're just Courage [Music] him [Music] ow Mr Cuddles you're back I thought you were gone forever where did you find him in the toilet somewhere Gumball this is amazing oh yeah yeah it's great son I stand corrected I thought you were a good for nothing young Troublemaker but no remind me again exactly why were at school on a Saturday are you kidding me it's Club day it's the only day of the week when I get to hang out with people I really like what got to go okay see you all back here at 5: but wait I don't have a club to go to well mom looks like it's your lucky day I'm coming with you to your anger management club oh that's sweet gumball but behind this door I'm a very different person trust me you don't want to see this hello Nicole Welcome Back could you guys keep it down a little you keep it down hey annaise what club are you in physics Club well today's your lucky day because I'm let me stop you right there you know there are different types of intelligence yeah I don't think you have any of them I don't get it exactly oh come on oh let me in don't be a club hog fine dad can I join your fantasy club o be there it's me gumball be you work no be you dwarf no I'm your son be you better sa a snacks for the elders what no then be gone what's up man there's got to be a club for me somewhere you could always join my club what is it synchronized [Music] swimming H you're good but I can do better here comes the Swan Dive of Eternal [Music] Beauty so how graceful was that dude you can't swim Fair Point uh has anyone seen my trunks yeah touchdown SL done yeah uh Hey guys is this the football club yeah well uh did I miss the game no it's going on right up there why aren't you playing cuz we're at the reserve team cool so can I join I don't know are you man enough me I'm at least 50% man well in that case here's your towel thanks so do you guys ever get to play nah we just hang out here and act kind of sporty you guys just take showers hang around in towels and high five each other there's a little bit more to it than [Music] that ow okay okay okay [Music] okay hey Hector is the game over yeah we lost uhoh what a [Music] a oh why doesn't anyone want me in their Club it can't have anything to do with me my talent my intelligence or my general awesomeness you know what too bad for you jealous people cuz I'm starting my own club and you are not invited okay I'd like to welcome everyone to Gumball's Club of Gumball first order of business attendance hm pretty good now it seems like recently we've been let down by certain family members so I propose a little exercise in trust okay don't worry Gumball Just Close Your Eyes let yourself fall back and someone will catch you I'm a bit scared Gumball well that's why it's called a trust exercise come on dude okay she can stay but oh thank you you're such a kind and friendly family you know I've never had friends before I don't even know what friends do don't worry we'll show you now a very important part of friendship is sharing imagine you both have ice creams oh but what's this Darwin has dropped his ice cream I said Darwin has dropped his ice cream you got it on my shoes and do you want to share mine very good ice cream D oh thanks but Gumball you don't have an ice cream want to share mine sure oh dude this is so gross why don't you pretend you have your own ice cream why didn't I think of that friends also high five like this high five okay now it's no I meant slap my let's move on to the next lesson how about we all play a game like friends do here's one we made up it's called DOD your dare roll the dice take a card what' you get a gooey hair ball in Miss simeon's lunge let me take that pick another When Miss simeon's back is turned actually let me pick one for you come Simon slug juice drop water balloons on Simon Sim forget the cards here's a dare make the most annoying noise possible okay that was good but we know that you can do better like when you're mad at us Oh you mean this little thing G that was awesome high five that still needs a little work I've got my eye on you [Music] Simeon do it [Music] again I'm so pleased to finally have such great friends we love you Miss Simeon sorry kids miss Simeon can I have a word with you in private please yes Nicole how can I help you listen Simeon you might have the rest of them fool but I don't trust you for a second I remember you from school I remember the horrible name you used to call me every day do you remember that yes I do and I'm sorry what I was that horrid person for so long home and look where it got me no friends no family just bitterness and wrinkles but even an old ape can change will you give me that chance oh I don't know it's all happening so fast please okay I'll I'll give it another shot what do we do now best friends uh let's see I know best friends write letters to each other about how great they are wow what a friendly idea what shall we write uh how about we the AFF four unanimously agree that miss is worthy of this year's favorite teacher award favorite teacher award okay done it it's mine look how happy she is that's the power of friendship first we got to get you you out of here Breathe In Breathe Out breathe in breathe out are you sure about this don't worry you're in safe hands ready breathe [Music] in [Music] enough H I'm not sure what he sees in that woman but anyway come on Mr Robinson let's show her you still got it okay now go ballistic I can't kids I'm not that man anymore then we'll do it for you hey you Mr Robinson's wife come and have an argument with him I mean me we're going to have a fight and you're going to like it h how do you like my arguing huh see how angry I am want to make out oh you made it worse I didn't think it was possible but you made it [Music] worse the ghost he's about to attack the children this is for attacking my kids and this is for my now get out of my gard you Robins oh sorry [Music] ow Show Yourself ghost of Mr Robinson hey what's up neighbor I've had enough of this family you're tacky lifestyle your ugly house your cheap guard and shed I'll smash it to Pieces it's more solid than I thought but this is what I do to your unfashionable de chairs it that us for your crummy thrift store vacuum cleaner my cheap fight twice and this is what I think of your $2 clipon tie I'm back and that's for [Music] you yay welcome back Mr Robinson thanks so since we saved your marriage and everything I guess that makes us best friends forever so can we call you Gaylord instead of Mr Robinson don't push it kid now take me home woman hey what was that all about well there never was a ghost ad it was Mr Robinson we hit him in the Attic no I mean what's wrong with our house house are shed in my tie dad you know what I do when I feel like a loser I look at this yeah I feel better now who does he think he is anyway $2 Clipper and tie at least I know how to treat my wife rich not enough sugar oh a donut that could fill a hole just get rid of him okay you want it yes yes yes really yes you really really want it yes then F he's gone Mr charity man great good job now get back to looting I mean uh collecting for charity yay now let's get back to business a so Mr Employee of the Month where is the safe I won't tell you anything they would fire me oh really what would they do about this no please they'll take it off my salary whoops you heartless monster that was 25 cents now where is the safe I won't tell you oops no that was 35 C wait that was 250 reduced from 395 now will you talk never your choice no look Darwin shampoo perfect for bald people oo what's that it's a safe Darwin it's full of money and what do bald people need more of friends exactly and how do you buy friends uh with money yay oh there's a lock what number should I try um two it doesn't work seven no nine nope well that's all the numbers are now try to again I guess we'll have to use brute force happy birthday oh thanks where are the boys well I forgot your birthday so I sent them down to the gas station to get you a present what oh is it the birthday was sending two kids downtown at night on their own put your pants on and get in the [Music] [Music] [Applause] car we're never going to crack it you know you only have to ask nicely please wao I can't believe you sent the kids to the gas station at this hour come on honey what's the worst that can happen hey three sus he's got a [Music] spoon suy hey Mr charity man we found money for the Bal hi Mom hi Dad why are you tied up oh he's not really a good guy is he oh come on you really are suckers Now give me the money no run Daren run give me that P right now give me the money oh come on you're not going to stop me with a marshmallow ow that sausage was [Music] [Applause] frozen [Music] what [Music] do who did this those kids I'm going to get them for the this come out stop calling the sheriff oh no they know we wrecked the car what do you mean you wrecked the car Dad hi Daisy Daisy the donkey mom why the Robinson talking to the sheriff on a lawn I don't know sweetie I think we'll just go around the back I'll tell you Sheriff it was those kids next door as sure as I what we just touched it with the sponge and it fell apart so we decided to hide here forever such a sad story but it's not true you see it was 9:00 this morning and come on electr fat make me [Music] beautiful oh Mr Robinson's new car oh okay it's just a dink I'll bang it out this may take a while there finished pH so you see it was my fault not yours what should we do now well I think the most responsible thing to do is to hide here forever and never let your mother find out what happened I already know honey but it's not quite what you think it was 9:00 this morning wait can I do this put the tape on Mom yes honey where is it here yeah they parked right in front of our lawn I just didn't see it I was about to tell Mr Robinson but horrible mother so we went to see the show and it was great so there it was mostly my fault I'm so relieved it was a family effort Dar it I know they're up there get in there and arrest those vandals I not without a warrant sir I pay my taxes and that pays your salary Ergo I'm your boss now get in there and do your job please sir calm down all right I suppose I shall have to take matters into my own hands huh well here come the Robinson poor Mr Robinson we wrecked his beautiful new car and nobody has the courtesy to apologize we should be ashamed of ourselves so let's get out there and apologize as a family okay okay this is what happens when you mess with Gaylord this is what happens this is what happens this is what happens they look kind angry Gumball please stop please please ma'am drop the duster please no ma'am [Music] no please maybe we should give them time to calm down now uh do you want to press charges no I'm sure they learned that lesson it's too bad you have to live next to such monsters don't worry Mr Robinson we'll look after your house while you're gone such a great guy well there's one important thing we learned today huh that electr fat machine was worth every [Music] penny stop [Music] W wait for us wait for us Rocky Hold Up Wait for uh rocky [Music] rocky a well it seems like it's not my day but that's okay because it's nothing a good song won't fix when life hands you lemons you got to make some [Music] lemonade Darwin stop it already it's getting embarrassing come on how's it going a it's great except for the fact that this is turning out to be the worst day of my life it's like I'm cursed or something watch a son this school has a dress code these Rags are obscene get to Lost and Found they'll provide you with something more suitable but Principal Brown there you go much better you've got to be kidding me I'm sorry dude but this isn't a department store you know oh Rocky there's got to be something else you're in [Music] luck oh well you know what I said last week my mom people think I'm a fruit but I'm also classified as an her where did you get your clothes lost and found well actually yes I did oh uh hey where did you get your clothes the circus dude we kind of just went over this already lost and found oh hey where did you get your clothes the swim shop and the hat shop where did you get your brain from the dollar store 7 hours detention for hurting my feelings what but I'll see you after school fine out paper [Music] cut [Music] uh Gumball are you okay everything's great Darwin everything's just peachy oh okay Darwin don't take everything I say so literally okay what about what you just said now should I take that literally no yes no I don't know talk to me I think I'm cursed H then what you need is a good luck charm guys there are no such things as Lucky Charms curses or tickets falling from the sky there must be a scientific explanation for what's happening to Gumball like there is for everything oh yeah how does your science explain the magic of rainbows then huh defraction of light through moisture in the atmosphere it's a sad world you live in come on Gumball Darwin howo I know if it's a fourleaf clover simple they've got four leaves and they're extremely rare rare they're one in a million rare than the rarest found one top of the morning to you ooh I can already feel my luck changing hey look a lucky V Darwin where do you think you're going uh buy some stuff at the shop what do you what are you doing he's your [Music] son I'm sorry little guy from now on I'll always be there for you Darwin I think he's ready for his first steps wait go ahead come on don't be shy come to Daddy aw he's kind of got my eyes don't you think got my Ching too dude it's what babyies do it's just suckling it's not suckling it's Bing okay relax he's just playing he'll come off on his own this are sinking in okay that's enough bad baby stop muling your father and get back in your jar this he's got my neck I know what it is he must be hungry okay so it doesn't like fruits vegetables or cereal but it does like pigeons rats raccoons seagull and the mailman's butt what was all that noise what are you two up what is that thing it's our baby what are you talking about where did you find it it came out of the microwave are you sure it didn't come out of the toilet it's disgusting they always look a bit funny when they're just born he's actually very Advanced for AG you should have seen him catch that seagull what you took that monster out look I trying to be nice here but you better stop insulting our child or I don't know what I'll do it's not a child and what is it doing in my high chair don't listen to her Kenneth she's just jealous you called it Kenneth baby needs a name look like it or not you're Kenneth's Aunt now we're going to buy more pigeon traps you babysit are you crazy where do you think you're I guess you're kind of ugly cute what kind of animal are are you wow those are pretty pointy teeth what the Kenneth we're home what a mess where's some knce yeah I knew she'd bail come has Kenneth grown growing into a troublemaker this place is a mess naughty Kenneth Aral for the [Music] water did Kenneth just eat the mailman no no no that's not possible not my Kenneth well where is he then what do I know mailing I'm more worried about Kenneth does it look to you like he's gaining weight I'm more worried about his attitude this boy needs discipline I think we need parental advice so um we're doing this school project uhhuh and uh we've got to look after this gross dog thing I'm with you and we need your help disciplining him okay it's pretty simple kind of like children actually the first thing you have to do is let it know you're the pack leader so you look them in the eyes and tell them firmly you're the boss now you've been a naughty [Music] doggy dad he's got your finger well that's to be expected son the best thing to do is to remain calm and reassert your Authority yeah but it seems to be eating your arm it's just testing its boundaries the worst you can do is give it attention for negative behavior I have always found that a positive reinforcement approach is Dad get us e dad and probably an i e too we've got to save them we'll save them later oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that that H I don't know paint my what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still two hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you detention Waton mom you're not [Music] helping the Nerds think you look like a do deodor with your mom at school what does that mean it's a 12-sided dork honey mom you're not helping Mom you're not helping W come on honey open the tunnel for the choo choo train you're not helping enough the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this has gone too far wait a minute I thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a meddler I'm your mother and a meddler hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader tryouts are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy puss don't be shy my baby has something to say no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love penny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being being honest with me no wait I meant I'll never love peanuts no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how am I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you with that that's enough okay that's enough I'm My Own man now I make my own decisions and I Don't Need You Bing me any M any thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarrassed my entire life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened oh it's awful I made a decision on my own and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her Che team but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat penny at her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this Lear makes me look fat so I put this skirt on hi my butt you know what I don't think I'm going to wear this anymore why I thought it brought you good luck yeah it does but but nothing's fun anymore see watch this W taada whoopy boring d what are you talking about that was F flapping dtic yeah a week ago maybe but now it's just lame I think I'm going to throw it out don't throw it out I could really use some luck right now I've been trying to get on win or don't win for 5 months but they're not returning my calls you're never going to get on that show hat or no hat there's a show called hat or no hat look you want it you have it hello what I tomorrow oh thank you win or don't win wow this hat is amazing okay guys as impressive as all this is let's not get carried away there's no way a tinf foil hat is responsible for Richard what are you hello interview tomorrow for a promotion and a pay rise what was that that was the sound of Doom for the [Music] Waton do you ever miss your helmet no why well everyone seems to be using it for really cool stuff like Dad with the TV show or Mom with her job all you ever did was lame party tricks it doesn't matter Darwin I'm happy to see the back of it succeeding at everything really took the joy out of life besides sometimes in life you make your own luck it's so good to fail again you see you take a pinch of success a dash of failure you mix it together and that's what makes life see that wasn't so bad you just blew up the a farm it's okay life is great darwi so you're saying you're happy when you fail absolutely it's a struggle that makes a victory sweet besides I still got it butter side down just like poor Uncle Eddie what do you know my lunch is on the floor hey who's the funny guy who did that and you know what the best thing about failure is Darwin no is that it builds your sense of humor am I kidding I'm nothing without my helmet I want it back I need it but I need it more cuz I need to win the show well I needed to get the promotion which is more important than a game show but if I win the show I'll get a speedboat think about how great it would be for me Richard you'll never use it Nicole if I win a speedboat I'm going to use it you have to understand I'm doing this for the greater good winning the speedboat will be good for you but not for the rest of the family uh you're right I'm sorry Nicole I don't know what came over me it's okay just where did you hide the helmet it's in this bag oh no wait actually it's in it's in this one I was going to trick you I'm sorry I guess that helmet's got more power over me than I thought thanks for being honest honey maybe it won't be so bad I'll just meet Tina in a quiet calm atmosphere and we'll talk things through like civilized people yeah this is a great idea F this is a terrible idea what's going on here I'll have no fighting on my watch oh Gumball Waton I might have known oh thank you Miss Simeon oh I was going to find a T-Rex please send me to detention well I suppose I could after my coffee break but simeona coffee break but miss Simeon You're My Last Hope please uhoh here here what am I going to do what am I going to do use the Bunny Hop son son son son son dad what are you doing here well I wasn't going to miss the big fight Gumball time to deal with this like a [Music] man G stop running dude I have no idea what you're saying [Music] sorry sorry oh [Music] man [Music] [Music] sorry uhhuh sh cat oh Mr small please let me in no please let me in go [Music] away would you mind removing your glasses when you're at the table uh yes what happened to you I ran into a door that's not true he's being bullied [Music] seriously I did run into a [Music] door Mom calm down I'm perfectly calm I just need a word with Mr Rex honey pie [Applause] C sit you guys make up Mr Rex hi Mr Rex we need to talk about your daughter so it's going to be like that is it well that's fine by [Music] me your dad is pretty scary so's your mom uh Tina is it true that your bullying me what 24 hours oh this is horrible all the things I wanted to do in my life all my plans ruin ruin you know I've been thinking 24 hours is actually quite a long time hey you're right I mean how many minutes are than an hour like 60 so that's like 60 * 24 which is 3 billion seconds that's like ages we've got to make every second count you know Darwin I've never asked you but what do you want to do with your life what are your hopes and dreams who is Darwin Waton well I guess what makes me happy is helping other people who are less fortunate than ourselves due to circumstances beyond their control so I'd like to start a charity for where are you going dude I don't think the end of the world is Time to Get Charitable and besides you're getting kind of boring I think we'd be better off doing some of the things I want to do [Music] photo what are we doing here learning card so we can get a career a home and feed our children in the future Darwin there is no future we need to make the most of it right now not listening to some baboon drone on about algebra oh Gumball this is biology oh who cares it won't matter in 24 hours kiss me penny I've got a surprise for you today children a surprise test well I got a surprise for you I'm not going to do the test because it's the end of the world and nothing matters anymore not even [Music] this how's that for a surprise so come on everybody let's turn our last day on Earth into the biggest party ever woo okay on second thoughts spending 3 hours in detention wasn't the best use of our time oh I'm going to be late for my wedding now wedding yes Darwin my wedding by the power of the banana it is my duty to ask if there's anyone here who sees any reason why Gumball and Petty should not be joined in marriage speak now or forever hold your peace actually I've got more than one reason firstly I'm 12 and so are you secondly you didn't even propose to me you're just trying to marry me in the school Corridor hey guys happy wedding and finally this is not a wedding ring it's a bagel but you know what that shouldn't stop you from asking me again in 20 [Music] years but you don't have 20 years sh I love her too much to let her know the truth hey want to get married Gumball why do you have a perm it's just something I've always wanted to do so Mom under normal circumstances how long do you reckon I'm going to live for well your grandfather lived to be 102 so I wouldn't worry sweetie H that's at least 90 more birthday presents Mom I'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse I want to combine all of my birthday presents into one manageable lump present so can I have a pony after dinner what are you laughing at nothing do you want a tutu with that if I get you a pony you'd get bored of it in a day not an issue okay I'll get you a pony thank you finally as soon as your father starts laying golden eggs I haven't given up yet
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 173,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gumball reboot, amazing world of gumball, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, amazing world of gumball full episodes, baby anais, cartoon network, darwin singing, gumball, gumball and darwin, gumball cartoon network, gumball copycats, gumball factory tycoon, gumball full episodes, gumball machine, gumball movie, gumball the night, mrbeast gumball machine, sing with darwin, the amazing world of elmore, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball movie
Id: YeY1NKpzvUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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