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uh karen you're back i'm here to see the manager you you you can't be here oh can't i no no the consumer rights act says that i can now get me the manager you you need to leave i won't leave i demand that you listen listen to everything that i say now get me the manager he he's a good guy he's he's not he's not here you are a useless employee he's looking good i don't know where he is the slightest idea what is going on here can i help you i know a hundred people who will do this job much better than you look at you now this is what you call customer service isn't it is that what that's because i'm sorry where is the manager what's going on there you are what are you doing here karen i've returned to finish what we started i've defeated you once i can do it again oh can you what is this this is your undoing no that's impossible call yourself a manager we are going to tell everyone about this circumstance nobody will ever want a good consumer rights it does not say that it is you can't just come in here that is the sun that's irrelevant [Applause] who are you didn't you hear i'm the super manager you're just the man that i need to speak to the white shirt has returned i want to complain about the state of the store and the horrible service that we have had to deal your hair disgusts me you have far too much makeup on that louis vuitton is a fake how dare you you take that back her hair is fabulous yuck yuck adam rowan i have them in a temporary rage paralysis we must surround them when they come to we must have them covered at all sides quickly now repeat after me with the power of three we banish thee with the power of three we banish the power of all employees and managers who have ever had to deal with the karen anywhere in the world course through our veins with the power of three we banish thee with the power of three we vanish and all parents bringers of tyranny and evil we hereby banish thee from the store never to return the red shirt employee banishes thee the black shirt manager banishes thee the white shirt super manager banishes me with the power of three we banished [Music] where did you learn that i've been training in secret preparing myself for the return but what did it cost everything can you control it i don't know [Music] adventurer i need your aid uh sure what do you got for me my house has been overrun by vermin can you please exterminate them ah one of these uh yeah okay sure accept my house is just down the path there but be careful adventurer it's a nasty infestation yeah that's all good i got it good luck adventurer [Music] okay so what are we dealing with here rats spiders slugs what kind of foul rich should [Music] uh mate i think there's been some kind of uh confusion here it's uh [Applause] yeah no thanks no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay no cancer quest cancel quest no no no no no no no no no no okay load save load auto save no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no oh god no no i don't want to ah oh god oh why oh i hate this game [Music] i'm so sorry stop looking at me i don't have a choice i tried to leave okay here we go [Music] ah adventurer there you are is it done yes it's done did you kill them all you monster thank you so much for killing those pesky spiders they were tormenting my puppies spiders i don't know what i would have done if they hurt my puppies i love them so yep here's your 100 gold adventurer no no no no you you keep that but adventure you've done such good take the goal no no no no i i insist it's fine well i'll sing your praises around honeywood i'd rather you didn't just just shh thank you adventurer right i have brought you all here because i have recently made an amazing new discovery what is it ron thank you ellen um i have recently discovered that girls female women also play video games like us guys so i've got a new marketing campaign that we can use to market to all of these women let's jump into it girls are gamers too i want to encourage more women to get into gaming and to proudly admit that they are gamers too wow that's awesome rowan yeah that's actually quite cool no longer should women be ashamed to call themselves gamers and no longer should men disregard them in the gaming space amen female gamers are gonna be noticed no longer will we disregard what female gamers want and need and what do female gamers want to attract men and there it is do you want to catch yourself a man show him you're not like the other girls play video games i've got a question for you how are you going to know that a game is a girl boom rgbs that only go shades of pink also women's hands are delicate we need new keyboards that are easy to press for their small delicate hands struggling to find a girly gamer tag don't you worry we've got you covered with a website that gives you suggestions on names such as princess pink pink kitty 34 cute little girl 62 and pink pink pink 224. also an app that instantly sends your name age and phone number to all them gamer guys and games do we have games such as workout lose weight how to cook good clean the house cat pet and dress up party rowan this is outrageous i know right women are gonna love it and finally the final idea the peace the resistance hire a game man yeah having trouble on a particular level and we'll send a male gamer to help you out yes he'll explain exactly how the game works help you figure out those pesky controllers and will show the woman exactly what they're doing wrong and how to complete the level and as a bonus think his cute at the click of a button we'll send your phone number straight to him boom mic drop what you think [Music] oh [Music] hello brave hero welcome to the fair town of honeywood you look like an adventurer whose journey is just beginning as such i'd like to offer you an easy quest to start with would you like to help me with my chores i can split my pocket money with you great follow me if you wouldn't mind i need you to pick seven weeds from my grandmother's garden [Music] [Music] [Music] some flowers for the center of the table would be wonderful it's all for you it's all for you [Music] no silly you must be careful with the tomatoes they break easily [Music] great job [Music] great job [Music] you're doing great wow that looks perfect we'll make the most delicious garden salad with these ingredients thank you adventurer i just want to say being here with you is reminding have me happiness thank you adventurer thank you for showing me there's still some good left in the world hi dear tonight thanks for being in a video with me are you gonna subscribe okay so just to reiterate if anyone with a vaguely eastern european accent calls then i don't work here anymore okay are there any questions adam who's the small child standing behind you oh yes uh this is my niece phoenix uh i'm gonna be babysitting her today so ellen i'm gonna need you to keep an eye on her what well i mean i do it myself but obviously as a manager i'm far too busy yeah run that's not really part of my job description isn't that uh maybe you should have thought about that before signing this thing yeah because it says right there um employee agrees to babysit any of ryan's extended family failure to do so will result in an eighty percent pay cut i need to start reading my contracts yeah ellie can you stop the shelves please uh do you wanna play a game on my phone i have some games on my phone sure um thank you i'll be really careful with it no worries either this one is my favorite thanks oh she seems really sweet hard to think she's related to rowan you're right oh yeah that one's really tricky let me know if you need a hand do i look like i need your help old man what listen here this is how it's gonna go you're gonna give me anything i want or i'm gonna tell rowan that you were mean to me uncle warren ellen was so mean to me today uh i think i'm gonna go now you can start by giving me a 50 out of your wallet harry styles has some new merch that i want i'm not gonna do that oh what the where did you hit me oh give me the money ellen or i'll tell adam you hit me adam [Music] yeah hi adam um could you show me where the bathroom is please of course thank you ellie what's up you're not gonna believe me but i think phoenix is legit a psychopath hey ellen who are you hiding from no nobody i'm just talking to boring old ally over here that's not demeaning at all please don't leave me i don't think you're boring thank you i hope you weren't planning on tattling ellen what no didn't think so now give me your car keys no you smell bad yeah it smells like a pay cut son i'm not gonna give you my car keys uh oh wrong answer why did you push me [Applause] yeah i i fell and hurt my knee oh okay look let's get you up there we go and we'll go get you an ice cream for that boo-boo [Music] what ah you've returned my grandfather's hammer thank you hero ah i see you've also slain the dragon of schmagenrod using the sword of candy thank you again hero [Music] uh shop what can i do for two steel goods coming right up [Music] what is going on oh don't mind us it's pretty hard not to we're just here for in world ambiance well if you could not that would be appreciated well i'm sorry friend it's our job we've got to i think you sound great so [Music] ah adventure thank you for returning my sheep to me here's your reward shop what would you like to buy two health potions right away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay okay we're doing this this is happening oh i'm gonna join this do you guys like it do you like it rowan ready up dog come on man ready up yeah yeah hold up i'm just trying to figure out which glasses make me look more like a sexy librarian a or b man nobody cares ready up yeah hold up now i'm not even sure that the top works rowan it doesn't even matter we're playing first person you can't see yourself does this work better god rowan just pick something and ready up okay what looks better blazer or tank top well if i have to choose uh blazer oh look the tank top the tank top makes him look sexier then ron ready up tank top or blazer yeah i don't care neither both whichever just ready up it's irrelevant ryan just pick the tank top and ready please tank top the tank top doesn't even go with the skirt yeah and the blazer is from the prep set and the skirt is from the schoolgirl set exactly well do you have something else that goes with the blazer i could do sexy jeans nope nah what a skirt still doesn't match ron if nothing matches just go shirtless and save us all the hassle man you're right this does look better actually if you're gonna go shitless do consider the skinny jeans [Music] those men didn't play pubg that evening they spent two whole hours playing dress up with each other on the loading screen laughing crying and bonding with one another over their love for clothes and dressing up allen adam rowan and ben would become closer than ever and thus the new hit game pub g dress-up was born we've reached the edge of the forest here we shall meet philadelphia a rogue who will escort us further i'm glad we made it adventurer while we have some time i want to tell you something over the course of our quest i become quite infatuated with you no it's more than that i've developed feelings for you very strong feelings what you know i noticed a chemistry between you as well just never felt so comfortable around anybody before stories we shared the conversations we had it means something i i don't think you said a single word since we left after this journey i just feel like i know you and that you you know me i was really hoping after this quest we might get a coffee i want us to be together that's disappointing [Music] you're right it's not fair of me to ask these things of you but i just can't help it what is happening but i just feel so safe around you is it love well if i know love i think this is love oh thank god our escort is here adventurous we must get moving the surrounding area is crawling with wow never have i ever in my life been so immediately drawn to a person as i am in this moment right now what make love to me he's not doing anything [Music] i thought you were mine and i was yours [Music] you're right after everything we've just been through i see you're just too much hero for one woman [Music] perhaps there's enough of this adventure for both of us well i can confidently say there is are you kidding me [Music] oh well at least i've still got you what a hero [Music] oh so so so so we meet again invader indeed we do however this time i shall have the upper hand oh really yes you may have outdone me previously with your roly-poly skills but not this time no i've learned much since our last encounter first things first let's even the playing field oh impressive yes now my roles will be as fast as yours and of course my dagger is fully upgraded i'm wearing the hornet ring and i have more stamina than a rabid hollow you've met your match invader molly polly rolly prepare to die come on fight me what's the matter you're scared you're i know i'm scary but you're a big boy let's do this [Music] in the immortal words of the roly-poly alderlords get good scrub right the cyclops is unaware of our presence this should be an easy battle so long as we strike hard and fast yes our best advantage will come from a surprise attack indeed we must not let him have the upper hand well if everyone is ready i'll sing you a song of strength to boasting oh yes very good yeah yeah you're feeling strong you're feeling tough you like it rough your strong's gone strong now hey is that it yes you should be feeling pretty strong about now oh yes yes i think i feel it i feel a little bit stronger do you feel at orlando um yes yes uh i suppose i do it's a it's a subtle strength you're welcome you're welcome i'm gonna do a damask ah um well it can't hurt can it exactly with a compliment well rawanus and myself will attack the cyclops from the side allowing adamus to do the main damage and bard you do what you do very groovy ah yes very good to battle to battle don't have any fears [Applause] [Music] is i need heals [Music] he's not really doing much but like i feel maybe a little bit but it's quite subtle i hear you're laughing there bro i'll sing you a protection song did you do it yes you should be able to take any blow from any foe oh thank you oh my god don't worry adam sir um i got your back man oh god [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't wanna die i'm only thirty-five [Music] oh [Music] sorry aaron i'm out ah damn it all right siren start setting up we're going to need to camp wait we're not going back what no we're only halfway through the mission but we're all almost dead yeah we're not continuing we're going to rest now what do you mean rust i mean like not do strenuous activity for i know what rex means i mean do you really think that's all we need right now why would it not be um maybe because that's not how our bodies work what do you mean carefully i'm saying i have deep lacerations to my torso and i need a medical professional a lot of time to recover and heal ah but we're not continuing if they're in setting up camp now don't worry you'll be fine oh i'm sorry is does there enough something in their bag that's going to magically transform into a hospital no then what are you talking about why would we set up camp here we could just go back to town and find a healer why would we go back to town when will we perfectly find in the morning look we'll set up camp here and we'll be in tip-top shape in the mall oh okay i didn't realize that's enough to fix everything so um these long rest nice long rest and that kill me please kill me long rest oh okay jeremy just needs a little nappy nap does she okay fine great well sweet dreams to you all sincerely hope they're not our last what's the deal let me find what you know the wolves are attracted to blood oh no no everything's fine come on sleepyhead there's a big dungeon to explore [Music] hi guys welcome here's some menus for you um have a little peruse and i'll be back shortly to take your order thank you thank you happy man oh this is fancy isn't it yeah i wanted to take you somewhere nice for your birthday just um give not the b word sorry i completely forgot yeah sorry it's just you know how much i hate it when restaurants feel the need to sing you that song so can i take a drinks order yes please i'll have the cove chardonnay of course and i'll just grab a jameson's on the rocks oh come on my shout you get something top shelf if you want no no i'm fine just a jameson thank you okay i truly don't mind if you want to get something nice seriously i'm happy with the jameson honey come on it's your bloody birthday did you say it's his birthday no no no no no it's our friend's birthday nick next week might bring him please please it's his birthday we must sing happy birthday to anyone whose birthday it i'm gonna ask you is is it sir's birthday today this is birthday oh no please don't sorry i don't have to happy birthday to you stop it happy birthday [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] look away [Music] have you made any decisions on your main i will have the wrong chicken okay i have fish of the day can i suggest a lighter white white that is chardonnay hey everyone hope you enjoyed that video please subscribe and like and share with all your friends please thank you me no puppies what happened making this video
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 676,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: SB9h9777cQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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