Best OBS Streaming Settings Guide ⚙️ 2021 Edition ⚙️ Full Setup & Tutorial

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hey dude i have some questions about obs what's up man why do you think i can answer your questions aren't you like the obs guru of youtube or something like that well i don't mean to brag but well it's 20 21 and for some reason i still can't get my obs settings right so my friends told me to come check out you well you're not alone dude a lot of people have some serious trouble setting up obs honestly i would really appreciate the help i have so many questions and for some reason i watch all these videos and cannot get my settings right well you've come to the right place let's get into it what is up guys and welcome back to the hammer dance youtube channel today i'm gonna be going into the nitty-gritty of setting up obs i've done a lot of obs setup videos in the past but i'm still getting a lot of questions from you guys and i understand it's a little bit tricky if you've never done it before setting up obs for the first time it can be kind of overwhelming so i'm gonna help you guys we're gonna try and keep this video under 10 minutes if possible and i'm going to go through each individual setting and try and help you guys tweak it and get the best settings for your machine now this is a little bit hard because everyone's machine is a little bit different everyone's internet is different so this is going to be more of a generalized settings but then you can you know know what they mean so that you can kind of tweak them to work for your machine but before we jump in guys let's give a shout out and thank you to our sponsor for today's video is the place to go guys if you're looking for some fresh new graphics for your stream whether you're on twitch youtube or facebook gaming you'll find something that's a perfect fit for your channel they offer full themed overlay packages which are great if you're trying to give your stream a complete makeover but let's say you're just looking to pick up some new alert graphics don't worry because they've got you covered there too you could find single graphics such as alerts banners panels and logos as well and one of the best parts about most of these overlays is that they are completely modular so if you and your friends all pick up the same overlay such as this rodan one right here you can change the colors and tweak it to match your brand and none of you will have the exact same overlay if you guys are looking to take your stream to the next level be sure to check out using my link below to support the channel alright guys so let's begin i'm gonna drag obs over from my other screen if you are on your computer right now please open up obs here we go here's my obs you're gonna see i have some docs here custom docs i have my twitch activity feed where i can see my follows bits donations all that kind of stuff and then my twitch chat over here on the right side so real quick though before we jump into the settings let's go over this ui up at the top we have our standard task bar we have file edit view scene collection tools um you're not you don't really need to use any of these because everything in here you can do by shortcuts pretty much so like i said docs on the left docs on the right you probably won't have these when you first open it these are custom docs that i added and if you want to learn how to do those i have tons of videos on that as well on the channel so check them out in the middle here this is your preview screen this is what everyone on your stream or your recording is going to see so right now i have a scene set up with my camera my camera border and it's just showing my display so whatever i have on my display will be visible in this scene down here we have all of our scenes scenes are basically a collection of sources so you can make a bunch of different scenes and have different sources in those scenes here's your sources right here so these are all the sources i have in this screen as you can kind of see down here this is my camera i have it grouped into a folder called camera stuff this is my border around my camera this is my my canon m200 that i'm using as a webcam here my alerts which are basically when someone follows it pops up on the screen and then this is my display capture and then this is game capture stuff if i close that folder you can't see all those games alright so that is basically the left side of obs right here we have our audio mixer so i'm using a go xlr so everything is coming through one audio channel which is called my broadcast mix if you don't have a go xlr in this audio mixer you'll probably see your microphone your desktop audio stuff like that that's completely normal the only reason i have just one channel here is because everything is getting filtered through my go xlr and into one channel called broadcast mix i do all my mixing on the go xlr it processes it there and outputs it to this one channel which i output to my stream or my recordings here's your scene transitions you can set up some nice stinger transitions to go between different scenes like that which are pretty cool not really uh necessary in in the initial setting of obs so we'll kind of skip over that for now right here we have some controls start streaming this is the start recording button right now it's a stop because i am recording uh virtual camera studio mode if you want to set up some like uh transitions and be able to see like i'll show you it'll basically split it and show you a preview before you switch to a transition and then right here we're gonna jump settings i'm gonna try and go through this as fast as possible to keep this video nice and short so you guys actually watch the entire thing and learn what you need to learn so in the general tab here by the way guys if i skip over some settings it's because you can just leave them as the default um and you don't need to mess with them uh right off the bat so right here we have whoops let me do that okay so right here we have the general tab only thing in here that's really important that you can mess with is the theme of obs i use dark mode because white obs or any of the other colors to me kind of hurt my eyes the dark mode is nice and simple and clean so i suggest using dark mode if you watch my other videos you know how i feel about dark mode next tab over we have stream so this is where you're going to set up your streaming settings this is where obs learns where to output your stream to if you're streaming to twitch you're going to want to hit twitch right here if you're doing youtube you're going to want to switch it to youtube facebook live vice versa all that stuff so if we're going to twitch we're going to keep it on twitch keep the server on auto that'll automatically select the best server to upload your stream to with the lowest ping to get the best quality out of your stream okay that's all we really need to know here next tab the output tab so in the output tab we have a couple of other tabs we have streaming recording audio and replay buffer we're gonna ignore replay buffer right now um let's focus on streaming so right off the bat if you have an nvidia gpu in your computer or graphics card you're gonna wanna use the nvidia nbank h.264 new encoder that is the best encoder you can use if you have an nvidia gpu if you don't you're going to want to use x264 so nvidia's encoder is basically using your graphics card to encode your video this uh results in better frame rates in your games less lag and it's way less taxing on your machine however if you don't have an nvidia gpu just use the x264 encoder which uses your cpu to encode your stream so hopefully you have a nice beefy processor to go along with that um you're going to want to keep this on cbr for your rate control your bit rate if you're streaming in 1080p at 60fps i would suggest a bit rate of around 6k you can try and bump it to 6500 um this is where an internet speed test is going to come in handy i would go to and test the speed of your internet if you have at least 25 upload speed you should be fine with this if it's a little lower than that you might want to drop your stream down to 30 fps or even down to like um 720 at 60 fps and stuff like that and lower your bit rate accordingly if you're doing 720 at 60 fps you can drop it down to like 4 500 or even 4k um keyframe interval right here you're going to want to put this on two that'll just improve the quality of your stream slightly and it's not really taxing on your machine at all preset you're gonna have these presets if you're using the nvidia encoder i use max quality i'm running a 2070 super in this machine not the best gpu on the market but it's not bad either and it handles this perfectly fine profile keep it on high make sure look ahead and cycle visual tuning are checked gpu set that to zero max b frames set it to two okay audio so in the audio tab this is where you can see all your audio devices your desktop audio your microphones all that good stuff so like i said before i'm using a go xlr so all my audio goes through my go xlr and i just have to worry about one audio channel which you guys can see here which is the stream mix if you don't have a go xlr you're going to want to set your desktop audio to your default which is your system's audio and then make sure your microphone is selected here that should cover that there should be no problems there going forward that's all you need to worry about in the audio tab video tab alright so this is going to be where you set the resolution of your stream your base canvas resolution is going to be what you're using what you're playing games at what your your display in front of you is so i'm using a 240hz display at 1080p my base canvas resolution is 1080p output scaled resolution is what your stream is going to be i stream in 1080 at 60fps but if you're going to stream in let's say 1280x720 or 960 output scaled resolution is where you would change that you would change this to 1280 by 720 and then that means you'd be playing games in 1080 and streaming in 720. downscale filter you want to use langsos that is the best quality filter on here and to be honest dropping down to the other filters doesn't really improve your system's performance that much if you have a little bit of lagging maybe you can drop it down to the middle option but lanczos is normally fine common fps values this is the fps of your stream if you're streaming in 60 fps have it set to 60 if you want to do 30fps set that to 30. and right here we have hotkeys here are where you can set up some custom hotkeys on your keyboard to do things within obs like i have my number pad button here um i used to have that set to start and stop recording i use an elgato stream deck now so it's a little bit better for me i use that as basically all my hotkeys but if you don't have a stream deck you can basically set hotkeys for every single scene and any function within obs on your keyboard right here in the hotkeys tab definitely useful hotkeys are extremely important and it helps your stream be more live and entertaining in the advanced tab process priority this is how your system pro this is how your system uses obs uh it's going to generalize and take resources from the system and direct them towards obs to give you a little bit better quality for your stream or your recordings if you if you seem like your your obs is lagging or maybe your recordings are lagging a little bit you can jump the process priority here up to high um but other than that you might want to keep it on normal right now i have it on high when i'm recording because i'm not doing anything else keep in mind that the higher you set the process priority it's going to take resources away from whatever else you're doing on your computer so while you're gaming i wouldn't really suggest it unless you need to but you can mess around with that and see how it impacts your system you can have it set to automatically reconnect if you disconnect from the internet it'll keep retrying to reconnect instead of shutting your stream completely down you can add an extra stream delay here so you can avoid stream snipers and things like that and that's really it in the advanced tab so that's it guys that that's how you set up obs it's very simple drop any comments down below if you guys need any more help but that's really the basics of setting up obs and if you guys need any extra information how to set up alerts and all that kind of stuff i have tons of videos already on the channel that you should check out i'll link some here in this video in the cards but anyways guys i hope that helped you i really do i still to this day i'm getting a lot of questions and i feel you i feel your pain guys like i want to help i really want to help you guys get this stuff set up so drop any comments that you have down below um and i'll try and answer all your questions as best as i possibly can and if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing to the channel and turning on those post notifications i have a lot of videos on this channel talking about streaming tips obs my main focus has always been obs i love the program and i've learned a lot about it and how to tweak it to work with like every kind of system so feel free to drop some questions down below but anyways guys that's all from me i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you learned something and i hope that i helped you i want you to keep those hammers up and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Hammer Dance
Views: 118,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs setup 2021, how to setup obs for streaming, obs settings 2021, obs setup for streaming, obs settings for twitch, obs setup, best obs settings for streaming, how to setup obs, obs settings for streaming, obs settings, best settings for obs, best settings obs 2021, obs setup for twitch, best settings obs, best obs settings for recording, best obs settings for minecraft, best obs settings for bad computer, obs tutorial for beginners, obs, hammerdance, How to setup obs studio
Id: o7z1WeAeyKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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