Best Moments with Every Loud House Sister! ๐Ÿ  | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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what normally i don't care for inane human emotions but [Music] tanya you were right i can't do this alone i have to tell miguel and fiona to come back they're gonna think i'm a drillster and probably won't want to be friends anymore but miss c made me manager and right now the store comes first lenny you were talking to literal ghosts right now cause we've died and got a dim sum heaven i'm so sorry you guys but you have to come back to the store oh lenny your impression of missy is dead on i mean we are swamped with seniors tanya lost her head and i need you both back here right now miguel i need you at the cosmetics counter asap we have 10 seniors who need your phenom makeup skills fiona i need your creative flair at the gift wrap counter right now mm-hmm well i'll be horse-whipped this is surprisingly airy oh thank you so much lenny i'm gonna come here for all my fashion emergencies the service here isn't so lousy and that's high praise coming from scoots always appreciated bye scoots that was brutal right i'm beyond starving wanna grab some food more than i ever have in my life well thanks for your help tonight guys i really appreciate it enjoy your dinner i'll see you in the morning aren't you coming with us you mean you want me to um why wouldn't we i just thought you you wouldn't want to be my friends anymore girl what are you talking about i was a total drillster like missy and made you come back to help when i was supposed to be the funnager huh lenny it was the senior shopaganza of course you had to ask us to come back this was an awesome day you were able to balance work and fun we still think you're the best boss in the universe and i still think so too oh you guys are the best so food i know just where to go she's doing fine lincoln it's okay lincoln this is what you trained for do not let her get in your head could you get me sorry i'm really thirsty can you get me a juice or just let me out already i told you guys i'm done with pranking i'm a mature gal i'm way too old for childish pranks you've been saying that all week and we still don't believe you someone else want to go down anybody triple dessert for a week not worth it get down there lola no pushing hey luanne i have your breakfast sorry he just makes it so easy luanne's really done a number on the family but this year dad can kiss those worry ulcers goodbye april fool's day has been officially neutralized oh mitch how much for the half-eaten cheese it'd make a great centerpiece oh gosh well i don't know uh can i get a price check on the uh dumpster cheese uh three cool yes wow oh batteries rotting fish heads these would make perfect party favors don't panic this is only a minor setback the party can still be saved okay before we go home let's talk entertainment i was thinking a princess story time show a mermaid matinee a genie and a bottle uh sorry lolz i actually had something else in mind shortcut [Music] all right everything looks to be in order hang on tight or don't i'm charging for the test ride either way let it rip flip you got it let me give old roy some spicy mustard yeah that really gets them going [Music] how about this cake [Music] okay do you have a sink in some dirt are you with the health department nope then follow me we'll take it from here speechless huh well i think that means we found our cake what do you have for toppings any worms or bugs we could sample i'm sure we could find something in the pantry oh those are just some exploding candles wait be careful with those you made it girls congratulations let me show you to your station your last challenge is to bake an apple pie good luck oh bacon's not really my thing okay two sticks of butter one cup flour two cups of lard and uh maybe we should mix it up now uh specialist down folks we have our quest winners scoops and helen were the first to finish the final challenge and bonus their pie is delish congrats ladies well we didn't win but i had a lot of fun today i think i was wrong before i know we don't have a lot in common but maybe we can discover new things we both like you know like together i'd really like that and uh next time i'll try not to hit you with any lasers i'll try not to spit any juice on you [Music] all right time to scout myself a date let's see who can keep up with lynn loud on your mark get set forget this there's no way we could beat her huh guess i gotta try something else oh come on man were you even trying ugh i'm sorry you're just like really really strong thanks i never skip arm day okay well this isn't working time to change up my strategy free burgers help yourselves what's the catch oh no catch just want to see who can handle the heat [Music] wow this is good can i have another [Music] even better you can go out with me wait what you know like go to my roller derby games and hang out with my friends and me can we also get more burgers deal lynn dexter lolz can you watch lily i'll let the judges know the two finalists are here let me do it you just stay and help lily get ready be right back i think that moves out oh hello mrs carmichael i wanted to let you know that lily and i are here for our callbacks forgot before my sister auditions you should watch the video on this thumb drive you may find it hmm how should i say this not so cute well bye good luck lily may the cutest sister win not now lily i'm touching up my blush wait what is this this is us wait you were never actually competing with me hey you just wanted to have fun together didn't you hey i need to get that thumb drive back i beg your pardon uh i almost made a really dumb mistake so if you can just kindly return that and i'm afraid not it's our job to choose the right child to be the face of reiningers so we have to consider everything including the contents of this drive jimmy now lola i'm warning you [Applause] loud you are disqualified i can live with that congratulations lily you're officially reiningers cutest kid [Applause] i must finish this alone for lily lily i'm sorry i failed you sword [Music] that was incredible from now on i promise no more monster experiments then my mission here is complete sweet dreams lily [Music] huh okay what happened in there did you crush that thing nope he did see what i mean mom and dad are gonna be home in 10 minutes yeah you learn a few tricks as you get older [Music] hello uh-huh sure okay bye who was that mom and dad they're gonna be home in 10 minutes what are we gonna do i got this luna a little cleanup music you got it sis one two three [Music] [Music] good night loud house [Music] okay magnets plutonium banana peels [Music] let's hope my theory actually works yes the wormhole hope you're watching this einstein here goes nothing better not end up in the dark ages yep all 11 toes still there someday i'll explain it to you you're welcome to come spend this afternoon here at the institute we have top-notch facilities where you could continue your research free of distractions a very generous offer dr j but i'm good right here where i belong hey lincoln think i could get one of your famous pb and james lisa style coming right up boom [Music] can you get off my casting director please but he's a vampire oh okay i know i'm pale and i work for vampires of melancholia but can you spare me the wise cracks wait a minute you guys are filming vampires of melancholia yes and you kids are ruining my big break confused vampire number seven is the role of a lifetime mrs bernardo why didn't you just tell us what you were doing yesterday oh a good actor never breaks character uh i mean okay that's enough it's time for you meddling brats to go you're in the shot die wait these kids are the gloomiest creepiest weirdest creatures i've ever seen even their grandpa is creepy boris is only nine but still very flattered they'd be great for the season premiere they're obviously real goths and not just a bunch of randos from the mall wow could this possibly get any better this black cherry juice is simply smashing top notch oh cheerio spooky children he called us spooky watch the shoes please scene 40 take one rescued from your mortal state my creatures of the night rise and embraced your newfound vampire power oh huh yes my minions have you shed your earthly attachments our human life is no more yup and you dudes are gonna love the no bedtime thing um thanks for helping us like not go extinct it was our displeasure [Music]
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 2,775,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, loud house, the loud house, casagrandes, the casagrandes, loud house episodes, loud house scenes, best of the loud house, luan loud, lisa loud, loud house family, loud house sisters, loud house compilation, loud house randomizer, lori loud, lana loud, luna loud, loud house music, loud house songs, ytao_lh
Id: izijC2yyMCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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