Spin the Wheel of Baby Lily's Best Moments! 🍼 | The Loud House

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Lily, where are your clothes? And where is her diaper? Poo-poo! [giggling] [squishy sound] I found the diaper. [gasps] She's in the attic! [screaming] Wow, she truly is a pranking genius! Ah! [maniacal laughter] I gotta shut down the console. Lincoln, distract her. [screaming] [grunting] Luan, hurry! Her little teeth are so sharp! [screaming] Dang it. Should have seen that coming. Luan, hurry, I can't hold her off any longer! Oh, hey, there's that juice I've been looking for. Luan, come on! Wait, right. [screaming] Aw... [sighing] [retching] [giggling] One ice cream sundae coming up! Don't forget the gummi bears! Whipped topping in the hizz-ouse! And some yummy cookie crumbles! [mumbling] Thanks, Flip, but you're not supposed to be talking after your wisdom teeth surgery. You guys, she's about to try it! [gasping] [laughing] Well, this is an interesting development. [laughing] Get it? Please, just take the picture. You're the boss! One, two, three... Oops, sorry! Wrong camera. Okay, we're done. Finally, someone sensible. Mm-hm. Very good. Hold still, please. - Try not to move. - What? Hold still, please. One, two, three... [buzzing] How's my smile? I can't tell, but your anterior fontanel is abnormally wide. [groaning] My future is at stake here! Can no one in this family take a proper photo? [giggling] It's... so... beautiful! Oh, Lily! It's perfect! I'm back, baby! [giggling] Hey, look! Lily's coming to me! Nuh-uh! To me! - To me! - To me! [together] She chose Clyde?! I have something to say to you, Little Miss Friend Stealer! You are... absolutely adorable! No wonder Lincoln wants to hang with you! Clyde, why are you wearing a diaper? You replaced me with Lily, so I thought this was the only way to win you back. I'd never replace you. You're my best friend. Blankie! Her blankie, of course! Now I get it, you guys. We can't mold Lily. No matter what we do, she's always gonna want the things she wants. Besides, I forgot I already have someone who likes everything I like. What do you say, Clyde? Wanna hang? Sorry, Lincoln. Lily and I have plans. Hey, Lily, what has four thumbs and loves milk? These guys! We'd love to have her as part of our daycare family. Just bring plenty of diapers. Yeah! That's great news! Thank you, Dr. Shuttleworth! We are so happy! Please, take snacks for the road. Oh, don't mind if I do. Dannit! [gasping] - Did she just say... - The D-word? Please don't blame Lily for saying the D-word! It's our fault! It's true! She was literally just imitating our bad behavior! She's really the sweetest little girl in the world! [laughing] [giggling] Children, Lily didn't say the D-word. I believed she just wanted a doughnut. See? Dannit! Dannit! It's "doughnut", sweetie. Doughnut. She's a fast learner. See you next week at the daycare, miss Lily. Good luck, Lily, may the cutest sister win. [chuckles] Ugh, not now, Lily! I'm touching up my blush. Wait, what is this? Lily. Lola. Love. This is... us? Wait, you were never actually competing with me. [giggling] You just wanted to have fun together, didn't you? [giggling] Lily, just get on the ding-dang darn seat, dang it. Come on, I'll give you this cookie. [sighs] Come on, we're gonna give you a cookie! - All you need to do is pee! - Don't be scared. That's it, Lily, now-- Now, Lily, throwing cookies is not-- [grunts] [giggling] [sighing] Lily, using the potty's easy. Watch how daddy does it. Oh, oh, great! Great, now I'm stuck. Rita, help! [grunting] [laughing] [groaning] You... You want me to read to you? And "Z" is for "zucchini". The end. [giggling] ♪ Cheer up, baby Don't you cry ♪ ♪ No more tears It's cheer-up time ♪ ♪ Laugh with me and we will be Happy, happy, happy! ♪ ♪ Cheer up, baby Don't you cry ♪ ♪ No more tears It's cheer-up time ♪ ♪ Laugh with me... ♪ [screaming] ♪ Happy, happy, happy! ♪ ...was like: "I don't know if I even wanna go anymore." Loud crosses the blue line, throws a deke on the defender, winds up for the slap shot, she shoots, she... Denied?! What the heck? [babbling] [gasping] [giggling] - Clyde! - Shh! Huh? And don't forget to plant a kiss right here on your way out. That's going to be you some day, Lily. Getting older and more distant from your dear old mom. The girls barely let me into their lives anymore. [smooching] Aww, do you want to give me a kiss? [smooching] You know what? I'll take it. Lisa! Lily, I'm sorry! I failed you! [gags] Bad Flip! Leave Lisa alone! [gasps] A ca-Lynn-mari sword?! [screaming] [Flip shouting] [groaning] [sighs] Lisa! 1Lily, that was incredible! From now on, I promise. No more monster experiments. Lily not afraid anymore! [giggling] Then my mission here is complete. Bye-bye, Lisa! [chuckles] Sweet dreams, Lily. [groaning] Huh? - You made it! - I'm so glad you're okay! What happened in there? Did you crush that thing? Nope, she did. [snoring] [yawning] [snoring] [gasps] Huh? Lily has good dream about you. So, tell me all about it, Lily.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 1,410,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, loud house full episode, full episode, movie, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lily loud, baby lily, spin the wheel, cutest baby moments, loud house cutest baby moments, baby loud house, lily loud crying, lily loud poop, lily loud talk, loud house gross, gross moments, funny cartoon, baby
Id: G7gMy46NUsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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