Best Moments of The Boys

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[Applause] no no don't touch me there is what i told my uncle but he didn't seem to care it's my secret little spot and i don't want to share no no don't touch me there until the creepy guy always hangs around your school that all they need to know is this one simple rule it's no no don't touch me there gross old hands on my no no square with the green gang it's a meme thing i hate this year when will it die oh boy i hope it's soon i want to cry everything is bad but i'm not mad i'm just very very very very sad i've had enough got reasons plenty so say it with me 20 20. [Music] i did a [ __ ] today in the microwave right in a bowl of my mom's fresh casserole why don't my parents love me it's cause you can't stop being so damn ugly [Music] seriously it doesn't fail away every time i leave you alone you're singing some weird anime [ __ ] whoa what the [ __ ] i shall play you a song that has been passed down my family for generation no no don't breathe my hair this is my richie rich square marvelous there is none okay guys time for my song okay i prepared a new song for you guys for talent class okay here we go papade thank you very much thank you thank you very much okay oh hey little ricky what do you got there mate what you got there it's my bone don't touch it don't touch my bone my mom's not home no no don't touch my bone this is my no-no zone no no my mom's not home this is my no-no zone little eddie i'm cooking you some tacos dinner's ready oh jesus christ i drank all the paint what happened to you eddie i drank all the paint in the garage i feel good oh my god what happened pink's my favorite thing in the world you can't be drinking pine but i love paint sometimes i stay up late and i drink all the paint oi it's not a butter oh you look like a little little baby boy you just need to be fertilized this is my beer sign my uncle wanted a poker game and he gave it to me so i wouldn't tell the police tell the police about what well if i tell you that i gotta give him back the beer sign [Music] what the [ __ ] have you done you hit him with a frying pan look at him and he bleep twice if you know what's going on blink twice mate josh don't hit him all right can i go on the wide the spinny fun fun one no no he oh my god this is the worst daycare that i've ever been to hey yeah the hell is that [Music] hey baby how you doing you're looking slim girl you make a fine street lamp because you light up my world what are you doing siren head and then they all woke up in the middle of the what stop did you just fall into a [ __ ] microphone oh i can smell that through vr bro i can smell it through daddy's story that was literally the last bit of ketchup in the bottle dude from like the squeezy bottles boys i got beers let's party how many times are you gonna do a dramatic jump from 500 feet up in the air bro i can't take being a baby anymore waking up every morning oh [ __ ] in my underwear going to speak and all that comes out is go go gaga [Laughter] hi uh is this where the job interview is yeah yeah take a seat take a seat let me put a scenario out in front of you you come home from the bar with a couple of your mates you walk into your house and then a guy like this slaps you on your ass hey he just gives you a big smack calls you francine what do you do what the [ __ ] jeff well let me see if you oh [ __ ] oh god uh gentlemen i appear to be stuck in the ceiling oh [ __ ] uh narrator there's higher society and then there's too high society i'm sorry i just happen to be on another level of class than you oh well in i may be rich but it is ever so lonely up here come on shut up there's something wrong with your child that's none of your god damn business you tell us how to yeah don't run parenthood we know how to operate once again a child would just like some medication for our child please just some extra strength cyanide capsules what are you doing that's the tambourine get off dog get off music class josh just stop josh stop no [Music] now you got your gun eddie what's the best thing to mix with guns alcohol kitty why does [ __ ] smell like cat [ __ ] why does [ __ ] smell like cat [ __ ] boys where are you [Music] getting [ __ ] we're going flapping [Music] no no no no squirt you're a baby no no you're [ __ ] adorable holy [ __ ] i want to strangle you in your crib no no no no oh my god i can't deal with how adorable you are i just want to drown you in a tub no no not [Music] we me that no that's my dolphin guy what's up man it's [ __ ] out of control gamer subs man is a dick did you say to me run eddie leave me alone st mary susan over here is getting the new ipod that's a google home dude she's about to say hey google if hey google earth what is the cureth for polio google when will i be able to vote and not be property by the state listen here you [ __ ] lanky stick looking ass bro have you even eaten have you even eaten bro you're not dummy thick you're dummy stick your skinny [ __ ] [ __ ] you need this more than me don't you come eat it king light post piece of [ __ ] you oh jesus you didn't have to do them like that bros oh mom and dad aren't home we can play [Applause] all the ketchup would you like some ketchup molly oh my god everything's fine i'm still not scared i'm not doing this eddie you have to get out the kool-aid hey hey hey watch me do a kick flip there's a skateboard here all right ready ready for this all right okay okay [Music] let's play some spin the bottle spin spin spin are you gonna kiss juicy oh hold on who who did that land on what a coincidence [ __ ] her up juicy ah bring that ass here no no no no no no not back into the woods the water molly this is the point where you take off your glove and smacketh him if you lay thy palm on my silk encrusted face oh i shall ever be so bothered by it smack him fiercely punch him in thine balls sackett [Music] you can't just put f on the end of everything and it'd be fancy it is this both of you need to control your [ __ ] kids before they ruin my entire daycare oh hold on hold up if you're out here and you're out here who's watching the kids oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] juicy fruit snacks what are you [Music] doing white dad sent me around to apologize for absolutely nothing you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's a big [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you say to me you little honey honey honey honey you are kind of a big [ __ ] come on ma'am i've got a shopping cart one for each of them big ass titties you gonna let him talk to me like that you got tits on the sides of your face bro baby baby baby baby brush why do you always have to hit them they're not doing anything wrong kids get him get him kids attack him google fire no no no fire no don't touch fire awesome fire fire oh my god don't look jesse don't look down today oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god am i okay am i okay when does my skin feel like that feels like a [ __ ] lizard welcome to josh jobs picnic adventure today we're going to be showing you how to make a stop eating my bread making a sandwich you little feathered [ __ ] have it then have it give me your mouth okay hey guys welcome to josh dubs little picnic um where we're going to show you how to make a little watermelon sandwich hey you stupid dog you eating my sandwich let go let go oh you found you sung that stupid song we got copyright claimed things are a bit tough how about we get you some dupo blocks or something huh you can't have any god damn lego it's a choking hazard i can't get over his face your honor okay you're on a make him do something about his face objection he doesn't have to do anything about his face overruled the court decides that juicy does indeed have to do something about his dump in face what hamburger no no no no talk to the nice mexican man hamburger no no no no no no no english hamburger taco bell pal guess what i don't speak hamburger motherfu ricky what the f are you dude what the [ __ ] we gonna kill grandma i've been waiting for this moment yeah you boys ready to get to some inheritance yes dude she's never going to make me tamales anymore yeah it's going to be hard for her to do that when she's in a small ceramic vase hey what are you doing get off my mom's bed why she's not used to it yeah she ain't here anymore josh is out bed we also found this massive gummy worm dude who looks [ __ ] sick we played around with it it was it was pretty cool but uh it looked like guys someone was like slobbering all over it like they were sucking on it not biting it it was a bit like you never chewed a gummy worm before well i've never seen a gummy worm with a suction cup on it hello today in school i learned a special song that will help me learn how to spell my name j-o-s-h-d-u-b today i had to call the police because dad was beating me i am the richest mexican i'm the richest mexican my tacos are of the highest quality corn made from porcelain oh each day our content strays further from god's light this is a [ __ ] mess dude whoa eddie eddie backup buddy that's my grandma you're talking to your grandma's a total gilf you know what that stands for yes a girl i'd like to play fortnite with dog what'd you think i was gonna say no the perfect size every [ __ ] video i can't do this dude i cannot do this right you're not supposed to go for another eight hours got scared i'm pissing i'm pushing i'm pissing juicy can you do a mulli impersonation introducing molly it's 4pm juicy time to make tick tocks get up juicy i need a thumbnail i know it's three in the morning but i really need it [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] yeah tony hawk's skater pro recon 5 edition whoa i'm going down the main street oh yeah i'm [ __ ] skating and [ __ ] can you i'm going to do an ollie oh [ __ ] what all right i feel like i'm close to the end this ain't actually that scary to be honest oh black spooky vape cloud oh you really got me look you're gonna have to try harder than that oh jesus mother of god my brother wants to come on the headset really quickly how are you good say wawa wee one live lvii yeah say super ultra microscopic silicon volcanoconiosis i can't say that you want to die don't do it hey you want some of this huh you won't survive this our green kind was much faster than corona we're back did you get up there you dumbass look at this big sack josh what's wrong with this sack well uh son that's called testicular cancer i heard it's just because he only comes once a year [Laughter] what are you doing with that pillow this is molly's comfort pillow after his rectum gets pounded every fanfic bro one time i had this sickness this is not a joke either i had this sickness once i was so sick i was bedridden and when i yeah when i it was just easier for me to [ __ ] in the shower than go to the toilet because of my [ __ ] yeah it came out of my ass so fast it hit the wall behind me and sprayed all over my back don't put that in the video [Music] you think it's easy huh for me dating this big fat [ __ ] and what what it's not important what did you say you think it's easy raising him look at him i like banana i'm here to pick up the juice juicy juicy how [ __ ] old are you in real life just quickly just for the audience tell me i'm 21 years old [Laughter] do you know why they call me the mexican 50 cent why because the only border i crossed was the one to the one percent oh you can that is a larry [Music] emily if you do not get back down the steps i will take away 20 points from gryffindor eddie's burger stand i want to buy a burger okay yes yes [Laughter] i'm sorry i don't know what you said here we go okay you ready oh my god oh my god this is nauseated [Music] oh burper [Laughter] what's wrong with lindy oh hi i'm validity and i just got off my 20-minute ban for selling crack cocaine to underage school children pretty harsh if you ask me but anyway chat my giggity giggity gamers and yeah hi yeah i'd like to copy strike pewdiepie i'm a woman did you guys leave the oven on where are we even cooking oh is that the cat oh snuggles not who did this i thought we were we were ordering chinese why why are we making it and that's why my parents will never let me see my uncle again um that was just disgusting why did you tell us that bit over sharing them i really didn't need to hear that yeah do i need to call child protective services do you see your ted hey narrator do you know the gay guy that makes owl noises who oh [ __ ] i'm going to run a diagnostic test and need to bend over and climb i got shot in the chest though i don't think this was really well it does it does matter all right ready okay he's been shot swagger in the chest why are you sticking your fingers up his ass are you a doctor do you even work here um um all right i'm coming in for a patient named josh duh but wait are you you're the doctor no i'm the nurse i'm just here to check juicy i actually i have your thing but i i ate the chicken wings and a lot of your pizza all right give me that uh yeah take the shot doctor oh that's the wrong one i'm gonna go god damn it again i can we are nowhere near my [ __ ] house [Laughter] we are not going home dude we're stuck here why are we even here with your dumb [ __ ] face [ __ ] my thumb your dumb [ __ ] face is what got us in this mess in the first place look at eddie look at him he's terrible look at the expression on his face look what you've done to him he always looks like that what the [ __ ] are you talking about all right yeah all right boys who wants to drink uh do you have any chocolate milk i've only got absinthe and one of these is a piss jug i can't drink absinthe dude last time i did i ended up outside of 7-eleven covered in peanut butter naked that's it what are you doing what have you done it took me eight hours to stuff that turkey i could have stuffed in five minutes who can tell me what is wrong with that word anyone who can tell me anyone josh why don't you have a go wanna have a go mate [Music] um i need to pay oh juicy you made me look like an idiot hey uh cat master i got one question for you dog what's the capital of thailand i don't know what is it's bangkok you're saying i don't care that it took you a year to make this [ __ ] poppy poopity pie i'm dragging my balls through your zen garden [ __ ] what you gonna do what you gonna do that is culturally offensive free kid you're culturally offensive okay okay [Music] you come here no no no no not him you no no not him yeah so far my client has been nothing but harassed and nothing substantial has been brought up that incriminates my client juicy juicy sorry just a minute i'm just going to tell you right now fools that this is making me turn real scared i don't know why you guys have been such wimpy babies about this oh where'd it go where'd it go guys don't [ __ ] leave me when i'm here [ __ ] [ __ ] just just standing there i turn around you're gone so yeah thanks for that juicy how do you plead pizza you can't play pizza juicy juicy you're being tried as an adult today do you know what that means i plead pizza dinos sorry sir we've run out of pizza rolls and fries oh [ __ ] we're calling that adoption agency when we get home what the hell is this adorable little thing hello who are you little pal look at you egg is this you every kid oh my god what happened to eureka you've somehow gotten younger way younger you're now re-embryo oh you haven't even been fertilized yet egg do you want to invade poland okay um juicy there it is see everything is fine we're okay [Music] you
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 23,291,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, juicy, your narrator, narrator, juicyfruitsnacks, eddie, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr, green gang
Id: 4xyPKs25uQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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