Best Metal Detecting Finds of 2022

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[Music] well hey folks welcome to the 2022 year-end wrap-up and this year more than any in the past has been wild not only because of all of the incredible Treasures I had the opportunity to find but also I received my silver YouTube play button and there's about 50 000 more of you subscribers here than there was last January I cannot thank you enough for coming back week after week to watch me dig holes in the ground I'm super thankful for you and I hope you enjoy some of my favorite Treasures I was able to find in 2022. foreign the year of 2022 began in Epic fashion with a trip across the Atlantic to France invited by YouTuber Chill Bill I had the opportunity to find the oldest items I've ever found with a metal detector and in the first five minutes of the first day my mind was completely blown all right well it has been it probably hasn't even been 30 seconds this is my very first Target not only my first Target that I've dug the first Target I got whatsoever and it appears to be a small copper coin and I I know I'm not going to be able to identify it so luckily Chill Bill is here with me it's a donier or double turn one a dernier they say that American enough that's fine that means one one I think that's going to be a double turn while and that will be 1600s 1600s 1600s yep even fifteen hundreds but I think that's 1600s it's mainly sixteen hundreds here 30 seconds 1600 coin that's that's why the first 30 seconds uh coined from the 1600s come on well before we even get going any more I want to shake your hand hey say thank you it's not playing me here and he's going to be bored of 16th century coins in about a day because we're here for some time we're gonna go you know we're gonna find some good stuff cannot wait this is crazy as the week progressed the objects we found got older and older and on this day I even found some silver so Brad is on fire which is not surprising because you know he does the equivalent of climb mountains with a pack of rocks on his back and that's what treasure hunting is in America so when he comes to the promised land up Pops all the treasure and in his hand is another silver Beyond coin from say 1400s the promised land I like that look at that wow in England I'd call that a long cross but it isn't it um yeah maybe um Tron yeah so it's maybe maybe 1400s yeah very very beautiful enough silver yeah it's enough silver to call that silver I think yeah oh yes hammered silver heck yeah uh mayor C Bernard Mercy Chill Bill my pleasure yeah our final day together in France ended in a way I had dreamed about since I began the hobby of metal detecting finding something from Roman times we decided to move off kind of into the adjacent Forest where I like to be and it didn't take two minutes and I found my first ever Roman coin yay and here it is on one side it has a building and on the other side is the bust of a Roman do we know which which one uh no I I'll be able to identify for all you probably emperor we're calling it bratis Martinez for now the great usurper of chill billius if you had to guess how what would be the date range on this particular coin so that I think would be a third Century 230 250. third Century year 200 yeah to 250 280 that sort of time maybe could be as late as 320 or something but I'm expecting to be around that incredible thank you chill bill for bringing me here giving me the opportunity to find something like this something that most people never find studying America certainly in America after arriving back in the States it was only a couple short months before Chris and I drove the 13 hours south to North Carolina for dick stock there before the event even started we had the opportunity to detect a Civil War battlefield so as I learned March 8th through 10th 1865 the second to last battle in the American Civil War happened uh right here it was the Battle of wise Fork the bullets that we're finding today were shot then yeah every time I talk about that I have to take a second and pause and think about you know where these bullets started and looking around not exactly sure what it looked like then but it was this time of year it would have probably been similar weather same birds in the trees same seasonal plants growing around them makes today specifically pretty special once the event started we made our way to one of the fields and I found a beautiful silver love token so Chris and I have been humming and Han over here about what this thing is if it's aluminum I don't think it's aluminum because I can't bend it and when you look at this side it just looks like a silvery colored blank Circle disc uh and that's what I thought it was like a punch out of something aluminum a cap or something but then I flipped it over and there are clearly hand engraved letters poorly done they're not centered but it looks like a j-o I've never found one but it's common or it was common to kind of flatten off one side of an old coin an old silver coin and then engrave something in it like a love token I've never seen one flattened on both sides so that was there was no nothing visible on the other side like this one is um but I'm I'm gonna Venture a guest and say that this is a silver love token unknown date you can't tell what coin it used to be but it is quite small maybe like a half dime as spring arrived in Vermont the water levels of our streams and lakes was extremely low and remain low for most of the year I took advantage of this as many times as I could and on the first trip to a local Lake I found a very unusual treasure I just found something here I'm pretty excited about I don't know what it is it's either a letter opener or like a hairpin I'm leaning towards letter opener look at that are you kidding me it looks like there's gonna be like an image or something on the top I'm gonna go over to the water over here and clean it off see what we got all right hands down my favorite thing I found today this thing is gorgeous look at that what do you think letter opener just a beautiful Fern pattern never really ever considered finding a letter opener metal detecting before a month later while metal detecting a very typical Vermont Mountain Home Foundation I found one of the most unbelievable Treasures yet so unbelievable even I was skeptical until I was able to get it tested by a professional the following day well I am at a loss for words right now I just got a Target on my metal detector let's see what is it 82. I thought it was gonna be a button or maybe even a shell casing from a rifle and I it's unbelievable what it might be [Music] this is extremely heavy extremely heavy and it looks like a gold nugget which doesn't make any sense to the best of my knowledge there's never been any nuggets found in the area of Vermont where I am right now but that it certainly looks like what this is and I'm in the road this right here is the road up to a foundation and then there's a foundation that I'm right next to I'm wondering if this was dropped right with somebody carrying this as a form of payment and dropped it in the road it's an interesting find because I'm not sure if I should be excited or not because I'm not sure if it's actually gold but if it is I mean that's one of the best finds ever for me don't know what to say lost for words [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] the first half of the Year traveling the world and Country I brought my metal detector to my childhood home a place where I had never considered treasure may be hiding but I was pleasantly surprised I don't believe it I don't blame you if you don't believe this but I just got a Target on my metal detector it was about an 84. I kicked the leaves away to make sure it wasn't like a bottle cap on the surface I stuck my shovel in right here you can see and out flew a little silver coin think that it's a little Canadian what they call fish scale because I don't really recognize the back and that's the only other little silver coin I can think of I don't think it's a chime but it's about that size it is minute look at this here oh no it's a half dime I've never found a half dime I didn't recognize the back from a distance that is exciting that's more exciting than a Canadian fish scale wow never in a million years but I imagine these things are out here date it's like 39 I think it's 39. wow that's old that's what it is nearly perfect condition unbelievable truly unbelievable that it flew out of the ground like that and my first ever us seated halftime here of all places wish I started this hobby 30 years ago man unbelievable absolutely unbelievable couldn't make it up if I tried as the summer heated up into the 90s I brought my attention back to the lowered water levels of our streams and spent several more days searching in the water on this trip I found a surprising old coin in a very surprising place well right up there is where I was finding all of the coins kind of in that gravel and I just got a very nice Target down here and it's kind of stuck in the layers of the stone let's see what it is here turn on my pinpointer and maybe you can hear from my headphones there's a Target in the 80s in the layers of stone so we're going to get that out together would you believe it I think I see the rim to a silver coin it's not easy wash it off we'll look at it together foreign are you kidding me it's a Barber dime looks like 1892. that is absolutely unbelievable one dime you can see it's turned a little bit black from being in the Stream being in the water all this time man right in the stones here towards the end of summer I received an invitation from a viewer named Greg to come out and dig through his late 19th century dump that's on his property over the course of three visits we Unearthed hundreds of old bottles and a few surprises as well did Greg do it did he find a whole Croc that would be something I mean it's got to be broken right that's why they would have thrown it yeah there's no way that thing is unbroken it's bigger though oh there it goes do you do the honors oh it is a jug unbelievable wow wow I don't care what Paula says this is going in the cabinet I'm going that is wild once nearly all the leaves had fallen I returned once again to the lowered water levels of a local Lake and while on this trip I did find a handful of old silver coins the most memorable finds or something I had never found before so I just found something I am incredibly excited about a minute ago I found an object which I felt like I recognized it but I just couldn't put my finger on it it has a loop down here and there's a little maybe it was a tube of some kind I don't know into my junk bag rechecked the hole and I heard another little squeak down there I dug some more and I found something I did recognize and what I'm so excited about does anybody recognize that maybe you do if you're from the Northeast or Canada this is a maple sugaring spout folks would drill a hole Hammer one of these into it and the sap would drip out into a bucket that would hang below that sap would then be boiled down typically not to syrup back in the 17 18 and early 1900s they would usually boil it down straight to sugar and they would use that as their sugar sure was expensive you had honey and maple syrup and this was used for that as was this I believe this is an older variety this was a hook you'd be able to hang a bucket underneath it and this would go into the tree these are something I've never found before unbelievably here in Vermont in the mountains surrounded by sugar maple trees I've never found taps but here are two within a span of five minutes can't believe it this for me is the find of the day no matter what else we find here quintessential Vermont I'm gonna guess these are late 1800s early 1900s and these are without a doubt going in a prominent place in my display case so excited sugar maple Taps my metal detecting season of 2022 ended in a place where it all began for me a Cloverfield where I found my first large scent Colonial Coin shoebuckle and where I filmed my first YouTube video I made several trips here in the fall each time finding even more incredible Colonial artifacts including something I hadn't found here before so I have something here I'm very excited about this is pretty awesome so it's not uncommon whatsoever to find something called saddle Shields went on a saddle is just a little brass adornment and at first I thought that was what this is Maybe see here it looks like an arrow but I looked at the back and just to be sure I sent a photo to a friend who would know and he relayed back to me my suspicions that based on these loops and the lack of more of a rivet design which would be on a saddle Shield based on these designs this went to a musket an Old Musket this would have been an escutcheon and he said it was more than likely on a Fowler that is amazing now there were a whole bunch of different parts of these old muskets that were made out of brass some of them were made to you know accept the ramrod some were like a trap door for the musket tools this it seems was just a discussion something to make it look pretty that is an awesome find an Old Musket apartment I filmed one more trip to the Cloverfield in 2022 which has yet to be published but it features my first silver coin found here as well as an old friend well I think Mike is the good luck charm always thanks to our mild winter so far I have been able to get out and find even more Treasures for future videos all of which I am very excited to share this is another heart-shaped broach all right folks well that was 2022 in a nutshell and typically this is the part in the video where I show the years blooper reel but unfortunately this year there isn't one well actually there is one but it's all from filming the brand new treasure hunting miniseries that Eddie and I have been working on all year and are almost done with unfortunately I can't show you that blooper reel yet because it would spoil parts of the show which we're keeping completely under wraps so I will end this video with just a short clip of that as well as reveal the title of the show for the very first time thanks again for a wild year and hopefully I'll see you next week you're gonna say and that brings us to the Planet of the time the plan the plan go ahead just say it just like that don't say it like that and that brings us to the plan why are you saying it late it doesn't seem like the optimum way to say it and that brings us to our plan now you're up that brings us to our plan foreign so that brings us to our plan why are you saying it like that I that brings us to [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 72,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunting, metal detecting, old coins, silver coins, gold coins, buried treasure, history, adventure, hiking, best of, outtakes, bloopers, funny, humor, amazing discovery, incredible discovery, gmmd
Id: IoGyXWuWV10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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