Best Gym Exercises for Soccer

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you have the skill you have the endurance but you're missing that one piece to make you Elite out on the pitch we're gonna give you six exercises to make you a b soccer player and we're gonna start right soccer to the US of a football to the rest of the entire world is a sport where athletes have crazy joint angles there's a lot of crazy speed and there's a lot of technique and skill that goes into running fast dribbling and jumping through various angles so the athleticism required for innate body reactions inside the sport of soccer are absolutely immense and we've got to remember that phrase innate body reactions strength is extremely important when we want to develop that kinesthetic vocabulary that's going to lead to better reactions that's going to lead to better neural drive better neural intelligence and through strength training we can develop elasticity which is going to help us prevent any injuries while also increasing our performance out on the fuel so we want to strength train in a way that's going to have an applied aspect where we can go into these long-term durational strength characteristics but we also want a strength train that's going to be a little bit more Sports specific that's going to help us succeed in those situational aspects of the game even if you're not a soccer player we have to be able to run at very high speeds we also need incredible endurance over a long period of time we don't want to get too crazy too big and too bulky I'm looking at you sucker dads soccer players are asked to run a lot but that isn't all that they're asked to do so if we can look at the durational strength characteristics that's needed in the sport of soccer we know they need to have blast impulse they have to jump and run really really rapidly okay we also know that they need to have power endurance so they need to be able to have a large amount of power after running for 5 10 15 minutes they also need classical endurance okay that's a key aspect behind the game it's 90 plus minutes okay it's a very long game so they do have to have that Baseline of classical endurance they do need to do some type of cardio I believe that's a key aspect behind their success however they get a lot of cardio done on the field specifically when they're doing their soccer Based training their football Based training okay so if we look at and do simple LSD work three to four times a month I think that probably would suffice looking at speed improvements we should probably try to get 3 three to four speed based sessions running with a sled dealing Hill Sprints stuff like that every single month as well now on a weekly basis I think two to three weekly strength sessions will help improve that blast impulse while they're getting that classical endurance from that long slow distance work from their specific soccer base work where they're going to be running up to 10 kilometers when they're inside of their matches and then that takes us into the situational strength characteristics so we initially covered the durational strength characteristics now we're covering situational strength characteristics they're going to need transient speed okay so there's a lot of deceleration acceleration there's planting stopping cutting a lot of agility goes into it they're going to need Max velocity where they're running at Full Tilt full speed as quickly as possible that happens quite a bit on the large pitch they're also going to need absolute strength to back up the amount of force that goes into jumping that goes into cutting that goes into different positions especially for looking at a goalie but in all reality the absolute strength won't be as important as training that blast impulse that's going to help support that transient speed now before we start wrecking our opponents out on the pitch we are going to be giving away one free t-shirt in this week's YouTube live to enter that giveaway comment down below make sure that you subscribe to the channel and that all notifications are present and then show up at our live on Tuesday 9 A.M Eastern now let's get back to those exercises so we can become better soccer players what's it like being unable to decelerate and actually kick the ball one of those exercise funnels that we can use to improve our ability to decelerate and absorb energy and then ideally kick that soccer ball is going to be based in that technical coordination realm and that's going to take us to the point where we have to accelerate heavy weight very very quickly that's going to help with our blast impulse that's going to help us be more explosive that's going to take us to the two box power clean so we have DJ here who's to demonstrate a two box clean and he wants to move that as quickly as possible right off those boxes and this is going to be in a position that's similar to where you might be about a quarter Squad maybe a little bit deeper than a quarter Squat and if you notice that quick catch give me one more where he has to absorb that energy and prevent himself from being pulled forward that's going to help train that compression getting into the fold and improving that trunk control you can do this for 10 singles if we're inside of the season and we need volume to be a little bit lower let's say you do 10 signals at 80 that's not anything crazy or you could do six doubles during the Ascension phase you want to rest for about a minute to a minute and a half unless we're doing those on the minute drills and that's going to improve your ability to jump higher run faster absorb energy decelerate quicker and that is going to help you with your specific skills but again make sure you're using some type of weight a lot of soccer players like to avoid the weights but if you're moving those heavy weights fast that's going to optimize your body's neural drive so to be an elite level soccer player we don't need to have huge huge legs we don't need to squat a house but this next exercise is going to help you improve your leg strength while running faster so when we're doing strength based work for soccer we've got to look at how can we increase our Max velocity how can we improve our Dynamic trunk control how can we enhance our ability to decelerate as quickly as possible and that's going to bring us to the single leg Squat and if we think about even doing something like this one two three boom up fast one two three up fast one more one two three up fast that's gonna help us improve our Max velocity that's going to transfer really really well to Top End speed it's also going to help us throw on the brakes a little bit quicker we don't need to use a ton of weight let's say we're using 50 60 70 kilos with that slow eccentric that's going to improve our ability to decelerate quickly single leg squats also help with that chaos coordination you're inside of a game you've got to jump really high maybe you land a little weird on that one leg if we develop our glute strength our quad strength even our hamstring strength and we land in a specific way this strength comes into play okay so that's another big factor around single leg squat I recommend doing single leg squats on a leg power day or unbroken on that impulse day and you can do these throughout all different phases okay all the way from the exposure phase to the summit phase and one of my favorite rep schemes would be four sets of three unbroken maybe one set of seven as quickly as possible you could work up to 70 80 kilos for those triples and then drop down to 50 to 60 kilos rest for about two minutes because you are doing both legs so you're going to be under tension a little bit longer from that unilateral base training and if you need a stable single leg squat stand and Pad head over to and pick yours up today what's the point of training the upper body for soccer you can't even use your hands this is where training the upper body in a manner that's going to demand specific code contractions is really really important and when we're training upper body for soccer players we want to look at stimulating that upper body strength while also training that Dynamic track control and that's where Pull-Ups come into play so if I get up on the pull-up bar I want to see if I have a plate thanks Jake if I have a plate behind me here I have to hold that position and I can all refuel my hamstrings lighting up tremendously that's gonna force me to pull up I want to come down nice and controlled sit here and I'm going to feel that in my hamstrings and in my abs to control that positioning come back up oh geez down one more so you can train specific exercises like a pull-up in a very unique manner by flexing those hamstrings and squeezing the trunk at the exact same time that's going to transfer really well to the soccer field and exercises like these can be found inside of our app Peak strength it can be hard to train specifically for your sport but it's really nice when you have a program put together for all of those goals that you need to become a better player Peak strength was designed specifically for athletes just like you so you can go in select soccer I want to become a better soccer player put in the number of days that you're going to train put in the peak date and then it's going to design a program specific to your needs and the equipment that you have so you can optimize your overall performance so remember one of those key ways behind training your upper body as a soccer player is using a unique way to increase that load in stimulating that trunk control hamstring strength even to a point I would recommend doing these pull-ups with the weight on your calves or even a weight in your toes and you can do that on the upper body power day you could even do this on an Impulse training day and you could do say four sets of four and then maybe one drop set to failure or one set of 10 to 12 pull-ups that's a really really good way to strengthen your upper body increase your trunk control and in turn enhance your ability to plant cut run faster and be more agile with the soccer ball when are the arms used during soccer during throw-ins accessory movements are used to create mechanical tension in specific joints that might be beat up or might need to be optimized for a specific movement patterns to a sport so let's take for example we're talking about throw-ins how can we actually stimulate through an accessory movement through improving our mobility and thoracic extension our latch strength our trunk strength as we're trying to execute a throw and this brings us to a really really unique exercise known as The Miracle Grow and we've talked about improving that Dynamic trunk control and that's exactly how we designed Peak strength based off of those specific exercises for soccer everything's going to come back to improving your Dynamic trunk control improving your ability to decelerate improving your ability to absorb energy and react at a faster rate so you can head over to the Google Play Store the Apple iOS store and you can download Peak strength today for five free workouts that's one free week of training the worst thing that's going to happen is you're going to get five free workouts and you can cancel at any time during those seven free days but this is the step that you need to take to start your journey to attain Peak strength now back into the miracle grows if we're setting up on the bench okay I want to get set where my hips are able to move a little bit I want my thoracic extension to be triggered here and I want to squeeze through my abs while flexing my hamstrings okay so we're going to get a diamond handle here up on the dumbbell take my hat off actually I'll I'll go full bro I want to extend here okay I want to get my elbows to flex get deep deep deep come back up and extend over my face make sure that you are extending over your face okay nice and mobile deep lengthen the lats lengthen the lats pull okay one more lengthen the lats lengthen the laps pull and we need to make sure that we're focusing on Elbow flexion elbow flexion elbow flexion pull pull pull boom up fast okay so this is a really really unique exercise typically it's going to be done on that upper body power day it could also be done on impulse day typically around 2A or 3A in the exercise selection and we want to focus on really really good speed and tension through our ABS as we finish that exercise I would do this during the comprehension phase a little bit during the Ascension phase pull it out during the summit phase because it can make your triceps and your lats and your abs extraordinarily sore you could do this for four sets of seven one drop set of twelve it's gonna help improve the that upper body mobility and your ability to freaking launch the soccer ball from the sideline I'm sure you're thinking when are we going to focus on joint work when are we going to focus on different aspects that can improve our stability but first we've got to ask the question why is the hip joint omnidirectional because the hip joint is so complex it plays a major role in things like chaos coordination and that means being able to cut in various different ways in one sequence of movements so think about running full speed slamming on the brakes cutting another Direction and then getting the ball past your goalie right setting up a really offensive attack that's where we also need to train it to be more stable so that when we're hitting something at high speed like a very rapid cut we're able to handle that tension and that's where this next exercise comes into play this is going to be a banded Cossack Squat and typically I would recommend doing this with your foot on a Furniture slider okay so if we have this banded here one of the things that we can do is we would put our heel here and even just as I'm holding this I can feel that hip adduction okay so there's a lot of tension inside of my hip there's a lot of tension inside of my groin this is going to play a major role and even just my striking ability to actually kick the ball okay but what we can do is we can get set here slide in lengthen lengthen lengthen come back up okay so even with the hip abduction we can actually go through a nice slow eccentric and we're even gonna start to feel this anchor on this side we're gonna have nice ankle mobility and our knee joint is going to track forward when we dorsiflex here again length and length and length and come up rapid okay so we want to really focus on pulling through that full range of motion deep up so we're going to feel that plant here and then we're going to feel almost That Swing motion here very similar to what you're doing when you're kicking the ball this is a great accessory that you can do on that leg power day you could do on that impulse day it's going to improve your entire hip girdle with your stability and with your overall strength and it's going to enhance your movement vocabulary a lot of athletes don't do complex accessories and that can be a detriment to their overall movement vocabulary that can be a detriment to their overall performance so do this movement for four sets of six make sure you're doing it on each leg and again you can do that on leg power day you can do that on impulse day make sure that you're doing this throughout the entire year to strengthen the entire hip girdle and then you can use other exercises like plyometric movements or reflexive movements which we're going to get into to help feel that mind muscle connection between a slower Movement Like an accessory movement and those higher speed more coordinated movements if only there's a way to train rapid strength movements unilaterally maybe there is so when we're looking at training unilateral movements we've got to think about how we can train things to be autonomous how can we train our body to apply a very large amount of force through a complex movement using absorption of energy and then reusing that energy to change direction there's got to be exercises that we can use that in turn will develop those innate body reactions and that's where this next exercise comes into play and this is going to be a drop dumbbell to a box with a snatch so what we can do to actually teach this movement is that we want to think about how can we develop a large amount of force how can we develop that ability to coordinate and handle that trunk control so the first thing that we can do is just get set in position here and work through that dumbbell snatch okay so we can even just think about our shoulder our hip extension on this down leg coming down it's almost like a single leg RDL okay but as we want to make this more complex we want to train that semi-autonomous patterning we want to train that ability to have that innate body reaction and you're going to see that reaction here so we're now we're going to go into we go a little bit quicker into the box then the next step now we're going to go here boom boom okay and if you notice right there I started to rotate a little bit I immediately started to rotate and sort of make up for where that dumbbell was pulling me one of the main things we want to focus on is absorbing that energy without being pulled out of our pattern so if we can drop again here okay boom boom and then over time we can try and delay that drop I want to drop it and catch a little bit lower and then that's going to help train that acceleration boom boom okay so now what we're looking at is how can we train strength work making us a little bit more athletic making us a little bit faster a little bit more coordinated while using those other strength movements that we showed you the two box power clean okay the single leg squat the sliding banded caustic squat that stuff's going to come into play with this drop dumbbell snatch to a box okay so you can do this as a reflexive movement on Athlete Day or on impulse day you can see those days specifically inside of our app Peak strength which we mentioned earlier also I would recommend keeping the Reps to about two to three reps on each side these are complex movements you're going to get fatigued your heart rate will go up just like mine is right now just from doing something this simple and you can start lighter let's say you start with a 20 pound dumbbell or a 15 pound dumbbell do this on those specific days and make sure you build into this complex exercise you can use those easier progressions earlier in the periodization model so let's say you're doing that in the comprehension phase but then the more advanced movement comes during the summit phase when you're trying to lead into that big time Peak so soccer players follow each and every one of these exercises and make sure that you slowly build into your strength patterning we want to focus on that innate body reaction we also need to make sure that we can build the efficiency of your muscle and if you guys need help with your programming head over to the Google Play Store the Apple iOS store and you can download Peak strength today again for five free workouts because remember freaks if you want to become a champion you've always got to cultivate your power peace
Channel: Garage Strength
Views: 1,283,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coach dane miller, strength training, strength, speed, workout, exercise, peak strength, soccer gym workout, soccer gym workout program, football training, soccer training, soccer strength, soccer strength and conditioning, soccer strength training, soccer strength workout, soccer strength exercises, football strength training, football strength and conditioning, football strength workout, soccer player workout, soccer player workout program, Best Gym Exercises for Soccer
Id: gIdz9CdZetA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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