The 10 Best 1v1 Skills in Football / Soccer

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[Music] these are my 10 favorite 1 V one skills let's go the dragon step [Applause] over when you're facing a defender on the wing use the inside of your foot and start dragging the ball across your body then bring your foot around the ball making it look like you're going to cut back and finally use your other foot to push the ball past the [Music] defender the inside outside step over when you're running down the wing and a Defender is chasing you step around the front of the ball and across your body allowing the defender to catch up but then as the ball rolls forward use that same foot to step around the ball the other direction and use your other foot to push the ball down the [Music] line [Music] the double touch [Music] mag when you're holding off a Defender use the inside of your foot and push the ball a little out to the side enticing the defender to reach for it then when they do use the edge of your toe to flick the ball through their legs [Music] [Music] [Music] the drag back C when you touch a ball slightly too far in front of you and a Defender reaches for it use the foot closest to the defender and pull it back then use the inside of your other foot to push the ball behind your first leg and away from the [Music] defender the fake cutback when you're running down the wing and a Defender is catching up use the outside of your foot to briefly stop the ball then immediately use the inside of that same foot to push the ball down the [Music] [Music] line the Stop and [Music] Meg when you're moving to receive a pass but you know a Defender is coming up behind you fast use the inside of your foot and receive the ball on the half turn luring the defender to come even closer then when the defender moves to make the tackle use the outside of your foot to flick the ball through their [Music] [Music] legs the scoop turn when you're dribbling a defender on the wing open up your body and start pushing the ball as if you were going to pass it but instead drag the ball in a curved motion and push the ball down the [Music] [Music] wing the push and go when the ball is out in front of you and you feel that the defender will get to it before you have it under your control one thing you can do is reach out and poke the ball past them then run around the other way so that you don't run into [Music] [Music] them the halfly mag when a ball is dropping from the air and you see a Defender moving to close you down act like you're going to control the ball with the top of your foot but instead use the outside of your foot and touch the ball just after it hits the ground touching the ball through the defender's legs as they move for the [Music] ball [Music] [Music] the lift when you want to cut past the defender but you're afraid the defender might be able to reach out and get the ball stick your toe underneath the ball and lift it past the defender avoiding any potential outstretch [Music] [Music] leg [Music] oh
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 1,456,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, tutorial, education, skills
Id: U8WCRz0Yh4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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