Best GOXLR Settings for the Shure SM7B

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hello everyone my name is ishaan jolly also known as the jolly legend i'm a voice actor and twitch streamer and welcome to this video where i am showcasing the best go xlr settings and setup for the shure sm7b microphone i'm using these settings right now and this is the warm bassy strong muscular sound you can get from the shure sm7b with the go xlr settings crank the way i have done it now i will switch the microphone back not the microphone i will switch the go xlr back to complete default settings and i will show you the difference and how i configure it in a second let's go now the microphone and go xlr are set completely to the default so let me showcase the go xlr software and how i configure this microphone here we go right first off go to mic setup and set the decibels to around 50 decibels right i'm going to say this before clicking on it because whenever i click on it it makes the audio sound so much quieter it's really annoying so um you want the microphone to be as like about an inch or two from your face because this microphone is built with a very strong proximity effect and this microphone is like if you don't want to have your mic really close to your face buy a different microphone because this mic is best used this close so now with a mic setup and make sure that your speaking level is in this sort of range in between the halfway low and the halfway loud so when you're whispering it should be right around there and then when you're shouting that's fine that was a loud shout of mine it clipped i don't get that loud on stream too often but hey it's fine if you're like raging or something and you clip it's not too big a deal it's just that um the loudest noise you make normally that should never be clipping it's if you shout really loudly that's fine if that clips because that isn't going to happen very very often but hey that's good okay so 50 decibels is a very solid setting especially if you're about an inch away from the microphone now i like to set the gate at 10 for some reason 10 percent is -53 not minus 55 or minus 50. it's really annoying but let's just go minus 53 because then it's a 10 here it's like when you have a tv volume thing and you want to be a multiplication of five yeah go excellent fix that i'm joking right so i then have the attenuation at 50 attack at 10 milliseconds and release at 500 milliseconds so the attenuation is whenever the audio goes below this threshold how much quieter should the audio become i've set this to 50 just to make this very natural sounding and not jarring because um and then okay so i'll just i'll demonstrate a jarring uh noise gate later i hate noise gates that are jarring let's say if you can hear a noise gate it's too much that is my advice so okay attack is at 10 milliseconds that's the fastest you can get it because the attack is how quickly the gate will open once the volume goes above that threshold 10 milliseconds is .01 of a second i believe or 0.001 of a second so it's very very quick and will um respond to your voice very quickly you don't want the beginnings of your voice to be cut out whatsoever that's all for and release i set it to 500 milliseconds that's half a second so it's a very natural sound so that you have as soon as you stop speaking it has half a second to trail off before the nays the noise gate shuts again see i'm just going to demonstrate a very very abrupt noise gate that i hate the sound off i'm going to turn on tv static on my phone at about 80 volume on my phone on the desk behind the microphone this is a dynamic microphone so the noise um the background noise is gonna be far less than um a condenser microphone like i um demonstrated the go xlr settings for the neumann tl103 a week ago and the normal machine 103 is the most sensitive microphone in the world in my opinion it picks up the rustling of your shirt like it's ridiculous how sensitive the microphone is it's perfect for voice acting in the studio which is why i have it because i'm a voice actor and i have a soundproof studio so it's perfect because it captures every single news of the voice but for live streaming you don't need that so a so a mic like this is great so tv still like 10 hours let's go okay you can't even hear that because this noise can already take care of that take care of that that's wonderful but um let me show you a um overly aggressive noise gate so minus 40 decibels and turn the release all the way down attenuation all the way up so my voice should is now cutting out in between all the frequencies this is really annoying okay so i'm gonna get really close to the microphone so my voice is a bit louder so it doesn't like cut out halfway through but yeah when the when the noise background noise just comes in and goes really really quickly it's so annoying to hear it's like it's so frustrating i hate it so now i'm bringing these settings back in even these settings are cutting out the background noise which is really great actually this this microphone is really good at taking care of background noise i've really nice though because um with the um neumann t113 the most sensitive mic in the world the the greatest voice acting microphone in the world and the greatest voice acting for the world that's obviously combat that's up to debate but yeah in my opinion yeah whatever whatever whatever that super sensitive microphone the that noise this noise gate did not take care of that you could hear it clearly so yeah wonderful okay so now compression compression basically makes it so when you start speaking very loudly it brings down the loudest parts of your audio and then later you boost up the the entire audio so that it's at a nice even level for the whole live stream so what i'd like to set the threshold at is minus 20. so the connect so the compressor activates once the audio goes above minus 20 decibels the ratio is four to one so that is the ratio of the compressor that's how much compression is being done to audio above minus 20 decibels so say if my volume i'm speaking at is minus 10 decibels with the threshold is minus 20 and the ratio at four to one those 10 decibels above minus 20 get divided by four so then the end signal is minus 17.5 decibels and that's where you add in makeup gain so i like to add in about 10 decibels of makeup gain with these settings with minus 20 4 by 1 so 10 decibels of makeup gain so that the end signal is minus 7.5 from -10 but the original signal say if i was hitting minus three or whatever that would be divided by the ratio and that would be like minus 12 or something so that gets to minus two so it's way more consistent so like um a minus ten would go to minus seven point five and then a minus three would go to a minus two so when i start shouting i'm not clipping but when i start whispering you can still hear me very clearly and it's not the volume isn't too quiet for this so that's why compression is really nice and i like the attack settings at minus five and not my sorry five milliseconds so it takes five milliseconds for the compressor to hit once you go above um minus 20 decibels that's nice and natural sounding and the release at 100 milliseconds so 0.1 of a second for the threat for the compressor to end for the compressor to stop once it goes below that so that's just nice solid compression settings that makes the mic sound great and more consistent for the live stream so when you're whispering you can still be heard clearly and then when you're shouting you're not blowing everyone's ear drums out perfect wonderful and now you could actually just leave it at this if you like this sound you could stream a live stream with this i test that's what i did recently for i when i was like right now i bought a bunch of different microphones to test out so i'm doing one stream per microphone did one stream with this i did one stream with the electric voice r20 i still have one stream to do with the um akg c414 that's another microphone i bought just to test and um all i did was these all i did was this and that's how i get the most neutral sound out of the microphone and just how it the microphone will sound by itself but it's more consistent in a live stream format so i can just determine which microphone i like better and honestly before i was liking the re20 more because it sounds more like a condenser but then i realized if i want to condense the sound i just use my condenser microphone my neumann so this microphone has got a very sort of dark muscular sound that i really like actually before i didn't like it like for a long time i hated this microphone but now recently after a lot of testing i'm starting to like it a lot but yes eq gives you a different tone right eq will change the tone of the microphone so what i like to do is just set a nice eq that is nice and curvy and symmetric which is nice so i like to go -2 at um 31.5 hertz this cuts out some of that sub bass that's not really in the human voice you can go ahead and cut out all of it if you want to but i like to leave some of it in there just for a bit more warmth and then i like to boost by two at 63 hertz because the rumble like when i talk low the rumble in the bottom of my throat and the top of my chest this rumble gets picked up and boosted which is i i like the sound of that honestly and then i boost by four at 125 hertz this is where the base of most people's voices lie at 125 hertz mine lies a bit lower than this but that's just my voice so this is a nice setting here and then i just like to make this nice and like a nice curve so i put this in two like honestly this could be better at minus two i don't know to cut up some that mud but i'd like to have a nice curve where it goes like then two then zero then minus two at one kilohertz just to cut out some of that mids and then a two a four and a six in the high end to just give you that clarity so now i like this because it's nice and like smooth it's like a nice smooth curve it looks really nice in my opinion honestly like if you don't care about the way the eq looks like just um cut out some of this because this is mud but if you don't like the sound of that i don't know i haven't done too much experimenting with this i just like the way this sounds honestly this sounds great and this was what i was talking to at the beginning of the video de-essing now i was watching this guy earlier and he had his de-esses set up to 50 honestly i thought that sounded really ridiculous because the de-esser suppresses the s sounds in a voice and especially with this microphone which isn't very sibilant by its default nature it's a very dark microphone is a ridiculous sound like when you suppress the s is that much it makes you sound like you've got a really strong lisp and honestly with this microphone i would not use a de-esser maybe i would use like a five de-esser just if you have like a really bright sibilant voice then fine a five de-esser is fine and honestly this microphone the neumann tm13 this one i said i used to voice acting the really sensitive one this is a very very bright microphone this is a huge boost in the si well sibilant frequencies the high frequency the treble whatever you want to call it um and there i was only using a five percent de-esser like with a short sm7b i would not touch a dsl whatsoever but hey it's up to your voice my voice is lower and it's deeper it's not very sibilant so i don't use a de-esser but if you want that if you have a high-pitched voice you've got a very sibilant voice then possibly it could work out better if you had a de-esser but there we go but there we go these are the settings that i use on the go xlr to get this nice warm podcasty radio sound for my live streams guys i hope you really enjoyed this video see you all later and wait before i end make sure to go follow me over at forward slash joy legend and you can ask me any question you want whatsoever about microphones i honestly love talking about it sometimes my twitch chat complain about how much i love microphones they make jokes about me um loving microphones too much i'm looking at too much details because you know youtube i want to keep it friendly oh god that makes it sound aw so awful that makes it sound so awful doesn't it but yeah i i just really like talking about microphones i'm a big nerd over audio gear and stuff because as a voice actor it's in the job and it really helps for me to care so much about audio quality but yeah feel free to join in my live stream make sure to follow me over there for slash shot legend hop in ask me anything you want and also you can ask me anything in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching see you all later and goodbye
Channel: JollyLegend
Views: 19,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goxlr, goxlr sm7b, sm7b, sm7b goxlr, shure, shure sm7b, shure goxlr, sm7b eq, sm7b compression, best eq settings for shure sm7b, goxlr tutorial, how to set up goxlr
Id: 8vXgL8Lv09E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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