BIGGEST GOXLR Tutorial EVER! - How To Get The BEST Audio For Your Stream!

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our system watch this when I adjust the system you can see he's a motorized that's awesome you board go XLR but you have no idea how to set it up or you're having issues with it I'm going to show you how to solve those issues literally this video is going to be step-by-step to show you how to tune your microphone fixing your audio issues make sure you're routing the audio to the correct channels so making sure that your team chat like on discord are not hearing either your game play or your music or maybe even just your sound effects what I wanted Murray has got what I want so a bunch of things like that also I'm going to show you how to make sure that your stream isn't hearing strange noises with your microphone or anything like that we're going to knit and make it sound pretty I'm also going to show you how to customize the channels here so that you can choose to have your discord or team chat on this channel you can choose to have your music on this one your microphone on this one and your main system such as your game YouTube videos anything on this channel that way you can customize which audio you're hearing and you can increase or decrease so let's say your team is too loud at one point you can quickly just bring them down or let's say you want to quickly talk to chat without any distractions mute your channel or mute your team that way they're not interrupting you and you can finish your conversation with chat and then you can unmute them again also we've got this pretty cool sound board and I use this a lot on Twitch on the stream by the way in which all those things happen so a really cool sound effects here you can customize them all if you want to there's a bunch of different artists out there I've even talked options here change the pitch reverb echo gender all that kind of stuff there's so much with this board I'm going to show you how to use this whole thing set your whole audio and software and your hardware up as well so let's check that out but first intro [Music] the go XLR is very powerful by the way Kayla Khan is not sponsoring this video I genuinely do love this product and if you feel like you want to get one and you don't have one yet feel free to use the link in the description its affiliated it helps get me a little bit of a kickback at no cost to you I would sincerely appreciate that since this video has taken quite a lot of work so the way you route this is actually very simple you've got a power supply in the back of the go XLR which you simply plug into a wall and you've also got a USB which you connect to the PC you plug your headphones into the headphone jack and you plug your microphone assuming you have a headphone microphone or one that plugs in through a 3.5 millimeter jack plug that into the microphone input if you have a dual PC stream setup make sure that you have the line out on the go XL are connected via 3.5 millimeter jack to the in port on the line in on your stream PC and make sure you have the line out from the stream PC go to the line in on the go XLR and of course if you have an XLR microphone make sure you connect XLR cable into the back of the go XLR welcome guys welcome to the video my name is Marie in case you haven't figured that out already well let's get started so let's start out with actually routing the correct audio channels to where they should be going that way you can actually hear the audio and your microphone is actually going to discord or any other team chat that you use so on my screen here you can see the software is open and I already have my profiles over here before you do anything make sure you create the profile that you want to use I just called a default that's what I'm gonna make all my changes and that's the one I'm probably gonna use 99% of the time there are other presets there as well so you can choose which ones you can start out with and they've got some color-coded stuff there's a lot of cool tricks and tips over there as well there's a lot of other cool profiles there as well you don't have to start from scratch if you don't want to I'm gonna start from scratch because I'm gonna show you guys how to start this thing on the beginning alright and your first tab is here which is your microphone but before that we have to go into the settings in your audio hardware here so I click on this open sound settings every thing you're gonna do sound control panel alright you can see here I drag this over there's already a few different there's like five or six of these and you're trying to guess which one do I choose well you see system example music game and chat this board is so powerful and so smart you can choose where to send all of these samples to or sounds to so for example system this is where you're gonna hear everything make sure you set it as default right over here I've already done it it's got a check mark now with chat you want to make sure you set this as default communications device if I go down here default communications device your discord or chat will hear this microphone on this board it won't pick up anything other microphone that you might have connected to the computer okay once that's done make sure that when you go into the audio app volume device preferences here you're gonna have all these open here it's customized Spotify or whatever music app you use you could use Apple music and aura whatever it is you want to customize your music to be on let's say this channel right over here so that if I mute it it meets my music I won't have to hear it and I could unmute it adjust the volume of the music as well so the way we're gonna do that you can see on the screen here that in my case Spotify is not showing up here the reason being is because I have to actually play once I click play then Spotify is gonna show up make sure you have that set to music to TC Helicon go XLR now you currently can't hear the music because I've got a mute if I unmuted you'll hear that music you what I'd all set up there's some other things you can do here if you want to but you don't have to do that I'm gonna exit out of that and we're gonna set up this chord so if I go to this chord here if I just drag it over by the way you should join the discord server a lot of great stuff in here great community we have a lot of fun what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to your settings and use the settings over here for a video and audio make sure that your input device is set to chat mic okay make sure your output device is set to chat all the sounds from your discord are going to go to chat which is my chat channel on the go XLR alright now that you've set up discord what you're gonna do in the go XLR app is set up your microphone mic setup click on that I can already hear my microphone in my ears much more prominent than before it increases that so that you can hear what it sounds like you can see the audio meter here and this is important the other important part of this is you need to be able to see what microphone type you have I have a shure sm7b it's a dynamic microphone it doesn't need phantom power however if I choose condenser 48 volts which supplies power to the microphone it's not going to make a difference in my case because it's a dynamic microphone make sure you know what microphone you have if you have a condenser microphone that requires phantom power which is 48 volts click on that if you have a microphone from your headphones with your 3.5 millimeter adapter into the go XLR click that now do not use an XLR cable to a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack into the back of your XLR I don't care if that's the cable you have I don't care that's what came with the microphone get an XLR if it connects to an XLR connect into the back of the go XLR you need that preamp there's no excuses for that alright what you're gonna do when you set this up I've got dynamic microphone selected and I've increased the gain to where I'm talking relatively loudly the loudest I get on stream not a louder sound you can make but the loudest sound that you make on screen make sure it's between this good barrier over here don't let it peak to this loud ok so adjust that accordingly once you set that up you're gonna set up your gate when I've closed that tab actually I don't have to hear my voice in my headphones in by the way if that bothers you go to mixer go all the way down here headphone here you can adjust how much of your microphone you hear in your headset I'm gonna take it back down to that I need it so high in addition you can adjust how much gain you have for your whole system you either go XLR into your headset you can do that the reason why I do that is because a lot of the game sounds were really loud in my headset but they weren't very loud on stream so I took that down and that affects my headset so that the audio isn't too loud for me but it's still good enough for the stream because it's a little higher than usual now I have my system sound all the way up to 100% down on the bottom here because I can control that right from my PC here or right from my guy XLR not my PC now keep in mind that anything you hear through the go XLR in your headset is going to go to stream in addition if you increase or decrease the audio on your system here which goes to your headphones it'll do the same thing for your stream so let's say there's an incredibly loud noise and you quickly mute it your whole system you weren't here and your stream won't hear it keep that in mind same thing with your microphone if I muted here it's gonna mute it on stream or I can press and hold this if I'm coughing and it'll muted for the duration of me holding the button and it's also got a fun little bleep out button so that's also kind of fun alright so back on track if we go back to the mic tap we've got the gate yeah what you need to do with this threshold have it all the way up and start talking by the way you need to go to mixer and make sure that you have your mic monitor all the way up so that you can hear exactly what you're saying and then when you go back to the threshold take it all the way up start talking at the quietest sound you make on stream again not the quietest sound you can possibly make this is the quietest sound you usually make so maybe you whisper on stream or maybe you're just a soft-spoken person so what you do is with that all the way up you're gonna start taking it down as you continue to talk at your quietest and once you're able to hear your voice stop there and go down by another 2 dB I'm at negative 40 dB I could hear myself at negative 38 dB I took it down to negative 4 because I want to make sure it captures my P's T's and s sounds because if I don't have that just a little low enough it's not gonna pick up the beginning of my key words or key words or s words so a good thing to test it is Sally picked seashells on the seashore or whatever the saying is I have never I don't care now attenuation and attack and release are pretty fine the way are at their default you don't have to mess with that if you don't want to mess with all these settings you can close that now the equalizer this is very useful you can also change it individually ultimately you might want to boost the bases a little bit which is on the far left side reduce the mids a little bit because that's where the muddy sound of the voices and boost the highs just a little bit it adds a nice curve to your audio makes it sound nice and treated that way it accentuates the good parts of the voice and takes away the bad parts now with a compressor this compresses your audio so for example it takes the high point in your voice or the loudest point on your microphone and take the lowest point of your microphone and squishes it to a much more reasonable volume that way your voice doesn't peak and your voice isn't too low that way your stream can't hear you and they increase the volume and then when you suddenly get loud again they got a decrease their audio so with this compressor and compresses your audio the highs and the lows makes them more compact that way it increases your lows and decreases your highs to keep it out of range now that range is between negative 6 DB and negative 10 DB you can go up to negative 3 DB which is okay but you've got to make sure that you're not peaking at that point so what you need to do let's take your threshold all the way up now once you start hearing yourself peak you can hear it in your headphones once you've got this mixer tab selected with your mic monitor all the way out you can go into the threshold increase it all the way up and start taking it down until you start hearing your audio go down once you start hearing your voice being affected by this threshold where it becomes quieter take it down another negative 5 dB or maybe even 10 now the ratio is okay especially in my situation you might want to tweak it a little bit if you want to it's not necessary 4.1 is a good ratio you can go a little higher if you want to that's not a big deal attack two milliseconds is fine release time 140 milliseconds is also fine make up gain make sure that your audio once you adjust the threshold you make up the audio bring it up back to in the yellow in OBS at least I've got negative 15 to negative 10 DB over here that works perfectly fine for me because you've used the threshold in the compressor yeah it's taken it down to like 20 25 DB negative 25 DB so the makeup gain break through the back up to negative 10 DB or negative 5 6 DB that's a good range around there the reason being is because the threshold in the compressor had to take it down and squish it now with make up gain it brings that back up to regular level all right and now the DSR this is pretty fun if you have a lot of misses in your voice or your vocabulary this can be very nice if I decrease this completely you can hear my s is a very sharp sh sounds as well so if I continue to increase this you can hear that my aces start to get a little smoothen down and it sounds much nicer definitely easier on the ears especially if people have headphones they're definitely gonna appreciate that all right so that's one tab done you guys following so far is this is a big tutorial all right so now in the mixer you may notice that you have more than four channels here I got four sliders yeah but there's actually more in the software that's pretty cool so for example my sample volume here this is these sounds here that's it I can adjust that audio using this sample key over here or this is slider I can adjust the volume of these keep in mind that you also got to have a good sample so record yourself is at about negative 6 2 negative 3 dB that way when you play the sample if you keep it at 85% it sounds good in my headphones it also sounds good for the stream our system watch this when I adjust the system you can see these are motorized that's awesome so I can adjust that system and if I even dragon here you can see it does it on the screen there you can tell that that's the slider that is affecting line in this is the line in from your dual PC let's say you have alerts on your streaming PC you want to be able to hear those all that so that you know when you get a notification so on your line out on your headphones jack on your stream PC bring it into your go XLR in the line in on the back of your go XLR that's the volume for this this is only for you you don't have to worry about your stream hearing this audio because they're gonna hear it on the stream PC or you can choose to mute it on the PC and make them hear from the go XLR it's totally up to you now the console this is the console adapter into the back of the go XLR let's say you're playing or streaming with an Xbox that's where that controls it game some games allow you to have an individual channel for this which is not on this because I'd have to have extra sliders and they try to keep it as budget-friendly as possible so there is an extra slider there for your game some games let you use that channel one quick little slight note here you can obviously see that there are more sliders here in the software than they are on the go XLR they've given you extra channels so that you can route different audio sources to their own channels for example when I play pub G unmute my system sound so I don't have to hear the aeroplane when I'm in there a plane ready to jump and unfortunately that mutes my TTS commands that are used with stream Labs chap on I have a tutorial how to set that up with check and use commands to make sounds on stream link is in the top right in the cards but I can set that to my stream labs chat bot that way I don't have to mute that if I meet my system sounds and I can customize the sound volume by itself music obviously that's this if I unmute it and hear the music and I can increase or decrease it chat this is your discord so if you watch this slider over here it's gonna increase and decrease that if I drag up and down from the slider I'm gonna bring that back down to normal and microphone this is the level of my microphone now the faders you can choose which fader does what so for example I play with my system sounds relatively often because I play pub G I usually want to mute the game whilst I'm in the airplane so I've set that to channel one I selected channel one and in the source I click system because that's the audio or my game and my videos and YouTube and everything that happens on my computer so my system is that sound and I've set it to channel 1 this is channel 1 this channel 2 channel 3 and channel 4 so with channel 1 I've said it to system which is my whole PC game or my system sounds and I can choose what the mute button does I can choose to mute all I can choose mute the audio to stream which the slider doesn't go all the way down however if I click and hold then a mute everything for me and the stream now if I press it once get unmuted for the stream and me if I press that once the muted only for the stream I can still hear it be careful with that because when you can hear the game audio and this is red and you selected mute to stream the stream won't be able to hear the game play and they're gonna say we can't hear we can't hear so be careful of that and then the same thing with channel 2 I've got that as my microphone I use that pretty often as well I keep the most used sliders to my left and the less you sliders to my right so with my channel 2 I've said that source to mic this is channel 2 right over here and I'm going to select it as mute to all however if I have it me to stream so if I press at once when i unmuted cuz I don't a muted for you it'll mute it to string if I press and hold it it'll mute everything even to my discord because I finally press at once it'll mute it to my stream but my team will still be able to hear me and then when I press it once again it'll unmute it all and my chat on the stream can hear me and my team on discord will also hear me but I choose to have it on mute to all because I want to have the ability to when I mute it the discord won't hear me and my stream won't hear me because that's pretty simple panel 3 this is my music I've just selected channel 3 select the source music and do mute all that's very easy ella muted to the stream and it'll muta to my headphones channel 4 I've got that on voice chat sauce and I'm gonna do mute to all if I press mute button it'll mute the audio coming from this court whether it's the notifications whether it's my team chat whether it's the sounds you hear when you do death and/or mute your microphone in discord things like that now keep in mind in these sources there are other options here as well so let's say you don't want to have a music slider over here and you only want to use it in over here because let's say you want to use your play and pause button on the keys on your keyboard instead and you want to save the slider for something else let's say the alerts on your stream PC if you have a see assuming you have your line coming out of your stream PC into the back of your XLR with a 3.5 millimeter adapter then you can use it actually for one of your channels here so let's say instead of music I want to have it on line in now that's going to be the audio my alerts from my stream PC because it has my alerts on that stream PC so now I can choose how much of it I want to hear now once you've made all these changes be sure to save it it's not saved yet once you've made the changes do this flop your discover here press it and click OK it's going to override the previous one but you want to do that because you want to save it we got lighting on the setups you see how complicated this is it's insane he's a pretty self-explanatory you can choose what happens to the system 1 or channel 1 which is the first one over here that I have choose the color choose the icon you can choose what text it has on a little screen display over here and you can choose what it looks like when it's muted and all that fun jazz it's very self-explanatory now if I go to the effects yeah this is the fun part what we have here is you can choose from 1 to 6 there's different bass yet in these Bay's they have different settings on number 5 you can choose pitch on echo and there's lots of different things you can choose from these really it's just a matter of messing around seeing what they can all do I'm not going to go through it all because literally the options are endless you can make them sound like this you did you can be pretty good if you subscribe to the YouTube channel or you can add an acre to your voice emphasize something yeah now when you want to actually activate that base let's say you've got all these Bay's you want to activate it is the effects key and it's working I can hear it in my headset because I've got my mixer with my headphones in the settings here I have it at 68% so I can hear a little bit of it I can show you how to turn that off though in just a little bit alright and same thing with the effects you can choose the lighting of each button that's cool sampling this is a lot of fun so let's go to one I have a got I've got a selected over here in my banks and there's different buttons you can do here what I've got is I've got the top right I've got a recording that was this that's it this is what I've wanted and it's stopped or that's it this is what I wanted Murray has got what I want it'll play all the way to the end and then it'll stop so what I've got is play - stop so I play it and it'll finish or I can play stop hey stop so that's useful you can choose a and fade out play on release so you can press and hold it and let go and it'll stop playing lots of options there now if you want to record something all you got to do is press and hold one of these and I'll start recording and I'll be able to play it back there now it's loaded because it's gone purple so if I play it let's trace and hold one of these and all start recording and I'll be able to play it back that's really cool if you wanna clear it is clear and then select the one I want to clear very useful it's different bass here you can essentially have 12 different samples and in each of those you can actually have them cycle through different ones so for example I play pop G on the string at slash Mary Frost and let's say I get a chicken dinner and I can play and stop it or I can choose to fade it out whatever I want however I've got like five different tracks loaded onto the single button to save space for the rest of the buttons I want to use them on so if I press it again and I can stop it or it can play through the whole song and press it again it's got a completely different one [Music] you g-guys chicken dinner 200 kill for thousands of HP of good game call a team you did really well congratulations great chicken dinner guys well done super awesome you guys have a great day and I'll see you guys next time no I'm not actually ending it but really it's a lot of fun to do all this kind of stuff and if I compress it again [Music] I'm gonna stop because I am probably making myself look like an utter fool so a lot of awesome stuff you can do with that load different sounds on the same button make it cycle you can choose sequential over here and play an order or you can choose to play random that's cool the way you add them let's click the samples plus button here search it click it open it and you can do the same process if you want to add more onto the same button now routing oh this is incredible this is where this board shines okay it is little complicated looks complicated at first once you understand the principle it's actually very simple so what we got here let's start with the microphone I want my microphone to be heard on stream I wanted to be heard in my discord chat let's say I wanted also to be heard on my stream PC if I have a dual PC setup here's how you do that with your headphones you obviously want to hear your microphone in your headphones if you don't uncheck that and I can't hear my microphone in my headphones right now I've got an unchecked I check it on I can hear my microphone again remember you can choose to reduce that and he makes a tab in the headphones I can choose how much of my voice I can hear in my head friends some people find it kind of annoying let's find check it off I'm gonna keep it on because when I have sound effects here I can actually hear it and know what sound is being played or the effect at least next thing you have is broadcast stream mix which this gets sent to your stream on this code what what am I saying on your stream in IBS or OBS studio or stream labs OBS any of your stream software is xsplit even I do not make people use it as far as they're not but yes you can send that to your stream obviously you want your stream to hear your microphone line out never line out from here into your stream PC assuming you have a dual PC setup they'll hear your microphone into your stream PC that way you don't have to use software on your PC here just send it to your stream another way this is what this board will do makes things super easy now chat mic this is the microphone in discord remember when we set up chat mic in discord so that they would actually hear us through that channel that's when you check this make sure your microphone is going to your chat otherwise this Court is not gonna hear you also you can set it to the sampler that way if you click and hold to record something it's gonna record something when I let go to record something it's gonna record something so yeah it's gonna be able to record that if you don't want to be able to record your voice through your sampler uncheck that box I don't know why you would die because let's say you get a commonly asked question on twitch stop asking me that question for the last time you can draw your touch channel on YouTube Instagram Facebook tik-tok even even Twitter and enjoy that audience to twitch stop asking me that question for the last time you can grow your touch channel on YouTube Instagram Facebook tik-tok even even Twitter and enjoy that audience to twitch right now you've got your chat this is the chat from discord or it'll be your team chat or whatever chat service you use most of the time is going to be discord make sure you have a check to headphones because you want to make sure you're hearing that in headphones podcast stream mix which will send it to your stream you obviously want your stream to hear your teammates and you can choose line out if you're using a dual PC setup it'll send your team chat all the way into your stream PC so that your stream can hear you there now do not check chat Mike because if you check this box yeah actually you can't even check it I'm trying to check it right now you can't because if you do they're gonna hear themselves talk back to them you don't want that and neither do they they would eat you for it music you obviously want to send that to your headphones you also want to send it to your stream on your single PC setup if you've got a dual PC setup do line out send it down through the 3.5 millimeter adapter into the import on your stream PC that way your stream can hear your music again if you want your chat on this court to hear it you can check that on and they can hear your music just don't do it too much unless they say you they're ok with it as they'll get really annoyed with it so we've done three so far are you noticing a pattern here I think the rest are pretty self-explanatory I've taken a screenshot of this I'm gonna briefly go through them so that you understand what they're doing game I want to hear it through my headphones I also want to hear through stream chat on my single PC set up if you have a dual PC stream make sure you've got line I'll check so that you can send it through your 3.5 millimeter adapter into your stream PC console same principle line in that's the audio from your stream PC so let's say you want to hear your audio from your stream PC in your headphones check that on now this broadcast stream mix is quite useful on all a lot of ways if you have a single PC setup not a dual PC stream if you have a single PC setup let's say you have music or sound effects or even a phone call from your phone or another device you can check this on you can send the audio from whatever device you want through a 3.5 millimeter jack into the input on the go XLR and your stream will be able to hear that as well that's pretty cool so if you're having a conversation on the phone music sound effects whatever it is put the in on the 3.5 millimeter adapter or headphone jack whatever you want to call it you can hear through your headset air to the stream you can choose to send it to your discord if you want them to hear the phone call as well up to you now the system this is your game this is YouTube this is other twitch channels that you watch whatever you want that's gonna go to your headphones same thing for the broadcast stream mix if you want your stream to kill you on your single PC setup if you want yours your dual PC stream setup to kill you ever on the stream PC you're gonna want to check line out so that they can actually hear you there obviously you don't want your discord chat to hear you I don't check this box samples you obviously want to hear the samples in your head that's these so you want to build together than your headphones the stream also needs to be be able to share it on your single PC setup again a dual PC stream make sure this box is checked on your line out and if you want this for all your just your team chat to be able to hear these sound effects you can check that box but I'm not going to because they might find it quite annoying all right now the routing is all done and I can catch a breath alright so now you've set all your routing and the software and hardware side of your go XLR system now you need to make sure that your stream is going to be able to hear you and then you can Akili alerts from the stream so last step you need to do is go to your settings in your stream software go to the audio and specifically in OBS studio and stream labs OBS is going to be very similar make sure your mic auxilary audio is set to broadcast stream mix you're only going to have one system or one audio source in your stream software because you're controlling all of the settings and fine-tuning everything here with your audio and then you're gonna send one channel on one channel to your stream you only need one audio source make sure your desktop audio set to system that way you can hear they're less that's all good once you have that set up make sure that on your dual PC stream if you have a dual PC setup on the stream PC make sure my croczilla audio set to the in on that stream I don't have it here because I don't have that plugged in so it'll be called line in microphone in something like that because it's going in through a 3.5 millimeter adapter this right over here this cable right over here I'll leave a link to it in the description you got this cable the plugs into the back of your go XLR put the other one into the in or the microphone on your stream PC good now that we've got that done oh I think that's it hope I didn't forget anything if I did forget anything I'll leave stuff in the description also if I forget anything and I didn't notice after I created the video feel free to let me know down in the comments give me your take on how this whole thing works if you guys interested have more questions about this ideal PC set up single PC set up or editing visual effects motion graphics filmmaking anything around those topics come say hi on Twitch I'm live right now and we can have a good conversation learn more about streaming growing your brand on Twitch and just making your stream look good and we'll get some chicken dinners and have some fun with some gaming as well so yeah if you guys enjoyed consider subscribing stick around for the future would really appreciate it a lot of great videos coming up and leave a like we really help the channel out but until next time remember keep smiling keep shooting [Music]
Channel: Murray Frost
Views: 127,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: murrayfrost, helicon gaming, goxlr setup, how to set up goxlr, goxlr tutorial step by step setup guide, goxlr tutorial, goxlr two pc setup, dual pc setup, Fix GoXLR Sound Problems, goxlr soundboard, go xlr, sure sm7b setup, dual pc stream audio setup, live stream audio setup, best soundboards for gaming, best streaming setup, goxlr step by step, best streaming audio setup, twitch streaming setup, streaming voice changer, goxlr, goxlr mini tutorial, how to, tc helicon
Id: lzwSbeesEoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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