Best FREE OBS Mic EQ VST Plugin for Live Streaming 2021 (Mac Compatible) + TUTORIAL

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hey and welcome to another video so today we're going to be covering the best free mac vst plug-in for obs that's a mouthful you might have uh you might have heard that good audio is really important for a good stream in fact uh many say it's the most important thing to a good stream so one thing you might be searching for is you need to get some eq on that mic so that that you sound good you need to sound good so what we're going to be covering today is what i feel is the best mac plugin or vst for obs and we're going to cover installation of this plugin and also a bit of the configuration by the way i stream on twitch monday wednesday friday and i like to play a variety of games and focus on mindfulness content and how it relates to gaming i also do art and design so if that sounds of interest to you check out the links below in the description and be sure to like and subscribe both actions are free and it really helps the channel out so you've heard that audio is really important to a streamer and you're looking to level up and make your audio quality just that much better your viewers are gonna thank you for it let's get in and dive into how to do this so i've spent some time researching the best audio plugins or vsts that are compatible with mac and you can use for streaming or changing your mic quality to sometimes reduce the muddiness or brighten it up or just have a nicer ambiance than just the default settings on the mic i've found there's not a lot of free mac vst plugins for obs i've tried several of them and some of them are lacking in features and some of them are quite capable and some crash your computer let's get into it right now so the first one i'd like to talk about is blue cat's triple eq i really like this eq unfortunately it had to go because the free version only allows you to edit a couple bands next we have tdr slick and i really like this eq but it has one shortcoming and that's that it only has three bands that can be editable one thing i really appreciated about this plug-in was that the bands are adjustable so you're not locked into a certain frequency to edit and that's really cool however it's only three and i needed to edit more than three bands for my eq therefore this one had to go so we got tdr nova and tdr nova is actually really good and i wish i could use it but the problem i face is that it crashes obs if i have this installed and i try to change scene collections obs crashes and i've been working with stream elements for obs live and i've also reached out to the obs project devs and i just couldn't get anywhere with this plugin next is ik jb lofty cuss i think i got that right lefty cuss is an amazing eq unfortunately i passed on this one because it locks you into the bands you have about five adjustment knobs that you can do and they're all locked into a certain range and frequency therefore i had to pass on this one because i needed to edit frequencies for my voice that weren't in the eq range otherwise lufty cuss is a really nice eq and it might be your eq if your vocal range fits what you're editing in this plugin and next we have melda productions m equalizer that's actually harder to say than you think m equalizer is an awesome eq unfortunately it's a little bit cumbersome to use i was struggling a little bit when i was trying to get the exact levels that i wanted to get i just ended up passing on it because of how complicated it was to navigate but lastly we have vox and go marvel geq and i personally feel that this is the best eq for mac on obs it has a lot of different sliders and i really appreciate all the ranges that you get and it's just really easy to understand how to use this it might be lacking a little bit in the features department of some of the other complicated eqs but honestly the ease of use i really valued here and i felt like all the different ranges that we're able to edit are really good and the ones that i need to control next we're going to cover installation but before we do make sure you close obs so you can avoid any issues all right so let's download and get to installation we just need to search for vox and go geq there we go and go ahead and click that first link and now what we're going to do is we're going to right up top right up here is the download au aax for mac and the download vst vst 3 for mac technically i believe you only need the vst file however i grab the vst 3 and the component files when doing installs go ahead and click both of those links get those downloaded and once they're downloaded go ahead and bring up the downloads folder with these two packages what we're going to do is we're going to double click these packages to open them and they're going to open up these really easy and nice installation folders what we're gonna do is with the auaax we're gonna drag this marvel geq component right into the components and we're going to add it we're going to have to do some security uh to make sure we can install it because these are secure folders so go ahead and type in your password i'm not going to do this action because i ever already have it installed but go ahead and do that and then once you have that done go ahead and drag the vst 3 in the other installation package over to the vst 3 folder and then also drag in the vst into the regular vst folder now one thing i want to let you know as kind of a helpful hint is these folders are really helpful the vst vst 3 and the vs are the components folder why are these helpful because it's actually a pretty complicated location where these get installed for instance if i open it up it's library audio plugins vst if you want to go ahead and save these folders there's basically aliases if you want to save those aliases somewhere on your computer if you ever need to uninstall vsts or components you have a really easy way to get back to the location where these things install all right now we're going to open up obs and get to configuration so one thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to bring up the filters on your mic go ahead and right click the cog and bring up filters now i already have the eq enabled but what you do is you hit the plus and you add vst to point x plugin and then you're going to name it whatever you want to name it like eq maybe you want to call it vox and now we're going to select the plugin that we're going to be using it's the marvel geq next we're going to open the plugin interface what you're going to see is this all these sliders in the plugin and you could go around adjusting all these individually and then going back to obs and make a recording of you speaking into the mic to see how it sounds however there's actually a better way of doing this and let's go ahead and do that right now so what we're going to do is we're going to actually close this interface plug-in and we're going to copy this filter and we're going to apply the filter to the video audio and that will allow us to continually listen to the audio while we're making changes with the filter one thing to note when you're recording this clip is try to talk as much as possible with no spaces just keep run on sentences keep going keep going keep going just continue to make things up so that when you're editing the eq during the filter settings that you don't have to wait for gaps you can just always hear what's going on and it doesn't matter like i just gotta make something up i'm just like continuously talking for the sake of talking and you'll thank me later because what's more annoying than anything is all the pauses and all the breaks and having to wait and you're like come on i just want to make adjustment and you're not you're there's a pause and you don't want the pause so if you do anything like me right now i'm just continuously talking like i can't stop and i'm done so go ahead and start a recording and then stop the recording all right once we got that video recorded we want to bring in a new media source and create a new media source and we're going to browse and select that media source that we want to use i'm not going to bring it in just because i'm going to be talking while we're doing this filter so but this is just to help you while you're making your own edits so that you have somebody talking while making your own edits i'm going to go ahead and cancel but we would bring in this media source and it would be right here and we would just basically go to filters and we're going to paste the audio filters right there so you can see how the vst plug-in that's being used is the marvel geq on the media source itself once we make the changes to this media source and reminder this media source was pre-any eq once we make the changes we can just copy this eq over to our mic and this is a really nice tip because it saves you some time with having to like make some settings record come back make some of settings record and review it just it makes it so much easier to do it this way next we're going to open the plugin interface so now what we're going to be doing is we're going to edit the eq to what sounds good to us there's a lot of information online on what are good eq settings and really this is dependable on each person's voice my settings aren't necessarily going to be good for you and this is why the video that you're editing the video with your voice not mine you can try to find out like what's going on and whether or not it sounds good what i'd recommend is pulling up some guides on generally eq settings and if i have a video i'll go ahead and link it now what i found is i wanted to mostly lower the range of three to five hundred i mean really it could be also 200 to 500 but if your mic is sounding a bit muddy lowering these down like going into the negative is preferable once we got all those settings done let's make sure to save them with this plugin we're going to click on presets we're going to create our own new session bank and i'm just going to label it test for today and then i'm going to hit the plus over here and default is fine so if you want to make changes you can now go back to the settings that you felt were right the first time and you can make as many presets as you want now we're going to go ahead and close that and now that we're done make sure to close the plug-in interface right here and that's how you open and close while your video is recording you can also see what it's done by hitting the eyeball by the eq so this is what my voice sounds like without an eq and this is what my voice sounds like with the eq now that we have our eq we need to move it from our video file over to our mic so go ahead and copy this and go ahead and close and then on the mic cl right click hit filters and then we're going to paste just like that if you use any noise suppression noise gate compressor or limiter make sure you put the eq in the proper chain of events for me that's noise suppression first because i don't need to eq the audio that i'm cutting out and then it's noise gate and then i'm actually applying the eq to the leftover sound but once i apply the eq i want to make sure i compress it and then i put a limiter on it because i just want to make sure my volume doesn't go really high when i'm streaming and we're done that's it let me know what you think and if you went through these steps to apply this eq for your mic i'd be really interested to hear uh how your experience went and whether or not you like the results have you found a better eq for mac let us know in the comments so we can check it out and if you found this video helpful at all please like and subscribe i'm covering mindfulness and gaming mac streaming tips and design tips or drop by twitch and ask me about the video or hang out thanks again for watching and may you have mindfulness in your actions yeah i don't like it i don't like the dog squealing thing seems like you're being mean to animals right i think that it can kind of teach you things right like maybe you think that feels good um or maybe you don't even know but maybe you find out like that's a
Channel: SeeFooBoo
Views: 383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5GkjUmBnPTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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