How To Improve Your Mic Audio In OBS Studio - Best Free VST Plugins For Live Streaming & Podcasting

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hey everyone joe here in today's obs tutorial i'm going to show you how i can improve your microphone quality and get this nice big broadcasting audio sound for free that's right everything you need to download you can download for obs for free not only that i'm going to show you how to set everything up so you can get this nice quality audio sound but before we get started check out on1 photo raw on1 photo raw gives you control of your photography and what matters to you on1 gives you an open system for complete control over your storage organization editing and method of purchase on one will also never be a subscription only model learn more and download your free trial by clicking the links in the description below okay everybody so i have obs studio opened up here on the desktop now you will notice we have a desktop audio over here a microphone and a tutorial mic you're currently hearing the audio that i will be editing in davinci resolve later on so let's hop over here to the tutorial mic and here we go so now you're here in the tutorial mic this is so you can hear how the audio quality improves as we add our filters and effects in the the chain and everything so that said let's go down here to filters and start adding them now instead i'm using tutorial mic let's go down to filters and pull this over here so you can see it we have a few things we'll be adding here now the slick eq uh nova and kotelnikov those are all plugins that you can get from tokyo dawn links down description below completely free and some of the best ones on the market hands down don't bother even buying any unless you need some uh that better because it's really hard to find anything better than these whiter is one that we'll be getting from uninfected mushroom link search down description below expander is the basic expander that's within a obs studio it's fine matter of fact it works really well when you know how to set it up correctly and that's the problem a lot of people have is they don't know how to set it up correctly and i'll show you how okay first thing first let's get the slick eq slick eq is a three band equalizer let's turn it on and let's open up the plug-in here okay so here we go we got the default that's how it looks when we first bring it up first thing i'm gonna do is make sure it's on live and it tells you you may have to restart your daw don't worry about that we're in obs okay put it on live mode then we want to go over to german if you watched my demo review of slikkeq you'll understand the difference in the the curves and stuff german one has smoother uh very smooth curves to it that's what i want to use and this one i recommend for this one however there is a british style on an american style and a soviet one in the free version here all right let's click it on over to german and i'm gonna go ahead and click eq sat while i'm at it and make sure that's enabled all right so we got that going let's pull this up here this is a high pressure frequency high pass filter up to 50 hertz and that will help reduce or remove any kind of rumble in our audio okay then we have our lows mids and highs here now the lows uh these are set at 85 which is what we're going to be using however it is currently on a shelf filter let's click over and put it on a bell bell filter and the bell looks like upside down v put it on that all right for the gain on this one we are actually going to bring it up now i'm going to bring it up to about 7.5 db here however this is going to depend upon your mic and your voice this i'm using the samson cla a and this is what i need to bring up make my audio sound more broadcast sounding and you'll probably already notice the difference if your voice is already very deep you may be able to bring it down something to play plus three if your uh voice is very high pitched you may want to break it up more you just have to find where it's the best for you but this is i'm going to show you how to set up make it sound like a broadcast uh audio okay 7.5 db is what i use now we'll go to the mid frequencies here by default this is on uh 2.5 k for most equalizers we're not going to use that i'm actually going to bring this down to 400 hertz and this is going to give us a dip right after the base here on the low frequency that we have a nice little dip very similar to what you find on the dbx286 and i'm going to bring this down to about 4.5 db okay so that's coming off the base here and it's going to go dip down then the frequency here on the highs here uh currently zone 10 uh kilohertz normally these are on either 10 kilohertz or 12 kilohertz i'm actually gonna bring this down to five kilohertz and that way when it comes off the base it drops down and since i'm going to bring up the gain on the highs here to make it more clear it's going to have a nice little you know nice little top in there and we are going to leave that one on the shelf and i'm going to bring this up to 9 db and this is what works well for my voice now this may sound a little sibilant however we're going to tdr nova i'll show you how to get rid of the ds uh the s problems the sub once problems as well as add a deplosive filter to it at the same time okay now we have outstage here i want to go down put it on deep because i think deep works real uh well for condenser mics and it helps give you that nice broadcast sound i'm going to introduce a little bit more uh to it pull it up about 9 db for us to calibrate here and that's going to introduce more of those uh even order harmonics give a nice good broadcast analog sound and the out game here since we are recording in and it's only peaking between like you know 15 to 12 db uh coming in we want to bring that up six more db add a little more out gain and you can tell the volume and the loudness just got quite a bit louder now you're starting to hear things quite well below that you will notice a button that says auto and auto is if you see my demo review it helps keep the equalizer more normal so if you adjust the lows or the highs it's going to save the same same amount of gain coming out leave that turned on that way if you adjust it you don't have to worry about readjusting your out gain or anything very good feature really high highly recommend it and already i can tell you uh this audio is already starting to sound quite a bit better but we can improve that let's go down and turn on tdr nova and let's open up that interface okay so first thing we only need two bands for what we're going to do here also let's go down and put it on eco now for the first band here click on a little square we are going to in fact be using a bell filter a q value of 50 or 0.5 0.50 and i am going to be bringing that frequency up to 100 hertz because we'll be working on the plosives okay now this is an equalizer but this is an equalizer it's a parallel dynamic equalizer with compression and expansion very versatile tool it doesn't help you get any kind of good analog sound to it but it's a very surgical uh tool for uh helping improve the audio qualities by eliminating issues in the uh audio chain okay the gain we're going to leave set but we are going to turn on the threshold here now the threshold here i want to go down negative 12 db on it and this is where the compression is going to come in at okay now the ratio here i am actually going to bring up quite a bit matter of fact let me turn on the you know equalizer here the scope here so you can see what's going on as we talk okay now the ratio i am going to crank that joker up really high ten to one for this and that's because i want to stop any kind of plosive sure they happen all right ten to one that's it is almost maxed out there we go ten to one okay and if i go up boom boom boom as you can tell that's helping uh keep that from getting too bassy to uh punching out above too high really helps any kind of plosives issues okay and right after that one let me see here yeah take the attack and release 20 milliseconds 200 milliseconds is about right that works pretty good now we still got that sibilance problem okay let's hop over here to the other one our case if you do that you can see over here around nine kilohertz is where the sibilance problem we're coming in at all right and the q value i want to widen that one out quite a bit let's pull up about 1.5 i guess what i use for that one for make it very tighter more surgical and we do want to make sure it is on the bale all righty now let's turn on the threshold here and we can drop that one down about 25 i think it's about what i use on this one there we go yeah 25 db and a ratio about two and a half to one all right and i want to put in about a 10 milliseconds here and a release i want uh about 150 milliseconds and that'll work really good for a kind of sequence problems now if you want to find what your s sounds are for you as you can hear when do the band solo it helps you find where the sibilance problem is for your particular voice and this is going to help with the plosives and the sibilance i'm pretty sure you can already tell sounds much better so yeah you can uh use the frequency go up and down a lot of people's uh depending if you're female male that anywhere from five uh kilohertz up to as high as ten to twelve currently i could say that it's only like ten and they put down about nine kilohertz yeah that's where it should be for my voice adjust it for where your voice is with the frequency the everything else should be pretty much set and like i said so eco good to go now we're done with tdr nova let's go on to our next you know plug in here and then we're going to be adding kotelnikov for compression okay let's bring this over alrighty here we go let's also put katana cava on eco mode that way it's easier on everything while you're doing any kind of like live streaming first thing we need to do is the low frequency relax now this won't change audio go quality it won't filter out anything it just keeps the compressor from getting uh what's called actuated you know from like low frequency bumps or anything so pretty much just put it on uh you know 6 db the frequency 100 hertz is fine stereo sensitivity of you know eighty percent it's fine leave it on that okay so right now let's actually start adding this in focus of we want to go to threshold yeah negative 25. now if you're wondering i did write all this down to make sure i did not forget everything okay about 25 negative 25 is see already starting to work our gain reduction is already starting to get used here the peak crest here i'll actually want to put that on rms so just turn it all the way to the side here soft d i want to bring that up to 9 db okay and the compression ratio here what did i use on this one let me just check yeah two and a half to one two and a half to one works pretty decent right there okay the attack i want about uh eight milliseconds i do believe and release about 250 yeah if i get it on there close enough okay now we know it's have makeup gain dry mix you don't have to worry about too much however the out gain here i am going to bring up about another three more db just to kind of make up for the amount of gain loss due to compression and as you can tell it's already starting to sound really really nice and like i said you got a bypass button you can use here to see what it sounds like without the compression and here's what it sounds like with the compression okay that's already going to start making the audio sound much better more normal and less dips and stuff in it when you get too quiet or too loud so that'll help a lot let's close that one out and let's add wider wider is stupid simple here you just got a little you just slide it over to add your width and stuff and go up and down and just start widening out your stereo however it can get overly done pretty quick i normally use 25 find what works best for you like i said this is without any kind of widening right here and this is with widening you know added it adds just a little bit more you know depth to the voice and stuff give that nice like you know good 1980s and 90s radios stereo quality and stuff coming in when somebody's talking i liked how it sounds like i said there's another one stupid simple and it's also stupid for free last is the expander now by default the expander is completely set up wrong to say the least all right the ratio here we're going to be using is pretty high we want and the reason we're going to use a 3 to 1 ratio here is because a lot of times when people talking and stuff we make sure the audio's coming yeah when people are talking stuff you want to be able to hear it but you don't want to be hearing the keyboard clicking and stuff dogs barking too much outside you just want to hear what the person is talking all right so you want to pull that open 3d one if you're still having trouble increase that on up to four to five or four uh four to one or the five to one just simply by sliding this over five to one is a little extreme to me three to one sounds a little natural however if you got uh audio coming in that you don't want to hear maybe you're on a really really clicky keyboard i'm using red cherry mx reds and my keyboard so it's not as bad as somebody with blue switches or something other you may want to increase that all right threshold here this is another one you may want to bring up i actually recommend by negative 32 db on this and that what means anything below negative 32 db uh is going to get attenuated out push down so you don't hear it uh if you want you can bring that on up negative 25 or even at the negative 20 however i don't recommend it because it will start to sound a little more uh choppy good so just find what works best for you if you're finding that uh you're still getting too much noise in yeah bring it on up to the point where you're happy with there's no right or wrong just whatever you're happy with it's around negative 32 dbs is what i recommend to start with all right the attack here i want it eight milliseconds uh so we can pull that down by eight milliseconds and release though we want that a little bit slower this currently is that way too fast let's pull that up to about 250 milliseconds something a bit slower it's a quarter of a second it seems pretty fast but you know 250 is actually pretty decent here and the detection is on rms and we want it on rms so yeah this is how the audio can sound if you know how to set everything up so let's kind of go over everything again okay this is how nothing sounds with nothing added let's add slick eq okay this little slick eq added now let's add tdr nova to add our d-plosive and these sibilance problems okay now let's add kotelnikov the air compression to help you normalize our audio and stuff let's add wider to help bring out our stereo uh serialize the audio make it sound a little more deeper and more depth to it then expander to help knock out any kind of like background noise and stuff now i did want to show you an example of how well you know or how you know expander will help all right let me get notepad open here and here i am typing banging on my keyboard that's what the spanner always turn expander off and i'm pretty sure you can hear it so yeah let me click on that you can hear those keys coming in all right turn expander back on yeah you don't hear it it's not coming across meters so yeah that's how an expander can help keep all that other background audio and stuff out so anyway i hope this tutorial has been quite helpful for you okay everybody well that's it for this tutorial i hope you found it helpful and if you like any of these presets and stuff just go back to the video pause write everything down then when you actually get the the plugins and stuff install installed then you can just save them as presets but uh anyway that's what i highly recommend uh like i said all the plugins are free i don't make anything whatsoever from you downloading those plugins it's just i'm just doing it because a lot of let's face it a lot of youtubers have some really crap audio and i'm just trying to help everybody out here but if you do want to help this channel out then check out all one photo raw you can download it if you like editing photos and stuff it's the program that i use i recommend i use it all the time both you know personally and professionally it's just a great photo uh retouching application and i do get a kickback when you do purchase it uh so i'm an affiliate with on one so like said purchasing on one photo raw just help support this channel so anyway that's it for this uh tutorial everyone i hope everybody liked it found it helpful if you do how about giving me a thumbs up thumbs is always highly appreciated if you're not a subscriber to my channel please take the time to subscribe subscribing's free it's for you unless you know when i lose more videos until next time everyone thank you for watching
Channel: Joe's Cave - Video & Audio Tutorials and Reviews
Views: 137,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio, obs studio tutorial, live streaming, obs studio mic settings, obs vst plugins, how to make your mic sound better, How To Improve Your Mic Audio In OBS Studio, Best Free VST Plugins For Live Streaming & Podcasting, obs audio settings, live streaming right now, obs microphone setup, obs studio microphone setup guide, best obs audio plugins, best obs audio filters, best obs audio settings and filters, best audio filter for streamlabs obs, obs mic audio filters
Id: U7_LYaNpwEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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