Unify 1.7 is HERE!! (4 NEW FREE PlugIns + MORE!)

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[Music] do [Music] so hello welcome my name is john skippy limakul i am playing a new patch from unifi 1.7 [Music] and it wasn't possible before 1.7 because of a new midi effect that's been added [Music] and it's this dude right here trigger box and trigger box is set to delay when it plays a short gated note and i can set up multiple layers with multiple trigger boxes that are each set to do delays at different times some things are panned in different positions and right here's the last two notes and if i wanted to i could go uh i don't want to be a pizzicato i want it to be like maybe a flutter escape let's bring this start up a little bit sooner like this and uh shorten the release take it down an octave [Music] so every layer that's playing something could be a completely different plug-in in your system or a different sound inside of unified that's [Music] the joy of exploration is all the world is your oyster right here in unified so uh unifi 1.7 has four midi effects 37 new patches some nice enhancements to the interface to make working with it even easier and more enjoyable um the four midi effects that are included are heavy weight really cool effects there's trigger box which is useful for all sorts of things beyond what i'm doing right here it's actually like i've pulled out all of the complex capabilities of complex samplers and made it a midi effect so you can if you look at trigger boxes set of presets that you can just choose and it will set up all of these parameters for you you can do such things as when you move the modulation wheel it will play a note and you can change what note it is what the velocity is what midi cc number it is if you don't want it to be your modulation wheel it can be any midi cc in your system you can have as many of these on different layers as you want to play different things um it's crazy it's really really fun you can delay when notes are played that's like what i'm doing right here in this patch note offs not only knot offs every time like most samplers but we actually have a probability slider for node off samples so if you don't like to have the note off piano noise it's every time you like hands off the keys now you can set it to you know 40 or something like that and doesn't do it all the time it's really nice it can be listening to the velocity of note on or note off for what the velocity will be for the pain playing of the the samples then they're getting the sustain pedal stuff this is um like for piano when you push down into the stain pedal it plays a whole different set of samples because it has this sustain pedal up so it rings really nice you can make it really easily so you have one layer that doesn't do that and one layer that does i'll show you an example in a minute and then sound plays with note on the note off so let me just show you real quick let's before we get into everything look at all these libraries my goodness wait till you see the total number that this library total equals it's crazy but i'm going to just show you really quick a really cool patch for mega magic keys which is coming out on friday and this has piano and you can hear me turn off my microphone you'll hear sustain pedal noise on my sustain [Music] that's note off so and it's on a probability so it's not every time so it just adds a little bit of that human [Music] it's really nice piano it's my mom's c3 grand um let's make it low five by turning on the low pass filter [Music] put a base and now we're into lo-fi territory so we need a drum beat and maybe some cool effect on the mod wheel it's going to trigger thanks to trigger box um a recording not of a winter stream this is of a fireplace and a drum groove and i want the drum groove to be slower so let's see like [Music] there's my fireplace [Music] you know off you go so i'm using trigger box to trigger playing of notes that are then triggered to play a midi box drum groove and play a note and if i want to go to here and i have all sorts of environmental sounds so if i want a big thunderstorm it's a thunderstorm [Music] all sounds i recorded i recorded all the environmentals i did include a couple from my friend jason from rocky mountain sound so if you want a lapping river sitting by river in canada so trigger box is cool for all sorts of things it basically makes it so unifi can be a big complex sampler because different layers inside of unify are playing different sounds doing different things different times it's really really fun so that is coming friday and that's using triggerbox a lot all over the place 1.7 let's go back here let me show you the other three effects that are included with unified these are insane it's an organ and this is something we've been working on shane's been working on this for a while it's a free update you can go to the github for that shane has developed and download this to install into your computer it doesn't sound like this because i'm using tools inside of unify we've got amp simulators we've got all sorts of things to create really cool b3 organs that [Music] right and this is component based we've kind of like just the sampler trigger box pulls the sampler apart this pulls with b3 apart because you've got the os which gives you the nine draw bars of an organ and then you have the cabinet which is not one but two different leslie simulations that really work well together one's more kind of center and brighter the other is warmer really wide and the two together is just great [Music] right and then we get into the rocky stuff so we can [Music] and hear the perk [Music] that's because the third midi effect in this whole component is called morgan perk and it is a little plug-in that plays just a short little period of it's all about playing and triggering things in this update so this gives you the ability to trigger a note that's up to 250 milliseconds that will hold it down even if it's a huge sustaining sound it will only trigger it for 250 milliseconds max and then you can choose it to be polyphonic so it plays okay we'll just solo this percussion sound so you can hear i'm playing them all at once if i say single it only plays one note and then if i set it to the hammond perk it it emulates basically what a ham and percussion the mechanism does it actually kind of like bleeds into additional notes and then it's mono after that after play after that these notes don't have any sound and you can choose the window of how it's going to bleed so so by setting up those parameters [Music] now the cabinet is really cool because we are able to set it up here's your spin up and slow down for the leslie and we have control over being done either by sustained pedal by mod wheel or both and if you happen to be on a core synthesizer where it works on a you know the it's a joystick kind of a controller right and you move it you can't the way it works for these first three options is you have to keep your foot on the sustain pedal and it's on when i take my foot off the sustain pedal it slows down if you set this to toggle now when you push the sustain pedal it turns it on push the stain pedal again it turns it off same with mod wheel or if you set this to toggle on mod wheel now you can just push this and it one time it triggers it on one time it triggers it off so if you're on a korg synthesizer you would go here and change this and then just re-save it to a make your own little library of patches save them under a new direct all you have to do is go save and when you go to the new library just down at the bottom says new library make a new library and save it there and that way you can set it up so you can call up patches that are custom dialed in just the way you like it okay so there's all these different organs jazzy comp [Music] and as you can see you've got draw bars right and i did put on page two and three each of the separate nine draw bars so that if you want you could assign these knobs to cc's to control each of the actual draw bars because there's i kind of did a trick on the front page see how these are combined one foot plus two foot the one and one third plus the one the four and one third i actually combined these so that mult up to three draw bars are on one macro knob that was just to make it so it would all fit on this front main page so you can see them and have access to them but if you want you could set up these patches do have all nine draw bars you would right click and assign to a midi cc have your hardware set up to that same midi cc and that way you could set this up to control all nine drop bars independently i did that only to the single organs the things that are like the dual manual this is left hand [Music] [Music] you know if you're going to be jamming out like that this is actually two separate patches and they're unifying layers so that you can double click and open this up to change the right hand to be whatever you want to be and same with the left hand you would just go to the second unify you can see how it's a lighter green on the left so you just double click choose what organ patch and you've got that set so you can choose which organ manuals and effects and stuff you want now the reason we call this morgan is because [Music] down here are morgan patches because basically morgan is now an oscillator it's a audio effect and a midi effect but the oscillator in unify can be any plug-in you own or any synthesizer that's inside of unify so instead of an organ [Music] what if we use a sawtooth [Laughter] and if i bring up the filter it's a sawtooth [Music] i mean nobody's done anything really cool with organ in a while so [Music] [Laughter] so we're trying something different let's pull it out if you want the perk to be different sound um here's the perk element so [Music] there's all of these different attacks in this one directory inside of the unified guru sampler so you just go to the del lorte attacks these are all the attack samples from a library made called del norte you can go to any of these and use a wood pop and then once you call this up you can choose whether it's pitched or not pitched [Music] change the chorus so it's it so [Music] lots of opportunities to try new things here um i did a couple other examples um [Music] right here's a unison where the mod wheel also opens the filter [Music] right so all sorts of different ways of approaching what organ is uh you can play with different elements for both the organ sound and for the percussion sound it's really really fun fun to play with so this is those four plugins i've shown you now are included for free in this update to unify by the way to update you just download the updater you run the updater and then you need to drag over or install from the settings page right here where it says select google file you would go there to select this google file this update.guru that has the patches that has the settings that you need to have that installed after you do the update so make sure that you follow that step okay so that's the update there's so much more if you go to this page at this address of plugingroup.netunified.change.log.html here's the list of everything added um in the interface we now have a really cool little dot dot dot up here that wasn't there before right hmm what's that for what it does is um as you can see this library i now have a counter down here i have i'll show you this ability here in a minute where you can choose and kind of like instruct unify how it's going to load the next patch you select i wanted it to be on the interface this is all stuff that's available by right clicking but a lot of people don't remember that they can right click on patches and stuff like that so now it's available as a separate thing right here that stays and it's really really cool so i'll show you that but let's talk about this little dot dot dot up here first it just so happens that if i actually set this to say all unified libraries let's go up here and say all libraries and close you're looking at 20 615 patches in all of these different libraries these are unified libraries which means if you own warlock or who he's brazil or zebra 2 or hex drum or cherry audio's dc0106 or applied acoustic systems chromophone or omnisphere's extension nylon sky these have all been unified so you can choose this you can say guitar it will load omnisphere you must own omnisphere and then it will load the patch and right and you can play it so i can go let's let me show you a really cool thing so this ability of changing how it loads let's say load embedded and let's go up here to oh let's go to omniverse one that's the first library i've ever made in 2010 for omnis here and we could go down here to maybe one of the guitars or who knows how about a pad dark and pure and just by clicking it it loaded another layer with unify and that patch [Music] and i have my auxiliary busses set up so i can add some reverb from unify over omnisphere [Music] and maybe i want a bpm patch with this let's go up here to the beginning and say bpm pad let's do strings pulse that sounds interesting [Music] [Applause] it's letting me load patches into the existing patch no other plug-in created by anybody does this and what it allows you to do is just go down the list of any of these 20 000 patches i could go down here to the zebra 2 library and say i want a bpm synth like how about future memory [Music] yeah and i can even hold it down let's choose this [Music] and i want a drum groove so i'm going to go up here to cloud city and i'm going to change this instead of load embedded to loaded fixed pitch because cloud city has all these drum grooves that i set up so you can play across the keyboard and it transposes the groove you don't want it to do that when you're trying to play a song and have a cool jam to play with right so let's go over here to down tempo and closer and [Music] and let's go down here and choose another drum groove let's go here to perk [Music] a little bit of reverb on this [Music] so without right clicking i was able to load eight different layers to make this so it's really really fun to have this ability right here a really cool power move is to remember that you can start over let's say we go back to say pads or something like that we want to start with a nice pad don't click because it's going to load it into the existing patch right click now and just say load patch and that way you're starting over and you can leave it on fixed pitch embedded because if it's a normal synth sound it's going to load it if the fixed pitch is only relating to midi box on drum grooves that transpose for pitch so by leaving it here i can now click on mellow jaws and [Music] and then i want piano so let's go up here to key and maybe we want like maybe a rhodes rebel sure anyway you get the idea of what you can do so having these here makes it so you don't have to right click you don't have to remember about right click you can just choose here whether you want to just load patches which means it will erase what was there [Music] or else if you want to go to load embedded and let's go say we want to load i can't over this it can do it just based on how this is set now under settings you can turn this off right here show patch count show patch load menu options click that they're gone and now you have the full screen here for your patch list so you can make that go a few way if you want now back to up here um so there's all these libraries right we just went all over the place and played with all of them by going here to load i can say i want to load just unified libraries and i'd made a preset where i had selected just the unified libraries when i closed this it now shows me only those libraries instead of the you know train wreck of endless patch libraries so now you have the ability to limit this view and if you right click right here it equals the same as hitting this load button right here so you see how you have this menu here if you right-click right here you get that same menu so you can just say i just want the factory library and boom now all you see is the unify factory library in this pull-down list if i change by clicking here and say all libraries boom now i'm back to seeing all 20 000 patches having access to all of them again these are all presets that are available through the website the unified ones are free as long as you own these plugins the plug-in guru ones are available with the libraries that you buy at my website and i want to just quickly say that between now and i think about the 5th of january is going to be where i'll put the cut off 50 off everything at my site so it's a great time to get new libraries i always have an end of the year sale so that's available to you i think that's about oh there's one more thing to show you and then i'll i'll wrap it up i'm about to start after this week i've i'm i wanted to start it sooner but i had to get through these libraries and this is three libraries i've done in like at the same time so my head hurts um but if we go over here i want to show you something cool we have the ability to load patches from a file on your finder so it doesn't have to be inside of the unify folder check this out this is for diva so if i right click and i bring it over unify and let up it will load a patch [Music] just like that now if i go to settings and i want to turn back on show patch loading options and the patch accounts fine i'm going to go over here i'm in the unified standard library and i have a couple other patches to add that first patch i showed at the very beginning dominoes so if we go bpm synth now i've set it to load embedded so you just click domino's [Music] and then i'm gonna go find matrix so i'm gonna type right here matrix because i want to add i'm still not load embedded so i just have to click this and now [Music] [Music] so this is using diva from uhi which is a wonderful synth uh erz is a nice friend of mine dear dear friend so make sure you own his plugin before you try to play this patch from the diva library it won't work without diva but by having the plugin you can get the unified library for diva and do this so life is good all right i'm gonna wrap it up there thank you for your support we love all of our customers you guys are wonderful to support us and we love to do things like this fine this is supposed to be just a simple little update but um it became much much much more than that so enjoy thank you for support see you soon in the next video okay bye [Music] oh
Channel: PlugInGuru
Views: 2,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1.7, MOrgan, PlugInGuru, Programming, Synth, Tutorial, Unify, Update, Video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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