BEST & FREE Elementor Plugins and Addons for WordPress Templates, Widgets & Custom Header & Footer

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hello friends i'm nishik from and today in this video we'll see the best and free plugins and add-ons for elementor page builder so without wasting any time let's get started so the first plugin that i've added in this list is elementskit elementor add-ons by wp met and to get this plugin simply go to your dashboard from the left hand side however plugins and click on add new now under search plugin just type in element skit elementor add-ons you will get this option by wp met this has more than 10 000 active installations great rating 5 star rating by 20 20 people last updated three days ago and compatible with the latest version of wordpress so you can simply install and activate this one now before we activate this let me do one thing let me open or let me create a new page because i want to show you the difference between the regular elementor and what happens after you install and activate this plugin so let me very quickly create a demo page so i'll just name it demo and by the way i'm using the oceanwp theme free theme amazing theme many times people ask me what theme are you using so this is the one that i'm using now why do i use a free theme you can see the reason over here so if i want to make this page 100 full width i can change the content layout from here two hundred percent full width if i want to hide the title i can simply disable the title from here and click on publish so this is the reason why you have a lot of customization options now let's click on this button edit with elementor and let's edit this page now by default when you're using elementor when you're not using any extra add-ons what happens is you can obviously you know all these things you can simply create different columns and whatever you want to add you can just add it like this for example if you want to add video if you want to add something else you can do it like this then another option that we have over here is that we can add templates so we can click on this option we can add blocks and we can also use this pre-made pages now let's see what happens when we activate this plug-in so let me do one thing let me activate this plugin once it is activated i can come back to this page update it so as you can see this plugin is now activated come back to this page update the page and after that you can refresh it so now when you refresh it now you can see one new button is over here this button was not present earlier so this is a new button which is appearing after we have installed and activated that plugin now when you click on this button now as you can see we have a lot of options over here so let's understand what we have over here so first of all we have many different pre-made pages some are premium some are free for example this one is free you can just click on that and you can just see how this page looks like and all the pages that are created over here are very well built very professionally built very beautiful design so i really like the design of these pages so all the pages that you can see there are many different pages created some are free some are premium if you see if you hover this if you get this insert option that means that this page layout is free if you see this option gopro which means that this is for premium users but there are a lot of free version you don't need the premium one now suppose if you want to import this page you can simply hover over this and click on this insert button all right guys now as you can see a complete page is now present in front of you if i just hide this thing this is how it looks very well built very beautiful design you can see over here so this is the this is the first option the first benefit of using this plug-in that you get pre-made pages many different pages for different purposes if you see at the left hand side we have different categories for example if you want for education purpose you can see education there is one available if you want for islamic purpose religious purpose you can see this option for hosting for photography for political purpose many different for different category have different pages created over here now this was pre-made pages we also have pre-made pre-designed widgets if you click on widgets these are different elements now like let me first explain you as i said you earlier as i explained you earlier we have some widgets over here some elements over here that we get with elementor and with this option with this plugin we have some extra widgets okay so as you can see and this is pre-designed for example if you want to use the call to action you can click on call to action and you can see all the different call to action design so available over here if you want to use this one you can simply hover this and click on insert and now as you can see a completely well designed section block is now in front of you regularly normally if you use the elementor blocks if you let me show you how they look like if you select these blocks and if you select call to action and if you just click on insert now as you can see there is so much difference between these two this is pre-designed the design is already applied over here and this is just a structure and you have to design it so this is another great thing about this plug-in that you get many different pre-made widgets as well so with pre-made layouts and pages you also get pre-made widgets and these widgets are different from the regular elementor widgets now the third and the most important thing the most amazing thing that i liked about this plugin is that you can have custom header and footer now normally this option is available only with elementor pro so you have to purchase the elementor premium version if you want custom header and footer but with this plugin you can have a custom header and footer let me explain you if i just update this page and if i open this in a new tab now right now as you can see this is how your page will look like obviously because we have designed it like this now at the top it will show you the default header okay this is how the default header looks like now i have not created a menu so let me very quickly do that so that we can see that menu over here all right so we have created this menu and now as you can see we also have a menu over here now what i want to do is i want to have i want to design my own header so for that you can come back to your dashboard and you'll see this option at the top left element skit however that and click on my templates now here you'll see header and photo so if you click on header and if you click on add new just give it any title so i'll just name it a header maybe header one select type header and after that make sure to enable this thing or activate this thing and after that click on save changes when you click on save changes now you can click on edit then click on this button edit content now again over here what you can do is you can again click on this button now this time you have to select this header section so click on header and again you can see there are so many different pre-made headers for you and for this also there are some free as well as some premium one for example i like this one this is a free header so i can simply select this thing and click on insert now you can see this is how it will display your menu now this is how it will display your header now let me select a menu for this okay we had created this menu now click on update so you can have you can see we have a custom header over here now if i go back to my page and if i refresh it now as you can see this has replaced that default header and now we have an amazing header over here you can see this is the search bar this is how you get the search option you have a call to action button right on your header or in your menu bar then after that we have a top section we have the main menu you have your logo over here so this menu looks so much better than the regular one than the default one and normally as i said you earlier to do this thing earlier you had to use elementor pro but now you can do this with the free version using this plugin so this is the reason why i have placed this plugin as the number one plugin in fact let me tell you one thing if i had to choose only one plugin from this list i would definitely choose this one because this has all the features that you want for elementor plugin it has free layouts and free widgets and that to pre-design pre-made widgets and on top of that we have a custom header and footer option as well and similarly if you want a custom footer you can just go to footer and you can have your own custom footer so this was our first plugin now the second plugin on our list is wonder wp and to get this plugin again you will hover plugins and click on add new and under search plugin just type in wonder wp and you have to use this one wonder wp by artbeads okay this is the one you have to install and activate this one so click on activate now let me do one thing let me not refresh this page let me first show you the regular option and then after that i'll refresh the page and after that i'll show you what happens when you install and activate this option when you install and activate this plugin wonder wp so regularly if you use any widget or any element for example if you're using icon box this is the option that you get over here now let me refresh it let me just update this page and now let's refresh it okay now let's go at the bottom okay now as you can see when you click on this we now have a new option presets so in presets you can see we have a pre-made design for example if you select this one this will automatically design it like this if you select this one we have so many pre-made pre-designed uh options over here so you just have to select the regular elementor widget and this will design your widget okay like this you can also have your custom design so if you like this design you can do some changes over here then after that go to custom and you can add this design as your own custom design and later on you can use this thing you can reuse this design every time you use this sim similar widget or this element i can box element so this is also very useful plugin whatever element you use you will always get this option for example let's use button so if you select button again you will see see this option presets when you click on that there are so many pre-made designs for button as well as you can see so many pre-made designs for buttons okay this is how it looks whatever widget you select whatever elementor widget you select you'll see these designs if you select for example let's select counter let's bring it over here okay this is the regular one if you have if you select preset we have many different designs again if you select this option this option okay so as you can see this is also very useful one it saves a lot of time in designing so again i'll just update this page so this was the second plugin in our list let's go to the third one so again you'll come back to this page plugins click on add new and this time you have to search for happy add-ons now you'll see this option happy elementor add-ons by vdips install and activate this one okay so with this also as you can see you can see over here as well we get so many different widgets with this one so if i come back to this page and refresh it okay now as you can see at the left hand side we have the basic elementor add-ons let me first minimize them then after that the general one and after that because we have installed and activated this happy add-ons we get so many different and new widgets elementor widgets and these are also pre-designed let me show you for example if you select these cards let's bring it over here so as you can see this is also pre-designed you just insert your own content insert your own image and content and this is already designed for you similarly we have team member if you bring this team member over here so as you can see everything is pre-designed you just enter your information in this one we have icon box okay so many different widgets are available over here as well then we have a step flow this is a very important one very useful one as you can see step one step two step three you can have something like that so this is also very important plugin according to me because you have pre-design elements with this now i forgot to mention one thing with the premium plugin that was wonder wp you also get this button and when you click on this we have few you know pre-made uh pre-designed blocks as well for example this is the header block this is the you know very few but pre-made and pre-designed so if you want to use them you can use them as well now let me again update this page and let's move on to our number four so the number 4 plugin in this list is live mesh add-ons so again you will go to plugins click on add new and to get this plug-in obviously again you will have our plugins and click on add new now under search plugins search for live mesh now you will get this option live mesh add-ons for elementor page builder by live mesh install and activate this plugin click on skip now again let's come back to this page and refresh it all right guys now as you can see because we have installed an activated live mesh add-ons we get some extra add-ons for live mesh for elementor now when you scroll down similarly very similar very simple thing you have clients you have a post carousel pricing table or you have heading so if you want to use heading you can select this option this is simple heading you have style one style two style three no you can have a lot of things over here i think if you select style two okay this is how it looks like if you select style one this is how it will look like very simple then you have stats bar the one which i like over here the most important one is this post grid so if you select this option you can display your post like this and you can also control it a lot for example if i don't want to display this summary i can go to settings in fact i can come over here go to post content and i can just hide this thing and you can also individually design everything for example you can go to style you can individually design the thumbnail the title subtitle and everything so this is a very very useful plugin as well and the most important element of this plugin is this one post grid i really like this one now again let me just update this page and the fifth uh plugin on our list is premium add-ons so let's install that so again come back to the dashboard from the left hand side hover over plugins and click on add new and just search for premium add-ons okay so you will get this option premium add-ons for elementor by leap 13 okay this is the one more than 200 000 active installations amazing plug-in simply install and activate this one then after that again come back to this page and refresh it all right i guess now again let me just scroll down so similarly if you see at the left hand side now you'll see some add-ons by premium uh add-ons as well for example you know premium add-ons premium banner premium blog you also get this option a new uh icon over here add premium template when you click on that you'll see there are pre-made templates for you because of this plugin okay as you can see many are premium some are free okay you can see for example if you want to use this block you can simply select this option if you want to use this block for example select this option click on insert and this block will be added and inserted for you okay as you can see and you can see the design over here for this text elementor widget it looks amazing so there are many different pre-made blocks and designs available over here with this plugin as well and you can you know choose the category from the left hand side for example if you want tabs click on tabs you will see this option if you want to maybe tab tables select tables one free most most of them are premium over here but still i think there are many free for example if you select the hero scenes or hero section there are many free many premium facts and figures so progress bars and something like that so i think this looks amazing let's insert this one okay as you can see very unique and really amazing looking uh progress bar so with this plugin you get these options and at the left hand side you also get some widgets some regular add-ons for example premium banner is the best one so if i if we want to select this option select this if you select any button i have used this banner in many different tutorials if let me do one thing let me add column now this is how your banner will look like if you want to add some image in the background then after that it will look much better click on insert now as you can see this is style one we have different effects over here if you want you can select effect two effect three okay i hope you can see the changes over here the title and the subtitle changes okay we also have hover effect for example zoom in when you hover this then we also have some options over here let me see blur bride cpr we had more options uh for example yeah this is the one effect five effect six okay so i think this is very useful in terms of practicality also this is very useful now click on update now i am going a little bit quick because i wanted to make this video very short but it is already getting quite long so similarly with this plugin also as you can see at the left hand side many different add-ons and elements are available now let's move on to number six which is essential add-ons so again come back to plugins click on add new now search for essential add-ons just type in essential i think you should see that plugin yeah here it is essential add-ons for elementor buyer wp developer activate this thing install and activate this one now come back to this page and let's refresh it all right so similarly when you scroll down at the bottom at the left hand side you'll see a new section over here essential add-ons so you have many different add-ons so you're very useful one here also we have a post grade post timeline we also have this on this option over here post product product grid so if you want to display your products you can use this option okay and you can also change the design for example this is simple style you can select this reveal style so when you hover this you will get this add to cart button you can also select this overlay style now when you move your cursor on any page you will see this these two different options add to cart and open this product so here also we have some really useful widgets for example this is also very useful a content ticker so breaking news type of thing if you want to use that thing which you might have seen in many different news websites so this is also very useful one then we have some more like countdown data table dual colorful heading if you want to use this heading as you can see a different and unique style of heading so this is also a really useful and practical one now the last plugin on this list is envato elements so come back to your plugins click on add new search for nvr2 elements so just search for nmr2 you'll get that plugin okay this is the one and not two elements photos and elementor templates by envato click on install and activate now again if you come back to this page first of all let's update this thing refresh this page now again let's go at the bottom now as you can see at the bottom because we have installed and activated this plug-in we get a new button over here this green one when you hover that you can see it says and mark two elements when you click on that you get many different there are many different pre-made uh layouts also and there are many different pre-made blocks as well for example these are the uh pre-made layouts now the best thing about this layout is that you have a pack and you have similar pages let me let me show you for example if you select maybe uh these these are the free ones first come to the free section so if you select this internet company if you open this thing you have you can see it's a complete pack it's not just one single page and after that you have to create you know other pages by yourself they are giving you complete packs so home page is present over here and similarly you also have about page contact page landing page services page many different pages so unlike other templates or unlike other plugins these guys are giving you the complete package not just one single page for example if you select some other one for example if you select videography you can select home page about page you know single video page licenses page so many different pages are available over here normally what happens is if you select this tech you can see all the different pages are created normally if you see the regular elementor templates if you click on this add template you'll see that they are giving only one page for example if you see this home page they will give you the home page but you have to create your own about page now there are layouts of available for about page as well but they are not similar to this one but here in nmr2 element you can see we have a pack and all the pages look very similar so this is the best thing about this plugin now we also have blocks if you click on blocks you will see there are so many different pre-made blocks for example if you select a call to action you will see there are so many call to action blocks available for you whatever you like it simply you can uh select that or you can import that for example if you select if you like this one select this option and click on add block to page okay now as you can see this is successfully added over here so click on update all right guys so this is it for this video these were the seven best plugins according to me obviously so according to me these seven plugins were the best and free elementor plugins and add-ons now if there is any plug-in that i've missed if you know some element of free elementor plug-in that is better than these make sure to let me know in the comment section below now if you want to watch more useful videos like these make sure to click on the subscribe button and click on the bell icon if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video and share it with your friends on facebook twitter and whatsapp i would really appreciate if you do that and if you have any doubt any comments any suggestions for me you can leave them in the comments section below thanks a lot for watching this video guys see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 213,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elementor page builder, elementor wordpress, elementor tutorial, wordpress, best elementor plugins, free elementor templates, free elementor plugin, free elementor addons, best free elementor addons, best free elementor plugin, best free elementor templates, happy addons, envato elements, essential addons for elementor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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