6 Of The BEST FREE Elementor Addons & Plugins

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so if you're looking to get more out of elementor free but feel inundated with all of the options available let me show you six freebies that i think add a little something cool to the table now each of these three elemental plug-ins has some unique features or provides a little design flare that's worth considering for your next project so without wasting any more of your time let's take a look at the first of my selection of awesome free plugins for elementor so let's get the ball rolling with wonder wp now don't be put off by the look of the website it isn't what you'd call overly stylish which is kind of ironic really because it's all to do with styles for elementor now the reason i think this is a really useful little plug-in is because it allows you to not only use pre-defined sort of design ideas for different widgets but it allows you to easily create and save your own and then you can share those between different sites now you do need to have an account to do that sort of sharing because it's going to store your details in the cloud whether you you are happy with this is entirely up to you obviously but for the features it gives you i think it's definitely worth a pendant so how does it work well let's go ahead and install it first of all so we can take a look so we're going to do a search for wonder wp and once we find that we'll just go ahead and install it once that's installed we'll activate it and then we are pretty much good to go so you can see at the top it says in order to save your elemental styles and templates into wonder wp you need to connect your site to the cloud so if you want to do that like i say do it all you need to do is click on connect and it'll then go through and ask you to put your details if you've already done it it'll save those as cookies and as you can see it's going to allow me to just simply go and connect this so i'll connect that up it'll take me back in and now we are connected and i can have access to any of the template files that i create or any of the styles that i create for any of my widgets so let's take a look at how easy it is to work with let's just go and create a new page and from there we'll open up elementor and we'll start working so we're just going to call this wonder test and we'll just publish that and say yes we'll publish it then we'll edit this with elementor once we open up the elementor editor we can go through and set things up exactly as you normally would you can see this extra button and we'll come back to that in a moment once we've taken a look at how things work now i'm only using the free version of elementor and throughout all this it'll only be the free version we're taking a look at so all the plugins everything i talk about works perfectly and expands what you get with elementor free okay so let's just take in something really simple let's just say we're going to grab a button and we'll drag and drop that button onto our page and there we go there's our button we now have another section called presets we open that up there's two sides to this we've got the pre-made which are the ones that are part of wonder wp itself and in all honesty they're not overly inspirational but you can click and immediately apply that styling directly to it all really nice and quick and easy however the fun comes in when you take a look at custom now if we jump over there currently there are no presets created because i haven't created anything so let's just change the way this looks and then we'll just save this and take a look so we're just going to come into our button widget and we'll do the normal things we'll come in and we'll just jump into our styling for example we'll set the color of this horrible green then look at the hover state and we'll well we'll set this to blue we'll change the typography to something else now obviously you could use this in conjunction when elementor 3.0 releases and you have the global styling options that in conjunction with this i think could be quite a useful little combination but like say for now it's still quite cool we can do all of this kind of thing so we'll say we're happy with the way that looks now all we need to do is come in making sure our button is selected under the content section come to our presets jump over to custom and if providing you logged in to your wonder wp account we can now save this out so we're just going to call this green button okay so we'll hit new preset and that now saves that preset so if we just create another button and we just drag and drop that button onto our page you can see that picks up the default styling we'd have as part of elementor come to our presets come into custom and we'll just simply say apply preset and boom it's done for us so really really easy to work with but like i say this is now available to us anyway on any other site that we use the wonder wp plugin and we have that connected to our wonder to repeat cloud account so we'll update this page and we're going to just open up another test site on a different server completely and i'm already logged in got the plugin installed and i'll show you how easy it is to do that okay so i've logged into my separate site as you can see a completely different set of plugins we've got one to wp installed so let's just go and open up and create another new page on our test site and as you can see i'm not using gutenberg on this one so it's a completely different site we'll publish that and we'll just edit with elementor now this is currently running the beta version of elementor 3.0 and has elementor 3.0 pro beta installed so you can see that it should work fine across all these different kinds of things so let's just go and add that button in like we've done before we'll update that library a second and once that's done we're going to come down to our presets we'll open that up and you'll see again all the same options in there obviously looking a bit funky because we are running a beta version go to custom and you can see there's our green button i can simply hit apply preset and boom it's done as simple as that and hopefully you can see as quick as that as well so it's quite a cool way of working when you want to create styles that you may want to use as the basis for multiple different sites it really doesn't get much easier than that to be honest so what else do we have with this we have one extra feature so let me just go back to our original test site and we're back inside there uh we have some extra options we've got this new icon so let's click on that to add a wonder wp template and click and that will take us into the browser and we can take a look at a lot of pre-made templates so what kind of things do we have inside these wonder wp templates well ultimately a lot better design than you have on their own actual site for one to wp which is kind of ironic really however we have a couple of different sections we've got all which will show us everything elementor which is going to show us just the templates that are available for the free version of elementor and then you've got the elementor pro option which obviously ties into various different widgets and things that are only available in elementor pro as we've already got elementor installed we can take a look at these we can sub categorize those based upon the different kind of sections so for example features and services and so on so we've got a range of different types of designs so let's take a quick look at some of these templates let's come back up and say we'll look at elementor and we'll just get rid of this filter so we can see all the different templates and like i said i think they do look pretty good there's not bad looking starting points for various different kinds of sites and the fact like i say it's included as part of what's already quite a useful little plug-in i think it's a bit of an added bonus so let's just take a look at for example this car we'll just insert that and take a look at that so we let that download all the relevant assets and there we go there's our header section inside there all fully editable inside elementor itself so quite cool and that's the first plugin i wanted to take a look at and draw your attention to more to do with the ability to easily create these sort of shareable styles that we can just save to a project save to the cloud and then use them wherever we want either inside that project or another project if we're working with a cloud so i would certainly recommend taking a look at one the wp if you're interested in this kind of thing so next up on the list is stratum and this is 20 plus free widgets for elementor so again like i say this is predominantly all about if you don't have a need don't have the money whatever the reason to not be using elementor pro there are a lot of really good free options out there that open up a range of extra possibilities so what do we have we've got things like banner ad circle progress bars image hotspots and so on but what's quite cool is you've got things like advanced posts for example so i quite like the look of these if we scroll down you can see it gives us a nice way of outputting and showing our posts which obviously if you don't have elementor pro you don't really have any control over using this kind of widget because it is a pro only widget what else well we've got things like pricing menus pricing lists flip box flip boxes tabs accordions all those kinds of cool things so i've already gone ahead and installed it into our test site and we're going to do the same as we did before we're just going to add a new page and take a quick look at just a couple of these widgets so let's just create a page called stratum and we'll publish that and open up elementor so let's just find those stratum widgets and we'll just scroll on through until we get to those there we go so let's take a quick look at just a couple of these different widgets let's kick it off by taking a look at let's look at the masonry gallery gallery was a good indicator of what a particular plugin looks like and let's just add some images in there so let's just take these ones for example we'll create a new gallery and insert that into a design okay so this is what kind of what we start off with we've got a nice looking masonry gallery nice hover effects on there so that looks pretty cool what options do we have though okay so image size we can take a look what versions you want to use so obviously depending upon the size of the gallery you can control the quality of the images to make sure your size at least decent speed loading animate on scroll so that will start loading them in and animating them as you scroll down the page which is quite a nice effect especially if you've got a bigger gallery you can control that animation effect so we've got things like flip for example so again quite nice for the fact that this is a totally free plug-in i think that's pretty cool effect we can adjust obviously the columns so we can set how many we want to display inside you set that to one for example come on there we go two is the lowest okay you get that so you can control the spacing in between your images if you want a larger space in between you can do that and animation speeds zoom on hover all quite cool i quite like that you can colorize you can have a black and white gallery that has multiple different effects on there and the same kind of thing we can adjust the opacity the overlay color and so on on both hover and on the normal state so it's a pretty good start i think definitely worth considering let's close that out today and let's take another look at what else we have let's try something like let's take a look at the advanced posts widget let's drop that inside there okay looks a bit rubbish straight out of the box it has to be said but what do we have we've got a carousel option so you could easily set up a carousel of posts that's quite cool to see we've also got a grid which is kind of more what i was looking for now we've got a little note here saying that if we enable the masonry grid we do lose some of the options so i'm not too bothered about that but you can obviously adjust this to get what you want and we can set this to say for example three columns and we've also got query in so we can control how this works now there are some pro only options but to be honest there's most of it's available to you for free and it should do a good sort of portion of what most users that don't need pro would actually do okay so that's quite cool we can set these kinds of things up you could use this to exclude the current post so if you were creating some kind of design and you wanted to have the post at the top and you wanted to have these as being sort of like other um posts to take a look at you could do that so that's quite cool to see we've also got some filtering options we can choose whether we want to use posts or pages and i would assume i haven't tried this but if you have something like advanced custom fields or custom post type ui and creating custom post types this would probably give you the option to pull those in as well if you'd like me to check that out if you're interested in this and if it would work alongside advanced custom fields let me know in the comment section below and i'll take a look at testing that out for you okay so that's quite cool the styling for example we can come in and we can edit this so we can adjust the columns of rows we can put box shadows border types so we could say we wanted to have a solid border we set that to be zero we'll put a radius inside there we'll set a box shadow and we'll adjust the settings on there and the opacity to make this considerably more subtle there we go so you can see this does give you some nice options throughout the box you've got options then for the image the title so you can control all these different aspects the alignment whether you want that to go over the actual image itself which is quite a nice touch we can adjust the typography on there so we could set this to something a little bit more stylish than it's currently being used and obviously a little smaller so all pretty cool i like the look of that we can adjust the hover and so on so we can control things on there so we can say we want to put a color on here for example oh so yeah like that's the text to my mistake anyway so i think you kind of get the idea of of how this works and whether you think it would be something that is useful for you but for me i think there are some nice options inside you to start off with and again because it's a free plugin it opens up what you can do with the elementor free version it's definitely worth checking out for some of your projects that don't require the pro version so next on the list we have happy add-ons and again this is the free version and it ships with a ton of free widgets so let's just jump over into the dashboard of our test site i've already gone ahead and installed this plug-in and if we jump over from the home tab to the widgets tab we can see all the different widgets that are available the nice thing is we can just filter this out to see only the free options the ones that we currently have access to so let's just tap on that and as you can see there is quite a lot of free widgets that we have as part of this now the thing that i like about happy add-ons is the fact that we can't easily enable and disable any or all of the different widgets that are available to us so you may only want to have one or two and you want to keep the file size down the speed impact that any kind of plug-in will have on any kind of site well you can just disable things and my understanding is with happy add-ons they are very very good at optimizing things and making sure that when you have these on if you're not using various different widgets it does reduce the impact upon your site so you can only enable the ones that you want and then speed up and streamline the whole process okay so that's kind of what you have as part of this and as you can see we've got quite a lot including things like the ability to easily come in and style things like ninja forms and things like that gravity forms so if you're using one of these form plugins and you don't really like the way it looks you could tap into this free version and take a look at using that to customize it which is pretty cool okay so let's take a look at some of these in action let's create another new page like we've done before and what we're going to do is we're just going to call this happy and we'll just publish it then we'll open up elementor and take a look at those add-ons so let's just take a look at what happy add-ons gives us okay so there's all the different icons for all the different widgets that we have available so let's just test a couple of these out let's take a look at let's start off with the info box drag and drop that in and take a look we'll just split this down so we've got a couple of extra copies in this we'll just duplicate and we'll duplicate one more time small in keeping with what you do and now you can simply go ahead and make any kind of changes that you want so you can see we can use both icons or images and we just choose any image we've got uploaded so let's just choose this as an option and you can see it's really simple to start working with we've got control over pretty much all the aspects of it the title description information we can adjust the button text the link it goes to we can apply icons to that we've got a wrapper link which i believe is a feature that gives you the ability to create wrappers around any of your elements as part of happy add-ons and you can then set that to be clickable to go to another section so you can make the entire wrapper a link which is pretty cool like i say if you want this kind of option you don't have it as part of elementor or elementor pro at the moment this does give you that feature under styling we've got all the things you'd expect to see so we can adjust the width of the image for example you know we can set that to a percentage value whatever we want we'll just change that back we could adjust the height the offset the bottom spacing shadows all those kinds of good things we can adjust the description so we can control the text the styling all those kinds of things now even though we're using the free version of elementor if you were using this with pro because you wanted to tap into these things you could then link a lot of this through to dynamic data as well so you can see dynamic information is available for various different things so the button we can control all the aspects inside there so a pretty cool starting point let's just get rid of that a second let's come back down to our happy options and what else do we have we've got an image compare which is a nice thing so if you've got a site that's showing a before and after of something this is a nice and simple way of working so we'll just choose an image for our before and we'll choose an image four hour after obviously these are going to be completely different so let's just quickly test this out now let's just preview it and you can see there's our before and after works seamlessly nice and easy to work with and like i say if you're working with dynamic information you can tap into that dynamic tags as well and you know dynamic data is available to you if you were using pro but it's nice to see how easy it is and some of the the features that are available some of these widgets are not exactly you know poor widgets they are very very useful widgets that you could use in many different projects under settings then you can control whether it's horizontal or vertical whether you want to hide the overlay effect you know you've got a lot of different options you can adjust the you can see we can do it on a harvest you just literally don't have to click anything and you just change it to any of those options that you want so really easy to work with styling again you've got full control over the various different aspects of this particular widget and another really good option so let's just get rid of that and let's just try one more from this happy add-ons what are we going to try what are we going to take a look at that's the question uh let's take a look at a card for example we'll drag and drop that onto our design okay we'll split this again into a couple of copies okay so what do we have this is very similar i suppose to the first option we took a look at but this is now specific to a sort of card option so you've got some slight different options inside you let's just choose an image to work with we can create a badge on there if we want to so we could put in any kind of info we wanted inside this badge we could then style it we can control the button we can control the title and description the styling all those options are inside there including styling the badge we may say we want a particular background color let's just say we wanted that to be this pale blue well there you go we can set that to pill blue and we'll set our text to white and all very very easy to deal with but it does give you some really nice starting points and i think if you were creating simpler sites or you had you know you didn't have any budget to really fork out on something like elementor pro this is a perfectly viable plug-in that i think is definitely worth taking a look at now once you've got the point of having several different add-ons installed into elementor alongside even the free version having all the list of all the different widgets that elevator pro has things can get a little bit unwieldy this is where flexible elemental panel comes in i've already gone ahead and installed it and i'm gonna come in and we're gonna take a look and this is basically what it does it gives us more control over this left hand panel we'll fight as we expand we'll get more rows which makes life a little easier so if you're working on a larger screen or a wide screen you can very easily have quite a lot of different widgets all displayed in one section we can also come in and we can close this up completely which makes it pretty cool so you can see we can hide that out of the way it's still there in the top corner we can't if we want to also move this over so if you want to go over to the right hand side if that's the way you prefer to work you can do just that so you've got a lot of simple options inside there just to streamline the way things work we're not stuck there we have more options available if we come into the little hamburger menu we have a section called fep settings click and we can now control how this all works so you can disable the drag or panel if you don't like that you can use the flex grid for widgets so you may not like to have that ability to flexibly sort of move around the number of different widgets that are displayed in any given section well you can maximize you can control this you can do whatever you want with it you can change the editor skin you've got a ton of options you can also do things like control the exit button at the bottom so you can choose what that does so by default this will take the exit view will take you to view but we could change it to edition last page or post admin dashboard or the elementor library so this is a quick way of using that to jump you out of this section into something completely different and again entirely up to you if you want to use it you could disable it you can do whatever you want with it responsive options we can control how this works the accordion widgets so you can see first tab closed only an editor tools the information so this gives us some info about how things work so you can customize this to your own preference but like i say it just gives you the ability to edit this so much quicker it's just so much easier to work with it's just nice and simple but the one thing i really love about it when you come to this little sort of flyout arrows you can open and close things up if i right click instead of left clicking boom they all shut at the same time so when you have a ton of different plugins installed this just makes life so much easier you know you want to go to site i can open up just site now and i close that one down i can come back to pro i can expand this out if i want to to get more per section so i can click to open up this basic section and if i want to open them all back up i can right click and everything is back open again super cool super easy to work with and just makes the whole interface of elementor just a much nicer place to work to be honest so next another list of great free plugins for elementor is elementor header footer and blocks template now i covered this in its own dedicated video not too long ago so i'm not going to go into it in too much detail if you'd like to check that out on how to use it fully i'd recommend checking that i'll put a link in the corner and i'll put a link in the description so you can take a look at it but i wanted to include it in here because i think it is something that really opens up a lot of functionality that you don't have out of the box with the free version of elementor so what exactly does it allow us to do well let's come back over to our dashboard head into the appearance section and from there we have a new entry called header footer and blocks so we're going to click and open that and now we can create either a header a footer or a blocks template and we can assign that then to various different parts of our site so if you wanted to create a more customized site with your own custom headers and footers and apply those to specific locations or globally on your site well you can do that with this plugin and it works in a very similar fashion to what the elementor pro headers and footers do so let's add a new header just to test this out we'll say add new and from there we can now give this a name so we're going to call this default header and once we do that we can then choose the type of template that we want to create so we click and open that up and we have four different options headers before the footer footer and custom block now we're going to choose header for this example and like i said if you'd like to see this in action where i go through all these different aspects check out that video but for now let's just choose header we then open up the display on and user roles options and these are very similar to the conditions you have as part of elementor pro but it also has some extra options inside you specifically user roles you can't do this inside the standard elementor pro at this point in time maybe it's something that i'd later on down the line i don't know but you can choose the user role and also whether someone's logged in logged out or everybody gets to see this particular header so you can easily set that multiple different headers to be used on the same pages or globally but have different content inside them based upon the template and then apply that based upon the user role so an administrator would see different things to an editor to an author and so on okay so with that being said we're going to leave that set as it is for a moment we're going to say the display on and you can see inside there we can now choose where do we want the template we're going to create to be used you can really get quite granular in this but what we're going to do is keep it super simple and say entire website you can add extra rules you can add exclusion rules if you want to and again this just opens up the possibilities to really fine tune exactly where this template for your header your footer whatever is going to be used then under the user role we're just going to say this is for everybody so whether you're logged in logged out no matter what user level or not even logged in at all we'll say all and again you can add additional user rules if you want to you can also say enable layout for elementor canvas template in other words if someone's using the elementor canvas template which isn't predominantly used for a completely blank page for things like landing pages source so no header and footer templates are used you can override that and say that this particular header or footer or whatever it is you created will be used as part of that canvas template so that's quite a cool feature to see we're going to leave that disabled and we're going to hit publish so we've set up the rules for this now we can just come into edit with elementor and we can start creating things now we're not only limited to be able to create these headers and footers and so on we have extra widgets that we can use now to build this out to create something more unique again things you'd normally expect to see in elementor pro so we've got a new entry called header and footer blocks and you can see using our flexible panels for elementor just makes logging into this section so much better and it remembers the status of what these panels were like between different sessions so again a really great time saver let's open up our header and footer blocks inside there we've got a range of different widgets we can set up retina images copyright navigation menus page titles and so on site logos those kinds of things so now you can easily come in and start creating your own custom setup so we could say we want to create something really simple now i haven't assigned anything like logos and so on so i could set this up as a basic template and then flash that out later on by just adding in a menu inside wordpress as normal and adding a logo as part of my template for example so let's just take a look now let's just add those different elements in so we're going to say we're going to put the site logo into the first section as you see it just drops in the placeholder but we can do things like set up the alignment of it what size image you want to use we could say full size for example if we uploaded a logo we could say it's a custom image if you want to choose something specific to this particular header it could be different say for example to the rest of your site all those options are available come into style you can control all the different aspects inside there if we then come back out of this and go back in and choose the navigation menu and drop that over to the right hand side you can see the currently says there's no menu set up inside you but but you can easily set that up as part of wordpress itself so let's just set this to be something like centered we'll do in the middle for this so everything is centered and we'll just set the background for example to a different color so i'm not too bothered what it's going to look like i just want to show you how easy it is to do this let's just set it up to this blue color okay let's go come back into the menu widget and you can see we can control the layout of this so we've got control over both the layout of the normal menu and also the mobile responsive menu and the styling you can adjust all the things you'd expect so let's just set the text color for example to be white even though we're not seeing any text at the moment you can also control the drop down if you're using multi-level navigation you can set how that's going to look and you can also then control the menu trigger for how this all works so let's just update that and we say now we've created this even though we've put no information inside there so now if we come back out and exit to our dashboard let's just open up our site a second and we'll see inside there there's our header okay so let's just come back in to for example our appearance and into customize and from there we'll assign a logo to our site so we're going to come into our site identity and we're going to select a logo i'll go ahead quickly upload a couple of sample logos so we can see what we're doing and we're going to do is we're going to choose the white one to compensate or to complement i should say the blue we'll just say skip cropping and give a second or so and there's our logo so we'll finish with that and then all we're going to do now is come back out of this quickly hop over to our appearance and into menus and from there we can just assign a couple of pages so we'll say select all those uh we'll add those to the menu there we go we've got a pile of menu items on there now and we'll just take one or two of these off otherwise it'll probably just end up being a little too big so we'll create our menu and once we've done that we'll set this to be our primary menu and save and because we set this up as a template we can just edit these at any point in time so if we come back in we'll refresh this and you see everything is now in place and we can easily jump back into that template and style everything the way we want but it's super easy to work with and again it's just another one there's great little plugins that just gives you a ton of options if you don't have elementor pro installed but you still want to be able to create custom headers and footers so really cool and check out like i say the full length tutorial on this where i go into a lot more detail and explain how all the different aspects work including dealing with responsive mobile layouts and so on it's pretty cool okay so if you're lacking inspiration and you want to start off with some really solid designs you may be thinking i need to buy a template well before you rush out and do that let's take a look at starter templates now even though we're using elementor in this example you could be using beaver builder gutenberg or brizzy and there are templates available for this plugin all there for free so we're going to do is we'll install that and we'll take a look at how this all works and some of the options this gives us as a great starting point for building eye catching looking websites with wordpress so with that installed all we need to do is come back into our dashboard go into appearance and we're going to come to start the templates and inside there that's going to give us the ability to choose what page builder we're going to be using so we're using elementor in this example so we'll choose that but you could use any of the other options available and you'd get a range of different templates based upon the page build that you're using okay so what do we have here we have a range of free options and we have a range of not free options now anything that says agency is something that you have to have a paid for account so let's just filter these out now when we say we only want the free options and there we go there's our free options and as you can see there are some great looking starting points for sites there's also quite a large selection of options available so we can easily just pick and choose what we like so let's just say for example we like the look of let's just scroll up then look at this organic stores we can click on that and open it up and inside there we have more options available we're not restricted to having the entire site we could just load in any of the individual pages that are part of it so the home for example the about the contact so we might like the look of one of these pages and want to use that as the basis of working with our design this now gives us the ability to easily just pull that in pull any assets that are associated with it in and use that as the basis for testing things out and then configuring and designing our site if you want to see it in all its glory you can click on preview the name of the site will click to open that up and this will then show you the entire site so you can get a good idea of this is the perfect option for how you want to start off so you could change every aspect of this you could simply use this as a starting point to get your designs up to speed and then move on with whatever you want to do now it's worth noting that this is actually from the developers of the astra theme and while these were originally built on the astra theme itself they're no longer tied into it so you can use these with pretty much any theme it's pretty much agnostic to the theme but if you wanted to use astra you could certainly do that and it's very easy once you kind of find the site you like you can click on either import the complete site or import the page that you're currently looking at if we say import the complete site that's going to come up and give us a list of options of the things we can do so we can delete any previously imported site so we've tested things out to see if we like the look of a previous design didn't want to use it want to start fresh well we can select that to delete everything that's from that original or previous copied install we can choose to install and activate the astra theme and any customizer settings that are associated with it any widgets install the required plugins you can see is checked by default because obviously to make this work if it's woocommerce for example you need to have that installed and obviously then you've got the import content which you can choose to do or you can just choose not to do it so you load all the relevant assets in minus the content so quite cool you can choose whichever option you want and it's normally pretty quick to work with so that's the sixth and final plugin that i wanted to go through in this series of free tools that i think expand what you can do with the free version of elementor and give you a ton of options to get so much more creative and open up some really nice extra features without spending a single penny if you've enjoyed this content and you'd like to see more like it maybe a specific one on themes that i would recommend let me know in the comment section below i'll take a look at creating more content like that for you so that's what i wanted to cover in this video hopefully you've seen these six freebies really do add a little bit of something and have something a little different to many of the other free options out there if you enjoyed the video and you want to find out more about any of these plugins or anything i've covered in the video all of the links are in the description below as always my name is paul c and this has been wp tests and until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 86,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WPTuts, free elementor addons, free elementor addons 2020, 5 free elementor addons, best free elementor addons 2020, elementor addons, elementor addons and widgets, best elementor addons, addons elementor, elementor addon elements, elementor plugins
Id: pxJPFevNuHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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