9 Unique Elementor Add-ons To Supercharge Your WordPress Website

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[Music] over the next few minutes I'm gonna share with you some of the most unique Elementor add-on packages available today and I've got some great news for you some of these that cost money I have reached out to all the developers and said this is WP crafter we've got the greatest users of WordPress and Elementor around I want you to give everybody a discount on your plugins so in the video description box there's gonna be a link that will take you to my website where you could find out what the discounts are for all of these plugins they're gonna range from 10 to 20% off these are unique discounts just for being a subscriber just for watching this video right now if you like discounts like that consider giving this video a thumbs up okay we're gonna just jump right on into it right now the first one is dashboard welcome for element tour this is a free plug-in I've arranged a hundred percent off that's because it's free and this is essentially what it does it allows you to use element or to create a customized dashboard that will be there when you log in or if you're creating websites for clients when they log in they'll be able to see this gorgeous beautiful dashboard that you have created it is so easy to use once you download and install the plug-in you would go inside of Elementor and create a new template I have just this one save template right here now once you've created that template design you go to settings there's a new option here that says dashboard welcome Elementor and you would choose based upon the user role which dashboard that you've created that you want them to show to see so you can see for administrators when administrators are logged in they're gonna see this one right here you can have a different welcome screen for editors authors contributors and subscribers if you have a website with content writers you can have it be when they log in they see instructions on how to write content for your blog for your customers how to reach you how to buy more services from you this is a really cool plugin and believe it or not it really is free so this is definitely one I recommend that you check out it is dashboard welcome a four-element or 100 percent off and if you use it and like it make sure to give them a review the next plugin is going to be style kits for Elementor and as well this is free a hundred percent off this is a plugin that you add that's going to add element or templates but that's not why I'm talking about this it's it has a new feature that isn't in element or yet they might be working on it but I bet it will only come to element or pro and that is a global styling let me show you so here I am I have already installed and activated the plug-in it adds a new menu item that's the style kits and you can see some of these templates that it includes now we have seen this with other plugins before this is interesting right but what really is the kicker here is this feature of style kits so let me just show you we've got our library here here's a settings option right here but here's where the magic happens let me go ahead and click on one of these templates how about this one I'll click on import and it allows me to create a new page on import something I really like so I've named this landing page I'll click on import it's usually really quick now I can click on edit template this is going to be perfect so it's going to give me some information about this this style kit features now here let me show you what I'm talking about so you can go down here to the click will and element or click on that and then go to the style tab and this allows you to create packs of styles so you can globally style your fonts your buttons your font sizes your font colors your font styles your buttons your headlines all of these things or global colors your spacing you can globally set those and then you can save it and have be the default style for all of your element or pages on your site tell me that's not crazy now I will say in element or probably 2.7 element or pro I doubt it's going to come to the free version it's probably going to come to the pro version as official global styling but for now you can do it with style kit and what's nice is even when element or pro has global styling if you're a free user of element or you can use something like style kits to globally style it so what you typically have to do with element or is you have to individually style elements you have to individually create your button and the colors it's not just automatically applied to the style but you're going to be able to now style kits let's take a look at some of these Styles that were able to use so we've got body style we've got body typography headline typography and this gives you all of the different headline styles this is not something that you get with Elementor let me show you what you get with Elementor because it's right here if I click the hamburger icon and click on default fonts they only let you in style 2 headlines they don't let you have every single headline and the depth of properties and pretty much all it lets you do is choose the font family and the weight but not with style kits with style kits it goes way deeper than that you can see here we have text sizes we have our global colors that we can set right here button Styles right here padding column gaps and what's this tool thing I don't know that's just resetting and stuff like that so while the templates are nice what's really nice is the global settings now this is something coming from the plug-in so if you're using other things it might not support it I'll give you a perfect example I was making this dashboard here so when you select the save sections it doesn't respect the style kit styling so you might run into some of those things but it's kind of a new concept that they have pioneered here and it like I said it's pregnant it comes to Elementor Pro eventually but this is free and you'll be able to use this in the free version ok the next one is another add-on package and there's a ton of these just add-on packages this one had some really neat ones and it's a newer one and I kind of like some of the things that they're doing it's called happy add-ons and I gotta say I kind of like that name so this is gonna also be free and they don't have a pro version but they always start free and then they come out with a pro version eventually but they have some interesting modules that you can add to your element to our website let me just show you two of them right here one of them I thought was neat is called step flow and it allows you to create these like three-step flows like this with a little arrow in between them you can change the icons of course to whatever you want this one you could put a little a number on the top right of it and here's another style I thought that was pretty interesting I really like this step 1 step 2 step 3 because we tend to think that way I like that and here's another one it was just a review element but what I liked about it is the review stars are there the styling is nice I like this where the image kind of sticks up outside of the box there's a few more styles I just kind of like what they're doing here they're kind of giving us something new and all these designs that they're coming out with so this is happy add-ons I don't have experience using this out in the wild sometimes you have to be careful using element or add-on packs if it's not someone that's going to stick with it it could get out of sync with Elementor and cause you problems so I always like to give that disclaimer let's carry on the next one is very special to me it's cart flows and this is actually a plugin that I'm a co-founder of and a lot of my ideas went into this this is gonna allow you to use element or to create full-featured sells funnels there's a free version now this was released last November which was about 8 months ago and in that time there's already 20,000 websites using this I'll tell you something interesting it took seven months to get 10,000 users and then it took 40 days to get the next 10,000 so this thing is growing like crazy it's making a huge difference in people's businesses there's a free version and there's also a pro version right here and this is allow you to have order bumps one-click upsells there's a lot of things that this allows you to do so here it is I've got it installed on this website now for the checkout it uses WooCommerce and WooCommerce is great because everything pretty much integrates with it if you want to do drop shipping with this just get it drop shipping out on if you want to use some random payment gateway use that random payment gateway if it's already made for WooCommerce there's so many things that you're able to do because this is based on Google commerce so well we use the word flows it's the same thing as a funnel and you can create marketing funnels with this as well where you have a landing page where you're offering some form of a lead magnet someone puts their information in and you email that to them you send them to a thank-you page so it's not just for sales funnels all you have to do is click on add new and you can look at these already done sales funnel templates and these are all built using Elementor so here's one for an e-book I can just click on import and we just sit back and let it do its thing and just like that it's created a entire sales funnel complete with a landing page a checkout page one-click upsells one-click down cells and a Thank You page all that's left is to give this a name save it and let's view the sales funnel so I will first go right here and view it and this is the landing page now this is all done using Elementor from top to bottom so someone goes here and then clicks on get the book and it's going to take us to a beautiful fully customized checkout page which you can see right here and then I can click this check box right here it's going to add this additional item to the checkout that's where you make an enticing offer where someone will is just kind of a no-brainer and then I'll click on place order it's going to go ahead and place this order but instead of the transaction being over and done with and said it's going to take me to a one-click upsell so now the buyer sees this special offer that you're giving them by the way you've already charged them for the first purchase this is just additional all they have to do is click on add to order or they can click on no thank you and what's it going to do it's going to take them to a down sale and this is where you make a nun are offered to them where it might not be as much money as the upsell and right here they can add it to the order or click on no thanks and then it's going to take them to a fully customizable thank-you page which we see right here with an order summary now you're able to edit everything using element work a lot of people are using cart flows right now to make so much more money selling their products and services through sales funnels okay the next one right here is Krakow block now Krakow block it's kind of hard to say that with a straight face is a suite of Elementor plugins and I gotta say they have a lot of unique options for element or that you're not going to be able to find anywhere so if I go to the drop down here where it says products it's gonna reveal their entire suite of add-on plugins for Elementor now they treat it more modular instead of having just one plugin these features are distinct and different and they're in separate plugins and you when you purchase it you get the entire suite of them let's take a look at two really interesting ones a lot of them are very interesting but I'm gonna only point out two of the really interesting ones right now this one right here is called jet smart filters it allows you to create filters for any type of content you have on your website but you can also use it for WooCommerce to create gorgeous filters that are on the site there but you can use this for blog posts or any type of content you have this is very unique another one is jet search so this is an element or widget you can see right here where you can have a search bar and it's fully customizable it has Ajax results dynamically so that means when someone's typing it in it's calculating and finding those results and it's going to show them dynamically in a drop-down without taking them to a search results page this is really interesting there's actually one more I wanted to show that it's very interesting and I didn't pull it up and it is right here it's called jet engine and what jet engine is it allows you to create it's kind like advance custom fields so it allows you to create custom post types and custom fields and then display them in element or their dynamic content this is one of their more developer type of add-ons and a lot of people are using it with great success and results let's take a look at their pricing really quick so they have the licensing like this for a single site so this is 39 per year but they have these three different packages and some include some add-ons and some don't include others so you can see the different breakdown in their pricing chart right here so for the multi-tool right here it doesn't have the econ stuff but it has that that add-on I just showed you for creating custom post types and custom fields if you go with ecommerce it doesn't have that one it has the ecommerce stuff but it doesn't have that add-on for creating the custom content or dynamic content but they do have in a lifetime offer here it's only $299 but keep in mind I have a discount on it for you so don't worry about it there's a discount for you it's $2.99 and it's unlimited sites for life it includes everything if you wanted to see the unlimited site license just toggle this switch and 4:59 you can install it on more than one site $99.99 but this stays $2.99 this is a good value I will say that some of the croco block stuff can be a little finicky so you're gonna want to become part of their community and ask questions there's a lot of experienced people there that I highly respect that are doing some really neat things with the croco block suite of plugins okay now we're going to get into some really interesting ones this right here unlimited elements now what this allows you to do it has elements for you right but it allows you to create your own have you ever been to code pen and you're looking at code pen and you're like wow that is really this is a really cool thing it's called connect the dots how can I make that the background of an element or section and then you click on it it takes you here and you can play the little game here you're like this is really really cool and then it says HTML CSS and JavaScript you're like I don't know what the heck to do with that kind of stuff I watch I just want to use this in Elementor well guess what you can do that using this add-on pack right here unlimited elements so there's you can come to the website and read about it it's called widget creator they're the only ones with this so you click on widget creator you're gonna want to educate yourself on it watch the videos and read as much information scroll down here and the founder who's a great guy by the way you can watch some of these videos and he's actually showing you how he's using his product to create custom element or widgets and you know what there's a little bit of a learning curve okay you don't need to know how to code I could do it I don't code and I could make these this is a great add-on if you're making websites for people because sometimes they want something that element or doesn't have and it's never gonna have and this is gonna make it easy for you to create your own custom element or blocks it's really really neat stuff he has a great vision with this product let's take a look at the plug-in really quick okay so when you first activated here there's a library of element or elements that are delivered to you from the cloud so there's tons of them but you only download what you want and if you see something that you like just go ahead and click on install and now it's gonna be on your site you're going to be able to use it in element or but you can click right here it says add widget' and then all we have to do is give it a title in a name and description i'll fill that out i'm gonna click on add widget and it's going to take us to this list of widgets but we have a new one here on the bottom right you would go ahead and click on the pencil icon right here and then it's going to take us in to where we can start assembling using their framework our own custom element or widget we've got our names we can have a an icon here so this is how it looks when you're inside of Elementor but here's where you're gonna put HTML CSS JavaScript right here different assets that to be downloaded you can set up custom item attributes so an example is if you wanted to create a customized button your own code pen you find a beautiful style button that has some really sweet CSS animation tricks and you want to use that throughout your website so you would come in here and create it and an attribute would be the name of the label of the button an attribute would be the link in the button an attribute would be the color of the button so that when you're actually an element or you can set it up the way that you would normally set it up that is what an item attributes are this is really unique plugin I think when in the right hands this is lethal and deadly okay we're moving on oh actually here let's take a look at the pricing real quick is super affordable but like I said there's a discount just check out the link in the video description so we've got single site pricing and we have virtually unlimited so for a single site it's only gonna cost you set you back twenty nine bucks and for unlimited sites pretty much effectively it's gonna be 99 bucks it's a great great deal okay let's move on next we have I can't even pronounce it is it P aught net piata net Putin it I don't know what it is wacky name but it's referred to as PA Fe which is P at net add-ons for Elementor and I'm not really fond of the name that's alright it does a whole heck of a lot of stuff now I have no experience with this plugin but I've leaned on the Elementor community a lot of developers are seriously using this because it's going to allow you to do so much more with Elementor and it does some really unique things it's a very affordable - so I'm going to show you that in a moment now some of the things that kind of caught my attention in my eye is it has a form builder it has a way of making those forms that have conditionals and multi-step and all of that and that's just some of the things that you can do with this plugin like I said I do not have experience using this plug-in but if you ask around and some of the elements or communities it's super popular with people I'm going to gone by now and you can see the pricing it's dirt cheap I mean this is it's almost scary it cheap like too cheap so a single sights 35 bucks but you can get an unlimited site license and it's a lifetime license for $70 that is crazy affordable so anyways it's kind of hard to find out some of the information about it on the website unfortunately and that's because there's not great demos and some of the videos are kind of hard to understand what's being said so I would let you know that you might have a little bit of a learning curve using this but I really wanted to include it in this video because they're doing some really unique stuff with it okay two more this next one is so cool it's called live editor Pro for element or what this is going to enable you to do is if you hand off websites the clients what's the number one thing that they do they jacked up your design they mess it up they don't do it on purpose they just can't help themselves they start rearranging things changing the structure and all of that and what live L editor Pro does is it allows you to give them access to change text and images not the structure and it is drop-dead simple now Elementor by itself gives you the ability to to restrict certain user roles in what they can do but they still have to go into the element or editor and it's still a little different let me show you how this works so you would give your client that you're handing the website off an account may be an editor account or a contributor account these are default WordPress user roles if you didn't want to give them the admin account and with those other accounts you can restrict the edit with Adam Elementor entirely and all that would be available is this live editor option so your client will look at the site and say you know what I want to change this bit of text here normally if you let them into Elementor all heck can break loose but not if you have this plug-in so you click on live editor did you see that that took a split second it didn't go into this loading phase or anything at don't see any branding or anything you can change some of this stuff by the way down here so now you see there's boxes around the text so you could see it there you can even see it around the button and as I scroll down there's all kinds of beautiful content this is an astrocyte by the way it's a free one you can see there's all of these boxes around everything and then we've got these images so let me show you your client can go in here and can start typing away isn't that nice they get minimal editing options bold italic underline link so they're not going to be able to change your font style so you've put all this effort into making beautiful font styles they're not going to be able to change that so they can click in any of these text areas that's great now check this out for buttons they click on a button and they can edit the text and they can edit the link in that button right here they're not able to change the color or anything like that because you're locking that down you're just letting them change these simple elements of text you can change the link and also images so we've got this big background image well if I click there you don't see anything happens but down here where we have the alive editor bar there's a paintbrush and when your client clicks on that paintbrush they can change the background image and they can do that for all of the images so down here we have some images so I can click right there just like that I can click on edit and then here we go I can change that and I can change it on all of these so what you can do is there's an option you would go in when you're setting this up you would go in you'd click on the option right here and this allows you to choose which roles get what access so I would go to limited access and I would give that to an editor and then maybe I make my clients account the editor role now when they log in they're going to be able to use this and they'll just have this limited access to it you can go ahead and click on done you can go ahead and click on publish and that's it and when I scroll up you can see the little bit of text I added is there this is insanely easy to I don't know if you saw that there's no training that's going to be involved for your client it is just so insanely easy to use so it's gonna be nice if you're building out websites for clients to hand this over to them and then they'll be able to make some of those changes and not ask you to do as much okay so let's go ahead and look at them they have a little bit of settings here so I'm going to go to settings live editor Pro right here so you can change some color related stuff some text color you can change you know the little icon for changing the image that popped up you can change that it's very easy to customize it alright I'm gonna go ahead and click on pricing let's go ahead and see how much this cost it's cheap guys if you're making websites for people this is cheap $97 per year and it's going to allow you to use it on all of your clients websites and there's a discount for you for this plug-in right here this is actually selling like hotcakes with a developer there is nothing like this for Elementor right now it's much easier than using what is built into Elementor so if you make websites for clients and hand those websites off I think this can make your life and your clients life a lot easier okay lastly I'm not going to do a demo of this one this has got to be one of my favorite plugins on planet earth its WP fusion this is amazing I use it on all of my websites it's almost kinda hard to explain what it does but it has deep Elementor integrations essentially what it does is it allows your WordPress website - and all the plugins most of the plugins that you're going to use on it or all the important plugins you would use on it including Elementor it allows that all to be synced with your CRM or your email marketing platform and you can do all kinds of things based on tags I'll just give you a little bit of clue to what you could do with Elementor so for example Elementor Pro has this amazing pop up feature well you can choose to show those pop-ups based upon user tags say you're selling something you sell two different items you sell item a and you sell item B well if you want to run us sell-on item a you probably don't want to show people that already purchased it that it's now on sell just out of sight out of mind keep that info away from them because then they might contact you and say hey can you reduce my mic or give me a real partial refund so if you have WP fusion and you have the people that purchase that product a tagged you can make it so the pop-up doesn't display to people with that tag in your CRM so you can do really amazing stuff like that also sections you can control the visibility of sections you can do some amazing stuff with WooCommerce with it you can tag people based on maybe clicking on an element or button there's so many tricked-out things that you can do with this and it just pretty much works with everything it just pulls everything in it works fabulous with card flows and commerce you can do some really amazing stuff with this plugin I'm a big fan of this plugin let's take a look at the pricing so it's a tool that's going to make you more money and that's and it's very complex tool because it integrates with so many different CRMs so to have this plugin the plan that you're going to want is this Plus plan I have the professional plan it allows me to install it on unlimited sites don't worry I have a discount for you just click on the link in the video description box but this is what I started out with was the plus plan and this is a tool that when used properly will make your website smarter and it will make you more money this is one of those plugins that really makes WordPress far superior than any of those sass platforms out there okay that was an insane list of plugins right I've got a link down below it's gonna take you to my website there's discounts on just about all of these I contacted them all I said give me some discounts for the people on the channel those are all lined up for you so that is down below what do you think about these plugins I am sure some of them you haven't heard of before they are amazing plugins but I didn't want to hear what you think about them in the comment section you notice I didn't mention the big big big plugins that everyone talks about that I even talked about all the time because I wanted to shine the light on some of these smaller lesser-known plugins that are super incredibly useful and that was the intention behind this video was to shine the light on some of these developers that are doing great things but night might not get as much attention to their products these are amazing developers amazing products and we should show them our support as well hey if you enjoyed this video or videos like it consider giving this video a thumbs up subscribe notification bell support me share this video out with people thanks for watching and see you the next one [Music]
Channel: WPCrafter.com WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 53,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elementor addons and widgets, elementor page builder tutorial, best elementor addons free, best elementor addons, crocoblock review, crocoblock coupon, crocoblock elementor, cartflows coupon code, wp fusion review, piotnet reviews, elementor tutorials, elementor page builder, elementor tutorial, elementor review, wordpress page builder tutorial, ultimate addons for elementor review, elementor pro page builder, free elementor plugins, wpcraftter
Id: D6HTvsDTffg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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