Which engine a FORD service tech picks in 2019(its a unanimous decision)

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3.5 EcoBoost 2.7 EcoBoost I can you this guy is a 3.3 v6 just by looking at it and because it is a regular kappa let's go far yep three point three there's no EcoBoost badging on this one so this one looks of it should be the v8 and looking for the last engine which should be this truck right here f-150 with the power stroke as you know there's tons of different engines available on this f-150 lineup and I'm very curious to know what my technicians what my technicians in the back would select if they work and choose a new f-150 what engine they're oh that would be selecting so if you want to find this out with me don't go anywhere stay tuned and in the comments below I've want you guys to write down your engine of choice and if you agree with my service department so write it down below what is going on YouTube this is a bad truck right there this one's going to California my name is Jorge Lopez and I am your a sales consultant here at Tomball Ford welcome to my channel I am pulling my service department and a few other people to find out which is the engine that they will choose if they were to pick out on f-150 and this video was inspired by a channel called town and country TV hosted by Mitchell Watts our friends over there yeah I say our friends but we've never met I don't know them they probably never seen my channel but I like that guy man that guy's pretty awesome Mitchell Watts if I'm ever in the area I'll definitely stop by and shake your hand I love what you've done with your channel but your video about which engine the service technicians would choose inspired me to do this video to see if two years later since that video aired this is june 20th of 2019 and i believe that video aired in June of 2017 and the poll the question was which engine these technicians would pick if they were to choose an f-150 and you know what here comes a guy that I'm gonna ask him Billy hey if you were to pick an f-150 and you had your choice of engines I'm just pulling all of our service team and sales consultants to see what the answer is what engine would you choose if you have to pick one of the engines 5-liter okay interesting why would you pick the five more horse okay cool thank you brother there you go there's one for the five leader let's see if we can pull another guy I'm gonna ask another guy to see what he has to say mr. ray I have a question for you I am taking questions from our service departments and asking them their engine a choice if you have to pick an f-150 which engine would you select out of the engine that Ford has to offer on the f-150 s which one would you pick okay I like okay if you had to pick one which ones you would you pick your daily commute your daily driver that would be your truck of choice oh you know I'm old school so I've got a half-filled with a v8 VA awesome awesome thank you mr. ray awesome dude right there master mechanic working on diesel engine trucks let's see who else we can find if we can ask these guys hey guys I've got a question for you I'm doing a quick poll I am asking our service department if you guys had an engine a choice on the f-150 you guys are going to buy an f-150 which engine would you guys select there's the 3.3 there's the 2.7 EcoBoost there's a 3.5 eco the v8 and the diesel which ones you picked five oh really why is that yeah it's reliable okay well turbos to worry about less things to worry about it okay hey Pablo as well okay guys you're awesome thank you so much well there you have it five always winning so far but let's see if we can ask somebody else okay we have a group of people here gentlemen I have a question for you all I'm doing a poll on our service department and sales to see which engine you guys would choose if you're working where to be buying an f-150 so Joe my 500 on afford on a Ford you which is a five oh you would choose a 500 my gosh so 500 is winning all right what's that okay thank you guys hey is it okay if I use it on my youtube channel awesome let's see if we can find somebody else I see I I see one of our master a/c technicians and see what he has to say hey Clarence I have a question I'm doing a poll on our service team and I'm a sales consultants over there if you were to choose an engine if you were to be buying an f-150 a new f-150 which engine would you select there's a 3.3 v6 there's a 2.7 EcoBoost there's a 3.5 EcoBoost there's a v8 and the diesel which one would you select why is that okay all right I'm the five always winning by the way I don't think anybody has selected the EcoBoost so the 500 is winning so let me ask Jean Jean come over here oh you didn't want to participate Jean come on I have to ask you I am doing a poll just just to have some fun okay and I asked clearance and I asked ton your people that you work under you okay if you were to be buying an f-150 which engine would you select there's a 3.3 v6 the 2.7 eco the 3.5 eco the VA and the diesels which one would you select pretty far they could be okay why is that we've got one right now and it really served me really well awesome Thank You boss fender there you go one for the EcoBoost well this is fun gentlemen can I pull you I've got a question if you guys were buying an f-150 okay and you were you have the choice of to select an f-150 with the engine that you would want to set up six again which engine would you get out of the ones that Ford offers a three point three regular v6 the 2.7 EcoBoost the 3.5 eco the v8 or the diesel what do you choose the five-o five-o five-o because I prefer you trust intelligence I'll get better mileage okay whether or not how reliable it is in the secret city model yeah check it out there okay awesome thank you so much is this okay to use this on my youtube channel awesome thank you guys well this is a fun fun experiment [Music] so let's see what my exposure let's see what my service advisers say about the engine of choice so let's see if we can find some and see what they have the same see if you can ask Walter he's one of our service advisors here at the leadership see what he has to say Walter and ask a quick question I'm doing a poll I'm asking questions I'm service and sell really quick if you were to be picking an f-150 for you which engine would you choose the lab food and which engine is at the 3.5 3.5 EcoBoost okay why would you choose the 35 saves you gas a lot of power and economic okay awesome Thank You Walter service advisor right there let's see if we can ask one of our parts guy manager Joe can ask you a question I'm doing a poll and I'm asking questions on our service team service advisors and sales consultants if you were in the market for an f-150 and you had your choice of any engine you wish to select EcoBoost the EcoBoost why is that that's what I've heard ok ok awesome thank you Joe ok here comes another service advisor I'm gonna ask him mr. Baker can I bother you for a moment sir I'm doing a poll I'm asking some questions around my service team your service advisors even sales if you were in the market for an f-150 which engine would you select for you the 5.0 ok why is that why do you like the 5 oh I'm old school I like v8 engines ok but the EcoBoost is an excellent engine ok but you would select the 504 me personal you're awesome thank you sir thank you let's see if we can ask we're gonna ask Warren the question Warren yeah another of our best service advisers here to try or if you were in the market for an f-150 yes for you yeah which engine would you select out of the 3.3 v6 got the 2.7 EcoBoost okay we've got the three five eco moves to the VA and the diesel which one would you select for you you know I like that's the engine that I know I'm familiar with the ins and outs about it and I like that power okay that v8 so awesome I mean the EcoBoost are nice as well I've got a lot of get up and go but if you're with me stick with a pilot awesome yeah thank you so much hey can I use this on my youtube channel yeah all right thank you brother let's see if we can ask our another parts manager and accessories manager Tracy and Brian I need to ask you guys a question I'm doing a poll on YouTube okay so I've been asking our service technicians advisors advisors and the sOccket Bolton's if you were to choose an f-150 for you for you to buy which engine would you buy choice five oh why is that durability and longevity as far as the okay awesome how about you Brian I'd have to the 502 yeah first you're gonna save it to the sound yeah the sound you can do quite a bit of accessories to it you know cold air intakes the exhaust the EcoBoost are nice but you don't get the Rumble you know that sound that you're looking for and with the Roush exhaust systems or the the cold air intakes that you can add so I'd pick the 5.0 you guys are awesome thank you let me see if I can ask I can find some of the advisors will slip out take a lady say hello Dan - hey Eric and Kyle I have a question I am polling when a poll with service so if you guys were to be choosing an f-150 which engine add up all the f-150 engines at Ford offers would you choose if you were to be buying one definitely the 3.5 3.5 EcoBoost why is that if you want maximum capacities only available on the 3.5 in living in Texas that's that's what we need okay you're talking compacity attracts awesome they also made Kyle yeah same with me 3.5 it's got the most torque okay I've some speed there you go so with the Tim speed it's just an amazing shifting very smooth they're very informative is it alright if I use it in my youtube channel alright guys this is a quick poll it was very informative it was fun at the same time to ask unsuspecting people co-workers what their engine of choice is I know I've put some of you guys on the spot but it is all cool it is awesome so I thank you guys for answering my questions on that well there you have it guys this is just a quick poll of the engine that my partners here at humble Ford would select if they want to buy a new vehicle and even two years almost to the day later the engine of choice is still a 5.0 v8 engine compared to the video that was posted by Mitchell Watson Town and Country TV almost two years ago to the day it's amazing it's actually eye-opening because I would figure that the 3/5 would have more popularity but the 5.0 engine and still the engine of choice to many here at the dealership so I'm hoping I'm hopeful that you guys enjoyed the video and got some good information out of this if you loved it if you liked the video hit the like man we love the likes and if you haven't done so already what are you waiting on subscribe to my channel and hit the bell notification so you don't miss any upcoming videos and remember I am your sales consultant here at Tomball 40 if I can be of assistance see you on a vehicle purchase you don't need to go anywhere I am your guy here at Tomball Ford thanks again for watching and we'll talk to you soon until the next video have a blessed day
Channel: Ask Jorge Lopez at Tomball Ford
Views: 541,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: which engine to choose, f150, ford specialist, which f150 engine is best, f150 engine most reliable, which f150 motor, 2019 ford f150, which ford f150 engine is best, f150 engine life expectancy, most reliable ford f150, how many miles is a ford f150 good for, f150 ecoboost engine problems, 5.0 v8 engine ford, 2.7 ecoboost, 3.5 ecoboost, f150 diesel, tomball ford, jorge lopez, f150 engine for me, f150 engine options, 3.5 vs 5.0, ecoboost vs v8, f150 comparison, v6 vs v8
Id: hc9gmSDMpnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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