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but it doesn't get detached from the pizza because it was absorbed from the pizza [Music] good morning guys and welcome back from maestro vito yacobelli today this video is gonna be very interesting because uh today here just right now in this video you are watching something amazing so first of all thank you so much for being here and dedicated your time to watch my videos so thank you so much so today here i'm basically like you can see i have three different flowers why because here in this video today i'm going to show you what's the best the flour to stretch the pizza and of course i will explain to you why and of course please stay here and watch until the end because i'm going to show you which one i personally prefer and uh basically i'm not just gonna be talking i'm just going to show you uh why is the best and so let's get into this video if you have any question please wait until the end and comment below just a little comment and leave a nice thumbs up and if you're not subscribed please go ahead and subscribe so let's get directly into this video so here we have three totally different flower we have a rice flour the you know the most common flour zero zero flour and the semolina rimachinata so why i have those three just because those are the most common one and then that's the the most people ever so many questions about why are using semolina and why i cannot use zero zero flour and then we have a uh basically rice flour so this is the perfect video for you today to learn the differences and why on to the best pizza channel so here you go so we have a semolina flour the semolina flour like you can see is yellow and is uh basically a little bit thicker and a little bit more heavy than a regular flour and this one basically what happened it gives a nice touch to the crust to be able to make a little bit more crunchy but it's not because uh we're using semolina to make the pizza crunchy the semolina uh will give a nice texture to the dough and also is not uh like you can see my hands the semolina flour doesn't attach to the dough so you're not gonna have the flour burn under the pizza if you don't put so that's why we're using semolina flour so that's why uh for me is the best so that's why i start right away with the semolina so i'm gonna get into this later on with the semolina okay now here we have some uh regular zero zero flour zero zero flour i mean it's not bad is the most common one because you're using that to make the dough so you're using zero zero flour but the flour or regular flour if it's not zero zero you're using regular flour the flour the problem of the flour is that like you can see my hands is full of flour and this one even if you do this see i still have my hands white that means also when you're going to stretch the flower will be more attached to the dough so that means that when you're going to put it in the pizza oven what happened that the flour attached to the pizza though i will burn and that will give the taste much much more uh sour to the dough so it's not really really good and also the flour burn under the pizza is not healthy at all that's why if you can go ahead and use a semolina flour the machinata that means the fine the really really fine one like this one uh that's the reason why i always use the semolina and that's why you're going to use the semolina after so and most of you guys see my old videos that i mix it up flour zero zero or flat regular flour with semolina why we we mix the the two these two flour when the semolina that you find is too thick because it's very hard to find a semolina very very fine like this uh so if it's too thick you go ahead and mix it up with the regular flour and you are going to have about same this semolina machinata but the best is the semolina machinata like this i left this the rice flour after because right now is the most common one the most common used in naples why first of all the rice flour attached less like you can see is almost similar to the to the semolina flour second of all the rice flour is the most heavy one so when you're going to stretch or fly the pizza or whatever the rice flour doesn't fly in the air it's perfect for people they are making gluten-free flour gluten-free pizzas inside the pizza place this way you don't have cross-contamination of flour this is the reason why people are using rice flour to stretch most like 90 percent is because they are making right they are making gluten-free pizzas in their store so uh they're using rice flour to stretch the pizza because it's more heavy and then sits right away on the floor and then also it gives a nice texture to the dough but remember we are not talking about brands here so don't pay attention on the brands this is just the flower that i find in the market today we are talking about which one is the best to stretch if you are making gluten-free pizzas in your pizza place or your home you you have somebody celiac in your house go ahead and use the rice flour is the best for me the best is the semolina rimacinata the most fine semolina that you can find in the in the market because this one is the most the most that doesn't attach to the pizza so what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to show you how to stretch the pizza and then i'm going to show you how uh this flower does attach to the pizza himself and why is the best so let's go ahead and let's get into the pizza making so like a usual i'm going to use the same flour let's get semolina flour let's put it on the dough let's place the pizza on top directly on the flower this is of course the same semolina because the plate is more bigger and let's go let's place the dough in the flour let's put it on the floor and let's go ahead and stretch so watch this now when i'm going to stretch look the flower see it's all on the floor [Music] like you can see on the floor is no flower that means that the all the semolina got detached from the pizza dough so that's the reason why i use semolina and also the semolina that you're going to have around the crust will give a nice texture so a nice texture to the dough that i'm going to show you because it doesn't burn like the flour the regular flour regular flour is always is always not the best one so uh if you are able go ahead and use the semolina machinata if it's not you go ahead and find the regular semolina and uh you save you're going to have a nice nice texture so just making the pizza right away because this video is to show you the flour not the pizza okay the oven has been warming up already so it's nice and hot and now take a look i'm not going to put any flour on the dough on the on the peel because it's all nice and detached from the table so let's go ahead i want to show you some take a look see no flour on the peel if i'm going to use the flour take a look what happened let's say your flour right here now we take it out see it's still a little bit of flour on the peel that's the reason why no flour now let's go ahead and let's go see the rice flour so take a look see flour this is a rice flour so now see no rice flour that's why it's good but the semolina semolina take a look the semolina if i go like this no semolina that's that's the best so now let's go ahead let's put it in the oven the pizza i want to show you voila now let's cook it [Music] and then you're going to see the texture that the semolina is giving [Music] for this oven link below this is my favorite pizza oven for like an apartment or home the pizza is nicely ready with this sun the pizza is touching the sun it's ready and then i'm gonna show you just gently without touching it that is no flour under like you can see here we don't have any flour when it's yellow it's uh that means that the flour is burned so i want to show you just a little bit uh like you can see the bottom it's nice and white when you're going to use the flour what happen it becomes yellow that means that the flower it got burned but here we use the the semolina so it's no i don't pay attention the pizza because uh just show you the difference so here here we go i'm gonna take this this part right here just to show you just to show you the uh why the semolina is the best because that's very important very technical i'm not sure if you can see persona uh like you can see here you're going to see a little bit of a semolina on the on the crust but it doesn't get detached from the pizza because it was absorbed from the pizza so that's why here we have a little bit more this will give a nice crunch to the pizza like you can see here see so this one that's the reason why it's really good let me take this other piece right here here maybe you can see better there we go see these these uh little dots that's because that's the semolina but if you were a b flour it would be yellow like marsh yellow that gives the really bad flavor to the pizza semolina gives a nice crunchy texture while the sun is really touching the pizza i know the light is not the best so let me get let me move there we go now you can see me better so that's the reason and that's the flour the perfect that's the perfect flour to use to stretch the pizza like you understand from this video the semolina rimachinata is the best or the rice flour if you're using a gluten-free pizza if you are making gluten-free pizza in your pizza place or if you are home and then you have somebody celiac you have to use the rice flour this gives amount about the same texture of the semolina open why so good hope this video was a really helpful helpful helpful for you and then just leave a like subscribe and please don't forget to share with friends thank you so much for all of your support i'll see you the next one from maestro with yoko peli ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 132,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, prank, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, best flour, best flour for pizza, best flour to stretch the pizza, flour to make pizza, how to roll a pizza, how to make pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, neapolitan pizza
Id: FP46aiUXTTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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