Detroit Style Pepperoni Pizza

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hey everybody I'm Chef Tom with and this is Detroit style pepperoni pizza for those of you watching right now I know that you're already out here you're checking out cooking shows like ours which means you probably already know the Detroit style pizza has been having a moment and I gotta tell you I'm here for it this stuff is really delicious it may take some cues from other styles of pizza but it's definitely its own thing so while a Detroit style pizza is cooked in a pan and the sauce is put on top of the cheese it is definitely not a Chicago deep dish now this is actually cooked in a rectangular Pan the cheese goes all the way to the edges and this is maybe the best thing about it that crunchy edge with that cheese crisps up and then the oil that's around the dough itself actually fries the dough just a little bit I'm kind of in love with this pizza right now so I'm excited to share it with you guys I'm going to start by making our dough so I'm going to scale out enough for two pizzas here 370 grams of warm water so this is sitting right between a little high sitting right in between about 105 to 110 yeah 107 right now that'll be great and we're going to scale out 10 grams of our Caputo instant yeast and 10 grams of sugar to give that yeast something to feed on and really start to develop give this a good mix and then I'm going to stick this in a warm spot I usually just put it on top of the stove in the kitchen for about five or so minutes until it starts to foam up you see us make a lot of pizzas on this channel most the time we use the same four ingredient pizza dough but this is a little bit different dough so I've increased the hydration level which means a little bit wettered dough and the also you'll notice the addition of the the sugar first of all just to make it just a touch sweet it's not sweet sweet but just a touch sweet and to give that yeast something to actively feed on right off the bat now beyond that they're pretty similar flour water yeast salt today we got a little bit of sugar so now you can see that yeast is working it's foaming up we're going to add in the rest of our ingredients here next we've got our flour let's tear this out we're going to do 510 grams of flour so our hydration on this is at about 72 percent versus our normal one which is closer to like 67 I want to say 66. the other thing you probably think is kind of weird is we are like I don't even remember if we've talked about this yet but yeah we're going to put this together in a food processor today it's another option a great way to put together a pizza dough really quick so now that we've got that we need our salt we're going to do 14 grams you could just do a regular kosher salt or something like this but we've got this Jacobson black garlic infused salt which also adds a little bit of extra sweetness and that garlic flavor works it right into the dough I'm gonna throw it on the Vitamix let it rip you can see that in just not even 30 seconds that whole thing starts to ball up this is like I said it's a wetter dough so it's going to be a little bit stickier I think we processed that to a really nice place it's not totally smooth but it's going to smooth out just a little bit more it's going to smooth out especially as it sits in this bulk ferment stage which is what we're going to do next transfer this whole thing over to rise and double in size so we want to get this transferred into a well-oiled container I do not mind having a little bit of extra olive oil in here to coat the outside you're going to see that as a theme in this recipe today a little extra olive oil yeah that's gonna show up right around that one quart Mark we're gonna let this just about double in size so we'll see it when it's popped all the way up to that two quart mark inside on top of the stove but this is doubled in size now so we're ready to to divide it in half and get it ready to go into the pan for our Detroit Detroit style pizza so let's get this out first figure out how much it weighs and that'll tell us how much goes in each half we're at 906 grams so 453 each so we're gonna get that first piece of dough here in our pan and we're using the Lodge cast iron casserole dish this isn't exactly what they use in Detroit style pizzas but it's a black metal so it's going to do what we want it to which is really crisp up both the underside and the edges now I don't expect this to stretch all the way right now but we're going to press this out in the olive oil until it's just shrinking back too much we don't want to put any holes in it throw some Saran wrap some plastic wrap over the top and let it sit for about 20 minutes while the gluten relaxes we can do this one more time and we'll get all the way to the edges to throw that in the fridge and let it relax now if you don't have a second pan that you're going to do your baking in then the second half you can stretch out in a little sheet pan cover it up and throw it in the fridge and transfer it over to your pan later I'll do the same kind of routine get it stretched out a bit and then we'll let it sit and relax and I I referenced this earlier but you'll notice that the olive oil is uh is excessive today we're gonna get everything kind of coated because I love the texture you get when that olive oil sort of fries the dough all right into the fridge next we're going to move on to making our red sauce for the pizza that's going to need to simmer down for about 15 or 20 minutes so now's a great time to do that I'm going to start by prepping our garlic we just want to get these peeled and mince down with the knife until we have roughly one tablespoon I'm gonna actually fry this garlic in some olive oil maybe just a little bit more than I normally would cook or like sweat garlic and for that reason I'm mincing this down with the knife not like on a microplane super fine because I want there to be some larger chunks of this garlic I'm going to put down a couple tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in my Dutch oven here we're using an enameled one uh I'm not terribly worried about like the acidity and the cast iron but when you use the enamel you don't even have to think about it so being that we are going to simmer these tomatoes for a while why not use the enamel crank this heat up just a little bit that is going to go relatively quick also want to show throw in about one tablespoon of our Cattleman's Grill Italiano seasoning and this kind of covers all those Italian spices and herbs that you look for in a great Italian seasoning we'll let those herbs and spices start to toast with the garlic meanwhile let's pop open our can of tomatoes and get those prepped to go in as well so we're using our Chao San Marzano Tomatoes fantastic quality canned tomatoes whole ones they've been peeled but they are whole I want kind of a rustic style tomato here today so we're going to crush these by hand rather than blitzing them completely get in there and get your gloved hands dirty so now you got to use your nose and your eyes to tell you when that Garlic's got enough brown on it got enough color on it because it can turn pretty quick and turn bitter if you let it go too far so medium Heat's a good idea if you go any higher than that you're liable to burn it while the center is still raw but I'm seeing Browning around the edges my nose is telling me that it's become plenty aromatic we go much further we might risk a little bitterness so at this point we can kind of stop that by adding in our tomatoes now I will mention we've got a two pizzas worth of dough but this is a single batch of sauce right here so you'll want to double this if you're going to do more than one pizza one can of tomatoes equals one Detroit style pizza now the final thing that we're going to add is about a tablespoon of sugar just to sweeten this up a touch I know that's maybe a little bit sacrilegious to some of you most of the time I don't add sugar to my sauce but it seems to be a Common Thread with the Detroit style so I'm just going to sweeten it up just a touch so this sauce is cooked down to the consistency that I'm looking for not too runny and not too thick and it's taken about 20 minutes to get there we're ready to turn this off let's go ahead and put together our Detroit style pizza and then back to our pizza dough now this has had some time to rest and relax we should now be able to kind of press it all the way out to the edges yeah it's looking great so we're gonna go ahead and build everything right now now we are doing a pepperoni pizza I've got two different kinds of pepperoni but I'll tell you I'm going to put the big ones down first directly on the dough because I want that pepperoni flavor to kind of work its way into the bread itself and then we're gonna go cheese on top of that sauce on top of that more pepperonis on top of that and then we're gonna be ready to go into the oven so we're starting out with the big sandwich cut pepperonis so we'll space these out get a dozen of them on top of the dough and then we're going to go with our first layer of cheese so I've got three different cheeses today we're going to start off with sliced provolone I've also got a low moisture mozzarella and a monterey jack although if you're up in the northern United States or anywhere where you have the opportunity some Wisconsin brick cheese would be ideal for our Detroit style so this is about six ounces of provolone what I'm going to do here is I'm going to fold them in half and I want this cheese going all the way out to the edges so we're going to place them so that they're touching the cast iron because this cheese should be melting down along the side of the pizza as it Cooks all right so we got full coverage now layer one now let's come in here with our mozzarella and I'm going to start again around the edges so we get that cheese crust going three ounces of mozzarella three ounces of provolone or sorry three ounces of Jack I should say and then six ounces of provolone jack cheese on top even out the middle oftentimes with this Detroit style you're going to see the sauce kind of poured out in strips like this right on top of your cheese sometimes on top of the pepperoni or the toppings whatever that may be as well and for the top level I've got these small little pepperoni cups these are the ones that like to cup up and hold their Grease all right now that is ready to go in the oven today we're cooking on the Yoder smokers ys640s pellet grill utilizing the Wood-Fired oven attachment now it's running at 500 degrees right now with Oak pellets so this is going right inside the Wood-Fired oven for about 13 minutes I'll set a timer for six minutes we'll take a look and give it a spin come on guys we gave this the six minute spin it's been in probably another four minutes about 10 minutes total now but look at the frying that's going on around the edges all that bubbling I can see that we're getting some black around the edges that's exactly what we're looking for we're just going to get a little bit more Browning on the cheese and pepperonis here here over the next few minutes wow it's looking really nice see this is the Browning I'm talking about that I want just a little bit more of right around here but we're really close to being done all right guys I think we're there I'm gonna check these edges a little bit what you should see is a little bit of Blackness see if we can lift this up just a little bit there you go see that black edge around the top that's a great indicator that you've got the crust you want underneath just beyond golden brown this is looking pretty ideal it's about 13 to 14 minute range today it's pulling out of here now before the bottom of our super crusty pizza gets soggy I want to get it out of the pan we're going to let it cool on a rack so much moisture and stuff going on in here if we just let it sit in there it will start to get a little softer underneath but we want this to cool down just a little bit before we slice into it so on a rack's the way to go it's into this thing gonna go a dozen slices here oh man listen to that crunch sounds great all right I'm going to take a bite to one of these prized corner pieces but boy look at the perfect golden brown on the bottom the way it's got that fried texture from sitting in the olive oil got a little bit of a open crumb but it's mostly pretty dense and then that cheese crust around the edge that stuff that's the magic mmm this pizza it's like the king of texture when it comes to pizzas got all that crunch you've got the cheese that's like cooked to the point where it's chewy but it's got that great flavor between the provolone mozzarella and Jack snow Wisconsin brick but it's a great substitution sauce is Savory picking up on toasted garlic just a touch of sweetness you don't even really notice it you can't even hardly pick it out but it really brightens up that caramelization in a 20 minute cook on the sauce the sugars from the tatums tomatoes themselves and then that little bit of sugar that we added that gets a lot darker in color that's caramelization happening and then below it we've got pepperoni flavor worked right into the middle of the pizza and this crunch on top you know what these are great for holding a little cup of hot sauce fantastic might be my new favorite pizza throwing it out there might be well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoy the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments if there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to thesauce All Things barbecue we're barbecue Legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 336,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit Style Pizza, detroit pizza, detroit style pizza, how to make pizza, how to make detroit style pizza, detroit style pizza dough, detroit style pizza recipe, homemade pizza, detroit-style pizza, detroit pizza recipe, detroit style, detroit pizza dough recipe, pepperoni pizza, homemade detroit style pizza, homemade detroit pizza, detroit style pizza dough recipe, pizza recipe, how to make pan pizza, detroit style pizza sauce, pan pizza, Detroit Style Pepperoni Pizza
Id: 2-Y57Pvkrkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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