How To Make Real FOCACCIA at Home -100 YEARS OLD RECIPE! in The Grill and Home Oven

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oh my god I mean take a look inside this crust take a look hello guys foremost video Capelli welcome back to my channel I just start to say that this video is one of my best video because they're really really this one I start to make the I start to make the the focaccia and then seriously this video start to became very very emotional to me so this video is really dedicated to my grandmother and then also this video is full of history basically that it's full of history basically because I'm going to talk about a little bit of things in the meantime that we are making this video I just hope that you are going to like this video because this is I may I make the videos the most simple as possible this way you can also make a best product ever the best because because that's the goal of my channel to make the things very simple and easy so this is a recipe this is an outstanding recipe very easy to make I mean it's it's just follow the video step by step you're going to have one of the best for culture ever ever ever and this is probably the best recipe in Internet you know I put my art in this video so please check it out until the end and then comment below hopefully you are going to enjoy this like how am i enjoying this making this video amazing let's go straight into this recipe let's go and go make this amazing fokaha berries because that's what I come from let's go okay hold you need here it's very easy you need 20 grams of flour 200 grams Oh 200 milligrams of water 5 grams of East 5 grams of honey let's get the water let's put 5 grams of of honey 5 grams of yeast let's mix everything simply now let's dump the mix of water in the flour now let's mix everything up very simply easy to make this one will make your dough fantastic very light and fragrance so you can do this also for the pizza now simply make sure you close it really well now one hour you leave it outside a room temperature and then you put in the fridge over night you see we made the Polish in the morning and we find our polish it basically double up now what we need is just flour with 8 grams of salt first thing to do here you see don't put the salt mix up the salt in the flour and now where we need to go ahead and make the simple now basically here we are reaching the hydration that we want to so dump the flour we make the dough we have to cooperate or flour in the dough okay now the goal here is to make the dough smooth is possible so just like that you're gonna close it close it close it done this this amount of dough is good to make to focaccia for 8 inches each okay now that the dough is resting let's get a ball let's put a little bit of little bit let's mix everything all the way now with your hands over all the way do you like get the door from the bottom now they do couple of times just like they we have to basically create a 3d ball now you see when it smooth almost smooth even if it's not really smooth you go ahead and put put the dough in the ball now let's cover up with the plastic wrap make sure it's nice and close let it rest at room temperature for two hours this is the first time pay attention because we have step-by-step this is the first rest of two hours at room temperature here you go the dough after exactly two hours a room temperature calculated my house is a little bit more it's a little bit warm today so then easily Anna's lonely we take out all the plastic it no more if it gets stuck because anyway we're gonna go ahead and reball it make sure to do this step otherwise you are not gonna have the focaccia by maestro be to your Capelli there we go nicely let's save the plastic wrap because it's too expensive today so let's go and let's get let's try to get the dough just like that so you don't want to mix it up too much you always keep the top on top try to let's take off all the air and then if it's too sticky just put a little bit of olive oil on your hands so don't worry about having some there we go now is detach so the goal here is to make again a ball this way this way there we go there we go fantastic now they we have the ball let's put if you still have a little bit of oil on the on the pan bread and put again the dough in the pan there we go now let's go ahead and let's close it really well like before and now this time let's leave a room temperature for one hour so remember two hours before not one hour let's leave it and let's see how we find it after one hour I have something to say really really important you know you see me always very very happy I enjoyed the life and everything but honestly today this recipe is really dedicated to my grandmother the unfortunate passed away five years ago approximately and I just want to show you I've just find some pictures show my grandmother making the focaccia here and actually I have this picture in my pizza place so she told me everything about especially the forecaster since it was very very little kid I want to show to you since there was a little kid not joking this one is me when I was this one is me when I was about 3 years old with my father at the pizza place he was making the pizza then here we have a still me I ran when I was 8 years old with my brother making the pizza this is actually was a New York style pizza in my migraine grandmother from my mom sighs unfortunately she passed away too and they used to have a pizza place in Chicago and so I had to grow up in the pizza place business which is from my father to generation and for my mother to generation yeah so and this is my my father this is my father again when he was making the pizza fly the pizza and maybe in the eighties this is before I was born and then this is actually me again making the pizza when I was at my grandmother from my mom's side making the the new york-style basically you're in Chicago when I was seven years old so yeah I mean this is very emotional for me because I was when every time I make a focaccia I think about my grandmother here again show you the picture so I hope I hope that you will enjoy this race with I hope that you will remake this rest bit and nothing I decide to to share a video about this amazing folk culture a let's go and let's go back in this amazing recipe because now one hour is passed by like we can see now the dough almost double the size so we're gonna go ahead and this time of one thing very important so after tell you in a couple of minutes my my story I want to say that let's go back in the focaccia so this recipe deserve for about two to four Katya about eight inches each pen but if you have a bigger pen you go only one focaccia so in this case we are going to use two pen about any eight inches each I don't have two squares but your one circle because today I'm going to show you how to cook the focaccia in the barbecue and in the in the regular oven first thing to do is we're gonna go ahead and put some olive oil on the this one extra virgin olive oil in the pan just like that make sure you put quite quite of amount of olive oil on the focaccia this way so the like I say before this recipe that there really really means a lot to me today so that's why I really like I'm putting my art in this video and make it perfect so let's go add a little bit more olive oil in the center and now let's go ahead and we're gonna split the dough in two parts there we go so if you wanna be precise go ahead and scale the the dough but in this case what I like to do is I do this I split it exactly in between but to be precise again you can go ahead and and the skillet there we go so now we make again one more ball and we place the dough in the middle of the pan just one let's get the other one be gentle be gentle voila see I put some olive oil in the center of the pan stuff you can easily see now we put the dough exactly in the middle of the pan so there we go now what more time cover with plastic wrap just like that now go ahead and let's cover both of them so now we leave a room temperature for one more hour let's wait here you go the focaccia almost double sides and almost double up the sides like you can see but now is the nice part there we gonna go have fun a little bit we're gonna go ahead and put the ingredients take a look okay this is what's next let's get one for Kasia and we're gonna put some extra olive oil on top and with your finger we just go gently pressing make sure it's not it's some olive oil on this on the on the bottom of the focaccia this way so now we just press gently with your finger not too much the you're gonna make sure that is all the same sides nice just a little bit not too much like you can see this is very thin for culture but you're going to see how he's gonna grow a little bit of olive oil on top same thing we move it just a little bit this way the oil goes under a little bit because I didn't put too much olive oil but you know it's good it's good too so now let's press for the focaccia there so we need some nice some nice good-looking cherry tomato I got some Marcelo style it's fine I personally love some beautiful kalamata olives of course some fresh oregano and then some just a little bit of salt that's all we need now it's time to go ahead and put our ingredients but one thing I wanna say what my grandmother what my grandmother always used to say I still remember here in my mind she used to say Vito in poetry and I'm gonna say exactly like how she used to say the pond dude who put the basket on top of cars that means the tomato needs to be the tomato needs to be go break on the focaccia so I like to cut a little bit this way doesn't squeeze so everywhere so now we're gonna go in and we basically gonna we basically a break on the focaccia just like that this is in dial it is cut at Supercuts so but the original way is that you gotta break it with your hands and you're gonna squeeze in the focaccia so don't be scared so break it if you don't want to make a mess see it's too much tomatoes everywhere if you don't wanna go ahead just go in the easy way just cut a little bit and pump squid squeeze it inside the focaccia nice Obama doll by Scott that super lava carts this is very dilated this is the original way how they make focaccia in Bari in the 50s my grandmother used to sell more then twenty to thirty four catches per day eleven o'clock in the morning it was done already sold out every single day guys every single day's Origo no on top don't be scared let's put some salt if you have the thick salt it's better a pinch of salt now let's put the olives but you don't have to put the olives you know the original one is just like this and some people puts the olive some people not done with the focaccia simple you know squareness finish the other one oregano done now the focaccia is nicely made done like my grandmother and Natalie so today what we do here is bring in the old tradition to the new style life butter so first thing now is to let it rate we need to learn rest the the we need to learn rest at room temperature one more time the less time for about 40 minutes at room temperature in the meantime we're gonna go ahead and warm up the oven and we gotta set up the oven at 450 degrees in the same time I'm gonna go ahead and fire up the grill the barbecue because today I'm going to cook the pizza I'm going to cook the focaccia in the only regular hormone and in the barbecue let's go fire up the grill we have a simple grill but you need a little stone on top just like that this way the flame doesn't heat too much the the the bottom of the focaccia so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna go ahead and fire up the different the degree at the max temperature but the max temperature both sides of the grill so now we let it rest we're gonna close and we're gonna wait that the the grill gets really hot so around 400 but you know just warm it up at the max temperature 30 minutes before you're gonna go ready to rock and roll here you go here you go guys it's time to put the focaccia in the oven after 30 minutes so now we're gonna cook the food culture of 450 Fahrenheit you have to basically look at it so basically usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes but take a look always when it gets a little bit brown gold color is ready to rock and roll mean come in get a chopper gotcha hey you catch enough Oh gotcha so we're gonna put one inside a speckle Oliva believe it she loves olives tea there we go the focaccia in the oven on the top and we're gonna let it cook for a little bit and now we're gonna go ahead and put in the same time the focus in the barbecue so let's go here you go guys let's place the focaccia on top of the stone if you don't have a store put a sheep in now let's close it right away and let's wait give it a nice check the grill is about 500 now let's get a check little check it's cooking it's cook it's cooking this one - can I really see it because I just burned the light okey okey okey okey guys the focaccia let me check microphones on the focaccia it's it's ready wow wow wow shake it out shake it out shake it out so let's go get the barbecue one and then we're gonna compare and see which one is better and you you go also the barbecue one is ready the grill the one cooking the grill is ready sounder now well you're gonna let's sit right here let's let it cool down a little bit like 15 minutes this way the tomato and the olives sits down in the focaccia and then we are ready to take it out shake it out the bottom and of course we're gonna taste them after they cool down let's see yes they cool down so now we're ready to take it out but you can see it's not sticky at all Wow amazing amazing if you guys wanna see what I bought this please guys if you wanna see where I got this check out the link below to get this type of pen 8 inches don't forget same thing a sticky those are they came out outstanding check out the bottom this one cook nicely little bit well done I had the grill out of Max and then this one home oven oh this is still a little bit hotter not sure why not bad from the light nicely done are made for memories guys memories I've been in this business all my life and take a look what I'm giving you today okay guys now I'm gonna place the microphone where you can hear the crowd outstanding whoo oh my god I mean take a look inside this crossed take a look let's cut the other one too and then one the square one was cooked in the barbecue I don't forget that not joking not joking at all okay now is the best part the best part of the video this is the the one cooking the whole moment I mean this time for the taste you have to try this all you do it you taste them and please then after you gotta go in this video you're gonna comment below what do you think of this recipe please this is my grandmother they give me this art this is art to generation by generation that's an honor let's taste the barbecue one it's so light so flatly so full of air in time you know but this is not a new taste to me this is something that I grew up with and then really reminds me of my family thank you so much as sue the next recipe thank you guys eat this are you gonna fly directly to Bari promise don't forget to subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 145,900
Rating: 4.9466319 out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, prank, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, focaccia barese, come fare la focaccia, how to make the focaccia, focaccia at home, old recipe, hope food fight, focaccia vito, focaccia bread, how to make focaccia bread, focaccia recipe, italian focaccia bread, italian bread, focaccia bread art, how to make bread
Id: ygV5E3Mq1Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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