BEST Farming Locations & Methods for ALL Mats in The First Descendant

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hey it's dry bear if you've been playing the first descendant for more than a couple minutes the biggest thing on your mind is how to grind for what you're looking for and the most optimal way to do it so in today's video I'm going through all the best methods to farm in the first descendant no matter what item or material or character you're looking for as well as methods and locations Now quickly before we go into the items themselves let's make sure you're optimized for the build and I think it is worth investing in a descendant or weapon or both to maximize your farming output cuz in a looter shooter farming is everything and hands down the best farming descendant in the entire game is bunny and she actually is free as part of the early part of the story you just focus on using her zap ability maximize her MP recovery maximize her skill range and keep it on cool down so it's always active and you just run around killing everything she's insanely useful and investing more into getting her higher and more effective is going to give you a lot more range and viability in these speed farming sessions but if you really want to speed Farm outside of bunny there's three or four other descendants that are pretty decent in it lepic one of them he has some good grouping and AOE mobbing SEMO is also quite good at this for just AOE cleave farming Ajax with a red module to increase his big AOE explosion and give it multiple charges plus his tankiness means you can kind of AFK and mindlessly farm and I want to give a special mention to Kyle as well because he has high Mobility good AOE cleave and very very reliable farming methods as well and there's three or four ultimate weapons that are really great for farming the first one you get for free is the thunder cage this one comes as part of the story as well what's great about the thunder cage is that when it kills an enemy it will explode with an electric shock wave if you get high proficiency and good mods into a thunder thunder cage it can actually make you a very efficient farmer outside of your descendant abilities which is going to make you very rich in the long run another great option is Greg's reverse fate which can drop meteors from the sky for more AOE farming the King's Guard Lance drops a Zeus Shield that you can shoot for pulsing AOE as well which makes a big difference in cleaving it down ads and if you have poison mods some kind of poison procs or you're playing The Descendant fra you want to pick up Fallen hope which has big explosions if you're targeting someone that is already poisoned that's let's talk about leveling because this is also another big thing for a lot of people not only are you going to be releveling your descendant every time you do a fora on them and reset their level you also have to level new descendants and you'll want to be increasing your Mastery level to give yourself even more power and right now the number one way to level if that's all you're focusing on doing is going to be the Special Operations if you go to the Special Operations terminal here on the east side of albian and you open this up the defense missions are some of the best ways to do this because there are a lot of stand in place if you're anywhere from level one to 20 on a descendant the best one to do is in Kingston This is the first Zone that you get activating this and doing the defense Mission means you don't have to go anywhere you have to do anything one of the easiest farms in the game but there's also some other options here you can do the defense mission in the Echo swamp and if you're willing to run around you can also do the sterile land block Kyper Mining and this one can have some good drops as well generally for these since they're multi-stage like you have to go through several stages through here most people if they're leveling usually just do the first or up to the second stage as it gets too hard and inefficient after that so you go up to the second stage leave and reset but there are some things that come from the final stages that can be quite useful if you're willing to push forward next let's talk about Kyper and gold the materials and the resources that you need to upgrade and research items and your descendants as well as upgrade your modules you can actually have the most power possible out of your character and especially for the class-based module you're going to need a ton a ton a ton of gold and Kyper to get that really off the ground now when it comes to gold and Kyper farming your main focus is a high density of mobs in a small area that you can easily use all of these AOE options that we've talked about to clean them out nicely there's three locations that are going to be extremely optimal that I'm going to recommend for you the first one which is probably the third on the list just because it is not as fast it has great density but not quite as fast as the other two on the list there going to be Fortress outskirts and this is inside of the zone of white night Gulch in the top right corner here under shipment base go to the shipment base and come over to Fortress outskirts but what's great about this Mission specifically is you can repeat it as many times as you want you can instantly reset it and up here are four capture points that you want to capture in order to clear however when you activate any one of these capture points they will continually spawn mobs and you can actually go and activate all four during the mission and have them constantly feeding mobs to the point where this whole Courtyard is full of mobs at all times clean them out reset the the mission do it again the next one is in sterile land and right now is incredibly incredibly popular and that is going to be inside of sterile land on the bottom left inside of rockfall you go to the anticipated Ambush point and this one may just be loaded out which can be a good thing but inside of stero land you want to come get this this one is a 30 to 60c Mission you can reset it as many times as you want it'll spawn a bunch of mobs and then spawn an elite in the middle and that's important because they just patched it so that the elites outside of these missions can start dropping really crucial materials so what you do is you run a bunny or a very strong AOE build run around clearing everything you can have this Mission done in literally 45 seconds have someone run down here and reset it and clear it all again this is a great place to farm gold and Kyper however based on what day it is of the week it can also be an excellent spot for farming whatever it is that drops that day most of the time this one is going to be dropping your reactors but depending on what day the this changes based on acquisition but it can drop really high quality especially on hard mode uh reactors that you can use to farm and get extra details out of that plus tons of golden Kyper depending on your build overall whether you're running bunny or any The Descendants or weapons that I mentioned you can get anywhere from 300 to 500k Kyper and gold per hour just sitting here on this short Mission and if you know what I'm talking about when it comes to the rotational rewards if you press M and open your map and then go to difficulty level rewards by pressing F you'll see a schedule for these depending on what it is that you're looking for so if you go to this rotation here you can actually see based on the area what it's currently dropping the most of based on what it needs and you'll see that it has a time remaining until next reward rotation sometimes these rotate daily most of the time they rotate weekly and they'll have different rewards right now it's reactors and actually just looking at the schedule you can see it's most of the time reactors but sometimes you might be getting something else like a memory drop or a sensor drop maybe there's something that you're looking for based on that and then the elements and the specific things that come out of it will rotate as well so when you're looking at that just make sure you pay attention to what you're after right now is a great time to farm reactors from these individual events and if you're wondering by the way what bunny is capable you can see the range of this person how far their zap actually is you can make it cover almost the entire Mission area if you have fully maxed out modules and give you incredible like look at the distance of that that's like a close to maxed out bunny uh or fully upgraded bunny that can help you clear and speed Farm very easily and the other great farming spot right now is going to be inside of echo swamp if you come down here to the abandoned Zone in the bottom right you want to come up to Battlefield Mission abandoned Refinery unit this one is very similar to the last one we talked about inside the sterile land you pop this up you run a a route going over this hill down into a cave and you fight mobs at the end but this one and the last one both have an elite mob or more in it which means they're going to be dropping the new loot that come out of used to come out of just vaults before which is super useful next is code analyzers and code Breakers these are the consumable items that you use to break into the encrypted vaults all over all of the maps and this give you the special Vault material keep in mind that they just launched a hot fix that allows the elite mobs in the infiltration Mission and the open world missions to drop the Vault materials which means we're not required to do vaults but they are still incredibly efficient and you will be getting these analyzers and Breakers and uh bu building off of that now where they go is up to you the kind of loot that you get from it is also uh important based on the region and the difficulty that they'll go they'll say on the analyzer there's code analyzers Precision code analyzers and there are Ultra Precision code anal lyers and it will depend just on the difficulty and the area you're going into these just drop from pretty much everything that is relevant in the game and it's actually quite hard to Target Farm These in fact if you're just doing golden Kyper Farms you'll regularly get these to drop all the time and so I don't really recommend anyone try to Target farm specifically analyzers and Breakers but try to do an efficient Farm where you're killing lots of mobs that have the chance to drop these and you'll start piling these up now when it comes to encrypted vaults it's kind of schoras boorg when you first get into finding these things if you didn't know what these are this is where you spend the code Breakers and the analyzers to unlock and get the mini game there and if you didn't know just really quickly if you press tab to proc your aive on PC or whatever it is on Console if you're facing away from a vault but there's one nearby you'll get this bop sound if you're aiming at one and and it's nearby you'll get this high-pitched kind of sonar sound and that will just allow you to you know look towards the Target and work your ways towards it however once you get better at finding the Vault these are are all in relatively fixed locations they'll be random all over the map but they're kind of in the same area every single time and you can reload the map and do it over and over again so once you get used to it what some people will do is they'll memorize the zone and they'll just go through the route finding all of these and getting those done now they did make it so the Vault materials come out of the elite mobs in in infiltration and open world missions right now which is a huge help however if you need help with these in order to get these done keep in mind that The Descendant Enzo if you have him active and you have him owned if he's active when you do a vault it'll make the mini game of doing the Vault easier and there's also Enzo specific things that come out of vaults as well so if you have the time Farm up an Enzo and use it for Vault farming and lastly let's talk void shards so that you can properly Farm void reactors so if you go to a void reactor these Fusion reactors they have a resource that's required called void shards in order for you to activate the reactor and then once you complete the reactor it will drop a chest that you can use in morph his material in order to get some loot out of that this is a very common thing that you need for specific characters you'll need amorphous materials that come out of like they'll drop somewhere else you'll take them to a void reactor and open them there however one thing that stops a lot of people from farming is going to be these void re the void reactors needing void shards you can see that this void reactor here this void Fusion reactor requires 39 monomer void shards and six polymer void shards so these are consumable items that you'll pick up from doing the events in the void uh the void fragments you'll pick up these materials and then you'll use them to open void reactors however one thing that not a lot of people know is that inside of these void reactors there's actually not an even Distribution on what drops where most of the Void uh fragments that you do will drop like this it's like 2 to three or 3 to four of all of the Void shards however if there's a reactor you're looking at specifically like for example this one which requires 39 monomer void shards some of these void fragments have very wide distributions on what shards they drop for example inside of agna desert here in the top side of the mining site you can go up to the void fragment here and this one you can see drops 14 monomer void shards one polymer and none of the other two so if you're doing a void reactor that needs a lot of monomer void shards but not much of the others you can quickly farm this void fragment specifically over and over and then in this case it's three runs to get the monomer void shards you need whereas if you're running a different void fragment you might need way more runs in order to get that done so they're not all made equal now the trick to these void fragments is they are Elemental based which means that depending on the element that it's displaying you might need a different character to actually activate it so the way these work is based on the element that they're showing you have to hit it with an ability that has that element which means that if you don't have a full uh list of each element for your descendant it's going to be hard to do this unless you find someone that comes by bunny can definitely trigger it so she'll trigger it she'll start the event and then I can join in on top of that which is nice but if I don't have an electric I can't do that as well now non-attribute is easy to pick up you can get Ajax or you can get Kyle you can get the chill element from VSA you can get the toxin element from fra you can get the fire element from characters like Blair or lepic and once you have a full list of those you can Farm whichever of the Void fragments that you want the best farm for monomer void Shan is going to be this void fragment in the mining site inside of agna Desert located here it gives 14 monomer void shards per run this one requires an electric element mobility in order to activate the best shot for the void shards polymer polymer void shards is going to be in White Night Gulch in the bottom right inside the observatory Zone this one gives 13 polymer void shards per run the best spot for organic void shards which gives 14 per drop is inside of echo swamp at the very bottom of muskeg swamp and this one requires a Fire Element to activate and the best spot for inorganic void chards is in echos swamp as well but this time in derel covert which is in the bottom side here and this one requires a toxic element in order to activate so it is a good investment to get one a non-attribute a fire a toxic an electric and a chill in order to do the best Farms ultimately long term and you get all of those characters for free frina is a very easy character to farm bunny is almost instantaneous if you picked up VSA or lepic you'll get fire or chill or if you picked up Ajax you'll have have non attribute then you just need to farm one of the others and that's probably a good starting point for your account to try and get those elements available so you can Farm the best and most efficient ways to get these void shards to open void reactors I'll leave you with a hot tip that I don't see enough people using that is if you're in game and you open the world map by pressing G on PC if you go over to access info tab here this will give you info on anything that drops in the game and you can also specifically Target farm and track things a lot easier than running all the way back to Anna East in albian and track it that way so if there's a specific weapon you're trying to farm say you want to farm the Blue Beetle you can see all of the items all of the things that are required to do it and you can also hit you while looking at it in order to track that specific item so if you want to track super fluid you can hit you it'll mark it it'll show up on your list here and then if you press you while you're on your main character screen on the far left side of the screen you'll see that it has now appeared and it shows you what you're trying to track based on that this is a huge game changer this access info area anything you're trying to farm this specific module if there's a specific material some amorphous material and also keep in mind that on the amorphous material if you're wondering where you go to open it you can press L on PC it'll swap to which boss or which void reactor opens that amorphous material so if you're like okay I have amorphous pattern 126 what do I kill to get that okay I have to go to go do molten Fortress in order to get this to open up to get the loot that's inside of it and that's what I got for you today hopefully this helps you speed farm and optimize your farming experience in the first descendant there's other guides you'd like for me let me know know down below if you found value in today's video leave a like down below leave a comment for the algorithm to help this video get seen by more people and don't forget to check out my other channels for other content and other stuff and other things [Music] [Music]
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 44,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, the first descendant, the first descendant guide, first descendant best, first descendant best xp farm, first descendant best farm, first descendant best kuiper shard farm, first descendant guide, the first descendant xp farm, the first descendant tips, first descendant, the first descendant level up fast, the first descendant how to, the first descendant best xp farm, void shard, kuiper, gold, descendant xp, the first descendant tier list
Id: 6HIkhLhF0pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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