20 BIG Mistakes You’re STILL Making in The First Descendant!

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welcome back gang it's deltia from deltas  gaming.com and the first descendant I was   probably the biggest noob in the game and I've  made literally every mistake possible so I want   to share what I did as a noob to prevent you from  making the same idiotic mistakes as me time stamps   are below if you wish to skip ahead you got  something out of this video like And subscribe   and let's get to it so first mistake up that I  made constantly was picking the right reactor so   I'm just going to grab a different reactor here  now when you look at reactor there's kind of a   lot of information here you have skill uh Power  sub attack power optimized condition Miss skill   power skill power boost ratio and then actually  two bonuses down at the bottom so it's a lot of   balancing and a lot to know about your individual  class and individual classes and characters get   even more complicated the first thing you need to  know when you're actually equipping these reactors   is what descendant attribute do you have if we  go to Ajax here I look at one skill and ass is   non-attribute all of his skills are non-attribute  so it's not chill it's not fire it's not that now   you have two that are Dimension which are the  bubble the barrier and then two damage which are   Tech this is what's going to determine the optimal  reactor for you to use because if you go back to   the inventory here you look at it non attribute  perfect for us because that's everything and then   Tech that that's really good for the two damage  abilities now if you look at my UI it says C and   G the two icons light up for which two skills are  activated the best so you can see the T and the Z   the farri abilities are not lit up this is just  a visual indicator telling you what's getting   the most power okay now when you're um beginning  the game what's going to happen is you're going   to get reactors at a bunch of different levels and  I save some Lobby level ones just to kind of show   you and demonstrate here so while you're leveling  every four four or five levels you probably just   want to equip a better reactor so let's say we  have this one at level 22 right and at level 51   it doesn't really matter what's matched that  much you can see electric skill power boost   ratio tingling phase reactor this is for something  that bunny would use I do have a shotgun equip but   look at the the big pluses that go up so leveling  is not so much important you kind of want to look   and match when you can but not critical for your  build when you get to any game optimizing your   reactor is very very important you want to save a  couple multiple reactors if your descendant uses   different type of skills you can see it for every  single descendant when you go into the skills   menu so if we grab bunny here you can see that  she's going to use electric fusion and electric   singular so if you're using maximum power a lot  you're using thrill bomb a lot you want Fusion   singular for the lightning emission which is the  big AOE and the Speed Charge attack same thing   here toxic so on reactors come in four different  forms so you're going to have four toxic you're   going to have four electric chill so on I have all  these on my website deltus gaming.com yes that's   the first plug but I want you to know that this  is really important for optimizing your skills   power and potential and you're trying to match the  skills that you use along with fire chill electric   toxic and non-attribute look at the UI see what  it Buffs up while you're leveling just equip   something that gets more powerful about every five  or six levels next up is number two and don't wait   till max level to save your gun so you can see  sniper rifle weapon class equipped like a noob I   basically dismantled all my guns cuz I'm like I'm  just going to take the highest one and Slot it and   use it right that makes sense not so much you need  a wide variety of guns especially when you reach   endgame and you're doing the void intercept boss  battle the reason why is the ammunition is very   important the range and then meeting that reactor  condition a lot of the times when you're leveling   or even at endgame there's going to be probably  one out of your three weapons that you're not   really going to use that frequently you might use  a sniper rifle for high impact rounds you might   use the machine gun for a boss battle but that  second weapon probably not going to get a lot   of use and if you have a mid Max reactor you can  match that quickly by just swapping a gun so what   I'd recommend doing which is the opposite of what  I did is to save gave each and every one of these   guns at least one copy because we know how these  games work they Nerf and buff weapons all the time   and while you're leveling you can save these so  that way when something gets nerfed something   gets buffed you can quickly grab these out of  your storage update the level so they're at 100   and have the new meta gun this game has a really  good system for kind of finding every single gun   and weapon list so this access information  if you ever want to know and find things   is usually pretty good it doesn't have the actual  uh guns that are non ultimate so you're going to   have to come here to your inventory and go to  weapon list now this will show kind of what you   have and all the different types and Rarities so  you can go by type you can go by Rarity and then   you can kind of start tracking these specific guns  you want to collect rare or ultimate is probably   the best you don't want to save these but start  stashing these away you never know when they're   going to be meta and they're going to change  buff and Nerf them all so it will help you to   match your reactor and so you're not scrambling  around to grind some crap gun that you don't   have that you deleted like me and your reactor is  not mid Max or optimize speaking of guns that you   should collect number one is the Tamer this is a  rare machine gun and is just a boss melter it's   really helped me get past some of the tough Parts  in the main story being able to beat those bosses   easily and not being a complete Noob missile and  running around with non mid Max guns that I have   no idea what to use and what to do so the Tamer  you can find after you feed I think the Dead bride   you're going to need to reach uh agna desert and  you come up here I have a written guide on this   as well on the website but it's called the Bannon  reconstruction site so if you go here and scroll   down you hold alt and mouse wheel down you'll  see Tamer General rounds acquisition 50% so I got   basically three of them in 10 minutes coming here  now even if you're low level and you're not at U   level 100 you can put this to normal and it makes  it so much easier I think the monster levels yeah   47 so roughly less than halfway through the main  campaign you can start collecting this guy and use   it throughout the entirety of the game especially  for those boss rounds cuz that's what holds you   back from completing the campaign and making  progression is getting this Tamer will really   help you out it's also General rounds as well so  it's easy to hold ammunition so don't wait until   end game to get this meta weapon I'm sure 2 weeks  from now when people are watching leaving nasty   comments they'll Nerf it but right now it's hot um  I got to admit I'm a complete Noob when I came to   bosses all right so I hate to admit this but I'm  the idiot running around with bunny dying every 30   seconds yeah you know you probably saw me in one  of these rounds what you need to do is swap your   loadouts and your equipment based on the content  you're playing so first thing you're going to want   to do is what am I playing and what's my goal and  objective void intercept battles are completely   single Target mostly mid to long range so when  you're running around with thunder cage and bunny   going up close and trying to AOE everything that  ain't going to work against these Colossus and   they're going to Nuke you I'm the idiot that was  dead every single 3 seconds the best thing to do   is have a machine gun like uh Tamer another reason  this is really really good is the range the drop   off is so long so if we come into the Tamer you  can see the effective range drop off starts at   35 me so that's pretty good um to be able to do  optimal damage at midrange instead of having to   get really really close to the boss this number is  critical for your weapons otherwise you're going   to have that thunder cage up close and personal  and get nuked like me constantly Dy spaghetti   do not do it so you want to have a machine gun  with General rounds you either want to have a   weapon with special rounds or with impact rounds  and then a high impact either grenade launcher   for ad clear is pretty good or a sniper rifle in  general is very good for Boss clear then when you   go do content where you're just about grinding and  trying to complete everything as fast as possible   swap in that thunder cage swap in that grenade  launcher so that way you can clear ads quickly   but set up something specifically for bosses So  speaking of Boss setup another thing you need   to do is optimize your mods for these specific  setups so you can have setting one I just have   a generalized one because I basically just use  this weapon for bosses and bosses are about weak   points so the mods they're going to be very very  helpful for you is typically weak point damage   crit hit rate and crit hit damage those are going  to be really good to lean into all right moving on   to another thing which is queuing up crafting the  reason this is important is you're going to need   this at end game or while leveling so you might  as well queue up some important crafting if you   have the materials now it obviously shows we want  to do this one this is used to level up ultimate   firearm so if you get that Thunder cage and it's  level 20 you can consume a level 30 and upgrade   it you're also going to need a bunch of these as  you acquire more of them so even having 10 in your   possession would be useful cuz as you get more  ultimate ones you can just consume some random gun   that you don't use and get that in case you need  to swap in that weapon now for non ultimate ones   it's phase exchanger so for the Tamer and other  ones little bit lower cost you can do four of   them so we're going to do that as well so that way  we can have all of them in our vault or our bank   at 100 just in case the meta changes adjustment  control access these are critical okay so research   request you want a gazillion of these these are  for your reroll traits so when you reach endgame   you're going to play a little mini game that  says dice rolls and make you mad and triggered   when you don't get what you want so if you go  to weapon Readjustment now I got almost a god   roll if you want to call that for where's the dang  weapon tamer so you can see I have fire uh firearm   critical hit firearm critical hit damage amazing  weak point damage amazing um You' obviously want   these all legendary in gold right the one you  probably wouldn't want me necessarily is this   one though Colossus and boss killing is pretty  good so let's say I want to lock these in okay two   three oh boy if I want to re roll on this it cost  20 to get that one trade a little bit more mid Max   this will be your endgame grind these adjustment  control axes so constantly spam these even while   you're leveling so that way when you reach endgame  you get the sweaty meta weapons you can sit there   and spam it and pray to RNG is that you actually  get the right roll ion accelerator is another one   you're not going to need a gazillion of these but  these are helpful to uh mid Max reactors so if you   hit a research request on those I usually Q4 of  those up um and that's what's going to increase   your reactor strength you're only going to need  about 10 12 maybe 15 reactors when you play with   a bunch of characters anyways but getting those  maxed out will be helpful now what I do is I   come down here and usually if there's a legendary  weapon or you have a descendant that you're ready   to craft it'll kind of pop up at the very top  left it wants you to get to your attention it   once you to start crafting it another thing you  can do is kind of scroll down here and then see   what you're missing so via here I'm missing just  a couple pieces and I can craft her if I didn't   own her already same with Ajax here and so on so  what I like to do is come down here to like the   legendary weapons and you can see I already have  blueprints for the last dagger I have blueprints   for Smither Ren so what I would do is like look  at acquisition information and be like all right   what am I missing here besides the blueprint uh  last dagger Nano tube so what do I need to do   Echo swamp normal okay so I could run that those  and kind of look at the acquisition and farm those   quickly and bang this is what would give me the  weapon if I was really hurting for this Ultimate   Weapon so you might be missing one piece to get  that really sweaty cool weapon just scroll down   here and look while you're queing up the research  it will help okay another simple thing to do um   that will save you time and energy is using  presets so if you go in your inventory there's   H called the presets this is really helpful if you  play a bunch of different characters I think you   get four for free so you can see these are kind  of the ones that I use frequently and while this   is helpful is when you swap from bunny to you know  Enzo or frer or whatever it's not going to swap re   actors it's not going to swap external components  it's just going to keep on whatever you have and   so if you use Ajax for like boss killing and  you use bunny just for basically running around   blasting stuff and trying not to die while you're  clearing content swapping in is going to change   all this stuff for you and four for free you can  also use this to have one main character that you   swap very specific builds like a very specific F  encounter a very specific AOE ad clear and so on   and use a bunch of them but i' highly recommend  you do it for uh multiple descendants because   you're going to be using multiple descendants  whether you like it or not due to the Mastery   Rank which I will touch on next and you don't want  to swap and have the wrong external components and   reactor on and not be optimal because you've  been like me probably running around with   the wrong gear on the wrong weapons when you swap  descendants hitting like a wet noodle so use those   presets in there and then also use the presets  inside of your actual weapons and descendant   remember you have different settings for this so  this can be very helpful when you're trying to Mid   Max very specific situations same thing here with  the sended modules you can have a survivability   load out you can have a specific boss encounter  you can have AOE ad clear so mastery rank is up   next and basically at level I think 11 is when I  stopped gaining Mastery I'm like huh what's going   on and because I basically played one character  all the way through campaign um mainly bunny I   think about 10 or 11 you kind of stop here why  that is is you need to swap different characters   so press the button Mastery Rank XP earned by  completing missions uh Rising weapon profishing   or leveling up your Descendants the fastest way to  grind this up is leveling up your descendants um   so if you go to descendants here you can see I've  leveled up some pretty good it seems like Beyond   level 30 you get a ton of Mastery XP so if you  really want to grind out that Mastery XP which   is a passive way to make you very very powerful  because you look to send it mod capacity you get   more that's why it's so important the mod capacity  every little bit of mod capacity will squeeze out   just a little bit more power it also helps just  get in inventory and equipment storage slots   that's nice but the mod capacity is everything  now I did this in my previous video but there's   two different grind spots that you can take let me  show you so if you come over here in albian you're   going to go to the special operation terminal two  different grind spawns yes I have a written guide   on my website check the website I know I know  but the easiest one to do here is defend Albi and   resource there's two points where enemies spawn  and it's complete wave kills you go till about   wave 10 and reset it and it's just incredible  XP maybe 2 hours max to completely hit max level   with these guys um usually about level 30 or so I  swap I swap to the swamp the swamp is more or less   doing Loops but a lot more density in ads they a  little bit higher level so you get a little bit   more XP but if you do these two in conjunction  hour hour and a half maybe you can queue up with   uh randoms to or bring a buddy and park on the  specific spawns and just nuke them with like   Blair or via or fra or even just this guy Ajax  and using thunder cage super easy so that's how   you can grind out those Mastery ranks and even get  your character even bit more optimized so don't   get hung up when your Mastery Rank isn't moving  you need to focus on progressively leveling it   when you're doing chores in the game all right  now something super embarrassing I have to admit   uh I'm a complete new when it comes to mods and  I looked at this and I got to be honest with you   I'm like huh mod slots well shouldn't you feel  every single one I thought that the best way to   do mods and I know don't laugh at me or trash me  in the comments please was like I need to fill   up all of these right cuz all of them means you  more powerful right no that doesn't mean that so   if you go to settings remember that mods can  be increased in Effectiveness so you see the   different bars that I have here so shock punches  at 10 increase defense and so on and I have my Max   uh module capacity of 60 since I haven't uh maxed  out this guy yet at 80 yet so what I'm saying to   you is sometimes you only need five or six mods  and then to really increase their efficiency and   Effectiveness to have a proper build don't be like  me and go oh I need to fill out every single mod   slot that's not the key to power the key to power  is mid maxing the mods that you need the most   and sometimes these blue standard ones are very  very good and you only need a couple of rares or   purples and maybe one gold one specifically to Mid  Max your build I have Builds on the website I'm in   the process of updating all the mods after I've  learned this so also you have a skill module here   this is for transcended mods most players don't  necessarily use that but it's very helpful and if   you don't know this subm module there's a bunch of  different varieties here that basically increase   your max module capacity I'm going to give you  another tip a little bit later on which one you   should optimize and why but these are the priority  to upgrade because it will increase your module   capacity so five six mods Max is sometimes all you  need to have a sweaty awesome build and just focus   on optimizing those and increasing those versus  filling in every spot like I thought we had to do   to be powerful don't laugh all right another  new missile thing that I did um was external   components I had no idea how to get a stronger  defense and I'm still not like you know God's gift   to the game or anything like that but I'm trying  to share with things that I've learned to prevent   you from sucking as bad as me so when you look at  external components I'm not going to look at that   one just yet there's essentially three different  things that you have listed so defense is the top   stat when I was leveling and kind of learning the  game I just looked at this one I did not look at   the two below I know that's embarrassing but you  see MP recovered in combat okay that's a decent   modifier character XP gain modifier uh that's not  so good at endgame right you don't really need   that necessarily when you're doing a boss battle  now if we take a look at this one don't look at   the the the set bonus but look at the stats 4,  400 4,6 100 defense uh versus this guy yeah that's   pretty good but you also look at the two sub ones  here Max Shields of 264 and then toxin resistance   of 1993 this is an incredible mod because it  provides three layers of support now sometimes   you'll get double defense double Shields double  HP and then having a uh Elemental resistance   isn't a bad drop and roll as well these external  components are basically just armor I don't know   why they call them external components but it's  armor even when you're leveling this will make a   dramatic difference in how survivable you are is  not necessarily looking at the level but looking   at what the drops are another really helpful thing  that I found um one that you might want to look   for trait wise is Shield recovering combat  so when I was playing bunny I had pretty big   shields but as soon as they would go down it felt  like it would be half an hour before my Shields   would come back up to full so Shield recovery in  combat especially when you're leveling or you're   stacking a bunch of shields is really really  important because without it you're just going   to be waiting around forever for them Shields to  recharge all right next I want to show you like a   little boss fight here and explain something very  important so you need to spam the Tab Key the tab   key on PC is called something I can't pronounce I  can't read very well ECI i v e scan okay whatever   it's a tab scan and it basically shoots out and  kind of gives you visual indicators of weak points   on boss fights that's really helpful right spam  this sucker another reason it's helpful is it   kind of tells you the Buffs and or debuffs on the  individual mobs and or bosses so it discovers weak   points but moreover it kind of gives you symbols  above the enemy's head so you can kind of know   where the spawns are if you don't know where the  spawns are you're looking at the radar on your top   left and you're kind of seeing oh they're might  going to be over here right you hit that Tab Key   and it clearly indicates with those little tool  tips over their head where they are so you can   like shut grenades out there or something else and  kind of prep the damage and also you kind of know   if they have a buff or debuff on them so simple  tip here spam that sucker 10 15 seconds it doesn't   matter you can still shoot and use this ability  so why not use it and be have and have way more   situational rareness all right next up is mods and  I talked about this a little bit earlier but so I   leveled up shock punch here and I got 10 so what  that does is it gives you Max module capacity of   increase 10 awesome right um not so much I should  have done something else which um I haven't got   around to do I've kind of farmed it a couple times  but haven't got this yet so don't be me and screw   this up and dump a ton of resources in the shock  punch it's not bad but it's not optimal so come   over here and go to infiltration operations if  you had the time um I would farm this one here   long distance maneuvering so this is an ultimate  version of the same sort of thing so increases   Max module capacity but instead of giving you  some random bonus you don't want it modifies   the grappling hook range to 25 M but the base  charge time changes to 6 seconds and the charge   time increases by 20% so it's nice because you  have a 25 M of grappling distance so if you've   seen people use this grappling like how are they  getting that far out there this is how you do it   and you canarm this um just the beginning one  you don't even have to do hard mode try to get   that right away dump a ton of points into it and  you'll use that for every single build that you   have another mistake I made is you see how there  is these slots so I have no idea what these slots   did I'm going to be honest with you I'm like cool  graphics nice awesome so let's say we have this   little three bar one it's called malakite okay  what does this what does this symbol actually do   for us if I slot malachite over here at six cost  six to slot it in this non three bar thing if I   go over here oh boy it increases it to three  that's what these symbols mean that's why it's   really really important to have the mods in this  specific slot to decrease your module capacity   because with three extra uh mod capacity I can  increase a really sweaty mod and make it even   better this is how you squeeze and mid Max your  build both in weapons and descendant mods is to   get these slots and optimiz them that way you can  have a ton of mod capacity speaking of matching   the sockets correctly L um there is an item that  allows you to here we go reset your character so   this Crystal you make I think you have to get  Mastery Rank 12 or 13 I should know this but   once you get this you get a quest that introduces  you this and you can craft it so it resets your   level this can reset your weapon or it can reset  your descendant you're like well that's stupid   why would I want to do that because what allows  you to do is Place another one of these slots   on your bar so you can lower that module capacity  so if you use a like a really expensive one like   this guy it's another three bar one but if we  go to let's say I can't pronounce the word cuz   imagine that increased HP I got this thing it cost  15 right you could put a c or whatever that word   is right here yeah you'd have to reset Ajax but if  you got an hour or two reset him before you do any   boss battles come back here max out to level  40 and now you got even more mod capacity it   sounds simple and stupid and easy but even three  four mod capacity Plus your master ranks plus   increasing his mod capacity even further means  he can just get more and more powerful this is   how you get massive stats because I'm seen people  running around with bazillion defense a gazillion   HP and I'm like how do they do it this is how they  do it don't be a noob like me continue to progress   descendants and don't use the same one continue  to reset the weapons continue to reset The   Descendants so you can actually optimize that modu  capacity and get really strong okay last thing   I want to touch on um is having a descendant for  bosses and having a descendant for uh just content   clearing grinding the two obvious choices for me  are Bunny and Ajax bunny is S Plus tier for just   completing missions and grinding out trash mobs  and Quest right and running through dungeons bunny   is not so s here when it comes to bosses why well  because none of her abilities really matter for   bosses the only thing she can do halfway decent is  clear ads when they come out during boss fights a   lot of times people just forego and don't even  mess with the the the ads so what I'd recommend   is using bunny to level up and then using someone  like Ajax until you're familiar with the game cuz   Ajax has these two bubbles these are absolutely  god tier group utility and solo survivability   you can see what this bubble here I got uh 15sec  cool down huge massive range and radius and it can   absorb enormous amount of damage so I went from  dying every 5 seconds with bunny to not dying at   all and being able to resurrect a lot of teammates  with Ajax now super sweaty players they're going   to play glay she's the boss melter right so her  ability is all about just increasing weapon damage   and bosses aren't about spamming abilities cuz you  really can't do it on top of them unless you're   playing defensive she is a really good character  for just absolutely melting bosses along with   via fra these two are really good yun's actually  pretty good for defensives but he pretty squishy   and any character that has damage over time or  something they can do at range like poison dots   they can use their abilities so F has this uh her  last ability is a Venom baptism it's not that good   because you don't really want to swap into an  ad killing Ultimate Weapon you don't need that   you need the tamer or some other weapon anyways  now if you look at lepic his ultimate Overkill is   amazing cuz it shoots his huge damage over time  long cool down tons and tons of damage so you   can fire off those missiles go back your weapon  and do a lot of damage so I'm trying to tell you   is pick something to clear bunch of trash mobs  level up quickly get to end game complete that   campaign AKA Bunny and then swap to something  Noob friendly so me complete Noob dying every   30 seconds there's no one better than Ajax to get  you through the bosses so you can keep consuming   the content completing the campaigns and getting  those hard mode void Interceptor battles where   you can get the really sweaty gear I hope this  helped you if it did leave comment below I got   a th000 bazillion build on my website check  the website and I hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: Deltia's Gaming
Views: 124,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first descendant thunder cage, best character the first descendant, the first descendant best class, the First Descendant, Valby, Valby Build, Bunny, Bunny Build, The First Descendant Bunny, Kyle, first descendant characters, the first descendant beginners guide, the first descendant, the first descendant classes, first descendant starter guide, first descendant beginner guide, the first descendant update, nexus the first descendant, the first desendant weapon guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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