MASSACRE GLEY IS BROKEN! | Ultimate All Rounder Gley | 7 Catalysts

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sh [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure you've seen so many Glade videos out there especially ones with Tamer and Rocket spam and it's more centered around only bossing yes glay is the best bossing unit in the game just because the way she enables guns and gives them the biggest thing that they need infinite ammo and more damage however what if I were to use my glay to enable my gun to also enable my Glade to enable her ability what's good folks it's nightmare frame here with a new first descended video coming at you with an allrounder glay these build videos do take a while to release because a lot of investment is put into them just to show you guys how powerful a unit can be when given the time and effort and of course sometimes your credit card and none of this is possible without the help of you guys especially the ones on Twitch who help with the grind for these 14-hour streams now this build is a glay Loadout that is very flexible in what it can do and can be taken pretty much anywhere it has great single Target damage and somewhat decent AOE and no it will never compete with a bunny or FRA nuking the area although your guns will feel hella satisfying to understand the build first we have to know how glay Works let's start off with her passive glay is a unique unit where she doesn't possess any Shields or Mana but uses health and a unique resource to use her abilities thirst this passive has you collect life Essence from enemies you've slained and they drop at a 30% chance and the drop rate cannot be modified they look like little balls of red gloop these balls have a feeli timer and don't last forever but the field time can be extended with duration mods regardless you have to go and pick these up and it will heal you and fill up your second resource bar this resource bar fills up with 10 individual bars and only with this resource bar you can use the second and fourth ability although your first third and fourth ability use health as resource the fourth ability consumes both health and the life force bar and when I say consume it takes it all glay has 7even to 8ish abilities because switching between frenzy and normal Alters the functionality of her abilities so let's start with her first ability frenzy she starts off in normal mode and with this mode she has 4% damage reduction really low but it can scale with her second ability and in frenzy State she gives her guns a 15% boost in their base damage and grants bullets penetration basically armor-piercing rounds the damage modifiers are not affected by any form of power or skill power modifier and because her being in this powerful State she is more vulnerable to damage and her healing received is greatly decreased your health is also used as a resource to activate this ability now on to the second life siphon this is simple she needs her second resource to use this ability it's an AOE damaging ability that is used to sustain and enhance her defenses while in normal mode enemies hit by this ability Grant glay damage reduction that Stacks it proportionally to the enemy's hit and that's 2% per enemy that caps out a 10 stacks and how long this buff last is affected by duration while in frenzy mode this ability is used to sustain glay where it consumes the enemy's Health to heal her up and this damage is affected by modifiers increased sensory the star of the show in normal mode while while the ability is active it increases the amount of Health she gains from all healing sources even from the life orbs she picks up she also gains an overall 30% movement speed multiplier in the frenzy State she is able to Grant all her weapons infinite magazine further boosting your DPS this ability does have a very short duration and a very long cool down that's why the bread and butter for all Glade builds are going to have a large duration and reducing their cool down as much as possible to give this ability a massive up time and finally her fourth Massacre this is glaz unique weapon glaz summons her own pistol where it gains a magazine based on the amount of Life Force you had when you activated it so Max 10 bars gives you 10 bullets in the magazine this magazine is of course sustained with the help of your third ability Massacre scales from several Buffs your frenzy State Dimension non-attribute modify fires HP consumed and lastly your equipped weapon yes your weapon will function as a stat stick to boost the damage of your Massacre if your weapon functions as an SMG or a sniper your Massacre will inherit those stats from crits fire rate modded elements and even bonus Elemental damage from affixes on your weapon using massacre in the frenzy state will add a flat amount of additional damage to what Massacre fires the best thing to do with this ability is pair with a strong fast firing weapon and of course in in normal mode uh it stuns enemies yeah don't use it in the normal mode absolutely useless but here's a nice tip for all glay players your third ability can be used in any mode and can carry over to the next so for example you can activate the speed boost and healing from your non-f frenzied State turn on frenzy and when the cool down is over you can now have both the speed bonus healing bonus alongside the infinite ammo that's if you have enough coold down reduction so now that you understand how her kit works I'm going to make maintaining my life force 10 times easier and that's with the blood and iron skill module that augments her passive so now rather than depending on killing enemies and running to pick up these life force orbs your crits can grant you life force it still has a 30% chance to Grant you these life force but if you have a fast firing weapon that 30% is going to feel so easy and now for every module Farm lit most of your items use your codex and track the mod you want to farm now that you know how she works let's take a look at how I've build her all right let's take a look at a quick gameplay Loop before I show you how the build works this is very important because sometimes people don't really pay attention to their cooldowns or do not know where to look at when they're managing their cooldowns and resources another thing about glay doesn't matter what weapon you're using you never have to worry about magazine capacity nor do you have to worry about reload speed so you can go with all those those negatives that affect magazine and reload speed for example I'm going to deplete all my ammo right here activate my third ability and I can still shoot so she never has to worry about ammo at all so pay attention right here you see these green markers this displays your current active Boon right now you see that little icon with her hair up pretty much means that she's in frenzy when she deactivate it her hair is down now you see that icon with the weird missiles that's your infinite ammo buff and when you're non-f frenzy states you have that healing icon this also grants you that movement speed multiplier which helps you to get to objectives faster so right now I'm using my abilities lowering my HP as much as possible but you'll notice when you're playing in open world content health is never an issue you will never go down that low he we activate frenzy all right all these enemies are coming in using the thunder cage you'll just destroy everything in sight very simple load out reactivate the ability also pay attention to how we're healing I do have a mod on the build called HP collector HP collector funny enough is not hindered or set back by the negative healing modifiers you have on frenzy so you can overheal just fine now there is a 2cond interval so you can count in your head or just you know lay on the trigger so now you notice I built up some life force I have my fourth ability active I can activate that ability and I only had four life orbs and it gives me four bullets in the magazine but with my third ability I have infinite ammo and it inherits the fire rate of my weapon but another cool thing is it's not affected by the weird spread that your other weapons have it's ridiculously accurate you can easily snipe enemies from across the room even though the weapon that you're using can't do so here's a quick thing about Massacre when you're activating the ability make sure you have your stat stick as the active weapon so right now the thunder cage is my stat stick so I want it to be active before I activate Massacre so it can inherit those stats so right now Massac is activated I get that Crazy Fire rate that the thunder cage has now you can't weapon swat at all while you're in the massacre state so if you accidentally use a different weapon well you have to deactivate Massacre to use it on your actual stat stick okay now that we're back let's take a look at the build starting off with the reactor as always over here I do have a non-attribute and dimension skill power boost ratio Reactor with the thunder cage mounting condition so that grants me that bonus 160% now for those wondering like you don't need this if you're just using a gun build no no you can use a purple one just fine but the main important thing is the AIX the you know the sub stats at the bottom skill cool down now I was unlucky but the best thing you want is duration and cool down together and if you get both in Gold well that's even better I did get that both in Gold but it was for something completely different as my as my thunder cage is going to be my main DPS weapon and my stat stick at the same time let's take a look at the rolls unfortunately I was unlucky with some of these rolls usually what you want is crit rate crit damage weak point damage and bonus damage to colossi if you can get that combo it's Giga now for the components you definitely want to have the annihilation set which comes from the Devourer when you kill hard mode devour you drop this now for the two-piece you get a 5.7% duration that's always good GLA needs duration to upkeep her abilities but have a look at the four piece this is where things get interesting your fire attack increases proportionally to the ratio of Max HP to HP loss so if your 50% HP or lower you gain more damage so this is why when you look at my background footage when I'm fighting bosses I'm usually under 50% HP just for that extra boost and damage it's always great to have and the last bit you get some HP Recovery which is some decent survivability as a whole now for the Glade build or your sub attack you you can use whatever you want I just have shock punch leveled and I've always kept it there I don't really care about the other ones as of yet for my skill module I do have blood and iron which augments her passive otherwise all her abilities stay the same this is just a passive augment for the build itself I do have a bunch of duration and cool down reduction starting off with skill extension this gives me a 36% duration looking at Battle stamina this gives me HP and some duration always it's nice to have a decent amount of HP because you're going to be using that as a resource and even more HP so we're quite healthy our only defensive mod with this increased defense very very important now we're going to take a look at these two interesting mods I'm pretty sure you might not have seen these mods before unless you're looking at a glay video because the negative of MP conversion does not affect glay because she doesn't have Mana but it grants you that massive but it grants you that massive minus 36% cool down reduction M so good to have and of course you lose some Mana who cares you don't use mana and an outstanding investment this grants you duration plus HP heal Nimble fingers and empty conversion reduce your cooldown but there are two mods that increase your damage and reduce your cooldown starting off with focus on Dimension this gives me that Dimension skill power modifier and reduces my cool down and lastly focus on non-attribute gives me non-attribute skill power and reduces my cool down if you're not worried too much about Massacre builds you can leave these unranked just for that cooldown reduction because the secondary stat does not scale with the mod rank now for those who don't know anything that is labeled skill power will function as a skill boost ratio so non-attribute becomes a skill boost ratio which is additive to that non-attribute part of the skill boost ratio it's also very important to note and this is another reason why we do a lot of damage with Massacre and lastly over here HP collector looking at frenzy you'll see incoming recovery decrease by 50% that 50% does not affect HP collector you're always going to get a set amount using HP collector regardless of that negative but this is the glay build that works everywhere this is especially important if you love using guns rather than abilities because with glay your abilities are there to enable your guns so quickly taking a look at my thunder cage build here's one thing that I want people to know your DPS this stat lies to you quite a lot but first let's take a look at the build so you understand why now granted I need two more mods to finish up the build starting off with our base damage coming from rifling reinforcement action reaction and mental focus mental focus Stacks up to 150 Stacks when you keep firing you can maintain this very easily so have a look at the green Boons next to glay activate my third ability you see how that little green icon is counting up it's still going reactivate my third ability and I'm keeping up the damage just like that now this is best case scenario usually you'll see around 70 to 100 which is a nice boost in your damage quickly going back to the Glade build now I've seen some people using walking a tight rope this grants you skill power and Firearm attack when your HP is lower to be honest we have so much base damage this isn't really needed because we have that set bonus plus we've modded our weapon right so you don't really need this back to the thunder cage built here we do have our crit damage and it reduces our reload speed but that 120% critical damage added on with this better concentration 74% and our weapon has that critical damage coming from the AIX all of this is additive to each other and grants us a massive boost to our critical damage now here's the thing critical damage is nothing if you do not crit because this multiplies your damage every time you crit and pay attention I don't don't have any crit mods at the moment and there are two crit mods that increase your crit to the next level you have better insight and edging shot you can use both of these together now here's another reason why the DPS here lies to you when you're fighting bosses they have an elemental weakness for example if you're killing dead bride she's weak to fire so you usually want to have an elemental damage mod so you can increase your damage output but now when I grab better Insight this is a 39% crit chance increase that's say 7% increase to our base 20 look how we get an increase to our DPS you see how that doesn't make sense it's just 7% more crits but we get more DPS now when you think about it yes you are kind of increasing your DPS because you're increasing the probability of you critting and when you crit you will multiply your damage thanks to the critical damage mods but because we're firing so fast and we have infinite ammo this increase to the crit doesn't really matter but it'll be nice to have both of these right at the end when the build is complete otherwise with a load out like this you're going to shred especially if you're using Massacre so let me go to everyone's favorite boss test dummy the Devourer and the third ability in non-f frenzy mode you know gets us there faster ready up with our frenzy buff up and keep targeting his shoulder and basically we vicking his shoulder and we have access to our beautiful beautiful Massacre Hold On Tight our HP is quite low right now and we're going to break him and let's end this shooting the weak Point reactivate that and he's dead easy as that oh we got an augment nice the super cond oh it don't tell me that's a Kyle augment hopefully not slightly slower than Rockets but we're chilling it's a ky it's a goddamn Kyle augment ladies and gentlemen this is the glay Lo do for bossing for horde killing for operations all of those things we cleared all the bosses waiting on the new ones I'm excited to test this out against tougher enemy units because right now there's nothing that can challenge glaz's consistent damage output cuz everyone else has to sit there reload their weapons all the time all glay has to do is press three boss is dead beautiful very simple to do anyway folks that has been it from this first descendant video featuring glay and if you've enjoyed and learned something from it please feel free to leave a like share and sub for more first descending content streams and so much more dur it for the description thanks for watching as always a peace bye-bye now
Channel: KnightmareFrame
Views: 53,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first descendant weapons, tfd, first descendant, gley, gley first descendant, gley build, first descendant boss build, first descendant tamer, first descendant gley gameplay, gley endgame build, best starter character first descendant, free to play game, ultimate gley, ultimate descendant worth, ultimate gley build, gley review, gley review first descendant, thundercage gley, thundercage, massacre gley build, gley massacre, the first descendant news
Id: 64OcVayngiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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