How to crack weapons in #thefirstdescendant (see pinned coments)

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greetings once again descendants so the purpose of this video will be going over all these numbers now you might think that they're self-explanatory a lot of these numbers contribute to a damage that you think is calculated I am of course talking about DPS as you can see this weapon's DPS is 170 I acquired this weapon and the other weapons that you can buy from the guy at level one no mods no random roles so there's nothing outside of normal things that could affect these values so according to this guns it does 17 damage per second however it does not do 170 damage per second if we go and we interact with the laboratory controller and we spawn Legion of immortali level ones the level ones have no resistances so they don't have to mess with my damage formula it does in fact do 84 damage except on a weak point which for anyone that doesn't know is a yellow number a crit is an orange number and you can crit a weak point this is why the numbers in this game differ so much moving on this will be a separate video later so if we have a firearm attack of 84 which is the damage the bullet does a fire rate of 180 a rounds per magazine of 18 and a Reload time of 2.24 not taking into count the firearm critical hit rate and damage we should actually be getting a different number than 170 now you might be saying that there's other factors to consider whether there are other factors to consider or not this number from this particular gun is not 170 why do you care about the formula I'm about to show you because most people gauge their damage based off of this formula so if you see a DPS number on a gun don't take it as that's the damage that you're going to do I'm going to be doing a lot of weapon testing in the future with this game and I'll release an actual tier list based off of real numbers so that no one else has to do what I'm about to have to do with all this math if you are in the math field you know how much work work I'm about to have to do with all these freaking guns thank you first descendant for making me do this math myself so these are the numbers that should make up the damage from your gun I'll go over how to calculate the actual damage of the gun I have in fact tested all of these numbers beforehand they are correct so the fire rate of the gun is in fact 180 rounds per minute so first since our number is in fact damage per second we want to First calculate the bullets per second so 180 bullets divided by 60 seconds per minute gives us three bullets per second now we have 18 bullets in a magazine so 18 / 3 is 6 seconds why this number is important is cycle time which we'll go over later so then we add our reload time 2.24 which gives us a total cycle of 8.24 every cycle of the gun takes 8.24 seconds in that 8.24 seconds we have fired 18 rounds so 18 rounds * 84 is our cycle damage which gives us 1512 12 so now since our cycle time is 8.24 seconds we need to take 8.24 and we need to see how many times it goes into 1,512 and we get 189.99 damn this number is the actual DPS of our weapon the 170 that the game is showing you is in fact not the right number I don't know if this is a bug I don't know if they messed up the formula I don't know if they had the right formula at one point made changes to the damage there's a lot of other miscon consistencies with the damage calculation inside of the game so now we're going to do the crit damage which by the way I messed up on my last video I said to multiply the crit damage 1.3 * .1 when you should have multiplied. 3.1 because 1.3 is 130% crit chance Doo however the formula that I put on the board was correctly I just did the math wrong so now we take 18949 is our actual DPS then we take our crit rate 5% which is5 damage bonus which is 20% and we multiply it by .5 which is sadly only 1% extra damage this number does go up very fast the more multiplicative you can make both of these numbers so if you're trying to build for critical hit and critical hit damage you want to build for both numbers but if you can get this to 100% this just becomes becomes a multiplier on your damage so you can strive for that without additional Buffs from other party members I don't actually think this number is reasonably possible but we have a 1.01 multiplier Upon Our DPS so our final DPS damage of this gun is 191 not 170 so first we take our rounds per minute which is 624 / by 60 seconds a minute gives us 10.4 rounds per second our magazine is 109 10.48 seconds to empty the magazine then we add our reload time which is 2.6 giving us a cycle time of 13.08 seconds now to calculate the damage of the magazine 109 multiplied by 17631 so this gives us 1.92 1779 million damage per magazine which we then take and we divide our cycle time which is 13.08 and that gives us 146,000 damage per second our firearm crit rate is 10% easy critical hit damage is6 addition so 10% of the time we are dealing 160% of the damage so to calculate the actual damage modifier of our DPS we would need to take 6 and then multiply it time .1 which gives us 06 so 146,000 * 1.06 because the 6 is a modifier gives us 155,00 and that was on this 152,000 DPS Tamer now you might be saying that's close enough now why is this important although this number is only about 5% off on a machine gun the slower your weapon fires the more damage will be off it is very off on sniper rifles it is very off on hand guns it is very very off on rocket launchers and I have tested this very thoroughly so what I plan to do is I plan to make a spreadsheet later with all of the popular weapons and how much they are off I hope to create a rate formula on how much the gun is off on its actual damage that way it's easier to tell how much damage your gun is doing so you can better pick which guns you want the damage is extremely off on slower firing weapons like sniper rifles this difference in between what your number actually is and how much the game tells you it is will grow a lot the more mods that are put on the gun the most important damage mod for any gun is firearm attack if you're aiming for damage the second most important mod on every firearm that isn't a slow firing weapon like a sniper rifle is going to be fire rate now the reason I say fire rate isn't that important on a sniper rifle your cycle time is just going to benefit from fire rate less also you typically want your heavy weapon only in certain times of the battle but on machine guns auto rifles tactical rifles fire rate's very important when it comes to critical hit rate and critical hit damage you typically want to go in between both of them what I mean by that is it's better to have 50% critical hit rate and 50% critical hit damage than it is to have 100% critical hit rate and 20% critical hit damage this is just how multiplication work as most people know you got to hit more of that firearm attack these Elemental mods are direct modif fires to the end of your damage formula so whatever your DPS ends up being multiply it by 1 Point whatever the modifier here it says fire attack 15% multiply it by 1.15 to increase the damage by 15% it is important to note that this is another number that does not appear in your DPS modifier specifically on the Tamer I don't run weak point modifiers since my firearm critical hit rate is at 11.37% for a 2.16 multiplier it would behoove me the most to increase my firearm critical hit rate although I am out of kyber I do believe inside Focus will in fact be the best one for the build I do believe that this is the strongest I can make this build without pouring crystallization catalysts inside of it and trying to get better reload time now once I max out my critical hit rate my critical hit damage my fire rate and my attack increase the only thing left is additional damage like fire enhanc m is increasing my magazine and increasing my reload time so I can decrease the cycle modifier and increase the amount of damage so I have gotten my Tamer up to 398,000 DPS however this number differs tremendously from what it actually is now I'll actually go over what all these numbers mean firearm attack is the amount of damage that a bullet does so one bullet will do 19,41 11.73 damage fire rate is the rounds per minute that your gun fires rounds per magazine is the rounds per magazine reload time is the reload time critical hit rate is the percentage chance that your weapon does critical hit damage which is a multiplier on for critical hit when I shoot a bullet all of the damage of the bullet will be multiplied by 216% crush is so the weak point type of stunning beauty is Crush these are the types and the weakness is therefore whenever you have a weapon that matches the weakness of anything it does that additional damage if it doesn't match the weakness it doesn't do less damage it just doesn't get the 10% multiplier if this weapon had a chance to inflict an attribute upon an enemy it would be at a 14.29% chance to do so so this weapon the restored Relic has a 33.33 chance to poison an enemy weak point damage indicates the amount amount of modifier that you will deal whenever you hit a weak point and weak points can in fact be seen through your eive the glowing blue options are weak points so if you're fighting a void intercept battle and you can't figure out where to shoot them aim for the weak points hitfire accuracy is the amount of accuracy when you're not aiming down sights aimed shot accuracy is obviously aiming down sides so drop off is a little different here is your drop off range chart let me move myself over here so the effective drop off starts at 35 M so at 35 M your damage starts dropping off 65 m is when your drop off stops happening so anything beyond 65 M will still get hit but after 65 M they will get a 6 negative modifier to the damage so your damage will be decreased by 60% your maximum range is 50 m anything beyond 150 M you cannot deal damage to movement speed is the movement speed while you have the weapon mounted weapon mounting can be seen through other options like reactors to mount a weapon you have to be holding the weapon currently Valby is mounting the Tamer so the movement speed while the Tamer is equipped is 350 in general the smaller the weapon is the faster your movement speed will be this is is your movement speed while firing and this is your movement speed while aiming down sights This Is Why hip fire in this game actually matters because it Alters your movement speed and then you have your Sprint some weapons are going to have specific highlighted sections but the highlighted sections honestly are very self-explanatory check out my channel if you like how I do content consider subscribing I'll do defense next peace out enjoy your day or your night
Channel: Ryechews Games
Views: 130,223
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Id: ST85nhYaxX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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