Best EXTREME Tiny House Wins! - Challenge

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today we're building tiny houses and whoever built the best tiny house wins we have three blank canvases we went to the store so we're ready to get building let's do it let the challenge begin i i said let the challenge begin so guys you're gonna wanna know exactly what i'm doing here i am making mine into a star wars sniper tower small tiny house so you're not gonna want to miss it one bit guys this is gonna take me a mighty minute so basically i'm gonna be attaching it here making it like a cube like thingy to climb up honestly i'm not like a hundred percent sure how to build all this i'm kind of old i'm kind of doing it as i go because i don't really know exactly what to do so i have a general idea of how to make this work rob what are you doing i am going for the modern look i'm gonna go modern look i got some uh white paint and then for some of the more detail look i got some dark gray sleek and modern is my motto what's your plan chris so i'm also going with a modern design we're gonna have a full-on garage right here with a toy car because that's all that's gonna fit in it because it's tiny and uh i also want to put like a second story type thing on here but it's gonna look really cool i've never built a really cool tiny house before so jeff what now what are you doing shut up i am just kidding come back here i didn't i never want you to shut up okay i love you really you knew that shut up guys i'm ordering postmates because i haven't eaten breakfast yet [Music] this is a very nice part of my construction process it's standing up here whoa see now i can put this one why is this short ground not level here can you hand that to me sorry buddy why is this one slightly shorter thanks home depot wasting my time my food just got here and it's really delicious i had no time to eat this morning quick wall break but as you can see it's painted very white so after that gonna be putting on some of the some more wood and then we're gonna be painting it dark gray so it has some color contrast radical dude check out this little tiny garage here it is now almost complete so we got a little mini garage i'll be able to park a nice little mini car in there so now we gotta work on the roof that's the next step is the roof i'm gonna make it look like this nice and modern also once we have all of our builds completed ryan is gonna be judging them to see which one is the best tiny house you can vote down in the comments which one is your favorite as well guys i need to test this thing's strength because this is going to be like the sniper tower that i'm literally going to be going up into so if this thing is not able to hold my weight then uh that's bad oh yeah dude this is sturdy as heck dude i'm definitely going to be able to have a sniper tower up here this is legitness this is really sturdy dude by the way i just finished my roof i now have to build a protrusion of another little modern looking thing once we do that then we can start painting start decorating i'm so excited for that 20 minutes later update this rob i've got myself an actual door i got a doorknob and i got some hinges we're going to have an actual door instead of just dump plywood like that knob over there me yeah even what my door is going to be plywood no what'd you get for a door i i'm using two by fours a dumb two by four door it's gonna be a great door and then i'm gonna have a floor and then there's gonna be even more it's not gonna bore you what's your floor jeff and i'm gonna tell you a story about my glory while you roll around in the poop mud and poo poo i was hoping for a rhyme there it was almost really cool it almost was i was getting there i failed i quit bye okay so i have to make some precise measurements oh don't fall don't fall no no no no no no no nice door you like my door i love your door so yeah i got the door on it opens nicely i'm going to stain this brown and we're also putting on some details here this is gonna look really cool stained because i got a transparent stain so you'll be able to see the wood but yeah it's coming together so now i have to paint it so that's what i'm gonna do we're gonna do a quick time lapse of that it's gonna be epic i have four different colors actually three one's a stainless paint the but they're the same color so let's do it [Music] [Applause] so i'm about halfway done the structure of my thingy is complete i've started the roof all i have to do is like paint oh actually add walls first and then paint but i want you guys the basic idea and then we're going to see if the top thing can hold my weight so you know first you just kind of climb out in you come through here and there's going to be a ladder here which i've not created yet and so it's going to be a little bit difficult for me to get up but you know you climb up the ladder and you get on top dude this is tight i'm a little scared but i think it'll hold me and then a little window here and i'll go pew pew pew i'll shoot people you like it ryan i like the building part not the shooting part oh i won't shoot you then oh good but dude this actually holds me it's a little sketchy but it feels very strong and then in here is going to be a bed a pillow maybe some fun games on the walls that looks like chocolate milk nice and bubbly and frothy dude i want some right now so bad well good thing there's a whole gallon of it right there should i drink it go for it what do you think will happen to me i think i'll be fine yeah it's just chocolate milk see this is it right on the front fair premium oh not chocolate milk waterproof stain and sealer well maybe that's a bad thing drink then you'd probably just get a tummy ache i used to do this when i was in construction this is called staining but basically you take the paint brush and actually i forgot how to do it so you can go like that i forgot how to do this but then you you gonna rub it oh that's bad that's really bad i forgot how to do it dude i haven't done this in forever the problem is i need to wipe it down all at the same time are you supposed to put it on the rag and then just use the rag you know that could work although i didn't do that way okay so we'll dip it in there mmm chocolaty and then you just go no i guess that works i wish it was a little bit darker though that doesn't look too bad i like i was like this is how you do it and i was like i forgot how to do it when i was at home depot i got these cool three foot gates and i'm using little stakes to put them and hold them in place so hopefully they stand up it's a little lopsided but i think that's an easy fix and then the second one so we just got to fix it up boom you have a little gate it's cute don't you think ryan it's manly and burly metal oh sorry forgot how much i hate staining i kind of accidentally like got some stain on other colors and i have to re-paint a little ah triggered you know this is what happens when i rush this is what happens look now i have a stained doorknob look at my hands i'm standing myself starting to feel like home ryan although the rug smells very uh officey [Music] what the heck dude what a piece of junk so i'm running out of time but i decided i have to do the windows because otherwise they're gonna look like doors and that's not okay so i actually made this pressure fit in here sweet i'm gonna put led strips i gotta put lights everywhere oh my gosh this is not good okay so this plan will be outside i'll put that right there make no mistake this is not jeffrey's plan okay this is my point i'm sorry that my house is just so cool it raises the prices of the other properties around me so let's go inside take this in here already got a nice rug down this nice little comfy spot what there's a freaking frog in here dude what come here whoa dude there's a frog in my house dude what are you gonna name him uh dude he's hopping everywhere i think i'm gonna name him ribbit dude i really like this little plant decoration right here that's awesome i should have made this longer i've forgotten six four not six foot i can just fetal position that's fine brian do i get extra points for having a frog yes sweet let me turn the lights on right i'm just messing with the effects and look how fast this goes look at this oh my goodness and then when you go it changes the colors oh it's awful dude's crazy now we we need to slow the effects down oh yeah there you go that's nice guys it was a long day my house is finally complete the inside sucks but i think the outside looks sweet the only bad thing is that there's so many ants like ants have such an easy access see there's ants in here bro why didn't you tell me oh i like ants dude where are you going no no no no no [Music] well i've completely finished my tiny house so now we just have to wait for jeffrey to finish and then ryan's gonna come by and judge to see which one is the best i still have 78 543 more days until completion three thousand years later my tiny house more like tiny fortress is now complete as you can tell on the inside it's also decorated it is completely epic on the inside now we are going to tour each tiny house and ryan is going to judge which one he thinks is the best ryan welcome to my humble abode wait wait we gotta check out the the outside first okay so we have this nice little gate cute little light this is so strong dude you come around to the side of the house you got a little patio i like that you need some uh relaxation time it's a nice little port you got here it's very sturdy wow great job you know i i really like this light it's cute with the fence does it work no we're gonna head on to the inside squeaky door remember that oh this is nice makes you feel right at home doesn't it yeah not really are there lights in here there are lights i'm glad you asked ryan it's a little dark oh gladly turn those on for you whoa got all sorts of different colors here i like it and you got the winder but the the paint fell off here's the window but you have a little uh flower pork thingy flower i don't have a flower if you like plants plants give you fresh air that is a plus in my book ready for chris's tiny house you should be asking yourself that i'm not ready i have a modern tiny house we've got nice stained wood details right here i like that we have like that a lot a little garage here chris where's your car um i didn't have the budget for it yeah but i will get one in future videos um we have some plant that we can breathe oxygen hey don't kick my plate you're just just my plant jeff that's a good plant i like that plant good job chris good plant choice also i do have some leds right here on the outside i would turn those on but it's day so you won't really see it all right thank you ah it kind of smells like pizza in here is it really i think it's the rug so i got some lights in here too so you gain points for having mr rivet but you also lose points for losing them so you're kind of neutral now oh you got lights too yeah really change colors okay so we got red green blue in color what's the colors oh and then also over here i got this nice plant hey stop punching my plants dude i hate your plants so that will conclude our tour of my house strength test it's good moving on to jeffrey's house i need you to understand one thing when you go into my house you respect it you clean up after yourself stop it let's get to it wait first of all make note of the outside as you can see there is a very intimidating tower making sure that no one in the universe takes out the planet what huh i like it this is a house i will point out it does not look like a house to me that does not look like a house a house is a relevant term a trash can can be a house to a homeless man this looks like a dungeon hold on you quiet man what do you think is this a house or is this not a house i don't know what it is a house is anywhere else anyways that's true you could go on the inside you could be sleeping in a car that tree could be my house all right head inside as you can see we have a nice latching system right here this cost me about 3.7 million dollars just to install this latching system just like you're on the inside and no one else is outside how do you get out that's a good point see another reason why i think that this is a dungeon are you trying to lock me in your dungeon you're inside ryan okay are there snacks in here are there snacks in your there will be so ryan is enjoying my pillows i like your interior so you got a rug you got some wood and i also have some led light ships myself shoot dang you too huh hey ryan i dare you to press this button right here would that be in a home though what's gonna happen if i press this button press the button i'm a little scared press it oh my goodness that's kind of cool wait jeffrey this is dangerous this is a hazard to your home and ryan check it out i got a plant oh you got a plant my plant's better you didn't punch it yet oh rob all right ryan head up the uh chamber i've never been in a house that has a watch tower this is interesting is it safe for two people up here um probably hey safe hey safe what how'd you get up here oh what what are you doing nothing go check this out ryan do you like it you got a nice little watch tower and you can spy on your enemies and we have an led strip right here so it's gonna be all it's gonna be super lit up that night can i get down i'm afraid to be up here i built it with my own hands you should trust it dude it's wobbling yeah you should get down this is cool though i do like uh rooftop decks yeah it'll be a great hangout spot at night oh one thing all your houses are lacking are head space i am six foot three you didn't plan for that well it is a tiny house ryan thank you very much okay so ryan now's the time which tiny house did you like the best um i liked them all a lot but as far as like living comfort goes i wouldn't choose the dungeon sorry jeff i don't want to live in a dungeon oh he's sad also rob i kind of feel like most of your stuff doesn't work what do you mean your light doesn't work your window oh you fixed your window takes my window oh sweet but which one did you like like chris yes i like christmas i win you know what i do like chris is the most too so it looks like i win best tiny house we hope you guys enjoy this video stay tuned for the overnight challenge in our tiny houses and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,237,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a4WD3WwRls0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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